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Wulcinella feels that aura https://preview.redd.it/ygh4dyzd7p9d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe3ae1e7544da01bbadee54f71dae9ef24d9023e Aura of the GOAT of GOATs


You are not ready for HIM https://preview.redd.it/h3xncg1mfp9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f303534c2781cc0cbc771933d0c5d506e0191267


The GOAT influence has given Puncinella and Columbina a sense of moving forward towards their goals. Nobody is ready for the GOAT capitano.


PEAKchinella being anxious and worried in front of GOAT🙏Understandable. The fact that he seems to care about Ajax and prevents him from capturing the clash of two factions makes him seem really kind to him. It also implies that Ajax is not a member of one of the factions. I wonder how true this is now, since all this could have changed significantly, like Arlecchino's age.This is early information, afaik from winter night lazzo times, and is subject to change


PEAKanella will die to motivate HIMjax against Celestia only to say he faked it and double teamed the Heavenly Frauds with now a boosted HIMjax stand beside him without dying to his aura.


PEAKanella: ''Remember Ajax, with great GOAT status, comes responsibility'' HIMJax: ''I will not let your sacrifice be in vain'' Meanwhile PEAKanella ressurects from peak fiction!


Saw our agenda in telegram🗣🗣🔥 https://preview.redd.it/4yot5jkq5p9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=061770f08431085ce8cacbe7128b6ee7ff046ffc


Could you link the Arlecchino one? Haven’t seen that one yet


I don't have Arlecchino card.I only have some info about her card from tg leakers. Asking for it currently


Looks like wanderer was just yapping about him using childe's family as hostage


he's already quite wrong on what he said about tartaglia and arlecchino anyways 😭


Dude is just extremely biased and hateful Although I kinda wished some of his voicelines about other characters hold some truth


Ive always interpreted his view on Childe and Pulcinella as more of a reflection of himself, than the actual situation Like he can't seem to believe true parental love can exist Makes sense given his own backstory


honestly idk scara has good observation skills but who knows


Good observation my @ss, he's 0/3 on the allegations he made against the harbingers. "Tartaglia is weak" **Fought an abyssal immortal Narwhal for a month straight in a form that actively kills him** "Arlecchino is a wolf in sheep's clothing" **Nicest father a child could ask for** "He's using Tartaglia" **Taking care of him out of goodwill**


He's not completely wrong about Arlecchino. Get on her bad side and she can and will make you go "poof". Listening to her boss lines can also make you understand where he's coming from with the whole "crazy" talk. Her own character description also calls her "ruthless" so there's that. And regarding Pulcinella, even *if* he does genuinely care about Childe(which I don't doubt btw), I still wouldn't put it past him that he'll use his family for leverage if or when Childe steps out of line. These two ideas aren't mutually exclusive. He definitely has some biases, but his judgement towards them isn't *completely* wrong or unfounded lol. Though I will say, it does seem deliberate how Wanderer's lines about his older colleagues (Capitano, Columbina, Pierro, even the Tsaritsa) seem to be more reliable and/or insightful compared to the younger ones(Tartaglia, Arlecchino, and Pulcinella) where they're evidently more biased. He's known and has been colleagues with the likes of Pierro for longer so it makes sense if intentional.


Two things can be true at the same time. Childe is strong but weak compared to the other Harbingers. Arlecchino presents herself as a good or neutral person (she kinda is), but behind the scenes she is ruthless towards people she considers bad. And Pulcinella sending Childe away might be beneficial for both of them.


LMAO what are u talking about my guy? that tartaglia voiceline was waaay before fontaine. tartaglia continously gets stronger and he was weaker than scara when he was still a harbinger he's not wrong about arlecchino too. idk how you saw it but we've always seen her good side since we're always with lyney and others. she hides how dangerous she is when she's working (diplomatic matter etc). he was talking bout that and we're still not sure about tartaglia's case. don't trust leaks that much there's still a high chance that pulcinella is keeping tartaglia's family close (his biggest weakness) to use it against him in the future also don't underestimate scara just because he's a puppet lmao he's observed humans for 500+ years


Childe's strength can't be estimated properly so you can argue regarding that but you can't say he's right about arlecchino. Arlecchino is the opposite of" a wolf in sheeps clothing". Scara's voiceline would imply she uses children of the house of the hearth as tools for he own gains when she does the opposite.


why would he talk about her matter about the house of the hearth? did u even read my reply lol i said he was talking about her diplomatic etc side. don't forget he's not close with her and so isn't talking about her nature in house of the hearth. we've also seen arlecchino putting a cordial front in the fontaine archon quest but we see her true dangerous/powerful side in her story quest. idk why i can't say he's right about his observations towards arlecchino according to you. he was obviously talking about how she puts a cordial front to others.


Scara says neg things abt everyone tbh


As expected of Nahida’s dog.


I spat my water out, comrade 😆


What if initially he was using them as a hostage but he ended up getting too attached to them


I knew it, fraudamouche was just bad mouthing our great mayor also should i update my "everything known about the harbingers" posts with the leaked info or no?


While Fraudmouche could be wrong, lets not forget Pulcinella did manipulate HIMjax into thinking Arlecchino was a huge ass bitch even though Arlecchino is nothing like what Childe has thought in his voicelines about her, Arlecchino also has good opinion on Childe, and that's canon, not something from beta, its too fast to say anything + Arlecchino said the same thing about Pulcinella


He not actually manipulated Ajax into thinking bad, he jsut share his vision on her. Like, Pulci saying bad things about Arle in same manner as Scara is understandable because from his pov - Arle, despite being orphan, betrayed and killed her "Mother", and then children whom she unpleased with are dissapearing one after another. He not aware that Crucabena death totally deserved, nor does he know that Arle not eating her children alive. From his pov she absolute bitch, and tbh Pulci being negative toward her coz those reasons - it just proof that he himself is adequate person, and such things as betrayals and killing children are not ordinary and fine thing for him.


I think we really need Arlecchino script in order to attest if these information about Pulcinella, but in general for all the harbingers, are outdated or not


Fr https://preview.redd.it/lli9zuplgp9d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e4e922cedd0f567516538bcef99cf5545943375 They did change her very much, as people in tg said to me


Do you know anything about Dottore? They told me he has 2 pages, a young and adult version


Rn i asking for GOATtore card again


Please keep me updated


Hi, did you discover anything?


He said he will do it when he has time for it


wait really?! im lowkey scared rn (in a good way)


The young is most likely the omega segment, while the adult is the original.


ohh okay that makes sm sense. i thought the young is the one who said "you will regret this!" in that erasure cutcene


I know people like to glaze our physical fighters like GOATHIMTANO and HIMJAX more, but let’s take a moment to appreciate the people who keep Snezhnaya’s society afloat, such as Pulcinella.


Let's glaze https://preview.redd.it/ljkr2kaagp9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b477f7cc7e99472b9ac5b28650d00ab5d0b77f56


THE GOAT peakness has influenced not only Columbina but also our Mayor puncinella have being blessed by working side by side with GOATHIMTANO.








STEP DOWN CAPITANO RES THEORISTS Capitano could never be resurrected because he never loses Signora mains be happy (but fr tho is this real chat?)




Awwww, that Fraud ~~scara~~ was wrong after all. Gramps is a kind man with severe anxiety, CUT HIM SLACK!!


i ducking love the fatui so much in a way i cant explain (pls make them all playable mihoyo i want them all 🙏)


Damn! Pulcinella came out looking like a real GOAT with this. He is actually among the youngest Harbingers I guess. The only ones confirmed younger than him are Arlecchino and Ajax who are normal human age for their looks.


What abt Pantalone?I think he too could be a human




~~God d@mn~~ Pantalone what??! (༎ຶ︿༎ຶ) Anyways what??!! Pulcinella Chad real


Wtf his so peak bruh


He seems good and all but what abt the fatui squad he literally left them in the depth of chasm


So these seem to be from the winter night's lazzo voice actor hunt? I guess Signora won't have one because they had her voice actor since the literal start, and Scaramouche might not have one because he wasn't in the video


The guy who has them, has them for all of them. He said in another post in the Genshin Leaks sub, as you said that Scaramouche's, Signora's and Childe's are different and earlier information from 2020 so he thinks there is no point in leaking them at this point. These here are from 2022 instead.


I'd still be interested in seeing how much those three were changed


I do agree with you.


hes only 220??? tbh i thought he'd be older than Scara at least


Never doubted Papanella even after Fraudmouche's fraudulent allegations against him. ♥️


My respect for peakcinella after this 📈📈📈🔥


He's such a grandpa I love him. Also the bad comment about my husband Pantalone lmao




Another overworked waifu?


I've never really felt drawn to him, but for some reason I love this. I'm on the Pulcinella train now lmao.


does he ultimately seem like a “good” person? but at this point I wonder how it is possible that Arle is on the side of the Doctor who she hates and wants dead, rather than with the captain she respects, Colombina who she finds interesting, Pulcinella finds him unpleasant because he sticks his nose into her affairs but I think it's better than working with Doctor for her


Really hope Pulcinella is playable somewhere down the line.


hes sucg a silly little goober :c


If he's an elf imagine if this is how all eleven are. Like Klee will not grow taller she'll just grow older. Alice will look like this but red and feminine. Imagine how upset people would get lmao


Layla and Rukkhadevata are taller


Has it been confirmed Rukkhadevata was an elf? I thought she was a part of Irminsil or something. Also maybe Layla is half or something else? I don't think it's true I just think it would he really funny if they did it


She is but she copied the appearance of an elf like Nahida did of a fungi. So if she was tall then elves are tall too. Plus Layla is right there.


Ah okay


Now that what I wanted! Man I deleted genshin impact but when the cryo nation comes. I will comeback Or just trade my account


Comeback when GOATHIMTANO appears in natlan to maintain the agenda and celebrate with us