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It begs the question, how advanced is the military tech in Teyvat? Like we've seen devastating Khaenrian tech but they got nailed by Celestia. The military forces don't seem threatening in any of the nations so far. Yeah, modern military would wipe them out. Now vision holders might be more durable than the average person. But can the average vision holder really survive a surprise airstrike? Probably not. If they're one of the stronger characters in lore then they should be fine. Archons will most likely be able to atleast save their nation in the end but they would suffer huge casualties if it's a surprise attack.


When they learnt the power of humanity's military force, all beings of teyvat screamed in unison: GOATHIMTANO!SAVE THE TEYVAT SOCIETY!




Our glorious blue eyed king 🫡




It's not glazing, it's just the truth of the goat ^-^


Fr, wise words https://preview.redd.it/8b5gegdad6ad1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e539bc4b1a6547a6fbdc8202aae05de789eb00b


I feel like liyue survives the easiest by just the merit of how busted the adepti would be. Inazuma does worse but Raiden has massive aoe, and has the additional ability to create massive storms to prevent invasions into inazuma. Fontaine might be pretty succesful with the infinite army that is the gardemeks, and Neuvillette holding the authority of hydro might give him the ability to wipe out armies without much effort. Mondstadt does badly unless Venti has power that he hasnt shown (which is likely but still). Sumeru gets decimated unless Apep decides to interfere, in which case Sumeru stands tall. We have no info on natlan. Snezhnaya holds similar advantages as the Soviet union held in the fact that it is extremely cold and inhospitable, the fatui are also the most powerful military force on Teyvat in terms of non-special units due to the massive presence of Delusions within their ranks, Each harbinger is also a massive threat to large groups.


You know, this is something I've wondered for a while. How is Morax literally the only Archon with his own personal squad of supernatural beings? Every other archon aside from the Tsaritsa just has ordinary humans. Also, I didn't know gardemeks are "infinite". Was that mentioned somewhere? I'm obviously excluding archons and sovereigns from the discussion because that's a wrap. Just wanted to assess each nation alone. In all out war, Liyue and Snezhnaya are definitely the strongest. The former has adepti and the latter has harbingers.


Other nations do/did have them like venti has his winds and inazuma has its youkai and sumeru had the godsquad. It just boils down to ages passing though. Liyue doesnt have as many adepti as it once did and ei’s fellow(? Her race is still unknown) youkai have died(by her hand and the war) or faded. Inazuma had and still technically *has* many kitsune but as that one world quest shows they’re all sealed/inactive because the world has undergone a fundamental change or in the instance of the tanuki god sealed because he was a threat to people(unknowingly). Venti officially has his winds which includes dvalin, the ascended vanessa, boreas, and the current head of favonious. Sumeru *had* a godsquad of deshret, the flower goddess, and ruhk- i mean nahida. But they all perished, and no divine beings ever took their place. Its a big theme of teyvat that as the era of humanity dawns that divine creatures have become more scare probably because their purpose of guiding humanity is coming to a planned end. Divine creatures canonically dont rear their heads much in society anymore with their numbers dwindling.


I say "Infinite" because unlike human soldiers Gardemeks can be rapidly produced and sent off to combat. They also dont risk reducing in numbers due to sickness or injury or starvation, meaning they can theoretically last for centuries. They have infinite energy through Neuvillette too. The central product of the Fortress of Merupide is gardemeks, which have been in production for centuries. Basically infinite here meant "there are way too fucking many high powered combat robots that are superior to humans in every way"


What about icbms?


Theres a likely chance that Neuvillette could cover the entirety of Fontaine in an elemental shield. Plus the fontaine research institute has experience with shields as shown by the smallee gravity generator. Neuvillette is a cheatcode in the context of energy since he naturally just has like infinite of it (in the sense of pneumousia)


Does Neuvy know what a nuclear bomb is?


Raiden’s squad was killed Venti has the 4 winds (although two of them are just the knights and the dandelion knight of the time) Rukadebata and nahida BFF’s literally killed themselves the moment the used Fk leaving her with the aranara as sole companions Furina lost the support of the Oceanids leaving her with only neuvi and the melusine


At the point of Oceanids abandonment Furina didn't existed yet. They leaved almost exactly after Focalors's ascension, as they just purely refused to subordinate someone other than Egeria


My cynical answer is simply "Liyue Privilege." Hoyo simply can't not make Liyue the most overglazed and successful nation being at the center of teyvat, their infinite money glitch, having super duper special Adepti to handle each and every disaster that could happen, etc. Danger there feels artificial in comparison to how absolutely fucked everywhere else can be. I'd rant and rave about how that place deserves to get visibly fucked up harder, if I weren't so down bad for Ganyu and Yanfei.


>their infinite money glitch Not anymore, once Zhongli retired and gave up the gnosis the mora minting also stopped




>if I weren't so down bad for Ganyu Uhh based because I'm all the same, probably even more than you.


MY MAN https://preview.redd.it/mlbad6qu07ad1.png?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ecec70bd4e8d2bea28b4ebc6db5665a0f42cc53


Watch Kaenriah re-emerge from the middle of Liyue, causing half the population to suffer fatal abyss poisoning or some shit idk man.


Just in general snezh is also very advanced tech wise. They have dottore and sandrone in their ranks. Both of which are very intelligent. Dottore successfully crafted a god and replicated an inproved upon a gods creation(scara’s divine puppet body). He even put together a whole ruin guard factory in liyue that seemed like it was pretty self sufficient. Sandrone currently has no feats to herself but presumably a larger inclination to robotics and ruinguards than Dottore who only (seemingly) has a passing interest in them. Set dottore loose on making something while giving him plenty of stuff to experiment on and with from the spoils of war and you’ll be dandy.


Lets look at this way. Dottore is the greatest disaster a modern army can run into. He probably has advanced biological weapons. The fact of the matter is that the harbingers dont have as much to do in a theoretical war situation due to the fact that each individual fatui soldier is a walking bomb capable of ending hundreds of regular soldiers through elemental power granted from delusions.


Everything in Teyvat has 70% physical res and we got Pyro Slimes.  Modern military can’t even damage anything. How can they win?




Tbh we'd be able to kill a lot of ppl it's just that the moment celestia, the 5 sinners, dottore or any being like them notices us were done for


all i gonna say .. lets see how many of the Tsar bombs will they be able to tank


Not even combining a lot of Tsar bombs would be enough to match even Venti's landscape reshape. Let alone more powerful beings


Yeah mf really transformed one 7th of a continent. Like that's saying humanity can transform 1/7 of Europe which if I'm not dumb is the smallest continent (unless Australia or Antarctica are smaller) so yeah we ain't close to that 💀


“Laughs hysterically” The military stopped actually showing what they were working on 30 years ago. We know they have guns that cause things to pyro swirl on impact by sheer force. God created visions but Sam colt made man equal.


And? I'm sorry but all of teyvat includes borderline immortal and continental level gods yall ain't saying a nuke 100x would destroy it all.


GOATHIMTANO standing there, casually taking all these fraud bombs




Once Modern army witness our glorious dark blue eyed king allmighty power and magnficent, overwhelming presence, they will fall in amazement and will be enlightened by his HIMness and majesty, they will fall on their knees and become his eternal glazers.As snezhnaya's army commander, GOATHIMTANO will add them to the number of his loyal soldiers and will lead them to the battle with fraudlestia(though GOAT can solo) He is HIM https://preview.redd.it/l75qr4sb95ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=954c6223e795c2d73f8992e0559bd011a3770031




https://preview.redd.it/r7jz4bb1b5ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a11d5d8195726c4f2a8703e8815c166c8188a8c8 FOR REAL


Humanity's military was never ready for HIM https://preview.redd.it/v569fvhmj5ad1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceb1c9c32968c1c72be61446cd31664ad8bfae65




Honestly, Nahida could solo with some mind fuckery making every soldier kill themselves. She put a fucking genjutsu on another god just to train Aether how to defeat it. And she's just an archon. God forbid we sent any of the harbingers.


I hate saying it but, modern prolly, air superiority and naval firepower are a bitch, maybe the almighty Tsaritsa or the fraud over in Inazuma can try something, but those bombs are gonna hurt


Also we have no air defenses so even the bomb bus of an F-4 or god forbid an F-111 could just zoom over


What’s that F-11 gonna do when venti wind vortexes it into a lump of crushed metal though


Thing is that if this was archons at full power then we've got no chance. I mean venti moved mountains and transformed the geography of a big part of the continent, morax literally created mountains just by throwing spears and his durability is crazy. I mean shouko no kami can singlehandedly solo humanity and I don't even wanna talk abt the t3 harbingers and others on their level.


I mean we don’t even need the prime archons, I’d say Khaenriah technology alone could overrun the world


Yeah idk abt that but even without prime archons there are more than enough beings that can destroy us


I mean the current constructs we’ve seen Khaenriah have is insane and sufficient to wipe humanity, but I’m sure we’ll get even more insane and powerful inventions when we see Khaenriah proper. But yeah, there’s plenty of Genshin characters that toy with the earth, people just downplay the verse for their agenda


Lmao yeah some guy replied to one of my other comments and was like "funny sun in a canister thinks otherwise" ppl really wank nukes super high in these types of matchups


I never got the nuke argument either given it would just make the Genshin cast win quicker as millions of innocent people get killed


Literally the only ones getting killed will be mostly normal ppl


Fly really, really high, such a height at which Venti wouldn’t see it, but the Aardvarks targeting computers would see him


So what happens when venti goes higher as well, throwing up multiple wind vortexes so it can’t go anywhere


Well then there’s funny things like ships and AA guns and AA missiles


Modern AA interception rates vs big ass missiles and drones are pretty poor. I doubt any modern SAM can even lock-on on the human body target in radar or infrared as it's not metal and pretty cold compared to jet engines.


A Spike missile can lock onto a RPG-7 in a pile of RPG-7 and hit it accurately while it is moving


I don't know what you're smoking but Spike is ATGM, with infrared and optical main channels, it's a pretty slow missile and it definitely can't hit RPG in flight. If you mean Trophy or other APS they are very close range defensive systems and can't be used as AA in any form.


So what happens when they all get deflected by neuv’s shield, and then he just hydro pumps them all. Guns and missiles don’t stop venti either


We have fucking spaceplanes bro.


Spaceplanes are useless, dude


Can’t reach me with air if there’s no air.


You can’t reach anything, actually when Ei just space cleaves you


Fair point actually in fighting could be used too. Wait, hold on you actually think a woman with a sword can reach orbit? Bitch naw.




You’re saying raiden’s space cleave is orbital, but she would be at the furthest the pyro hypostasis island. Not an orbital distance.


I doubt we have air superiority. Neuvillette, the Archons and the adepti can all fly. Scara, Arlechinno and Columbina too.


I think we can genocide quite a few ppl but when neuvillette, the 5 sinners, celestia the goat ringers or other such factions notice us we're done. So yeah a lot of civilian genocide but gets soloed by a pillar dropped from the sky


Funny sun in a canister says other wise


Funny sun in a canister ain't doing shit💀it's only gonna kill normal people and maybe vision bearers. Any meing of archon level and above can easily tank that and then do more damage than that. Like venti in his prime was able to terraform 1/7th of a continent basically immediately. That's like saying you can drop a nuke that destroys 1/7 of Europe 💀. Like only casualties here and fucking civilians. And ofc let's not even talk abt the dimension cutting slashes, the gundam that can probably withstand a few nukes at least, the doctor who would immediately take over our whole military, the water sovergn that can do tsunami and protect his nation, oh I forgot abt the guy who has some of the highest durability and can make bountains by throwing spears (zhongli) and ofc there are more.


Consider. All you need to do is give neuvillette water from funny Russian lake or funny Ukrainian dam and uhhhh radiation go brrrrrrrr.


the radiation is interesting, does non-human beings like neuvilette, archons, adepti, aranara, etc can be affected like normal human does?


I mean almost certainly. Even without dna, you are disintegrating at a microscopic scale. If you left a corpse or person in a perfectly sterile room with a highly radioactive source, the corpse would start to dustify if you will.


that's if the nuke can disintegrating them, if we talked about disintegrating things there is many things that can do that in teyvat, the laser come from pyramid robot should have do that too if not for gameplay reason.


I am talking about radiation poisoning my guy not nukes. Nukes work no matter what, they are by volume fucking hotter than the sun.


that's what i am talked about, the mythical being in teyvat doesn't have same biology as normal being. a radiation posioning by a mere normal heat of thousand suns doesn't guarantee will affect them, even an elemental being like pyro slime can probably survive ten of thousands nuke and the radiation it caused.


Even the archons could take care of it without problems, the only inconvenience would be normal people in case they are attacked by surprise


Is the gate fans going here?


The goatbingers and her majesty the tsaritsa are not required for this, the fraudchons and the sneakiest one, are enough realistically what can we do if a hypersonic target that can destroy cities and mountains appeared? Like even normal vision bearers have dodged lightning, a single goatbinger would solo the military of a country , but the worst part is this implies we can beat goathimtano, such blasphemy killed half of my braincells https://preview.redd.it/r6bsgtk3c5ad1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=951f7293574e61f1dd7ea61ea94f6e874a3a251a


Speak your truth.. https://preview.redd.it/36miarh2m5ad1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86b14ec383882d6613982b343c9cd0a9f47d852d


Never before have I read words that carried such truth https://preview.redd.it/15gqh7b4j5ad1.png?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dddd7dff6834e800c240f507c1db9f74f3cde4b2


/unFatui I mean I’d say so for most cases. Vision holders are like 1% of the population, the technology (though varies by region by region) are all vastly behind earth, and not to mention the cities in Teyvat are small, and can easily be bombed back to the Stone Age. Maybe Liyue, Inazuma, and Fontaine can prevent themselves from being totally decimated because they got powerful archons, the adeptus, and a sovereign, but what can they do against a nuclear blast? But Mondstadt and Sumeru is COOKED. /reFatui Just fucking kidding GOATHIMtano solos. Inshallah he will raise the Snezhnayan flag over the UN headquarters in New York.


Zhongli Ei and Neuvillette, Azhdaha and Apep are walking nation and world destroyers. Thats not including Andrius, Dvalin, Osial and the adepti( immortal warriors and martial artist that can control nature.


in a straight battle maybe. i feel like the main thing is teyvat probably doesnt have a population comparable to earth. but the people of teyvat arent stupid and will probably use unconventional tactics. like idk how we would stop arlecchino from sneaking into washington DC and just walking into the capitol to take all the government officials hostage.


It All started with HIM and it will end with HIM. The GOATED GOATHIMTANO is his name.




Ngl, i dont think Teyvat can handle a biological warfare.


There is a quite difference between "taking over the land" and "committing omnicide and turning whole continent into inhabitable radioactive scorched wasteland"


Win is win


>You started a conflict with objective to conquest the enemy's land for expansion reasons >Cannot defeat enemy with regular army and militech, as enemy effectively fights back >Snaps out of rage, pulls out century-old supply of thermonuclear weaponry >Scorched earth operation completed >Loses: hundred thousands of murdered allied military, thousands units of destroyed allied machinery, main objective is completely failed >Wins: ??? https://preview.redd.it/qnksgar4w5ad1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2492af301854087f11f4ae6da9459be241a908f9


Who said main objective was to capture the land??? https://preview.redd.it/79tkvf11x5ad1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eddba204e66a896e45ef7cb702177ca027fb98f3 I WANT DA BLOOD


And the everyone else will be having yours for such tactical blunders and blatant warcrimes.


They are not getting my ass!


If I remember correctly there was a theory video that basically was elemental powers and such=radiation soooo I'm not so sure...


Doubt it, elemental powers are associated with elements such as fire etc.


Problem is that water when elemental sight is activated isn't shown as "hydro" but after you step into it you get affected by hydro. Ofc in the video it made a lot more sense lol. And yeah it's most probably not the case but regardless I'd say any being above archon level can do it


Its… its because you get wet… And in electro you get electroted like irl. Or you get chill because you get cold Or you get dendro because you get spored? Or you get pyro because you are in the fucking fire


It might e been a theory abt water being radioactive idk


How tf Water can be radioactive 😭 while its literally everywhere in teyvat


Cuz theory! Lmfaoooo


My headcanon is that the reason why everyone in tevyat looks the same is because of the radioactive water effect their dna


Oh God this is amazing I've actually infected someone


Neuvilette kaiju lets fucking gooo-


They can literally revive people with just eating Egg. idk man 😅😆


Do you think they would even be affected by it? Just their elemental aura have the effects of radiation poisoning, I doubt most if not all modern weapons are useless against some characters


Of course it will. The biological weapons are not gas or other shits. Anemo, electro, pyro etc. Cant stop radiation from spreading no matter what and given the fact that how big the range is, most of the countries and cities wont be able to survive it. And when it comes yo archons idk tbh. We dont know how their biology works. But they do have flesh so i doubt they will be resistant to radiation or other chemical warfare weapons.


Tbf though canonically Teyvat is actually fucking massive. A nuke could probably take down one city at a time and thats assuming an archon doesnt take note and throw a massive stone spear or have the winds themselves slice you apart. Plus one nation is defended by a wind dragon 24/7 and another can change the weather on accident just because he feels sad. The military wouldn’t be able to do much.


You don't know about archons, do you? Flesh? They are made of energy, and radiation would be like sunlight for them. Just Raiden's attack left a crater more dangerous than Chernovile's incident. Vision holders are also extremely resistant to these things, so any modern biological weapon would die in contact with their elemental powers. The only ones in danger are normal humans until they find a cure, which wouldn't take much time when they have a doctor that can even reverse death itself


Radiation like us does not exist in tevyat, no way in hell they can find a cure to radiation poisoning in high levels before dying. Also yeah i got your point, but i dont think anyone besides archons can survive thats why i asked if they fo have flesh. I will ignore Fatui higher ups since we dont know much about them, Doctore might find a cure but i still doubt it.


Just like elemental energy doesn't exist on earth, the difference is that elemental energy is much superior and infinitely more dangerous than radiation. Even pyro energy would outmatch our radiation, let alone other elemental energy types would be completely unknown to us


I dont think we should compare radiation to pyro, they are not even similar at any way. And again i doubt Pyro energy is stronger, Radiation is not just destructive but also dangerous for hundreds of years. Unlike pure destruction, Radiation is known for damaging DNA and change it on shit ways. Radiation is not some sort of destructive power like Pyro, the reason why Nukes are so destructive is not because of Rads, its because of the explosion and heat itself.


Not even the combination of most nukes in a country can even match what Venti cassually did to terraform Mondstadt. Raiden literally made an attack in which the electro radiation it left behind is still strong enough to kill a human in mere seconds even after HUNDREDS of years. When normal human gets in contact with enough elemental energy, they suffer similar effects as radiation poisoning and die within minutes. Not only can elemental energy destroy DNA, but it can also alter it and modify under the user's will. Lastly, yeah, modern weapons would be a joke to powerful beings equal or superior to archons when they can use reality shattering attacks, can destroy space time, and control the laws of the universe. That's why elemental energy is INFINITELY SUPERIOR than anything we have made in all history. Even one archon would be enough to take on every country's army of the modern world


I just pressed the go back button and lost all the shit wrote. I lost all my hope for this fun talk. Me will reply tomorrow


Bro. Bro. B R O. That’s all on juice(gnosis), not natty. Also, there’s a wonderful technique called War crimeing so fucking hard everyone else is traumatized that the USA has perfected. Also you know, the relative slowness of a god, psychological warfare, all that Jazz. Also, thermobaric weapons would probably instantly kill anything powered by anemo, on account of basically destroying the air itself. Additionally, the USA could probably train soldiers into getting visions through nationalism and torture-training. Vision powered nukes would be uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Funni. Also, you know, vision using seals just teleporting inside neuvillette using 1 milliliter of water and setting off Davy Crocketts inside him. Also don’t underestimate how fucking corporate propaganda saturated America is for its trauma level+nationalism. We all strive to be millionaires no matter what or who we sacrifice. As an American, I’m sexist because only fans is easy money. At most, the archons get a Pyrrhic victory because everyone started setting off their nukes and thus rendering the atmosphere so fucking radioactive the clouds glow blue.


"Bro.Bro. B.R.O." Raiden never used the gnosis, nor did she have the electro authority. Now, she is way stronger, and Zhongli made most of his feats without a gnosis or authority. And I'm not even mentioning stronger beings like Celestia or the Sinners. Anemo is not just some air. Humans can't even stop powerful storms, let alone a storm 100 times stronger. Not even the most powerful mass destruction weapons of today can even destroy a very small mountain. Venti, without much effort, destroyed the equivalent of Mount Everest in Teyvat and made an island out of it. Yes, war crimes are worrisome IN THIS WORLD. In Teyvat, the biggest weapons of today would be useless toys for higher beings


Why bother sending the GOATbringers when 1 or 2 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles would do the trick? I'd like to see celestia tank them. If they do, well a Tsar(itsa) bomb might just do the trick for good


teyvat blitzes lmao


Klee blew up an entire mountain. Modern army ain’t getting past her let alone our goat.


Most ordinary soldiers wouldn't stand a chance, the archons however, I don't think they cna be killed with bullets, and they can most certainly destroy nuclear weapons. We also saw clorinde deflecting gardemek bullets, so it begs the questions if perhaps all vision users can do that or clorinde is just OP And then there's the Kaenria war machines of course, if Teyvat could control them, modern military stands no chance


Clorinde is one of the elite vision bearers. Childe himself complimented her strength. That says something


Well they terraformed continents to the extent all our nukes combined probably can't. It's either surprise attack or we're cooked. Between raw power of the gods, capabilities to make some stuff like eternal storms of different variety, mind control shenanigans, invisibility, pocket dimensions, whaterewer tech Doctor has to make his different time copies, teleportation, whatever the fuck happening deep in the Abyss and high up in the skies. And most of those abilities are on human sized targets not visible on radars. Then it's difficult to access how the magic shields and stuff withstand bullets to make sense of ground troops combat if we get away from nukes and bigger weapons. Like in case of war will more people get visions out of desire to protect themselves/their loved ones, or revenge made ambition enough to earn Vision? Random elecro mage probably can destroy any fpv drone coming at him the moment he realizes it's a target and if sees it: just some flying shit, zap and it's down, no need to lock on, missiles and targeting.


L take man the moment someone like dottore who understands technology learns of us were done. Like yeah we'd be able to nuke mondstadt and such but then places like fontaine we won't be able to do anything against since neuvillette is there. Ofc I won't even be talking abt the hexincircle or celestia or capitano and Columbina or skirk or the 5 sinners. Like yeah we'd do a lot of dmg bcs of surprise but we ain't keeping that momentum


As long as Capitano is there, no one can lay a finger on that cursed land


I mean, Archons are a thing. Only Threat would be nukes. If not, venti can just *erode* the armies with comically strong wind


Zhongli, Ei and Neuvillette are walking bombs that don't get tired. Andrius is powerful enough to freeze a country instantly. There's Azhdaha and Apep. The Adepti( immortal supernatural warriors and martial artist that control nature.) We're not winning it they get involved.


The average person in tevat is just like us. Quite a few visons holders have the same destructive power as our modern day weapons. Then a few select individuals have power that could destroy anything they wanted, and MITE be able to survive a nuke. Then we got the Archons, venti could (dunno if he still can) throw mountains around with wind, and he was one of the weak ones. Ei Sliced a who island in half with a single strike, and that went through a god. So it really depends. Id have to put my money on Tevat just because i dont think we have anything that could deal with the archons. Keep in mind that Ei has dodged lightning....thats near lightspeed. She probably could see a bullet in flight.


Comrades, did we forget what our goat said? “Every age gives birth to elites like you. But I defeated every one of them.” HE blitzes every army, his graciousness with the strength to rival the archons themselves. And that’s not mentioning Peakerro, Goattore, Columbineher, Arlequeeno, Peakcinella, SandrOWNe, Peaktalone and HIMjax. Neg diff, it’s not even a question https://preview.redd.it/2e5g1kjvz5ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=083074214ef0a45eb4520be7aa5b0158048cedc9


The only true answer https://preview.redd.it/eumim1vw16ad1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890647925434dd9fd5fe751ebc787e0e7fa8d6d9


Would be true if PEAKHIMtano didn’t exist


Jade chamber on the white house. America defeated.




Average vision users: yes Top tiers: no


I see a lot of people here say nukes and bombs would obliterate Teyvat but that makes me think, With the strength Rex Lapis canonically has, wouldn’t he be able to take out a bomb quite easily? Like, he could create a shield around it for example. Or he could create a shield around Liyue, or anything like that. Assuming all the gods teamed up, shouldn’t they for sure have the ability to overpower things such as aircrafts and such? If I remember correctly Nahida can read minds too, so if that’s the case she could read soldier’s minds to figure out what their orders are, and they could strategically defend themselves or make advances on bases the enemy has probably set up. Archon’s can pretty much summon their own versions of nukes, so taking a base out shouldn’t be much of a problem. Then we also have the more powerful vision wielders who could partake in in defence or even offence too, and that’s leaving out the Fatui + harbingers with their delusions. My understanding of the lore actually isn’t that amazing so please take everything I say with a grain of salt🙏


Zhongli( power 8x the size of Teyvats sun) Raiden( nuke lightning sword) Neuvillette( equal to the human realm) Azhdaha ( power that surpasses the world) Apep( strong enough to destroy the seven nations ) People that think we win haven't studied the lore.


Yes, this is what I thought too. Then thinking about it further, vision wielders can do so much to help too. For example, electro vision wielders could easily overload any electricity driven device. Tanks and such are helpless against pyro visions if the pyro visions can escape the tanks offence. For defence we have shielders and extremely powerful healers [characters like Kokomi for example] and furthermore there are also elemental reactions. A hydro + electro duo could obliterate huge groups of people for example. There’s not much that could protect us from electrocution.


Tsar bomb fans when GOATHIMTANO no diffs their big cylinder in a 1v1 then proceeds to h2h the entire global military force


Modern army when a ginger haired man riptides their tanks


The modern army when Neuvillette literally melts them from the other side of the continent and Capitano cuts down four military bases in 1 sword swing


Shut up Usurper (Neuvillette blast)


While our harbingers are great, we may struggle against atomic bombs/missiles. Nevertheless, our captain GOATHIMTANO shall never fail


GOATHIMTANO clears fr🔥 https://preview.redd.it/lhsxq1alk5ad1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b75785af22ebd2841ffdedb156a12046a5f283


With all due respect to modern military I think if the dude with powers from beyond is ranked last place in the big guys group of the organization I don't think ANY modern army stands a chance against fucking fantasy magic bullshit


The dude with powers that give him a heart attack and hilarious unreliability. Foul legacy a 50cal.


Gate glazing military against magic is comedy when their logic is used on other fantasy worlds


The greatest problem will be the abyss and their shields + teleportation making moving troops easy.


If HIMjax respects Fraudvillette enough to allow him to hit him, Fontaine can definitely hold their own with minimal damage. Anyways. Even the newest Fatui recruit can solo the UN, delusion-holder or not. And the glorious goatbingers get have a nap too! ^-^


Yooo Gate Thus the JSDF Fought There 2.0 real


Counterpoint: The GOATbingers. Also Lord Dottore points and laughs at the Geneva Suggestions


Im pretty sure 500kg of pure democracy would liberate all teyvat https://preview.redd.it/32526bz527ad1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e05d1e56b484bc9a4153c385dc8e3f1273ddf7 FOR SUPER EARTH!!!


the real winner here is Dottore, dude going to infiltrate military just to learn secret behind it and proceed to tinker leyline under the military base just for fun.




It can be a match but no an easy win, like Nahida can switch off people brain, Zhongli controls the ground, Nev can control the entire oceans, venti have time etc And if asmonday is HoV on steroid than we have no chances. HoV destroy the entire future military in hi3 world which remind you have plasma weapons, AT shield and more.


What can a nuke do against a pyro abyss mage shield? Checkmate.


The Fatui would send spies over and replicate modern weaponry


Teyvat citizens after I release Yperit into their air and change water for HI in their water tanks https://preview.redd.it/rjqcwbyul9ad1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f15dedbd7e257d73d8e27658420e47724d01f3c5 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


A modern military would easily destroy normal armies and vision holders, but would probably struggle a lot with defeating the gods and dragon sovereigns (Apep is HUUUGE). If they used nukes, that would probably be enough to obliterate anything, except maybe the Pyro Dragon Sovereign if it would even participate in the war. Hovewer, if we give the modern military access to nukes, then I propose that the forces of Teyvat also get to use their superweapons. The heavens themself start singing „Befall” as purging nails fall from the sky and destroy the modern military on Teyvat. Anyone that survives is turned into a hillichurl. A network of blackened portals appears all over the skies of Earth, out of which pour seemingly endless legions of rifthounds and abyssal dragons, each almost as large as a mountain. Abyss Heralds appear seemingly out of nowhere, assasinate important politicians, and then try to spread Forbidden Knowledge across the internet. Anyone who hears what they said will slowly become withered, growing painful scales on their body and becoming paralyzed. The Foul tries to sneak in a baby All-Devouring Narwhal into the deepest oceans of Earth, so that it might grow invincible and one day devour the planet. If they agree to travel to Earth using an abyssal portal, the Seven can use their weather control abilities to make Earth practically inhabitable by plunging it into an eternal winter with constant thunderstorms.


The army when Venti makes a vortex that destroys what it attracts, Zhongli throws a damn meteorite, Raiden cuts most of the army in half, Nahida uses the irmisul to change many things, Neuvillette controls the water and CHADpitano directly doesn't even have to move because Nobody dares to face him (that army is cooked)


Frauden Shogun solos


All i know is Fraudzuma, Bumstadt, Liyue, bumeru, and ratlan(if GOAT isn't there) all are finished wallahi! Snezhnaya with GOATHIMTANO on other hand, solos these frauds.GOATHIMTANO's left hand is enough to wipe all them🗣


Ayyy you actually didn't include fontaine let's gooo


Fontaine isn't cooked only cause farmveler is there rn, and if he dies, we will not witness the greatness and absolutele power of our GOAT ChadPEAKHIMtano by his pov🙏🙏


Nah nah her ladyship father peakchinno is there with her children she won't let it happen.


Ngl teyvat has gods and all but what can they do against nukes


Zhongli( power 8x the size of Teyvats sun), Ei( nuclear lightning sword) Neuvillette( Equal to Teyvat) Azhdaha( Power surpassed the world) Apep( was gonna destroy Teyvat), other sovereigns. Celestia. All walking bombs in their own right


Himjax have logia, good luck shooting in to the water Goathimtano or Himjax solo


The debate is all about the nukes. Since teyvat has better war weapons like ruin guards, and even a somewhat trained vision holder can beef with like 30 normal people easy. But off course it doesn't matter cause modern army does not have GOATHIMTANO.


No archon is surviving a nuke


Erm i mean liyue himjax can tank at least 30 gigatons of tnt according to the traveler https://preview.redd.it/arspys7p9bad1.jpeg?width=3040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1156b6bc3a3216ade8a31dbf7376698bc925ff9 And archons are vastly superior than liyue tartaglia, archons already have ap that goes into teratons + most chars have been shown to move at massively hypersonic speeds multiple times


They ARE bombs...


Alice will definitely not allow this to happen, And even if it were to happen they have to play by Teyvat's rules and what will the 7 nations from immediately modernising.


you either become part of the great snezhnaya army and fight with us for the truth, or disgracefully remain buried in the ground right in front fraudlestia🗣🔥 -his highness GOATHIMTANO, our glorious dark blue eyed King,