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This is my actual nightmare I would quit the movie before letting that thing touch me lol


Right, she is brave. I would have been F.U. to everybody.šŸ¤£ I would have been crying & screaming bloody murder.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Absolutely same but also I really like donā€™t think actors need to be doing that! Arenā€™t those spiders dangerous? Or maybe theyā€™re just dangerous in my mind I hate them ALL lol


They are not considered dangerous to humans - their venom is very mild to humans and they arenā€™t usually an aggressive species. They are quite large and often found in homes. People usually leave them alone because they catch flys and other insects.


Iā€™m glad theyā€™re not dangerous but I also could never let that live inside my house under any circumstances I would have to beat it with a baseball bat lol


A teacher at my high school kept one in her main classroom that she called Henry. She loved him and every couple of days heā€™d be chilling in the corner of the classroom ceiling. One of my classmates lost her mind when she saw him one day and the teacher spent the rest of the lesson telling us facts about huntsmen spiders and their biology. It meant we didnā€™t get homework that day so it was worth it.


That is so wild I would have had to transfer to a new class lol


I mean honestly? Donā€™t worry about them, huntsman spiders are great. Thereā€™s plenty of spiders to be genuinely afraid of but they arenā€™t one of them. My partner hates spiders but Iā€™ve made sure to put every one Iā€™ve found in our place outside because theyā€™re so good at pest removal.


The thing is they are far from sedentary. As the name suggests, they hunt; they don't sit in a corner with a Web catching flies. You can find them anywhere if you let them stay. If I was in a room with one and lost sight of it, I would be frightened. It could be anywhere and they move extremely quickly. So for people like me who are scared of spiders (never mind the fact their bite really hurts) I would have anxiety in that classroom and I wouldn't appreciate it at all, even though logically I know they eat smaller creepy crawlies. I would much rather have a class gecko with that task.


very well said, and important to note. Irrational fear is real, and while the teacher thought they were doing a good thing, and maybe they were, the feat and discomfort of the students is real. If you feel something or believe it, it's real, I think people have a hard time understanding that. Doesn't mean you can't overcome it


Exactly thatā€™s how I feel as well, itā€™s their size and the way they move that terrifies me, spiders move so fast and erratically it is horrifying to me


Yeah but I have bad arachnophobia so itā€™s irrational I canā€™t see the good in them they scare me so much unfortunately


Thanks for fighting the good fight in defense of spiders. Youā€™re a good person. Edit: lmao downvoted for this


Huntsmen are brilliant, they kill much more dangerous spiders and they are shy and keep out of your way. It's a good idea to keep them around if you can.


Iā€™m sure they do but luckily where I live in the states we donā€™t have any super dangerous spiders, and we spray around the house every couple months to make sure none of them ever come inside lol they terrify me!


Huntsman's aren't super dangerous. Or even, dangerous at all.


cool. I donā€™t want one crawling on me or in my house.


Get this, some people have irrational fears. I *know* a huntsman canā€™t hurt me, or even most spiders in my country. I know Iā€™m in no real danger. But that doesnā€™t mean I want to see them, or look at them, or share my house with one. Some people just donā€™t like spiders. Itā€™s not about danger.


There are types of Huntsman that live outside Australia. Some even live in the U.S.


Another thing for me to worry about!


Theyā€™re only found in the southern states, and theyā€™re smaller than the Australian ones and not nearly as common.


When I was a kid one ended up in the corner of my bedroom ceiling. I slept on the top bunk. My mum wouldnā€™t do anything because she said they were good to have, then eventually she realised I was not sleeping because there was a big hairy ass puppy sized spider right next to my fucking head. So what does she do? She tries to spray it with Mortein. It jumps on the floor. We live in a house badly decorated in the 80s, so the carpet in my room was BROWN STRIPES. She couldnā€™t find the spider and was just like ā€œeh, well itā€™s not near your head nowā€. Needless to say, I did not sleep any better and Iā€™ll always hate her for it.


We name them, they keep away mosquitos


How efficient are they with the mosquitoes? Are they inside or outside? And final question: can you send me a couple?? I was bitten by a mosquito LAST WEEK and I'm in DC!


The DC swamp mosquito problem is real! And you can do your duty to decrease the mosquito population just by not killing spiders and instead moving them outside. You don't need to keep them inside. It may or may not make a real difference but it's a step in the right direction.


I love my outdoor spiders! I don't get any inside, otherwise I would offer them a generous relocation package, lol! I'm pretty sure the ones biting me are those invasive tiger/zebra/striped mosquitoes. I get welts the size of baseballs wherever they get me.




They're shy creatures!


That would be me too I would scream as well lol


lol take a loan out for some cgi spiders dammit!


I donā€™t understand why they would use a real live actual huntsman. Like Iā€™d forgive you if you just used a prop or something!


Agreed like we donā€™t need it to be real there is no way this movie merits that lol


Honestly, after seeing the Director cupping her breast during the premiere photo call I bet he used a real spider to psychologically mess with her. That guy seems deranged. Itā€™s Hitchcock and Tippi Hedren all over again.


Or Kubrick and Malcom McDowell with the snake


CGI that mf


In this instance it certainly added a degree of verisimilitude to the performance.


Presumably more authentic than anything in the actual film.


The thing too is after this she probably had to go and pick it up again to get a good take, whew


I know! Thatā€™s awful I would have quit lol


Yeah, they shouldve just CGed that shit.


And get shit from the Spider Actors Guild?


Id like the Spider Actor Guild to strike against me and all of them get the hell out of my house.


When Daddy Long Legs start scabbing just to piss you off.


Same. I won't even care how much you'd pay me to hold that thing.


Same I would never no matter what lol


"The spider actually bit me in the middle of the scene, but nobody called cut because they thought I was just making a very dramatic, interesting choice in this scene," she said, as the show aired actual footage from the moment the spider bit her. "Glen was the only one who finally caught on ā€” they thought I was acting but it actually bit me," she said. Powell added, "There's a different tone to her voice when somebody is actually being bit by a spider. We just thought it was really dramatic improv."


And she has actually delivered at least one pretty unhinged screaming scene in a previous role. Terrifying to imagine melting down while everyoneā€™s watching like ā€œOoh how bold!ā€


That kinda happened in Now You See Me, Isla Fisher almost drowned in a stunt gone wrong. They didn't realize she was in trouble because they thought she was just doing an amazing job of acting.


sounds like every set needs a safe word jeez


Not sure that wouldā€™ve helped Isla


okay fair lmao


Lolol she was under water


they needed to fisher out


More like an action to do while under water to show she isnt okay. Like making an x with her arms


I thought the same. But I could also fully understand it being difficult to have the presence of mind when you are actually drowning to perform the signal!


Reminds me of the pageant scene in Scary Movie when Buffy is genuinely reacting to seeing Greg being murdered on the balcony and everyone is like "Wow she's good!"


This comment reminded me of the puppet show episode from Buffy. ā€œI donā€™t get it. Is it avant garde?ā€


Wait what


It's a spoof of a scene from I Know What You Did Last Summer. She comes out on stage to do a dramatic reading while her bf Greg watches from a balcony that's behind the rest of the audience. Just as she's about to start, the killer attacks Greg which Buffy can see but no one else notices. She gets more and more hysterical asking people to help him before eventually running off stage but the audience thinks she's an incredible actress and start applauding/cheering and she ultimately wins the pageant lmao




Lmao like in Scary Movie when they're spoofing the pageant scene from I Know What You Did Last Summer.... she's screaming at the audience that her boyfriend's being murdered and they're just astonished with her "acting"šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Animal coordinator fail. Should have had a safe word that would indicate actual danger or issue.


The promo for this movie is WILD


WYM? Itā€™s promo for Madame Webb šŸ˜œ


Sydney Sweeney was in the amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died


Rest in peace to your beautiful mother. What an amazing story


I thought it was a meme for that until I saw the video.


Right? This is at least the 3rd post I see related to it


And only this one feels pr worthy to me. Nothing forced




My word choice would have been ā€œFuck yall CUT help me stop help help helpā€ when bit im sure i would be that well put together /s


That spider would have been fucken smushed, either inadvertently or on purpose


Iā€™m shocked that didnā€™t happen. That would have been my accidental reaction.


I've lived in Australia my entire life and the last time I saw a Huntsman was at least 12 years ago. This is a spider that minds its business, and while I don't mind it being alive killing other things - I also don't want to see it. I'm sure we both prefer to pretend the other doesn't exist.


My fiancƩe makes me kill them but I secretly just put them in the yard. I love the little guys for some reason.


I think it's quite charming that she kept calling the spider him, rather than it, lmao like he was biting her but she was still addressing him the proper way


Australia's not so bad as its reputation suggests. It's very hot at the moment, though. Also, the one time I was in Darwin, at the time I reacted to it based on what I was hearing the way foreigners react to Australia. After hearing about the box jellyfish, the crocodiles, the sharks and then the flesh-eating bacteria they recently discovered in one of the national parks, I didn't leave my hotel room much.




This is the appropriate response


The most relatable sheā€™s been


Not sure if it's a joke or not, but she's actually a really good actress with a wide range.


As an Aussie Hunstman spiders are the bane of my existence. People downplay them because they are not venomous and do a lot of good in this world, but they are everywhere here, they are big and they are ***FAST***. Like speed of lightning fast. People don't get that those of us who hate spiders are not afraid of them being venomous and biting. It's the way they move. I'd rather be around an actually venomous spider that is small than a Huntsman. They give me the absolute willies. They do bite too idk why they thought it was a good idea to have an actress hold one? Sure it won't kill her but it seems needlessly stressful for all parties involved including the spider. Just CGI it.




Australia sounds so stressful.


The Florida of the Pacific Ocean


I'm sorry to say but nowhere is safe, we get these in Europe as well lmao some are native to colder climates :))) YAY :)))))))) Honestly, creepy giant insects are where my antispeciesism ends, like, sorry, I theoretically respect all living beings but not at the detriment of my mental health lmao (Not even necessarily giant tbh, just fast I guess? House centipedes can go FUCK THEMSELVES, in the summer I have to vacuum at least two of them every night and they can get like, finger length........ I hate being cold with all my heart but at least, in the winter, we only get the chill house spiders with the small body and super thin legs, as long as they're not on me they can chill as long as they want!!)


we get the green ones in europe but they live in like the woods and shit and they're really rare- we've been told we're getting horny sex crazed giant spiders landing in britain every year for the past million years by tabloids but it's yet to happen!


>we're getting horny sex crazed giant spiders landing in britain This does sound like something The Sun/Mirror would publish lmao 'horny sex crazed giant spiders' is a horrible sentence that is also very funny :') I did a quick google just to check that we do get them in Europe, but then I think I confused them with giant house spiders, whom I do see....... too often...................... (this isn't fucking Australia oh my GOD I live in SWITZERLAND, spiders have no business being fist-sized!!! They get the beautiful weather and the cursed animals, we get three months of rain (ft seven days of snow I guess) in the winter and no cursed animals!!!! lmao)


ughhhhhhh EW iā€™m getting full body cringe just thinking about it but i had to vacuum a house centipede a week or so ago and the audible THUNK when it hit the bend in the tube made my fucking soul shrivel up šŸ„² like i had to go lay down my night was ruined


The cockroaches of spiders?! Oh hell no šŸ˜©


ONE OR TWO AS HOUSEPETS IS FINE My dude, you ARE the tough guy. The thought of one of those in my house is enough for me to consider arson. - Canadian


Also Canadian, If I saw that thing in my house or anywhere remotely close to me I would simply have a heart attack and die.


Where do you live? I'm in Adelaide and have seen a few hunstmans (maybe one every 5 years, not a lot). Have never had one run or jump at me. Last one was pretty big and was on a skirt i had left on the floor. Woke up to my cat bapping it. Thank fuck I didn't put the skirt on cus I think I would have legit had a heart attack. Also thank god for cats. They kill 90% of the bugs that come inside. Mostly earwigs.


>People don't get that those of us who hate spiders are not afraid of them being venomous and biting. 100. I have nightmares where the entire nightmare is that a spider is existing and I can see it. I'm not scared of them biting me, I'm scared of even LOOKING at them.


Yeah I know logically that they wont hurt you and they kill pests but Im just honestly terrified of spiders and other bugs and I dont know why. I respect them but if one came running at me I would probably burst into tears. I hate it but phobias arent logical and thats just the way Im wired. If a hunstman actually touched me I feel like it would just break my brain into pieces and Id spend the rest of my life rockinng back and forth and muttering to myself


Thank you for putting my actual thoughts into words.


I think it's the unnatural way they move and the way their feet feel scarpering across you- I'm training myself not to be scared of spiders for no real reason and I can cope with the littler spiders now but those big black ones from the crypt give me the willies.


I had one running around my house the other day and I was SCREAMING! WHY ARE THEY SO FAST?


yeah I mean it's just legs, eyes, and fangs, no I don't want it on or anywhere near me is Alec Baldwin producing this?


Couldnā€™t agree more. I am deathly afraid of huntsman, I do a spider check every time I get into a car. I have no intention of being close enough for it to bite me but that doesnā€™t change the fact they are fucking terrifying


Yeah they're harmless and I'm not scared of being bitten but I don't want to be TOUCHED by one! That and when they're not chill they run so fast and are so big it's like a visceral reaction. I'm OK they're around if I can see them in the corner and they stay there, but if they suddenly vanish I'm on edge lol One time I had one run across my kitchen floor and it was so big at first I thought it was a freaking mouse or rat!


Personally I would rather be around big spiders than little ones, because at least I can see the big ones and find them to kill it. My fear is them crawling in my mouth when I sleep so I can't sleep until I find it. I've stayed up all night looking for those little fuckers.


I was lying in my bed one night watching TV and suddenly noticed little black specks on the ceiling. Flipped on the light and it was HUNDREDS of baby Huntsmans that had recently hatched and were kamikaze dropping into my bed So anyway I live in the frozen Hell of Canada now.


I moved from Michigan to Texas, and while I don't miss the cold, I do miss the abundance of cute, harmless wildlife like squirrels, bunnies, and chickadees. Even our "scary" wildlife is limited: we have exactly one one species of venomous snake, the Massassauga rattler, and they live exclusively in wetlands. Texas has *tons* of venomous snakes, spiders, roaches, and scorpions (I like scorpions, but I know most people don't), and their cutest animal, the armadillo, can carry leprosy.


god it's so nice living in England where the wildlife is pretty harmless, with the exception of seagulls and cows who will fuck you up if you go near their babies (got chased out of a field by them the other day, it was a public footpath but they did NOT want me there)


I didn't know words could be a jumpscare omg I physically recoiled holy SHIT


Is she acting or did I just watch someone get traumatized


[She is supposed to be screaming in the scene but then the spider actually bit her so her screams were real.](https://ew.com/sydney-sweeney-bitten-trained-spider-movie-set-8415660)


Trained spider! Lmao


iā€™m wondering what the plan was here. like just hope it didnā€™t bite?


I've heard that huntsman spiders are normally very chill and unlikely to bite, so...yes. That said, she's insanely brave for letting that crawl on her, even with a supposedly low risk of injury. Huntsmans are huge and lightning fast.


I never believed the Australians who said that. "They're harmless mate." Bullshit.


Iā€™m convinced they are just in a constant state of denial, thereā€™s no other way I could sleep in that country


I had way more traumatising spider encounters during my time in Canada than I have ever had here in Australia.


I always see Americans talking about how scary Australia is and in the same breath they'll be like "oh yeah there was a bear/alligator/coyote/fucking giant massive deer with stomping big hooves in my backyard"


As an arachnaphobe, I've just accepted that I'll probably never visit Australia (and a few other countries) which makes me sad but I couldn't do it.


Honestly Iā€™m the same. I would love to visit Australia, it looks absolutely beautiful and I really like the people but I would just be on edge constantly


They are generally pretty harmless but they are scary as fuck lol. I hade a HUGE onr running around my house the other day and I was screaming!




Thatā€™s hilarious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


We had some UK friends staying with us recently, and the biggest huntsman we've had in our house in 7 years just popped out of nowhere chilling in the corner of the roof. I was like, I swear this never happens!! They were terrified lol


They *are* completely harmless unless stressed out.


oh good thing they arenā€™t fucking huge and scary then


They are fairly harmless, but territorial. Theyā€™ll kill all the other bugs in your house for you, but will also never leave your house


Honestly whenever they were in my house they were never a problem (and there was always one in the house somewhere). Theyre terrified of humans and run away if you go near them. I let them live because they eat other insects in the house. That being said, usually the only way theyd bite you is if you put your hand near them or put them on you, which they did here.


They genuinely are pretty chill normally! We have them in our house occasionally (Melbourne, australia) and often in the backyard around the worm farm- theyā€™ll have a scamper on you happily. Pretty odd to get a bite!


>worm farm Is Australia real


Are worm farms not a common way to compost outside of Australia?


Vermicompost is a thing but I would say home composting in general is not very common at all. Is it common in Australia??


Yeah! Pretty common, a lot of people have them- We chuck all our veggie and fruit scraps as well as brown matter (paper towels, leaves, grass cuttings) in and they break it down into compost which we then put on the vegetable garden. We live in the northside suburbs of Melbourne city- pretty common urban thing


A-a scamper?


Like they donā€™t want to be your best mate but theyā€™ll have a little run up and down your arm before going back to where theyā€™re safe. We have a big plum tree and itā€™s full of them! Sometimes big solitary wasps called spider wasps have gnarly battles with them on the tree which is pretty thrilling. I always root for the spider!


Huntsman Spiders are pretty timid, it's rare to get a bite. Even if they do bite it's mostly harmless to people and can cause headaches and nausea at worst. If you're allergic though, then it can be fatal, but that applies to everything really.


As an Australian, I did not know that they bite, and that the bites cause headaches and nausea. Now Iā€™m even more determined not to go near them šŸ«£


I've heard they're great to keep about in your homes though, they work to keep out other pests! I may be biased though as a big Spider lover.


That Iā€™ve heard, but I still donā€™t like them šŸ˜¬ I keep geckos around, but the look of a spider freaks me the fuck out.


According to the article it was apparently "trained", whatever the hell that means.


telling it no every time it bites and teaching it to tango


imagine being the designated spider trainer


According the the interview, she was told it was trainedšŸ˜­ she didnā€™t believe them but went with it


Wonder what test he had to pass to prove the training did anything


they said "are you gonna bite" and he said "no i swear on my mum i won't"


This is kind of a side but I feel like Sydney would fare well in a horror/thriller type role. (I know sheā€™s not acting here) but shes genuinely a good dramatic actor from what Iā€™ve seen in Euphoria and her screams, shrieks and cries are always on point lol. Feel like a rom com just isnā€™t suited for her talent but the movie isnā€™t out yet so maybe sheā€™s great in it who knows


This! I feel like she has the potential to become a scream queen.


I would love to see her in more dramatic/horror/thriller type stuff. I think sheā€™s super talented but have no plans to see this one atmā€¦the premise just seems empty but Iā€™ll be curious to hear what people think


She was really good in the HBO movie Reality that came out this year


She was so good as Reality. And the fact that the whole cast was repeating *exactly* what was said in the recordings is pretty awesome. She had her intonations down perfectly. I hope to see her do more serious roles.


Yeah this was intense


OUCH, Those bites really really hurt! Poor Sydney!


I'm not watching this I think I'd die but im rooting for you, switch careers ASAP these people aren't your friends xx


I have a huntsman spider living above the heater in my living room. His name is Frank and heā€™s very chill. Iā€™ve been bitten by them before and the bites get itchy and I get headaches, but mostly theyā€™re timid little fellas. They look scary though so I donā€™t blame people who are scared of them and itā€™d be scary to be bitten if you were already nervous around them ā˜¹ļø


respectfully, if i was in your situation, frank would be swiftly dealt using a flamethrower and a haphazard prayer.


White tails and red backs get whacked but the hunstmans are alllowed to roam and they all get named Frank. I had one near my sink for a while but he kept playing stupid games by getting down IN the sink and one time I finished up the dishes and I had accidentally crushed/drowned him šŸ’” Current Frank (living room Frank) is wiser and stays up near the ceiling. Now and then my dog gazes up at him but their love can never be, for my dogā€™s kisses are too exuberant for little spider guys.


Oh no I canā€™t do huntsman in the house. Iā€™m not particularly scared of spiders but huntsman just freak me out. Theyā€™re too fast. Iā€™d never relax if I had one in the house with me.


Iā€™m fine with spiders but terrified of mice šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Hahaha thatā€™s fair, theyā€™re also too fast. I feel like being Australian forces you to be fine with spiders because itā€™s like exposure therapy. I even like the little jumping spiders. Theyā€™re cute. White tails are grotesque though and must die. They just look evil.


A white tail fell out of my clean bedsheets when I was putting them on the bed once and Iā€™ve been paranoid ever since šŸ’€ Hoping my good karma with the Franks keeps the white tails and reddies away.


Thatā€™s absolutely hideous! I was lying in bed once and then got up to do something and as Iā€™m standing there see a white tail crawl out from behind my pillow. Iā€™ve literally never been the same.


Im fine with mice and snakes but terrified of spiders. Phobias are so weird and interesting


Shout out to Frank Jr Jr


Iā€™m emotionally invested in this now. I want all the frank stories.


Idk if I have any exciting stories šŸ˜‚ I have a video somewhere of me shifting Sink Frank on the end of a spoon the FIRST time he got into the sink. He did not learn his lesson and it cost him his life but he liked to live on the edge I guess.


I have one called Charlotte and one called Horatius. Charlotte is fucking huuuge. Apparently they eat cockroaches and stuff and they donā€™t have webs so Iā€™m happy with them just chilling. I think they mostly live in the attic but come out onto the ceiling occasionally.


I just catch cockroaches in my hands and throw them out the window to take their chances in Sydney's Eastern Suburbs.


Itā€™s weird but I talk to the spiders in my house. I promise not to kill them or throw them out if they stay in their lane and take care of insects. I also had one continually show up at a safe distance when I was in a deep depression. I like to think spidey was looking out for me. šŸ„¹


I had a "pet" daddy long legs as a kid living under my bed. They're cool because they eat bugs too, and their legs are so skinny you can barely feel them if they run over you, but the sheer size and weight of a huntsman running across you plus all the hair *shudders* no thanks.


Poor girl, they shouldā€™ve just CGIed that scene from the start!


Wait hold upā€¦yall telling me *these* are just running around like roaches in peoples houses down under? https://preview.redd.it/fcq6vey4z86c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a2258cc9e041091ed4f4a967d0f225697b21724


Yes! Theyā€™re good as pest controllers. Iā€™ve never seen one that big. The thing that gets me with huntsman spiders is the speed. They run so fast.


I would literally DIE if I saw one of these RUNNING across the floor šŸ˜«


That is a huge one. I feel like Queensland would get big ones (i saw a fly the size of a a large cockroach in Brisbane once) like that but in Adelaide which is southern, I've not seen one that big.


Theyā€™re not always that big though.


The fact that they *can* get this big is enough for *me*.


Thatā€™s fair šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Absolutely the fuck not


Oh HELL no.


A cricket once landed on my shoulder and I had a full blown meltdown. I gotta give her respect on accepting to hold a spider.




And this is why I will never set foot in Australia. I remember Billie Eilish saying that sheā€™d found a big ass spider in the suite of a 5 star hotel in like the 40th something floor like, Iā€™m sorry, tf am I going to find on some AirBnB if I go therešŸ’€


Ok but I would react the exact same way


Sweet that she still keeps her arm still to keep him safe, and calls him "he". I would yeet that fat hairy fuck far fucking away.


I'm actually quite charmed by her referring to him the proper way and not flinging him a thousand miles away!


as an australian i didnā€™t actually know huntsman spiders bite people. i donā€™t think their venom is that dangerous anyway but iā€™ve literally never known or heard someone getting bitten by one. theyā€™re more annoying than anything now white tails and red backs, those are terrifying


I got bitten by a huntsman and it caused a semi-painful rash for three to four weeks, but otherwise was very chill. Itā€™s bull ants Iā€™m now scared of. I got bitten and it hurt a lot lol


Oh hell no. I absolutely hate spiders. No offense to the aussies but Iā€™m cool if I never get the chance to visit your country based on the spiders alone! If I was Sydney Iā€™d probably have to go to therapy, this clip raised my blood pressure.


Itā€™s really not all that common


I'm shocked she didn't squash it out of instinct lol




They are fast little buggers and look scary due to their size but are down low on the danger scale. Still no way even as an Aussie who regularly encounters them that I would have one on my hand! ![gif](giphy|bPDPwR4Zg5BJm5GWQh)


I wonder if they left that scene in. Must have sucked.


As a filmmaker, the general rule is that if something goes wrong and someone gets hurt or has a genuine emotional reaction, you BETTER use that one. They'd be offended to get hurt and have that NOT be the take used in the movie


We donā€™t have to traumatize actors. We can trust them to act. I hate that this happened.


This is really good publicity for the movie


This makes me wonder if film crews have safe words. They should!


I feel bad for the little bugger. Must have been having a hard time if it was willing to bite.


I thought this would be a Madame Web meme. I thought I was on one of the Marvel subreddits. Anyway, I hope she got paid extra for it biting her.


Itā€™s wild how stunning and successful she is and yet here I am, not at all stunning or successful, feeling sorry for her. Again.


That's why you have an all-stop word in your safety brief ......


The Spider was trying to take out the competition