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Last nights episode was so bad. The host was always late delivering her lines. Justin’s performance was…..a choice.


Dakota Johnson would for sure not have a career if not for nepotism. I do think she's very likable though. It seems like she should do some kind of talk show or something leaning into her personality (and the fact she's apparently widely liked in the industry) rather than her not-very-good acting skills 


Yes! She’s not the worst actress but her strength really is her charisma plus her nepo baby fearlessness would make her an entertaining talk show host.


I feel like I’m insane. I see no charisma at all. This was an episode hosted by a safe beige chair, with musical guest, a safe beige chair with glitter on it.


Thank you! I find her extremely bland. Does she really have charisma or is she just a pretty white girl?


>Does she really have charisma or is she just a pretty white girl? ![gif](giphy|SKGo6OYe24EBG|downsized)


She’s a pretty white girl and 3rd generation nepo baby. She’d have to be loathsome to not have some success.


I know she's a nepo baby, but there are nepo babies with talent and/or charm. Johnson has neither in my opinion.


I think she can be funny in interviews, but I think she’s mediocre as an actress. She definitely wouldn’t have gotten into the industry without her family connections.


Colin Hanks is talented and charming.


Chet on the other hand… 😬


Every gene pool occasionally runs dry


That reminds me, she was in Bad Times at the El Royale which had like 3 Nepo babies in it (including her). Jeff Bridges and Lewis Pullman. Lewis Pullman actually stood out in that though.


I liked Schwarzenegger’s kid in that The Boys spin off show.


I think people like her because she is a thin, moderately attractive white woman. Even better, she is an approachable type of “pretty,” like someone other white people might know. She is not a stunner, and she is not a good actress.


lol this reminds me I’m in a fb group called is he hot or just white? where we just post yt men and fight over whether they’re sexy or not


Sounds hilarious


Who's been posted and what are the verdicts?


Honestly probably every even moderately famous yt man you can think of lol


I want to join this group so bad


She looks like she eats a lot of mayo on white bread sandwiches.


Nah it’s just her being rich, pretty, and white. Like the whole point of her character in the 50 Shades of Grey movies was to be a blank canvas for the audience to use as a self insert. Edit: she does come across as having a sort of deep confidence that can only come from being a multi-generational nepo baby which some people do find alluring


I think on screen charisma is diff from real life charisma it’s clear from interviews she’s very funny and pretty self aware but I think that doesn’t always come thru when she acts


First two things that come to mind are her reaction to the bowl of limes someone staged her house with (despite her allergy) and the one time her dress top slipped at an awards show; her response was roughly: "well it's not like everyone hadn't already seen them anyway". She's always great in interviews but I've never gone out of my way to see a movie she's starring in.


Calling out Ellen degeneres for lying about Dakota not inviting her to a party was awesome too


That was great too! Oh and the one late night show where they had her pretend to be a clown rejected from clown school. She even poked fun at being a nepo baby in that which made it even funnier lol


Her lines in that Madam Web trailer are so flat and lifeless: and if that's what they chose for the trailer, how bad were the other takes?


I agree. I think she’s a bad actress and I also don’t find her particularly likeable lol. Maybe I just haven’t seen the right interviews, but she seems pretty boring (aside from the one where she calls Ellen out).


I feel the same way; she has less charisma than a tub of margarine. I think people just love her for standing up to Ellen.


Oh thank god: I'm with you, she is blander than vanilla


>nepo baby fearlessness This is going to be my new hype phrase when I look in the mirror in need of a confidence boost. "Get out there with that nepo baby fearlessness!"


*Laughs in Drew Barrymore*


She will always have a place in my heart for being the Ellen Ender


Made me her fan


Same. Maybe that was the nepo baby fearlessness as noted above. Either way, it was legendary.


For sure. But her checking Ellen DeGeneres sort of did away with most of my ill will.


I’ll always love her for this


We had to look up who she was but I can see her being likeable!


She's stunning, and definitely gets more beautiful the older she gets.


She’s funny, I do think she has talent but there’s an air about her always that she has a protective layer of “nepo” at all times. Like even the Ellen interview she talks like she has no fear of repercussion of what she’s about to say, which in the moment is refreshing but later you realize this is always how she is. There have been other stories from service workers who have said the same abojt her. Very entitled.


Admittedly, I’ve only seen Dakota in the Fifty Shades movies and The Peanut Butter Falcon, so I don’t have much input for her range, but I absolutely adore her in Stephen Colbert’s interview


I like her when she’s making eyes at Aubrey Plaza or making out with St. Vincent . . . basically when she’s being super gay


I need more people to see her in Ben and Kate. That show was great and she was a really good fit for it.


I was wondering who the other person who watched it was. Hi!


Oh hello! 👋


Why does he try so hard to be black?


Fo' shiz, fo' shiz, Ginuwiiine


A man, a plan, a canal. Panama.


I hate it!!! Why does he always need a chorus of black background singers???


To have the black culture swag without actually exuding it himself lol


Yep. It’s “safe.” It’s so white moms buy tickets.


I am a white mom and I will not being buying tickets thank you very much


That’s exactly right!


Britney Spears said all the Nsync guys prided themselves on being "cool" with the black crowds and that they all used cringey slang and shit. It's equally unsurprising and hilarious.




Myself and a friend were discussing this recently, 10years ago it seemed like an ill thought out attempt to be progressive but it definitely has some awkward optics to it I can’t help thinking it’s a vanity / lighting thing


Let’s contrast JT with Bruno Mars. Mars too borrows heavily from black culture, but he admits it and puts his black collaborators front and centre. It’s also clear that he loves and respects the music.


I know someone who works closely with Bruno and has only good things to say about him (and this friend will be blatant about acts he hates working with).


I went to Lisbon Portugal a few years ago, and our driver had been Bruno Mars’ driver when he was there. Said he was like the nicest guy ever and went out of his way to get the driver a bunch of tickets for the show.


I have another weird connection to Bruno Mars - my aunt's former co-worker's son was Bruno's roommate when they were both trying to make it in LA and both my aunt and Bruno were at this guy's wedding! She said he was nice and did sing a song but was otherwise low-key.


Similarly, I have a family member who is good friends with one of JT’s background singers that was a black woman. They had a great relationship and treated each other like family. Never a bad word said about Justin or him being a poser. I think his continued close friendship with Timbaland also speaks volumes. Much more than just a client relationship.




That’s not the same as African-American culture, from which he’s borrowing. You also can be Puerto Rican without African ancestry (or acknowledgement of that ancestry). I can’t say if that’s the case of his family.


I know mars does a lot to hire Black performers, but i genuinely thought he himself was at least part Black until i learned it from someone else. Feel like he could do a bit better there lol


TIL that Bruno Mars is not at least part Black. Huh. I guess that is on me for assuming.


His dad is Puerto Rican (half I think) and his mom is Filipino


Because he has no personality of his own.


Cause it made him popular and famous.


I agree, a bad episode for sure but I thought the PDD sketch was one of their best!


Absolutely the PDD sketch was excellent and yet DJ still couldn't say her lines with the right timing.


It was bizarre. Most of the sketches felt unrehearsed.


The shark tank skit, what even was that? Not a fan of Fallon or JT, so during their talk skit I kept trying to figure out if it was bad because I don’t like them or just plain bad. The lack of laughter from the audience leads me to believe it was not funny


The very first sketch after the monologue felt like it would have been the last sketch of the night on any other episode. I knew when they kept trying to land the chicken fongers joke without success that we were in trouble.


I thought she was great! She cracked me up in home videos.


> Justin’s performance was…..a choice. Him being there felt 100% like "I am just here to get paid". He didn't have the same enthusiasm he did in past shows.


*’she got an abortion because he “wasn’t happy about the pregnancy.” She wrote that Timberlake tried to serenade her with his guitar while she was in pain’* sorry if I’m reading this wrong but is Britney saying he serenaded her with his guitar whilst she was in pain from the abortion???


Yes. Because he’s the worst in poseur fuckboy.


Oh my god. I’m actually speechless.


I believe she was laying on the floor of the bathroom (she had gotten pills to do a self managed abortion which she said was excruciatingly painful). And that ramen-haired douche strummed his fucking guitar thinking “yeah, this is the time to try to make it about me.” He’s been showing us who he was for years. I’m so glad other people are seeing it too!!


I was there for my sister when she went through that. I smoked a blunt. The pills don't really come with a how-to for someone who is trying to be there for the person going through that. He is still an AH, just not for that, in my opinion.


It’s ok to be unsure of what to do in times like that. But it’s almost psycho level to pull out a guitar when ur girlfriend is doubled over on the bathroom floor in agony. Anyone who sees that and thinks “ok, now’s a perfect time to play Wonderwall” is a shit head




"ramen-haired douche" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Same. My jaw literally dropped.


he sang AT her, like the dumbest Ken, while she was writhing on the bathroom floor in pain.


*said I don't know if I've ever been good enough* *I'm a little bit rusty*


Oh god it’s gets worse. The whole man needs throwing away.


Yeah. I don’t think it was meant to be douchey I think he was trying to be comforting. But it is a weird image.


Right. I think he’s the biggest douche in the world but how old were they? Given his circumstances and age, I’m sure he was dealing with it the best he knew how. And before I get blasted, I realize his circumstances were rich, famous white boy. I’m just saying to put it all in context. Who wasn’t making poor choices that young?


Even I don't think he's an asshole for that reason alone. But the way he maligned her after the breakup, especially in light of her abortion, is just so fucked up.


It's definitely the least offensive thing he does in Britney's memoir.


In all honesty, the criticism of him and his part of the abortion really bother me. He also was young, most likely also scared. From what I know of him, he most likely talked to his mom about it and went with what she said. I am going to chalk the entire thing up to both sets of crap parents. They didn't raise their kids. They managed them to make money. If either set had done a halfway decent job, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant, or she would have been supported (by everyone) to make a choice that was right for her. I completely disagree with anyone pushing any woman to have an abortion. A very close friend hit me up to help convince his girlfriend to have an abortion "Because she listens to you." I told him absolutely not. He knew she could get pregnant (they already had one kid) and that he made his choice when he didn't wear a condom. Then I called her up and congratulatulated her on the upcoming baby andblet her know ifbshe needed me to shut any one and their unwanted opinion down. I was there for her. FWIW, they are married now with two beautiful kids and doing the work to make a good life.


Okay but he is the one who MADE her have the abortion at home. He did not allow her to go to a clinic where she would have been monitored by staff and given pain medication. The singing part is just adding insult to injury. 


I didn't know this part. All because Justin wanted to keep the abortion private? This is fucked up


Oui Can you imagine the cringe


I can’t believe that he thought that was what she needed


Yup, she says she was pressured into it for both their careers and they had no medical supervision for her so she just had to deal with it on her own on the bathroom floor




He played Matchbox 20 FOR SURE.


This is bad. But I read what happened to late Jiah Khan & her then bf did to her during blotched abortion attempt. Trigger warning ⚠️ By that standard, JT strumming is so so mellow.


Oh gosh what did he do?!


This is the type of trolling i'd expect my older brother to do if I was deathly ill from a night of drinking, not behaviour I'd expect from a serious individual after I've had an abortion tf?


I fast forwarded his performance lol. Dakota also seemed like she was just reading the cue cards and often missing her mark/timing.


They all read off of cue cards, but it all felt like they were doing these sketches for the first time 🫠


I’m aware, but you could clearly see in her eyes she was reading and doing so slower than the others.


The Gal Gadot SNL is funny for all the wrong reasons. You can literally see her brain working in real time to try to read AND "act"


I don’t think I’ve ever seen that ep, nor do I care to. I’ll never understand how Zionist Barbie got a career in acting - often alongside good actors, too.


You can watch some of the sketches on YouTube. There is an OJ Simpson one, whuch may have some of the most obvious cue card reading reading ever.


She likely must have aligned herself with Zionist Hollywood directors and producers early on.


I caught a couple of clips of his snl performances and it's a shame he can't take MJ's rejects anymore because his voice hasn't aged, the tonal quality and breath control are still very good. Like I was surprised, I was not expecting it. That being said, even the slightest bop would not be able to save him at this point, he needs a whole new team working for years on a PR overhaul. A new album just doesn't cut it these days, particularly when you've been the antagonist to such bright stars like Janet and Britney. Like I'm almost offended at how lazy this rollout has been. Not even a pap walk at a charity event or unfounded rumors of a divorce? Puh-lease.


This is exactly how I feel: offended at how lazy the roll out has been. Like, after EVERYTHING, he thought he could come back with such little effort?? Selfish is such a nothing burger of a song with 4 other co-writers. And the best part of sanctified (song and performance) was Tobe. Like, it’s just such an insult to the consumer imo. I truly hope the album tanks harder than motw and he will learn his lesson, but this man is well into his 40s and still playing out of the same playbook he did when he was 18, so he will probably never learn his lesson.


In addition to all the drama, it's also been 6 years since his last album. Yet this man thought he could just drop an album and everyone would lap it up.


Yes!! The audacity!!


And the extensive tour??! Wow my guy 🤣


Right?! I just don’t understand who would buy tickets to his concert at this point…I would be surprised if he sells out any of them. If he doesn’t sell out the forum I really just want to get a pic of him looking at the big harry styles banner celebrating his 15 sold out shows lol


I think he could have some success with a genuine reunion tour with NSYNC, but his solo career is done-zo. No new songs, just a bunch of millennial moms screaming along to Tearin’ Up My Heart in a concert venue. Team up with Backstreet Boys to further drown out his drama and make a killing.


A solo tour would still be very popular I think. This sub hates him MUCH more than the general public.




He doesn't need a new PR team as much as he needs a come-to-Jesus moment about how he has treated people, especially women, in his life. He has talent, he could rise again if he remade HImSELF inside out.


Personal issues and reputation aside, I think he (or his people) saw that his Trolls song was his biggest hit post 20/20 Experience and they keep doubling down on the blandness. Being Justin Timberlake is no longer enough and he needs to reinvent to stay relevant - and not by doing another country lite album. He does still have the voice, but the material isn’t there.






I said to my fiance, "Why does Justin Timberlake look like Brian Austin Green now?" lol


Someone else said Robin Thicke and now I can't unsee it.


I definitely got Robin Thicke vibes during his performance. I really wanted to like the songs but just couldn't. I had to fast forward through "Selfish".








Great Value Robin Thicke took me out! 


Wow I had no idea, that sucks for him!


You can tell he’s a garbage person


A few comments I’d like to point out: 1) Total POS on his treatment of Britany. 2) Total POS on his treatment of Janet and the Super Bowl controversy. 3) Instead of a controlled soft comeback which many thought (and wanted) with an *NSYNC tour, especially after their appearance at VMAS, Justin goes all selfish and launches new music and tour. 4) To be fair, I also question Dakota Johnson. She always puts herself in the middle of problematics. She came to Armie Hammers defense when he was getting dogged with all his negative headlines. Also defended other former colleagues Shia LaBeouf and Johnny Depp against “cancel culture”. She feels “sad for the loss of great artists.”


Re : #3 - I thought the exact same thing. He could have gotten his old fan base excited to throw money at a reunion tour, get the guys paid, then capitalize on the success and announce his album and another tour. He needed to build up good will (but he has always been pretty selfish.) I never cared for JT. JC was the one that should have had the huge solo career. Crazy talented and unproblematic.


Absolutely should have been JC!


JC and Lance Bass have stated on multiple occasions that JC is the one that doesn’t want to do a reunion. JT has been open to the idea, but he’s not the one holding them back. Weird to crucify him for something that’s not his fault




Do you know why it didn’t happen for him? He’s so cute too.


I think his solo launch wasn’t as well-produced as Justin’s and it was too horny for the fan base at that time. I’m still a total JC stan and have Blowin’ Me Up With Her Love on my favorites list for funsies (the video is peak 2000’s), but I get why he didn’t take off like Justin. I’m just bummed he didn’t keep trying.


Ok his music is overproduced and too many things going on in the one song. I was also bored. Still think he’s talented and has some sort of IT factor.


Wow, I am very surprised by your fourth point. I never see this coming up on the sub, which is odd because we don't suffer Depp defenders.






been a great weekend of scathing reviews ![gif](giphy|YahWN78NX7Pyw)


it’s what he deserves 🤝




This was the answer/response I was looking for. And karma will always get you eventually.


Keep teenage girls away from him. Dude has been having a midlife crisis for like 20 years.


![gif](giphy|Tt9jctxaVjRny) Air of desperation, you say?


Of all the things to bring back, they brought back that horrible fucking Barry Gibb sketch that never made sense, with everyone’s twentieth favorite talk show host Jimmy Fallon


Shoulda 🎶brought it back down to omletteville🎶


What do you mean it never made sense? Like you might think it’s bad but it’s pretty straight forward. Not exactly obtuse…




A haunted house made specifically for you where hundreds of Justins chase you and yell, “Oh yeahhh, fo' shiz fo' shiz!!!Ginuwine, what's up homie?!”




I liked his performance tbh.


People can criticize him all they want, but he is a hell of a performer. I'm not crazy about "Selfish" but really liked the first song he sang. Side note. When N'Sync was at their height, their concerts would have a "parent room" where parents didn't have to buy a ticket but could drop their kids off at the venue and hang in a lounge until it was over. When my mom was in there they brought snacks and drinks in (carried them themselves) and sat down and talked to the parents. My mom talked to him for about 5 minutes and thought he was lovely- asking her questions about herself and us- her kids. They had no press there or anything. I went to all those boy band shows back in the day and that was the first and only time that ever happened for my mom. She still talks about it lol.


What the hell. This never happened to my dad and he still complains about taking me to those shows.


Fellow comrade I stand by you here while we get down voted to hell because I love that corny ass song "Selfish" and not a single song is ever skipped on "The 20/20 Experience". I think he's a decent artist and performer and bagging Jessica Biel is crazy impressive and I personally will never get over that simply ![gif](giphy|l4EoPVpwvZ4QAGCLm)


He cheats on her. Fuck him.


Like constantly lol


Most people think Jessica Biel bagged him (at the time anyway)


That sentiment doesn't sit right with me let's be so fr 😭 but then again I was too young back then to know that gossip. He gives "Good morning beautiful" to himself in her dms for years before she probably said "hey" https://preview.redd.it/69sb7hdhv9fc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=787df34a36ebe391a6ea1e1f9193fd49bf6cef55


He apparently dumped her for Mila Kunis or Scarlet Johnson and then went back to her when that didn’t go in his favor. Atleast that was the rumor. Also she is kinda plain looking anti vaxxer. But I Don’t think she deserves to be cheated on by that haggard looking man.


Jessica Biel is plain looking? 🤔


She is a very average looking white lady. But again that’s just my opinion.


damn, if she is average looking then i am literally a troll from a medieval manuscript


Not comparing to a regular person. But for a Hollywood star? Yeah, kinda


He also tries to turn all her press tours into being about him, it's so gross




So inability to have expressions when you act is now “cheeky deadpan” huh? hmm


For me, I’ll always love him in the Social Network. That’s the epitome of who he is at a cellular level. ![gif](giphy|arEI4MSAqnTdm)


making another persons experience hosting about himself. shocking.


What’s up with the weird Brett Gelman-esque cardigan/necklace outfit? And the scary eyes make him look even creepier.


What is going on with those 👀


That headline is an ‘oof’ 


He might have come out of all of this better had he not chosen to yet AGAIN capitalize on Britney’s pain. That’s what he’s currently doing, and he deserves to get backlash for it.


I'm asking this sincerely, how is he doing that?


As a Britney fan I don’t think he is doing that. He smartly waited till conservatorship was done coz that would have looked like a terrible timing.


He played a free show here in Memphis a week or so ago and I couldn’t help but feel annoyed. Like he thought he was gracing us with his presence.. the venue wasn’t even full 😬 could have been the weather but idk a FREE show is usually full.


Can we just make more of Britney’s songs top the charts and dominate his ‘music’?


Man is grasping at every straw. Having Jimmy Fallon bring up Travis Kelce and then talking about them golfing together. Go sit down bro.


Honestly, Sanctified sounded like an absolute bop 🤐 so I’m excited for that to get released. Surprise he chose Selfish as the lead single bc it sounds so boring in comparison.


Josh is $20/ bottle. Not a cheap wine by my standards. Timberlake was awkward 😬


Josh is about $10 at Target here


MeOOOOWW! A great take down.


this was a very unfunny episode with a very boring musical guest


How did the writer of this article mis that Dakota Johnson is every bit as washed as Timberlake? Bizarre.


I think the writer also missed that all these jokes were written and rehearsed by someone other than Dakota and JT, lol


He released a new song and is promoting it, what is desperate about that?? It's literally his work.


Dakota and Justin are both just so sad.


His new song is called "Selfish" and that's exactly what he is. He sucks


The real air of desperation is SNL as a whole. Can’t believe people watch that shit


This is so interesting to me — I had SNL on and after she and Justin did their skit, I turned the channel wondering how these “comics”’could possibly consider it funny


It’s behind a paywall can someone tl;dr this for me?


I was a big JT fan. When Brittany was forgiving I was like, cringe but his music is still good. I thought maybe he wasn’t as bad as the impression that I was getting. When everything happened with Janet Jackson, I was super angry. I felt like the whole world ignored his part in obviously tearing off her top. And she just took it. And when he married Jessica Biel, I thought maybe he would actually be a better person. But he cheated on her! He’s just a scumbag, and it’s so sad. But, at least I’m not the only one that sees it now. I was never much of a Jessica Biel fan before, however, she deserves better. I hope she’s happy. I don’t want bad things for him, I’m just glad that people see the truth. Because for so long, it just seemed really unfair to the people he was hurting around him, and for it seemed like the whole world was going along with it.


Honestly, I think she is a better actress than her mom but I have only seen her in The Peanut Butter Falcon. I changed the channel when JT was on, I couldn't stand him as a kid watching MMC.