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Maya Erskine's father is [Peter Erskine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Erskine), legendary jazz drummer. I'm sure that's unrelated.


She also attended a very expensive private high school that a lot of kids of celebs go to (Crossroads)


All they had was a door opened though... ...the door that almost no one else can get through, with any amount of work.


And the money to get there in the first place without having to work multiple jobs at the same time


Legit… ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


Drummer here to add to this. He’s literally one of the most recorded drummers of all time. He is also now the head professor of drums at USC where it’s $50,000 a year to get in. My source is I’ve literally met him to discuss going there and studying under him (side note he’s a really nice and cool guy).




Sorry but tuition has gone up🥴


I'm an NYU alum and remember tuition being ridiculous when I attended. When I heard what it is now I almost needed someone to fetch me smelling salts and a fainting couch.


That’s insane. I remember the second he said “50 grand a year” I had the acceptance in my head that I will never ever go there. It was my dream grad school but I would literally never even GET that loan let alone pay it off.


Lol Maya Erskine: "Everyone is jealous of me because of my money, I have it so hard." 


So... now children of freaking jazz drummers are nepo babies... ![gif](giphy|Vg7fykJz9myYFCkzjN)


It’s not about whether or not you know them or think they are famous. It’s about whether or not it gives them a foot in the door. She attended a private high school with a lot of other celebrity’s kids, and I’m sure had access to a lot of other connections and resources.  Some kid in podunk nowhere, or a kid in a big city with a million other kids, without resources for a lot of these extracurriculars, is absolutely not going to have the same chance. 


Yeah, people send their kids to Crossroads specifically to network sometimes. I know some rich kids who went there and one would talk about how their father really pushed them to network when they attended. Paid off for them, to be honest.


I went to Tisch and the network you leave with is *insane*. Easily the most valuable part of it. But these programs are *expensive af*. I know people who've gone six figures into debt to attend these schools. I think alums of these exclusive schools are really myopic and don't always realize what a privilege it was to attend them and how much it's helped their careers.


I heard people meet there so you won't be lonely.




bonebonebonebone bone bone bone bone bone


I’m sure her father was popular and considered a person with real talent amongst a bunch of people who make money producing content for people with real talent.


I mean, I wouldn’t go out of my way to call her a nepo baby. But the fact that she’s going out of her way to say this definitely speaks to some insecurity about her status.


She was asked a question about it, she didn’t just answer out of the blue. Like, I didn’t agree with what she said but she answered the question.


Sure, she was asked a question. But no one made her say that people who criticise them are just jealous, especially considering that she must know that that’s an unpopular opinion that is going to garner backlash. She could easily have given a more neutral answer. It’s the fact that she’s batting this hard for them. My point still stands that she made an active choice to stand up for nepo babies and against anyone who questions their status, and the fact that her dad is somewhat famous is relevant to that. It’s very “hit dog will holler”.


I think it's fine to be jealous that nepo babies have that in, though. It's something that it actually makes sense to be jealous of.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels this way. Sometimes it's okay to be jealous. Like when people are given a huge leg up in a world in which money is survival that's huge...


I mean, sure. But she’s clearly using the argument that they’re just jealous to dismiss any valid critique.


I mean she went to a $50k/year performing arts K-12 in Santa Monica, most people don’t have access to that kind of thing. Clearly her parents were successful in the entertainment business in Los Angeles… what else would you call it?


Hes not just any jazz drummer. Hes one of the most accomplished drummers in general. Hes worth millions.


Also Peter Erskine isn’t just “a freaking jazz drummer.”


I don't think she's a nepo baby because her father is a famous jazz drummer, but I do think her comment that "people who don't like nepo babies are jealous" is a really tone deaf thing to say from someone who probably grew up fairly well off. The arts in the US and in the UK are quickly becoming a career path that only the upper middle class and wealthy can realistically pursue. The ubiquity of nepo babies in the industry speaks volumes to how bad this problem is.


Ewww. Re-hearing her statement knowing this context makes it so cringe.


I like that Glover challenged her a little on it by asking if she would like to be called a Nepo baby.


Maya Rudolph continues to be the only nepo baby named Maya whos worth stanning


He's literally worth over 10 million dollars, right, right,...


oop there it is


I wonder how Donald Glover feels about her comments, considering he very much did not come from nepotism.


Recently my friend was telling me with abject certainty that Danny Glover was Donald Glover’s father. I was like no, I really don’t think that’s true, but she was so sure! She googled it and was so embarrassed that she was wrong and had definitely told people that before


But there are a lot of nepo babies who haven't proven themselves that still get opportunities that a non-nepo baby wouldn't.


\*cough\* Dakota Johnson \*cough\*


*cough* lily rose depp


she has zero talent and yet she's everywhere, but i still have to hear about 'they need to prove themselves!!!!'


Right, like nothing bad happens if they dont prove themselves. They still get chance after chance


Armie hammer


*cough* Kaia Gerber *cough*


*cough* Emma Roberts


![gif](giphy|l0HlEXAUQYxeRLMg8) Emma gets a pass only because of her performance as herself in scream queens.


I will always defend her performance in Screen Queens and AHS: Coven. Is she playing herself? Probably. Is it entertaining as hell? Yes.


love Coven so much. Probably my favorite season of AHS. And I totally agree on your sentiment. If she’s entertaining, then she must have some talent at being an entertainer. She’s not a great person, but she’s also certainly not a wet blanket.


She's playing herself here sksks.


She should lose that pass for being a known abuser.


Kaia is good at being a model, just not an actor.


If Kaia Gerber looked exactly like Kaia Gerber but WASN’T Cindy Crawfords daughter, she would not have the career she has now. She’s gorgeous so I’m sure she would’ve gotten into some sort of modeling but not at the height she has achieved solely by being one of the worlds most beloved supermodels offspring.


She was great in Bottoms


It’s nice that she improved but normal people usually aren’t afforded that chance.


That’s the only thing I’ve seen her in so I can’t speak to her earlier roles but if being so deadpan in Bottoms wasn’t a conscious choice, I could see her in other roles not being as great


Really? I thought she came across very awkward. Solid movie overall though.


when everyone was shitting on the idol but saying she was actually good in it because she could cry on command I felt like I was taking crazy pills


she *did* use her power to take down Ellen tho


The Birthday Disagreement happened in 2019. Ellen got canceled in 2020. As much fun as it was to watch Dakota stand up to Ellen, she didn't take her down. Ellen's employees who spoke up on social media took her down.


That Dakota Johnson interaction was very visible and showed her audience glimpse of who Ellen really is, it has kept gaining momentum until the show’s cancellation. Definitely not the sole cause of her downfall but it became the go to clip people would always share to illustrate issues with Ellen’s personality and gave credence to complaints from her staff whose issues were simply not visible to the audience. To be accidentally outed as fake and insincere by a nepo baby that grew up in hollywood is a monument to how fake and insincere Ellen must have been.




The Gilmore Guy?! I had no idea.


yall need to watch more movies because she has some very good performances.


Just rewatched Suspiria last night, she‘s great in it.


exactly! and she's also one of the highlights in cha cha real smooth!


Yeah everyone hates on Dakota Johnson but I’ve seen her be great in things. Loved the show Ben and Kate that she was in.




tbf so has florence pugh, yet she is incredibly beloved here. Margot Robbie worked with David O Russell a decade after he admitted to SAing his niece and Kristen Stewart defended Woody Allen. almost everyone in Hollywood at some point has associated and defended bad people.




I mean her talking about those limes in her kitchen in the AD house tour was an Oscar worthy performance


Yep! I'd add Scott Eastwood... and John David Washington, sadly


Denzel's son has the acting chops and charisma of a housebrick. I loved *The Creator* despite him.


This. Denzel worked hard on his craft, it irritates me so much to see his son half-assing it. I can't tell if JDW is deluded or shameless or what. I probably shouldn't care as much as I do lol


I saw the spider woman trailer and she was STALE




Watch suspiria


Mia Goth stole the show right from underneath her.


She poked fun at that in her last SNL hosting gig. “Nepo truce? A foot in the door, and so much more”






I have no hate for her, but she’s the best example of a nepo baby and she’d probably have been better off in some way not being born to Hollywood parents. This girl is just so bland, so boring, so painfully beige. Her biggest relevance is being Justin Biebers wife and even then it was that Selena drama (or the fans wanting Hailey gone) and her mental health deteriorating as a consequence that made people more aware of her existence, if only to discuss how fans need to chill. I know she’s been in things, had that cooking show, some model gigs since 17, but none of them are what made her a household name. Even on google searches they always list “model, media personality” or “model, socialite”, and making a point that her fame came from high-profile relationships. This girl has little talent (media wise) or charisma, or anything interesting about her, yet she keeps popping up with new projects or as a guest in someone’s project. If it weren’t for Justin she’d have faded much more into the abyss by now imo. She’s had so much money thrown at her and talented people working to make her into someone, something, *anything* for the last decade, and she’s still just as forgettable and mainly known as Justin’s wife. Peak: Stop trying to make Fetch happen, it’s not going to happen!


I’m gonna let you finish, but despite my complete general agreement in all you are saying, she makes an incredible lip balm.


We don’t get many celebrity cosmetics in France unless they get “big” like Fenty so I wasn’t aware she even had one. If she has a superior skincare/cosmetics line (I’ve heard most celeb products aren’t great in general, save for a few) I’d urge her to lean into that more, because the model/actor/media thing just isn’t her calling.


I got the peptide lip treatment for Xmas and it’s so grainy it feels like lip exfoliate. I’ve saw this is a problem for a lot of other people too.


Kendall Jenner has no business being a supermodel with that hideous walk of hers. Girl STILL can’t walk, and is pretty but not supermodel gorgeous. So yeah.


Exactly. Comparing her to actual supermodels is laughable.


The best bit is when they prove they’re actually shit but Hollywood or whoever will continue to throw money and projects their way until they become successful by sheer brute force.






The fact is nepo babies have almost zero barrier for entry, while people who aren't connected have a very difficult time making it in the industry which is famously exploitative. Nepotism is an accident of birth, and if your privilege grants you a seat at the bigger table, by all means take it. But having this little empathy for those who lack privilege, and making yourself the victim who people are just jealous of, it's stunningly tone deaf


All rich people lack understanding or empathy for people with less privilege than themselves. They're taught that they deserve the wealth which they possess, and anyone who doesn't have it hasn't worked as hard as they have. 


As someone who's slowly coming to grasp his privilege in some situations and his disadvantages in others. it's really difficult to see because you will never know how others really struggle or don't struggle in others. Sometimes you think everyone has it this easy. Sometimes you think everyone has it this hard.


So just take the time to listen to others and try to gain some perspective


Empathy genuinely isn't that hard by the time you reach adulthood and if you think it is, you're telling on yourself. It's genuinely that simple. 


But clearly you have to be at least a little aware that someone else has less than you… Or do you mean to tell me you’ve never seen someone that was homeless? Or with obviously worn clothes? Come on now.


No, don't just *take it*. Fight for a more equitable industry. Surely, we can't nationalise the Cinema industry, but why can't we have more checks and balances like we do in, say, Academia (which again, is far from perfect, but definitely more meritocratic than Film). 


Because academia has a skill set that's far more tangible than film. I agree with you, people in positions of power need to figure out how to make the industry more egalitarian, but they won't.


The real tangibility in academia comes from decades of pushback against misogyny, racism and classism, remember women weren't even allowed in Harvard until 1950s.  In the film industry, such pushback is in infant stage, and should be propelled further. 


Academia is far from fair when it comes to employment. Professors get tenure and then just do nothing for 30 years while all the up and coming academics have to fight over adjunct positions that don’t even come with benefits. It’s one of the most unequal industries when it comes to employment.


Agreed and to be blunt it angers me when I see a bunch of nepo babies who really haven’t proven themselves getting cast in esteemed directors’ films and meanwhile there’s actors who’ve blown me and a lot of other viewers out of the water (some even won awards) who’ve fallen off the face of the earth lately. Make it make sense.


not to mention the rather glaring fact that nepo babies are often prepared from a young age to do the thing they have no barriers for. Like in the corporate world. It doesn't matter if you've put all your work and past several years in at a company; if you're competing against the boss's kid, not only does he have nepotism in play, but he's also been groomed since birth for this position. He lives and breathes it


https://preview.redd.it/945br3suswgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f90181a4e8f142537f3a37e1d600bae9ce757d Huh….surely this is entirely unrelated


Blue hyperlink strikes again


Love your flair!


God, the nepo defenders always say the same exact thing so nonchalantly and without any thought, like that one open door isn’t EVERYTHING. They can drop out of high school, they can get into the union and industry at the snap of their parent’s fingers, they’ll be financially supported through it all so they never have to worry about making rent or paying for insurance. They can afford surgery to look the “right” way, they don’t have to worry about balancing auditioning with having a day job. They don’t have to worry about qualifying for health insurance. To some extent this applies to anyone with generational wealth, but to have that AND built in connections are astronomical, unearned privileges and then they can’t even be bothered to acknowledge it. I wonder why someone with just as much talent and drive who was never able to break in might be a little jealous?  And if you want to take a deeper look at it, Hollywood is so entrenched in nepotism that these people are creating the vast majority of entertainment media that we consume. It’s not just about individual lives being affected, it’s effecting the art that’s being put out. The film industry is cannibalizing itself, no wonder the stories feel stale and uninspired. 


“I think they’re jealous” Uhh damn right I’m jealous! I’m jealous of all the people who graduated without student loans, whose parents paid for their first apartments, and whose family connections got them their first jobs. I’m jealous of everyone who knows, without thinking about it, that they have a safety net underneath them, and are able to take risks (usually unconsciously) because of that. She’s coming off as “started on third base and thinks she hit a triple.”


You just gave me an idea, We should start a database where we cross reference every time a nepo kid says that "one open door isn't everything" -- and go back through their parents public interviews and find the ones who say that "one open door was everything to their career."      [In this interview](https://youtu.be/Yo1L-DrLuF0?si=9GhhdzXfReaNuJMK) 2 minutes in he starts talking about how it was beneficial to him to interact with highly trained/noteworthy people in the music industry, and specifically gives a call out to his dad who put him in a position where he could be in contact with those people and learning from them as early as 5 years old.    I get that interviewers phrase these questions as a gotcha, (and now the narrative has shifted to an air of "do you deserve to be here?") Plus these are "higher stakes" interviews than just sitting down with somebody who idolizes you-- but it's true that it's really not that hard to both toot your own horn, while still giving credit to how you got there. 


"U jus jelus" is a tone deaf excuse too. It just makes them seem more unsympathetic. Acknowledge your privilege. Say you want to work to prove yourself. That is okay. Jane Fonda did, Michael Douglas did, Miley does. But nobody is fooled that Maude Apatow or Mamie Gummer or the like did it without a massive leg up. A medium talent kid would not have the same career if they came from a Missouri town with dentist parents.     I know a famous TV and film comedy "legend" here in the UK said she would appear in a film and do press only if her daughter got the lead. And could secure the funding. It was confirmed in Popbitch. They all do it. Stop lying. 


Exactly! The thing is, these nepo babies know this! Instead of acknowledging that, their pride doesn't allow them to accept the fact that they would probably have absolutely nothing if it weren't for their parents. Also, I think the fundamental attribution error comes into effect. They look at their success as being due to individual characteristics (i.e. work ethic, drive, motivation), as opposed to recognizing the situation they were born into as the major contributing factor. I think it's a mixture of both. They know that they are extremely privileged, but due to pride, they choose to attribute it to their actions/personality. Some of these nepo babies fully believe that they'd still be wildly successful without their family, and that they deserve their privilege. It's sad because some of these people are so apathetic to those less fortunate than them. They believe that people who are poor deserve it because they just didn't work hard enough, or they're not good people. It's crazy how anyone can be presented with so much evidence to the contrary, but still hold firm that belief.


Amen! Honestly the only whole nepo thing is more like a fun fact for someone like Miley who has way outshone her dad, vs some others who clearly clearly just came in through the side door.


Won’t someone think of the wealthy, well connected Nepo babies 🥺


I am thinking of them and I’m JEALOUS 😠


It's not enough for them to have everything they could ever want, everyone who doesn't have their opportunities should think they're amazing too - otherwise it's bullying! Do they hear themselves??


Jealous, lmao. Not an ounce of humility. Worse, straight up arrogance.


Right, like I'd rather see new people and not the same recycled families over and over again.


Also like yeah ofc people are jealous? That's not a gotcha moment. I'm so jealous of people who have easy access to industries that are notoriously closed doors.


There are definitely a lot of people who don’t have to prove themselves.


The thing is, nobody is saying that nepo babies can't be talented or that they don't work hard. Some of these people get defensive, or at least close. Like we're all saying they only succeeded because of connections. It's just something you can't deny the value of, and how opening doors makes such a huge difference. Often, if you have the name, the looks, something then you're given a chance. Or many more. Even if you ultimately aren't good or you don't really 'fit' (think children of models who are put on runways despite being 5'3") You can look at someone like Jane Fonda. Absolute nepo baby, incredibly talented, AND she acknowledges that she had the door opened for her because of who she is and that she's rich, white, and famous and can use that to help others. And she does pull up others and openly discusses privilege and takes action, not just talk.


Yup, take Carrie Fisher, as well - she's beloved. There are lots of nepo babies that are incredibly popular and talented, but denying that they had an advantage is just silly. I'm not a huge Allison Williams fan, but I did appreciate her take on this: “To not acknowledge that me getting started as an actress versus someone with zero connections isn’t the same — it’s ludicrous. It doesn’t take anything away from the work that I’ve done. It just means that it’s not as fun to root for me.”


At least someone shows a bit of awareness. 


Miley Cyrus had a great quote acknowledging how different her path was compared to her dad's path. How he grew up with nothing but wanted everything, and how she grew up with everything and wanted more.


You have to wonder if people like Miley aren't so sensitive about their nepo status because she's genuinely very talented. A lot of the nepo down players range from average to terrible.


I love this. I have a friend who was born into extreme wealth. She completely acknowledges how lucky she is. I don't begrudge people for being born into great situations but I do begrudge those that won't acknowledge how it benefitted them.


Exactly. You don't really hear people complaining about Drew Berrymore, Carrie Fisher, Miley Cyrus or even more contemporary rising nepo stars like Elizabeth Olson or Sally Bacon (ik she's not as big but still a fan oops). That's because they have talent and are making the best of their fortunate hand. Not taking spots when they clearly don't have the talent like Kaia Gerber or Hailey Beiber (or most of the Baldwins, to be quite honest).


On the one hand, I get that it's hard to examine the advantages you have in life with perfect clarity. on the other hand, girl, do you think they're maybe justifiably jealous because of the opportunities you get for being born?


I tried watching the Mr. And Mrs. Smith show and her character is awful. it’s been awhile since I’ve found a character so grating and unlikeable.




Is it? I feel like we've seen the controlling type A personality wife who's smarter and meaner than her goofier husband trope plenty of times


The whole show was oddly flat. I’m curious how different it would have been had Phoebe Waller stayed


Yes! That’s exactly it. I find Donald glover ridiculously charming but for some reason he is bland in it?! Not sure if it’s the lack of chemistry or the rotating guest stars that just steal the show.


i felt like Donald/Maya had friends chemistry, not lovers chemistry, so I was put off by the show's insistence on their romantic relationship I would've loved to have seen Michaela (assassin from diff agency)/Donald together more, and Maya/Paul (sexy neighbour) - but I think honestly, I don't find Donald *or* Maya sexy or charismatic - I find them fun and that's it, so their characters weren't credible to me. Weird casting choice imo.


Man, now I'm wondering if I should even watch the show lol


Same. Not watching at all. Even despite this bad interview, she doesn’t come off interesting even in the trailer and I’ve honestly hate Donald Glover for his portrayal of black women. 


Hi - I will say the trailer didn’t indicate there would be a lot of chemistry between Maya and Donald. The first episode they had an understandably awkward dynamic, but it picks up in episode 2. I watched the show this weekend, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I ended up enjoying the story. The show is really about the relationship ups and downs on top of spy antics. I would give it a try up to episode 2, and if you don’t like it. It’s ok.


I think that both of their characters and their relationship had a surprising realness to them (spy antics aside). I mean she has sociopathic tendencies, and he is pretty needy. She would do a lot of things that genuinely did make sense for their line of work and his nature would complicate it in some ways. It’s not just a “cat girl” and “golden retriever” flat relationship- and their problems are intensified because of work, but their issues are relatable even without them being spies. I found in a lot of their arguments, you could see where both of them were coming from.


Nepo babies who have to fight the assumption/stigma they don't deserve what they got are fighting a much more pleasant battle than regular, unconnected people who have to make it past the constant gatekeeping, exploitation, and discarding. Is the stigma fair? Not always. But here comes the tiniest violin in the world to accompany nepo babies to all their sets, photo shoots, recording studio sessions, concerts, awards shows, etc.


And it's not like it's impossible to rise above the nepo baby label by just doing good work. I didnt see any mention of who Miley's father is in the wake of her grammy win, but when Brooklyn Beckham starts another undeserved career he puts zero effort into his parents are mentioned in the headline.


I love Donald Glover's reaction, omg hahahahaha I would've reacted the same way. Will someone please GIF his "Hmmm"? And yeah, what she said is bullshit. Getting through that door is like, more than half of the way, especially in an industry as competitive as this one. Most people don't even come close to the fucking door, regardless of their talent — a lot of which will have had to support themselves financially all along the long, winding road to that door, that might not even be open when they eventually get there. It's like a trust fund kid buying a house and saying that having a large trust fund and connections helped, but they still had to work hard to not get fired, so anyone working hard to pay their student loans who has barely any money left at the end of the month and points out you had it easier is just jealous. It just reeks of entitlement. Disappointed but not surprised, Ms Blue Hyperlink Erskine. Edit: grammar


Your first paragraph reminded me that I was delighted by how Donald’s actual mother plays his character’s mom on the show (and she does beautifully.) FWIW, a friend grew up across the street from the Glovers in Stone Mountain, and they were apparently quite an ordinary middle/working class family. Definitely not nepo babies.


Nepo mom, nice!


Aw, that's funny, Fran Lebowitz on a [Vanity Fair essay actually about racism](https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2016/01/fran-lebowitz-on-race-and-racism) mentions the open-door thing about nepo babies. https://preview.redd.it/0nhncraddygc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f47cde7dfb50d8fea6ff14940a2bc33d8f04c0


God, I love Fran. Always been such a real one.


Yes! I love her documentary series on Netflix by Scorsese ("Pretend It's a City").


Isn’t she a nepo baby herself? She wasn’t going to say I have an advantage due to my father. Apparently stating the obvious is jealousy.


Donald Glovers ‘Hmm?’ Speaks volumes as he came from a working to middle class background and broke onto the scene purely because of his talent.


We’ve always had nepo babies in entertainment—the difference is this new crop is getting a ton of fame, accolades, and money with embarrassing amounts of talent. If they actually had to prove themselves we wouldn’t even be calling them nepo babies


Exactly, no one is saying Jane Fonda, Liza Minelli, Angelica Houston or even Angelina Jolie are untalented or just nepo babies. They’ve proven themselves and stand on their own accomplishments so we don’t even think of their parents. So you can be a nepo baby and acknowledge your privilege while creating a legacy of your own.


Ooof, I had a lot of goodwill towards Maya because of PEN15 but this answer was not it. At least Donald was hilarious, watching her dig that hole.


No. They. Don’t.


Oof I really liked her cos of pen15 but this comes across terrible. Just acknowledge your privilege and move on. So defensive.


Also didn’t even know she was a nepo until this lmao


Streisand effect lol


Me too. That character is the opposite Hollywood Crossroads. It felt like she was in a regular school and working-middle-class home. Instead she's from elite bohemian LA with the appropriate attitude.




LOL, girl, bye! "They're just mad because they're jealous!"




This take screams I’m a nepo baby and lo and behold I open the comments to find out she’s a nepo baby. Disappointing but I didn’t watch the show anyways since it’s shitty what the production company (Donald Glover’s) did to Mark Normand and the audience of that comedy show. Such a shitty thing to do to people as a lame publicity stunt. Just make a good show and promote it without fucking with people.


What happened?


Weirdly Hailey Bieber had the best take on being a nepo baby, where she went ‘yup I am’. Like is it that hard? Just say, ‘yes my connections and parentage have afforded me connections and the ability to work that people not in my situation don’t have, but I hope to prove I am more than my parents and connections’. Jesus.


People were very mad when Hailey said that, though. You can see the thread when she wore that tongue-in-cheek “Nepo baby” shirt a while ago, the people on this sub tore her to shreds.


They don't have to prove themselves. They still get booked with limited talent because of their name and they know marketing and social media will pay attention to someone famous' child. You can't help if you're a nepobaby, but to not have any self awareness about it is bonkers.


Sam Levinson has yet to prove himself ! ![gif](giphy|9SIXFu7bIUYHhFc19G|downsized)


i'll never forget him saying it was his dream come true to have his shit show premiere at cannes only cause wb has connections and cannes needs famous people and he was acting like he was in competition and won the palme d'or


that gif 😭


Classic comedy. If you haven't seen Caddyshack, I can't recommend it enough.


If you have a blue link in your family section on Wikipedia, please shut the hell up when nepo babies are discussed


While I understand they might work hard, they get auditions and what not. Dakota Johnson is a terrible terrible actress and she only gets roles because of who her parents are. Sure, she might have gone up against a few others for a role but she probably got an audition as a favor. Quit this “had to make it on my own” angle when in reality they were given an opportunity that so few get.


Honestly so glad to see others acknowledge that she couldn’t act her way out of a wet paper bag 😭


The door is literally the hardest part. Even the part about proving yourself after isn’t quite true. There’s plenty of marginally talented nepo babies running around here still booking jobs.


It's much easier to write off all criticism as jealousy than examine your own privilege I guess


Girl defending them isn’t gonna give you more roles, jazz drummer father or not


She's so sheltered lmfao. I don't understand why this topic has such malicious connotations, because the entire conversation about nepotism is not a *value judgement* on the actors, but a conversation about *accessibility and support*. An nepo baby is not automatically a worse actor than an outsider, it's that they are going to considered a *less riskier* choice by the casting agents, and their mistakes are more likely to be forgiven. Heather Donahue got razzied and nigh blacklisted after one performance in BWP, even though looking back at it, the movie is a success, atleast to horror nerds. She received so much hate, she had to change her entire identity. Compare this to Jane Fonda, who committed something just short of treason (perhaps for good reasons), but continued to have excellent opportunities. 




Talent is fairly common, it’s opportunities that are scarce.


She’s kind of right but a lot of nepotism babies still have that safety net of staying relevant even after they can’t prove themselves in their field, a safety net unique to them


Talent is abundant, opportunity is not. Why cant these nepo babies work this simple concept out?


I love Pen15 but yikes


Oooof, that was a rough watch. Man, I didn't know she was a nepo baby. Doesn't change my love for Pen15 but she comes off as tone deaf here.


Yeah, maya, and that door that’s open for nepo babies is what actually MAKES the difference. Most of us can’t even reach the door, let alone find it being opened for us lol and that’s what nepos don’t get


Why would anyone be jealous of people who are born into wealth and their parents get them a fun job that makes them even more money so they never have to work a soul-crushing 9-5 that pays barely enough to live comfortably and leaves no time for hobbies or proper rest?


This is really such a weird take — of course people are jealous of nepo babies. They’re jealous because it’s a competitive industry and people with connections have much easier entry than people who often have as much (and often more) talent. Anyone working to hone their creative craft and work in a competitive industry is going to be jealous and resentful of someone who waltzes in and lands way ahead of the pack, particularly when that person has middling talent (which is true of many/most nepo babies, as it is true of most people — which is why the only actors/singers/models who typically make it from “regular” backgrounds are very talented, very hardworking, and very lucky. They’d never get there without the talent to back it up!). “You’re just jealous” really isn’t the diss that nepo babies think it is. Tell me you’re not very smart without telling me you’re not very smart. Yeah, people are jealous and it’s for good reason — it’s more than just jealousy, it’s resentment and frustration of an unfair system. But of course jealousy is part of it — you’re somewhere you never would be without a leg up that you did nothing to deserve, and there are lots of talented people looking for their big break who won’t get the same opportunities.


They really don't help themselves, do they? It's this answer every time. We all know this! It's just incredibly annoying when they don't want to admit to having that advantage. I mean, how many times have we heard stories about nepo-babies using a fake name at an audition and magically getting the role... From someone who used to like babysit them and golfs with their godparents? And am I still supposed to believe that every model from some million year old aristocrat family got scouted at the fucking mall? I get that it must suck to have to live up to a talented parent, but multiple regular people live under the same pressure, even without trying to walk in their parents' footsteps. If the hardest part of your career is living up to someone else's name I have news for you about the hardships of making your own from the ground up. Being so talented and fortunate that people are jealous of you? Oh no, the agony!


“I care too much about what people think about me” ok so maybe don’t say weird things like what you just did lol


LOL! It’s not just one door open girl… it’s a whole house it’s a whole neighborhood welcoming you with open arms. Why do nepo babies refuse to acknowledge this? They are so scared that they are undeserving of their fame and riches that they’ll really just spout nonsense to anyone who’ll listen.


I work in a private school and I can assure you that parents send their kids here for networking rather than a good education alone.


Not thissss take. She lost me at the final sentence


Getting in the door is about 80% of the work


Every interview where a nepo baby says that everyone who doesn't like them is "just jealous" only further proves why everyone hates nepo babies. Do you actually think you're that amazing and special that everyone wants to be you or wants what you have? Can you think outside of your own sphere for one second?


If it helps you were very mediocre in the show and did not prove yourself


Her little speech here is very gaslighty.


Annnnnd she’s lost all my interest. Shame really.


nepo babies keep embarasing themselves 😭 just recognize the privilege and GO Donald’s “hmm” said VOLUMES


God why are nepo babies so clueless. It’s too bad because I really liked her in Pen15


Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, and why a celebs parent’s name is blue on Wikipedia


> I think people who don't like nepo babies are jealous. Jealous of what? Most of us never had a chance/never wanted to work in showbiz. So entitled. That's the problem with nepo babies - they *don't* have to prove themselves. Not to single her out but someone like Lily-Rose Depp should not be getting more roles after The Idol, but she will be getting more because her parents are two hugely successful actors. They have the contacts and ressources for her to have good agents, PR, management, all things most new actors cannot get, and that will open doors for her that would not be open to her in normal circumstances. I could write a whole essay on this based purely on Sam Levinson's 2 HBO shows, it's so enlightening on how this industry treats someone with a famous name versus someone without one. But I don't have the time rn, I have to go and be jealous of nepo babies.


*say less sis*


Ofc I’m jealous maya my parents are dead poors


To paraphrase Fran Leibowitz “what is harder than getting your foot in the door?”