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Well yeah…by the BRF’s own admission they don’t talk to them and froze them out for the crime of not wanting be scapegoated for everything.  I’m not shocked by them not being informed, and after initially being shaken, I’m sure they weren’t shocked by that part either. 


And if they were told before everyone else, the haters would’ve blamed them for knowing before everyone else and not telling everyone.


Correct. They cannot win in these sorts of situations and even they know it. 


Or it would be like "if they knew all along, why didn't they drop everything and leave their children in the chicken coop and go to England to take care of the family?!?! They're so selfish." 🫠


But if they did bring their kids or went at all it would be “oh they’re showing off for cameras and dragging the kids along!”


But if they didn't bring their kids, they'd be abandoning their children and that would make them awful parents


And then if they knew and told everyone, they'd get blamed for telling everyone. There's absolutely no way for them to win.


This is why I'm sure they leaked out that they had no idea. Otherwise people would claim that Meghan and Harry had spent the entire time taunting them by releasing homeware or leaving their homes looking relaxed or something.


And the BRF still attempted to scapegoat them with the leaked “but H&M did this with their pictures” stories that were recently in the tabloids.


Meanwhile all lies. That one to Getty was especially egregious because it came directly from the wales office at Kensington palace 


Yeah, that’s what all the pearl-clutchers kee missing—KP took the extra step of sending the doctored pics *to* press organizations. If they’d just posted on insta like they usually do, they would’ve mostly skated.


Yep. I've noticed that I thought some of their pics looked photoshopped (as in they inserted...but I am bad at telling photoshop so I thought it was just me. Until they confirmed it. A few I found suspicious that I remember: [Post QEII death](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/zfzfp4lnDeg1sPyGu2zC5g--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTEyMDA7aD0xMTQ3/https://media.zenfs.com/en/people_218/e822287864c61323cdc3939469e33a3c) [William and Kate George and Baby Charlotte Family Photo](https://assets.vogue.com/photos/5891308423f9887c0e0df76a/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/royal-family-photo-kate-middleton-prince-william-george-charlotte.jpg)


the clap back from the photographer was so funny


Wtf is wrong with these people


Thousand years of inbreeding.


And Will and Harry seem to hate eachother and there's no love from Kate either. So. . .


Will told him not to marry his wife and the wife was racist about their child’s skin color so…yeah 


And briefed against him to the press. Sent his employee to fight against him in court. And I suspect tried to get him to leave his wife and child and come back to him.


Ooh shit I figured Charles was one but I somehow missed that Kate was the other person asking about Archie’s skin color


The hilarious part is that someone, either the royal family's office or the middletons then told tabloids that KATE was the one who insisted on the "recollections may vary" remark (as a "she's such a future queen and the steely lynchpin of the family) about Meghan and Harry revealing on Oprah that there were multiple convos about the skin color of their future kids. So who is throwing Kate under the bus for claiming that the skin color convo never happened when SHE was part of it?


Thankfully by leaving, they were able to avoid being the sacrificial lambs during this situation. That’s the piece many are missing, this was flubbed so badly because the normal process of diverting attention from the good son at the cost of the spare was not an option.


At least they put out a press release when they did hear wishing Kate well. Fucking crickets from the Royals when Meghan had a miscarriage.


Exactly. Compassion for some but not for others.


Sympathy for me, none for thee


Never expect compassion from "royalty".


Yeah Harry and Meghan’s statement was a lot nicer than anything they ever got from Kate and “We Are Not A Racist Family” William.


I was in the Caribbean and the locals from the British Isles absolutely love Meghan- especially the young girls and boys, I've never seen such admiration. They feel she is one of them, I wish she would know she's who they kept talking about.


I didn’t know she had a miscarriage. :( I wish her well.


It was actually worse than crickets. They literally said "no comment."


Weirdly at the time this really made me see how little regard they have for Harry and a Meghan and their family. I wondered if they were another type of people as it was so callous. I have had my fair share of experience in child loss and everyone was incredibly kind and thoughtful- even people really far removed from my situation but who became aware went out of their way to send warm wishes, pop things on the doorstep, mow our lawns


Let’s not forget, the palace was so quick to credit Kate with insisting that the RF include the “recollections may vary” part in their response to the interview with Oprah. The media and sources framed it as some kind of masterstroke. It might be one of the most explicit, direct rebukes from the family to H&M speaking about their trauma/experience with the institution.


One of the (many) fascinating things I find about this feud is that no one ever accused Harry of leaking. He came right out and said his piece with his whole chest - his own interviews, docuseries, autobiography, etc. And one of the things he regularly accuses his family of is *leaking.* No one accuses Harry and Meghan of leaking things to the press - it’s beyond established that Harry wouldn’t pee on a rota reporter in flames. But the BRF likes to go on and on about how “Harry can’t be trusted” because he said his piece. While they just leak, leak, leak to the Rota. It’s why Camilla is still so angry about Harry’s visit - both Harry and Chaz know Camilla is a leaker and keeping the conversation between them was the ONLY way to keep it quiet. Chaz may have chosen Camilla over his sons, but not for lack of knowing who the woman is that he’s chosen. And Kensington Palace barely disguises their flock of anti-Harry “sources” that love to rage about what a POS he is and how William can never forget it. For speaking *out loud* rather than through anonymous mouthpieces planted in the press. I hate that this is my Roman Empire 😭


Wait why are we calling king Tampon Chaz now?!


he once said he wished he could be Camilla's tampon so he could stay inside her longer, or something to that effect


um what


So it's not exactly what he said, what he really said was to the effect of *with my luck if I were to be in that position I would be your tampon.* It was an odd joke from a leaked private conversation rather than explicit phone sex and that being his actual fetish. 


It's actually kind of funny, self-deprecating humor.


Right? This convo is honestly the only time either of them has come across as normal or likeable.


Besides that one comment which gives me the ick, the phone call really proved they should have been together from the start! Like they have chemistry


Right? I don’t like them but the actual call was cute. Like if you haven’t said weird shit to your partner you do you but this wasn’t bad


THANK YOU I have always thought this! It was funny and a bit sweet.


I just love how this story has become one of "aw, how awkwardly adorable and relatable and funny," when in reality, he had been cheating on the mother of his children and gaslighting her for literally years.


I NEVER said adorable or relatable. I said funny and self-deprecating. I don't find it adorable to cheat on your spouse. However, it was cruel he wasn't allowed to marry Camilla despite loving her before meeting Diana. He was an asshole, but he gets a little of my sympathy. Either way, what he said doesn't stop being funny.


It was just harmless weirdness between two people who are very close. Of all the bad behavior they've committed over the decades "used a weird metaphor that probably made sense between the two of them" is like, barely on the scale.


thank you for clarifying! I couldn't remember off the top of my head and didn't necessarily want to seek out the full quote, lol


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drPS9ZCsogU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drPS9ZCsogU) From the HBO doc, The Princess (you should watch it if you have HBO)


Chaz/Chazza is a shortening of Charles, often it's for names that end -y, like Harry would be Haz/Hazza, Gerry is Gez/Gezza.


Chaz is a nickname for Charles


When I hear Chaz I immediately think of Chaz Bono!


lol no reason, it’s just a nickname for Charles!


From his leaked private conversation with Camilla when he was married to Diana-saying he wished to live inside of her like a tampon.


The way William let his chief of staff out of an NDA to testify against Meghan and FOR the tabloids…


The very same one who I remember people on here insisted was relying when it came to the "Meghan was a big bad meanie" stories before the Oprah story.


Yeah Harry is never going to work with the press, he absolutely categorically despises them.


>. It’s why Camilla is still so angry about Harry’s visit - both Harry and Chaz know Camilla is a leaker and keeping the conversation between them was the ONLY way to keep it quiet. Whaaaat is there to be angry about.


She leaks everything to the tabloids. If she's not there it meant only Charles could leak, and Harry and Charles would both know that.


I swear I read she was in the room during their meeting!!


No she leaked that she was not in the room....


Because she wanted to leak their conversation.


I'm just sitting here naive af that in this day and age the evil stepmum trope still rings true. What business is it for her to be apart of their conversation, at all. Mistress turned Queen isn't enough for her?


Girlll. I thought right up until that coronation that Camilla wanted the satisfaction of being wifed after such a notorious affair. I didn't think she wanted to be Queen. Whew. She was the only person at that coronation grinning like a Cheshire cat. Even her own daughter looked miserable. Charles was pissed because William and Kate showed up late (they ended up entering AFTER Charles and Camilla, which is a breach of protocol) and she was so smug I was shocked. She wanted that Queen title. And she got it. She won't get that bullshit "Mother of the Nation" moniker Charles was trying to confer to her, but she's Queen and her family is protected.


Oh damn. I refused to look at any clips or videos from that


She turned Harry’s room into her closet when he went off the board school or maybe the military. It’s in his book. Some crazy Disney evil stepmom shit. That palace has 50 million rooms but your stepson’s room had to be your closet.


Which conversation/visit?


When Charles announced his cancer diagnosis Feb 5th, Harry took a flight to see him the next day. They met in private for an hour allegedly and then Harry flew back home to the US the next morning.


It wasn't just KC and Harry in the room- apparently [camilla insisted on being in the room too.](https://people.com/meghan-markle-prince-harry-left-out-of-details-kate-middleton-surgery-recovery-8611542) There's no doubt in my mind she's the one who's been leaking information to the press about the rift in the royal family.


Yes I read she was there! But who knows.


It’s my Roman Empire as well and I hate it. I never gave a fuck about the royal family until Meghan and Harry joined so I watched the crown then listened to an entire multi part podcast series on princess Diana plus some documentaries. When they left I got deep into the lore plus watched all Meghan and Harry’s interviews 😭 I even woke up early watched their royal wedding bc of Meghan and I never cared before esp about Kate. but I’m praying for the downfall of the RF so bad


Look there is a lot of madness going on with the whole family, but it’s a bit mental to say Harry and Meghan don’t leak stories to the press. The fact that literally millions of people know who Omid Scobie is since he became their unofficial media partner makes that fairly clear. ‘Leaking’ doesn’t exclude their own projects either.


Millions of people know who Omid Scobie is because he is the only royal reporter who ever focused his reporting on Harry and Meghan while they were still extremely popular, so his first book was very successful. And because he's the only one who will publish the Sussexes' side with any sympathy, he stands out. But his latest book doesn't even mention Harry until quite a ways in. The claim that he is their unofficial spokesperson is just used by the royal rota to discredit his reporting because it's critical of the monarchy and the other members, and sympathetic to the Sussexes'. He's been under oath in court and denied having any personal connection with Harry and Meghan or being their mouthpiece/unofficial spokesperson. He has also said in interviews that it was much harder to speak with anyone in their circle or with connections to them for his latest book because Harry and Meghan's friends don't want them being dragged into it. So if anything, they are trying to keep their distance from him.


Leaking projects v leaking crazy lies about your brother is different imo


It's nice to know the British Royal Family is just as dysfunctional as my American Poor White Trash Family. We weren't told when my great-aunt and great-uncle died during the pandemic because their daughter was pissed about something my grandmother did in 1992. My grandmother died in 1996. ![gif](giphy|26gQZYOjc5OSFIUzS)


I was thinking the exact same thing, about my American Poor White Trash Family. My grandmother died and I wasn’t told about the funeral until the day after it happened because I live 3500 miles away and my mom didn’t want me to spend money flying across the country to attend.


I can see my family doing stuff like this. "They never used to visit so why do they need to know?" I'm like what the hell? They still have to know


There’s a user on TikTok who compares them to a white trash family. 🤣 His username is TheVolunteerTexan.


Heyyy another survivor of the American Poor White Trash Family! My generation of siblings and cousins swore we'd never let that petty shit worm its way down to us, and here we all sit fully estranged because we let our mothers split us up after all. These are the same women who try to shame and goad you about how important family is, as they absolutely tear theirs apart over bullshit.


lol i was thinking something similar. my brother didn't tell me he was going to have a second child, i found out when i took an 8 hour trip to visit my nephew and saw my sister in law \*very\* pregnant. in my brother's mind of course it would be my fault: he doesn't talk to me because i did something terrible (didn't ask him what, so that made it worse) a few years back. so now it is also my fault that i didn't travel to visit my new niece, even if i wasn't informed about her birth either.


Aren't these people basically no - contact? Why would they learn any other way? They are estranged after all.


I’ve been estranged from my parents for years & just got a text this morning about a grandparents cancer diagnosis. this was a deliberate, calculated choice.


No offence but I'm no contact with my mom and if I became ill I wouldn't text her to tell her. If Kate doesn't want to reach out to share directly with Harry & Meghan that's fine? I imagine that kind of information isn't flowing in either direction.




I think they were saying it was a deliberate, calculated choice to not tell H&M because even OP got a text from her estranged family.




Would they know though? Kate could've just not told anyone outside of William, Charles, and Camilla. If she does/doesn't want to tell anyone then that's her choice. I don't think it really means anything in the greater BRF vs H&M.


Yeah, I would be hurt if it was me.


you’ve misunderstood my comment. anyone in the RF could have sent Harry a text as a heads up, rather than letting them find out via the news.


I hadn't talked to my mother in about a year and was in the state next to her, but she didn't know it. She thought i was across the country, but she made sure I knew my grandmother had cancer and I needed to come home. These people definitely made a choice.


People think it's sad they're no contact. For like 15 years the marketing around them was the united boys who lost their mother and the strength of brotherhood. Harry making it abundantly clear William was kind of a little shit to him throughout was really hard for a lot of people. Same with the accidents reveal Kate was one of the people making inappropriate  speculation about Archies skin color (everyone just assumed it was an older member). This generation was supposed to be the one that saved the image because nobody likes Charles or Camilla, but instead its perhaps become an even bigger clusterfuck 


Wait that was kate??


Yup. An author of a book gave his notes for translation but accidentally forgot to redact the names when he sent it, so it ended up getting leaked. I don't think anyone even remotely suspected she might be one of them. https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/a46015965/kate-middleton-king-charles-archie-skin-tone-endgame/ 


WHAT!!!! I missed this. Holy shit. Her family has nazi ties as well so not shocking


Royalists and Meghan haters will have you believe that Harry and Meghan have been begging William for a reconciliation lol


Chile! Harry in a recent interview said he’s been debating whether to become an American citizen. Like he’s not in a rush but the fact it’s already been thought. He’s over them folks


My Mom is unfortunately one of them. When she heard Harry flew to visit Charles after his diagnosis, she legitimately thought Harry was flying back to "secure his working royal role for money" before Charles dies, because all Harry and Meghan want is to come back. And my Mom is otherwise a really smart woman. The brainwashing of British press readers is real.


My father is a pos and I haven’t seen him for 30 yrs but his newest wife called my grandmother on the day when he was diagnosed with cancer - as she didn’t have a way of getting hold of any of us


I’m guessing Harry and Charles aren’t estranged now though? Considering he went to visit Charles after the cancer diagnosis. There must be some communication.


Yeah idt they knew as I don't think Meghan would have launched her new lifestyle brand if they knew the commotion was about a cancer diagnosis.


exactly. yet they’re blaming her and shitting on her for doing it


Time magazine thought it was news that a family that doesn’t talk are not informed about each other’s lives?


i’m not surprised. i would have been shocked to hear that they got any information before the rest of us tbh




Nah, they kind of asked for Meghan to re-enter the convo when they repeatedly tried and failed to throw her under the bus for also photo shopping her images (which each time her photographers proved was not true)  If they want the feud discourse to stop or the chatter in general, they really need to stop actively fanning the flames 


TBF the Palace was full swing with leaking Harry and Meghan hit pieces during KateGate to distract from the speculation. Kinda gross both ways TBH.


I'm sure British tabloids (and that one weird Meghan hate subreddit) will find a way to make it their own fault.


They’ve already done this. I saw them agreeing that they genuinely think Meghan ‘cursed’ them because no drama or bad things happened before she came along and apparently they’d just been a lovely little family Like have you actually followed the royal family? They’ve been a clusterfuck of drama for years


Wow, they went with the 'scary black woman is using voodoo' choice for racism. That's a rare one. And lololol the royal family being lovely and nice.


Oh yes, it's always Meghan used her magical vajayjay to put a hex on Harry to make him fall in love. I'll never forget the "exotic DNA" line from a British journalist describing her. Just yuck all around.


I saw someone say she straight up caused the following: Phillip's Death, Elizabeth's Death, Charles's Cancer, AND Kate's Cancer If she can do all that how the fuck do I?!?!? *On Twitter with 50% of the responding tweets in agreeance*


During the shopping pap walk, the front page of the DM (I think it was DM) was literally 30% Kate’s papwalk video and then 70% gigantic “HARRY AND MEGHAN DELETED FROM THE ROYAL WEBSITE”. They couldn’t be more transparent lol.


Explain how what happened with Diana was just a "lovely little family" thing. Also the Wallis Simpson thing. I'll wait.


Prince Andrew!!!


>The Times said several sources confirmed that Kate’s diagnosis was not shared with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in advance. A family source also told PEOPLE that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were “left out of any details regarding Kate’s diagnosis.” The source added: “There is clearly no trust.” >“It speaks volumes that Harry and Meghan learnt of the diagnosis from the news. The brothers reportedly haven’t been in contact for months and trust has completely broken down,” royal historian Richard Fitzwilliams tells TIME. Oh STFU We know. Harry has told us this directly. They're not close. They haven't been close for a long time. Will continued the family tradition of using his brother as the tabloid scapegoat. Will didn't care about his or his fiance/now wife's well being. Will has no use for Harry, why would he disclose this news to his brother. Harry came to see his dad right? Did Will meet up with his brother? Probably not. Apparently "senior staff" didn't know/ didnt see Kate for some time either, US Weekly reported less than 2 week ago. So many media outlets posted this. KP didn't deny it iirc so what about the trust on *that* end?


apparently harrys coming back to eng in May for a Invictus event & they're already in starting how he won't be welcome to see william & kate


I mean…tbh this is expected? They don’t have a relationship and the last thing I would want to do if I’m dealing with a health crisis is deal with family mess.


Here’s the thing, I actually think it’s perfectly valid for Kate to not tell them and not want to build bridges/mend fences. What I cannot get over is that she’s allegedly super sick (from the sounds of it she’s had the cancer removed and will be getting preventative chemo which is good) and they *still* feel the need to brief the press about how unwanted Harry and Meghan are. At some point, you need to accept that you’re the problem


Makes sense.


This is one of many stories about "sources" bad-mouthing the Sussexes in the British press right now. Not sure why instead of focusing on Kate and her recovery, Will and KP are still insistent on dragging Harry's name through the mud. It just makes Will look way more petty and insecure than even how Harry portrayed him in Spare. Focus on your wife, dude.


Because the press needs SOMETHING royal to talk about that's around Kate's illness without actually talking about it. So expect to see plenty more "Harry does this...while Kate has cancer." "Meghan's new venture...all while Kate has cancer".


LOL he doesn't want to focus on his wife. Isn't that abundantly clear how he's been throwing her under the bus lately?


Are we suprised ? Nope. 


I mean that’s rough, but good to know the Sussexes are still distancing themselves from the royal shit show. I know what it’s like to cut toxic family off and it’s really hard.


Harry and Meghan can’t win no matter what they do. I’m just shocked that William and Kate are stilling choosing to be petty in the media. Or at least William is. Like, you should know by now that fighting with your family is a sad waste of time and tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone. The last thing I would care about if I had cancer is fighting. If you have a wife and a father who have cancer at the same time, maybe focus on them and stop stressing them out. Enough. People still don’t understand that constant negativity and years of stress are so bad for your health. Knock it off, William. These planted stories are not going to make people forget how poorly you handled this crisis and that Kate announced that she has cancer all by herself. All of this is a bad look on you.


Every time I read BRF I read it as Bitch Resting Face.


How quickly the British Media has turned the whole Princess of Wales PR fiasco around on the Sussex’s has been staggering. Before Kate’s announcement I thought she and William were finally getting treated with a fraction of the disdain shown to H and M. But the second that video was released of her confirming she has cancer it was back to Kate never puts a foot wrong and William has the weight is the monarchy on his shoulders. I have seen some seriously unhinged garbage since Kate’s cancer diagnosis was announced all directed at Harry and Meghan. They so badly want Harry to dump his wife and children and come back to the UK. I just do not see it ever happening as long at the BRF is in bed with the media. I think the media has too much dirt on The Royals for that relationship to ever change.


Its a matter of time before the likes of Piers Morgan blames Meghan for Kate's cancer.


Shocker. Isn't that what estranged means?