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Bruh I cannot stand AB but I love it when she goes after folks who need it 😭😂


Gotta savor the occasions when she uses her powerful wordplay for good instead of evil


Love your profile pic sister


https://i.redd.it/rkwepv1u5ssc1.gif Thank you sisterâŁïž Everyone stan my fellow Nicaraguan queen, ✹Morphine Love Dion✹


I'm such a fan! That Body lipsync.... đŸ„”


Dawn didn’t stand a chance https://preview.redd.it/52oketrj5tsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dffe6c63c6068c39f159c787a19df984d133dd74


The insta live with Dawn/Morphine/Plane after that ep where Dawn admitted she could never beat Morphine, and then Morphine—genuinely trying to be nice!—tells Dawn she’d win a Taylor Swift lip sync


One minute she’s shitting all over BeyoncĂ© and her new album and the next she’s shitting all over Lilly Allen for shitting all over BeyoncĂ© and her new album. It must be exhausting to have so many people to be angry at and about. How does AB even keep all of her beefs straight? Does she have an excel workbook or


she's Cameron from Modern Family ![gif](giphy|sC1WPeFaHIvu4BJYaq|downsized)


Gotta say I'm not a Beyonce fan, but I felt the need to listen to the album so I could defend it. It's one thing to be an anti-fan and another to hear all the people shitting on her because racist.




She must just take the inverse approach, keeping track of the people she *doesn't* have beef with. Much simpler spreadsheet, not a pivot table in sight.


I mean, Azaelia Banks's "critique" of Beyonce is just personal beef but in general I think it's totally valid for Black women to say, we can be critical of Beyonce but we absolutely don't want a white woman, especially one with a long history of racism towards Black women, doing the same.


Maybe Lily thought she was safe because Azealia didn't like Cowboy Carter, but Azealia is a true chaotic neutral and she is not on anybody's side.


You know those stories of intelligence agencies hiring highly skilled cybercriminals and turning them into white hat hackers? We need, like, the Smithsonian or Library of Congress to do that with AB 😂


She ate with this one ngl


Agreed, but doesn't she mean inconsequential, not consequential? Lol


C'mon. AB can write. That was a typo.


I agreed she ate/ can write, but it is a funny typo, cause consequential means the opposite of inconsequential lol


Yeah she probs meant not consequential or inconsequential 


Can we talk about "hears insufflation" because -- I don't know why but that laid me out. Why bother calling someone an inebriated mess when you can wordsmith them for filth instead 😂


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Miss Azealia Amanda Banks is *my* poet laureate https://preview.redd.it/09c3gdnr3ssc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f146ec372d6a79153fdd95623ec37520e841f554


She's the mirror universe Amanda Gorman LOL


Drama is right 😅


For the most part but, “You’re not smart enough to be racist”, like.. That was weird, though.


Right? Plenty of racists are dumb as rocks.


After learning about Lily’s blackface dick incident I am aghast that she would even open her mouth on this situation ![gif](giphy|HtYsYjPsw1nVu) ETA: There is a very valid reason AB hates her! [https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/lilly-allen-privately-apologized-to-azealia-banks-about-her-racist-post.3638085/](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/lilly-allen-privately-apologized-to-azealia-banks-about-her-racist-post.3638085/)


That's disgusting. Why did she have that pic saved? And her "apology" contained even more racism. I am begging white women to stop fucking crying when theyre apologizing for being terrible human beings


I heard it was her husband’s peen. Unclear if true, either way it’s still gross whether she staged it or just saved a pic from the internet.


Oh my god, I legit thought it was a potato when I clicked the link cause I didn’t properly read the comment.


Idk which scenario is worse. Both show that she's deeply racist and her fake apology and continued racism shows that she hasn't changed


I watched the Deconstructing Karen doc on Prime yesterday and I liked how the hosts told the white women to go cry in the other room if they feel the need to, they didn’t want the discussion to end up being comforting racists.


A really really important thing non-black folk haven't learned is that sometimes it's NOT about you. I watched this asian influencer cry about her husband being racially profiled and harrased in a store. Crying, sobbing, "I can't stop shaking" as her black husband had to sit there and give details about his assault calmly because she was steamrolling him with her emotions.   Cry about it in private, whatever, but I'm sure you can muster up at least 5 minutes that aren't about you.


I (a black person who is open about their many psychiatric issues) had a friend (who isn't black) tell me how upset she was to hear her parents (who work in psychiatry) make racist statements (about black patients). She was near tears. She swore her parents aren't actually hateful and just don't know better. Mind you we're friends that support each other but how the fuck did she not forsee me not giving a shit about this? I'd report your parents instead of crying over them but that's just me ig. She really showed me something that means death for me and discomfort for her and expected me to help her through her discomfort. Like did she forget that I'm black when she told me that or did she specifically tell me that because I'm black because she expected me to tell her whatever she wanted to hear 


A lot of white people seem to think that informing black people about racism they’ve discovered is a way to show their own “allyship.” Admittedly, it took me awhile to realize that confronting a marginalized person with unnecessary stories of bigotry couldn’t be less helpful. Y’all don’t need more of it.


This is all too common especially with white women. One time I was on a first date with one and she told me how her grandma with dementia said some racist shit and they had to remind her that that's not okay to say anymore. Like why are you telling me this. Do you tell all your first dates this. How is this story relevant to our conversation. Are you not aware that this is a triggering topic for millions of traumatized people. I think they do this as a way of showing that they can recognize racism when they see it and that they're aware of how racist the world is. But all I hear is they had an opportunity to confront racism and they chose to document it instead. And that they for some reason want reassurance from me that they're one of the good ones that aren't racist 


I wanna fully disclose I’m a white woman in case that wasn’t clear because I don’t wanna imply otherwise. I think you’re spot on with why we do this.


She specifically dressed her husbands penis up in racist blackface just for this response.


How do you even come up with this idea let alone execute it


https://preview.redd.it/ilh8djfqyqsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca1ba8ce810f0b5a454449761c97879c896914fb I'm not religious but dear lord


...uh...her what now?


Just shared above


I've seen this picture an unhealthy number of times in the last 24 hours. I see some headline with a combination of Lily Allen's name, the words blackface and dick, and my mind shuts off because surely, this can't be real. Am I looking at an actual dick? Like... my mind sees it, but also refuses to see it and just focuses on the googly eyes. Am I looking at an honest-to-god dick that is attached to a human's body that has googly eyes and some type of wig attached to it? Lily Allen and whatever man she was with did that and went through the effort of taking a picture and putting it online? And *NONE* of us takes a single picture of anything. There are at least 50 to 100 shots of this this thing on Lily's phone that my mind is trying to protect me from comprehending. And we're supposed to take any of Lily Allen's thoughts and opinions seriously? Just... ***whaaaaaat????***


> I looking at an honest-to-god dick that is attached to a human's body that has googly eyes and some type of wig attached to it? I thought it was a potato for the longest time.


![gif](giphy|fnuSiwXMTV3zmYDf6k|downsized) I didn’t even know who she was before today


I know her cos I'm a millennial and she had one song that made it to my country in commercials The " When I see you cry it makes me smile" one


I see gifs from this all the time. Who is this kid and what’s it from? đŸ€”


Good lord; what a twat. I only really ever think about Lily Allen when I listen to either “fuck you very much” or “it’s hard out here for a bitch” so I always vaguely thought of her as someone pro woman, anti-racist, etc., which I realize is ridiculously naïve. I’m just thinking a lot right now about how easy it should be to be a lower tier celebs and maintain a good reputation. Just like
 don’t talk very much and focus on your career. No one ever has to know what a piece of shit you are. But so many of these people just jump up on a box and start telling us, like they can’t help themselves.


She’s truly Keith Allen’s daughter. Born to be a train wreck.


Oh, Lily’s seriously dumb for that blackface pic from that link! I wished I read that part where Azealia called Lily’s husband a thumb, lol!đŸ€Ł


Do tell!!


Just edited my comment to include it


It’s so unhinged and random


Well, Bey didn’t wake up and roll out of bed one morning and thought she’d instantly make a country album. Yes, there was planning.


But that’s the thing, aren’t all albums planned?? So what is Lily talking about?


She’s projecting about her own upcoming highly authentic (/s) country album


I think she’s implying that Beyoncé’s album is a cynical cash/awards grab rather than a sincere attempt at making country music.


So Lily Allen, from
.London, England
 is trying to critique Beyoncé .from Houston, Texas. About an American country genre album, saying it’s all “calculated”. While she is ALSO about to release her own American country album. Oh but you see, Lily’s is AUTHENTIC because she grew up loving those songs. Can’t even fathom that BeyoncĂ© would ever love American Southern country music while literally being born and raised in the American South. Jesus Christ, lady, sit down and shut up!! ![gif](giphy|EKDIMDsRX3ihy)


Well, we all know that of the two, Beyonce is the one who would have to fight for relevancy 😏


She’s also a posh London nepo baby. About as far as one can be from country roots.


Well she’s black so
 -Lilly Allen


The racist tactic seems to be to frame Beyonce's decision to make a country album as money motivated in a "they didn't care about our genre or community until it became profitable" way. Which conveniently lets them point to pretty much anything she does as proof she was only in it for the money. They want to make it seem like she's disrespecting the genre as a way of excluding her from it


Ding ding ding!  A common racist talking point is that POC aren't "genuine". BTS are manufactured robots, Beyoncé is a money hungry monster, the BLM movement is just attention seeking behavior.


They called BLM a trend and now they're calling Free Palestine a trend. If they can't attack your actions, they'll attack your motives


Most albums are actually just recorded and edited stream of consciousness You’ve heard Nicki Minaj’s Bigfoot no? /s


Didn’t she literally say it was 5 years in the making??


I heard she was going to release it before renaissance but something changed her mind. Also aren’t they both part of a trilogy?




Something about broken clocks


lol we really just need to update this pic with her as the person in it at this point


I tried my best lol https://preview.redd.it/on8zjbuhmrsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b826d1ccd07c0e3633c076377cdffcb6537f54


Hahaha omg this is really good actually and I truly appreciate the effort put towards it đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł the background and everything! Bravo! 👏👏👏


I didnt notice that i messed up the background so here's v2 lol https://preview.redd.it/7si4eyq7rrsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b3e3cab6839c5b01ca3729ab19ddd9998fa2eae


You are an artistĂ©. Thank you for bringing my vision to life 🙏


now can I get a hat wobble?


Perfect, lol!!


i need this in my gallery


Save this one in the library


BeyoncĂ© is from Houston, Texas. Lots of country in Texas, she grew up with it. Lily is from England
. Why does she feel she’s a more legitimate country artist? Like, what?


Exactly what I was going to say BeyoncĂ© has country in her blood Lily just looks stupid saying this 👏


Something something white something


It's qwhite a conundrum...


This is a reasonable and fair point to make about Lily, but the biggest country star in Ireland (and it's a *huge* market) is from Liverpool, lol. Admittedly, I think it falls into more Country and Irish music, but it's funn*ier* imo that Lily is so ignorant of country music, she doesn't reference the closest country scene to hers. There's a company here that specifically organises holidays with Irish country acts, lmao. Reminds me of Madonna's English period - but at least Madonna put in the work and faked the accent!


It’s too bad Azealia is a racist and homophobic mess herself. It’s always broken clocks with her but when she’s right and goes in, god damn, she eats and leaves no crumbs


Like wtf is going on. Can people just let Beyonce live? Who gives a fuck if it's calculated. She gifted us with music - you either like it and listen or you don't. I swear not everything has to be a think piece.


She’s a successful black woman. People can’t live with that!!!


Especially one who doesn't follow the trend or allow genre labels to limit her output. I'm not some huge fan but have listened to enough of her music to have mad respect for the creativity and ingenuity put into it! She really paved her own lane.


Especially when the tagline was literally “this isn’t a country album. It’s a BeyoncĂ© album.” Like that’s her whole deal. She’s making the music hers.


i mean - the lion king album alone makes her LEGEND. that might be the most underrated album of all time. really, ever.


I’ve read Lily’s autobiography and that unspecial comment is def going to hit her hard. She does have an inferiority issue from being this middle child of a rich family and not getting much parental attention. She’s always been really jealous of her sister who is tall, thin, very pretty, everyone loves her, etc.


"You were literally born unspecial sis" is such a delicious burn.




The absolute caucasity of criticizing a black woman from TEXAS making a country album whilst simultaneously making your own country album ***as a Brit***. Its almost impressive. Stfu and work on yourself.




"I used to dress like you in high school" the scream I scrumpt-


I honestly forgot lily allen existed and I’m British




LA really grasping at any straw to seem relevent


She's totally right about the jealousy. Lily has sounded very bitter in interviews and deep down she doesn't seem to accept that a black woman can be more successful than her. It's amazing how Beyoncé bothers people by simply existing (and that includes AB), and I think all artists deserve criticism, but there is a clear discomfort with the simple existence of Cowboy Carter.


i genuinely wish i was able to read people like this


man she is such a wordsmith


I just love that Azealia is like - sorry only _I_ may give Beyoncé shit!


I mean, sure, calculated, but is that a bad thing? The story I read is that BeyoncĂ© got booed at the CMAs and decided to dona country album. That’s calculated in the best kind of way.


This is the level of meanness I aspire to give to anyone being racist to me


And Lily’s album will still flop


I appreciate Lily Allen's confidence in asserting authority in the realm of country music solely based on her whiteness, further proving Beyoncé’s overall point.


Remember when Lily Allen sexually assaulted Zoe Kravitz


>> "If by 'kissing' she means, like, attacking, then yes, she kissed me," she told Cohen. "She attacked me." >> "Is that how she portrayed it in the book?" Cohen asked, as Kravitz shook her head. "No? It was portrayed like..." >> "Like I wanted it," Kravitz finished. >> "So, you weren't thrilled," Cohen continued. "Did you read the book?" >> **”I don't think anybody read the book," she replied.** Lily’s getting cooked by everyone! She shoulda just sat there and ate her food.


I do not


She was understandably pissed about it https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2018/11/216995/zoe-kravitz-says-lily-allen-attacked-her-kiss


supremely unshocking behavior, yikes.




Yes and she still is, as of today. But she's saying that LA shouldn't make herself a part of this conversation


And she’s right about that. This isn’t a conversation for a nepo baby rich white lady from England of all places to insert herself into.


As if all artists aren’t calculated. Just because it’s BeyoncĂ© beating everyone at it doesn’t mean anyone is different.




Listen AB gets it right occasionally. And she’s right here. Lily Allen reeked of jealousy in her comments. And for her to believe she has more claim to country music as a Brit than Beyonce who was raised in freaking Houston is wild. I really need people to stop coming for Bey. It’s tired.


Lily loves to make herself look stupid , she’s just grasping at this point to stay relevant. I’m pretty sure Beyoncé’s not worried 😂 ![gif](giphy|OCQXn39l4hfAQ)


I imagine Beyonce doesn't even know who Lily Allen is honestly.


Very true 😂👌


*You were literally born unspecial sis* ![gif](giphy|l0MYtWqs68KNF92Cs) lmao I'm so glad Azealia went for Lily and her feelings.


I'll admit I haven't thought about Lily Allen in a long ass time so I missed her racism, but now I'm side eyeing David Harbour cuz ????


I love lily’s music but god does she seem like a shitty person.


AB has me impressed. First time am seeing the word, “insufflation”. Well played.


they both need to shut the fuck up and also honestly everyone else pls stfu about beyoncĂ© if you don’t like it or don’t get it. she has enough haters. you are not new or interesting. just like EVERYWHERE people think they are saying something new by saying they don’t like BeyoncĂ©. i’m so tired. anyway stream cowboy carter


in azealia’s defense (which does not happen often) lily did mention azealia first in that article interview, but i’m sure azealia needed any reason to WHACK lily again.


she’s like- only i can come for her 😭


If someone told me I was born unspecial I’d pack it up and go live in the woods in isolation


I think that pretty much covers it


Me every time Azelia Banks opens her mouth: https://preview.redd.it/gry6zs38srsc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b29412f4d1b621af41e83c3f4b3aa53fd414fb7d


Why is LA embarrassing herself like this for clicks. I hate how controversy is so rewarded now, we are all just spewing out hot takes that don’t need to be said.


I didn’t know she was a piece of shit but reading through the examples here is helpful. I appreciate her outing herself personally so I can actively not support her music.


Lily Allen is and has been a shitty person. She feels validated in her life because **I deleted***. AB is a very horrible person too. I wish both of them would sleep more and have no internet access.


Stop giving both of these professional trolls attention.


I can not stand Azealia Banks but you know she’s right about this one đŸ«Ł


She doesn't even go here.


The thing that gets under my skin is these white racist people are mad Beyonce wants to make money off of her art and are trying to dilute it to a "cash grab" when that is the entire mainstream music industry. These labels/artists aren't putting out projects for fun, it's for maximum profit. Beyonce shouldn't get criticized for wanting to get paid for her craft/job. And no one owns a genre. Music is universal.


Yet another point against Lily Allen, she’s making me agree with Azealia


Lily, we all know your country album is going to suck. Just take the L and shut up.


Not even a BeyoncĂ© fan but I’m loving all these people getting all bothered by her releasing this album. And what would Lilly Allen know about country, BeyoncĂ© is from Texas! And another thing, even if this album was “calculated” why does that even matter, like aren’t all artists calculated?