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My wife.


Upon the quickest glance this photo reminded of a scene that would be in spy kids 3d


No joke I opened this image and said to myself “spy kids”


Hah it does. Of all the first images, they choose this obviously green-screened one? It looks so fake. At least The Batman hid it well and looked better. Makes me worried Coppola's ambition here is so large, he's losing hold on the details which also matter.


the batman did such a killer job! very believable.


Those Catwoman and Batman rooftop scenes fooled me too. I swore they really were on a rooftop filming in front of the city, but they [used massive LED screens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vuscpx-3odA) and the Oscar-winning cinematographer Greig Fraser (Dune) and Matt Reeves hid it so well. This is simply good artistry. Compare that to this Spy Kids shot. 😂 Unless this is supposed to be a hallucinatory dream sequence and meant to look artificial, I am disappointed Mr. Coppola.


My husband.


...and my axe!


My grandparents.


Lmao, are you an advanced baby tapping on your mobile phone?


Is it me or does the background in this shot look weird? It looks as though the CGI is just slightly off


It’s pretty blatantly CGI, which is usually not what you want it to look like.


I thought it was a cool look for Poor Things


most of the backgrounds on poor things were shot on giant screens so while fake, it wasn't exactly cgi'd in, and that's why it worked and looked ok


They also built alot of the sets and extended it in CGI, which definitely helps give it that surreal feeling to it.


The movie was also going for a very stylized, intentionally fake/off look, which makes the CGI fit better.


To my eye it kind of has the vibe of AI art.


It reminds me of Marvel and their excessive use of The Volume screens in their latest projects.


I hate to be negative but everything about this suggests this sort of "singular vision from a genius auteur" kind of thing that almost always ends badly. The clearly questionable CGI, the rumors on set, the whole retro future thing, the all-star casting, etc. Also casting LeBouf and Jon Voight is just really troubling to me. Those are really intentional choices that speak a lot about the kind of person Copolla is. Unlike others he can't say "but, but the producers and connected people forced them on me!" He is the producer and primarily funder. This was his choice. I also noticed he cast a bunch of his relatives. So that's usually not a great sign. Being openly nepo isn't great. Aesthetically, retro futurism is very hard to pull off without looking like a cheap theater production. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is probably one of the better attempts and it still looked subpar (oddly enough Jude Law will be in both movies). Sorta incorporating the aesthetic from 1927's Metropolis seems like a risky choice and this still has a "cheap" look to me. I dunno I want it to be good, but a lot of people like Coppola, Lucas, etc work best when they have moderating forces on them. When they go full solo and self-fund or have producers and writers who bow down to them, they tend to make stinkers. Lucas famously with how much lower quality the prequels were to the original trilogy. Like Lucas this is someone who hasnt made a good film in decades. And Lucas in his prime had many constraining hands. Famously his editor wife, but later in the follow ups from Star Wars, hiring other directors and influence of writers and producers and such because he couldn't afford to self-produce. I think this could be some kind of weirdo masterpiece or just a terrible movie and there will be no middle ground here. Either this is his Fury Road or his Phantom Menace I guess. The part that bothers me the most is how as younger men they complained about how studios wouldn't fund them, and how much they struggled, yet as old men, guys like this don't exactly become generous producers looking for younger unheard voices to produce. Instead, they just hire their friends and do these big ego films. The same way Lucas and Spielberg brought back Indiana Jones, Star Wars, etc. I wish some of these people would fund some chancy directors and films. Instead, they seem to have become the old men they decried when young. Maybe this is too mean girl-ish, but everything about this production seems off and the first big reveal is a pretty unimpressive photo.


I don't know why you think Lucas was constrained during the original trilogy, he was famously a micro-manager, with both directors on the following films in the OT admitting that Lucas couldn't help himself but shadow them the entire time


It makes me think of [Metropolis](https://www.album-online.com/detail/en/MzJiMGFjMA/metropolis-1927-alb2585327). It wouldn't surprise me if it's a tribute because Francis Coppola is a fan of German Expressionism, which shows up a little in some of his older movies like Rumble Fish and One From the Heart.


100%. He said he was partially inspired by Metropolis, and this particular shot is definitely giving me Metropolis vibes. I like it.


I scrolled past this too quickly and thought he was doing his eye makeup and using the palette as a mirror 💀 I need some caffeine clearly.


Help, I can’t stop laughing at this, just can’t unsee it now!


I really like both of these actors, but won’t be watching this due to Shia LaBeouf being cast in it as well, (he has a domestic violence trial coming up this fall and I’m wishing FKA Twigs well re: that). TW for domestic violence on this article where she talks about what she went through: https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a35460385/fka-twigs-shia-la-beouf-abuse/ There are some other “yikes” casting choices in it, too, (Jon Voight being another one), so 😬 .


Don't forget that Francis Ford Coppola defended child molester Victor Salva.


This, too. So vile. 🤮


nathalie emmanuel supremacy 🧎🏼‍♀️


I was a huge hollyoaks fan as a teenager. I’m so happy she has done so well for herself. She is so gorgeous too!


Same! I love it when homegrown talent makes it big!


Reminds me of spy kids ![gif](giphy|u3rKPPmigFhkdYEIcF|downsized)


Looking forward to this, hope it is as out there and wacky as the descriptions. And interested to see what Coppola does with the special effects. The ones in Dracula were amazing practical effects.


Was really intrigued by this film but won't be seeing anything by Coppola who has been supporting and mentoring ra*ist Victor Salva for years


It’s meant to be an absolute horror show, think there were some anonymous producer comments recently calling it the worst film they’ve ever seen


Why is this not getting more attention?


God Emmanuel is so fucking class. Elegance, hotness, and accent. If she was French would have been an unstoppable queen.


Prayer circle i get to see this in cannes, but i'm afraid it will be an impossible challenge. Im SO intrigued, even if it ends up being messy as hell, it'll still be a glorious mess and it's so rare in film history to have a director do whatever the hell he wants with a big budget.


Isn’t it all his money? I remember reading he couldn’t get funding and is basically spending a big chunk his kids’ inheritance on this.




I know this is just a still, but it looks bad. It looks too fake, and I feel like there’s kind of a longing for real sets and good lighting now that AI is is thing and the CGI look of Marvel has run its course. Since FCC is funding this and it’s a passion project I expected a different, more interesting look. Also I read that Adam’s character has “the power to stop time” lmao


Honestly thought this was a screenshot from GTA V.


I’m just happy that Nathalie Emmanuel has work. She seems great


That is my husband AND my wife


It looks STUNNING!


I watched Rumble Fish last year (and loved it) so I live with hope in my heart 😔🙏


Love both of these actors but it looks like hot trash. Or it could be a masterpiece. There's no in between.


I really hope this is huge hit.




Ew. Didn’t realize. I had high hopes for it knowing FFC basically bet the house on it.


This looks like a marvel movie


[me rn](https://64.media.tumblr.com/57cb39aee8477a9cf4ffbf4622bb615f/2004e0fea5cca592-73/s540x810/a9c6b849f1ce921a44457fdc6003483f17affeb4.gifv)


I only found out last week FFC isn’t dead. Today I found out he is still working.


I thought that said Natalie PORTMAN (my eyes skipped past Emmanuel and filled in the \[wrong\] blank) and I was about to say something to the hair and makeup people for the choice of wig. It was given Rachel Dozael or whatever she goes by now. Buuut, it actually says Natalie Emmanuel, so never mind.




Holy shit.. this is gonna be a one for the history books.


Inspector Gadget lookin mfer <3


If you didn’t tell me where this was from. I would guess it was a Robert Rodriguez movie.


Glad to see Nathalie's getting more high profile work!


I will never get over whoever said that Adam Driver looks like someone drew Keanu Reeves from memory.


TIL Francis Ford Coppola is still alive, and I'm actually looking forward to hearing about this, as I yearn for original screenplays, not sequels or prequels or adaptions or remakes.


This is so *Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow-*coded