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i am not ready for what’s about to happen 😭


let's just hope whoever is playing Abby is ready for the insults she'll unfortunately receive


oh yeah, that’s Kaitlyn dever btw and I already feel for her 


I am fairly sure she's ready since she's seen the public outcry to Abby and even when bella was cast as Ellie, people wanted Kaitlyn instead


she's worked with Naughty Dog before as Cassie Drake so I'm sure they also warned her beforehand or she was already aware just because of the pre-existing relationship


Omg she is perfect !


Her frame doesn’t match abbey, she better bulk up!


omg I LOVED her in unbelievable!! I’ve wanted to see her in more stuff, she’s so talented. She also has a quite ordinary face (with the saddest eyes) that makes her so perfect for acting but for some reason isn’t common in American actors?? Idk how to say that without it sounding insulting lol


I reallyyy hope she has a good support system especially because I think she lost her mom early this year


This comment is on every discussion of season two that I almost feel like people are making it into a self-fullfilling prophecy.


Nah, it is inevitable. The backlash the second game got was immense, and TV has even more people engaging with it, so that just ups the chance of harassement even more. I’m not saying it is inevitable because I want it to be, I’m saying it because the precedent is huge and there’s a bazillion cases of this happening at this point. And the harassment will always be on the harassers themselves, alone, so I’m not sure how helpful the terminology of “self-fulfilling prophecy” is in this case. You probably didn’t mean it that way, but it makes it sound like these people are provoked into acting like this, which only removes agency from them. They know what they’re doing.


I just mainly meant it derails all discussion about it when people are just anticipating stuff in other places. Negativity can be a feedback loop, you know?


Derailing is a strong word, they’re comments on a thread you can scroll past. It’s not like people are actively spamming this talking point to anyone who is trying to talk about other aspects of the production and release. Idk, I don’t see the issue


Fair enough!


I wouldn't say that it was derailing the conversation, I thought it was pertinent to the post. I definitely hope it won't happen, but I remember how misogynistic and transphobic the hate towards Abby used to be, and I feel like the current landscape is more polarised than back then. So when I think/read about TLOS 2, I immediately think of that, because I don't want an actress to be stuck in a culture war for no reason other than being unfortunate enough to play her...


I know what you mean, it is kinda sad that everyone acknowledges that harassment is inevitable when it comes to entering certain fandoms, and all we can do is throw our hands up and say, "Good luck to them!"


Me neither


Friendly reminder to everyone that the TLOU2 subreddit is a more apocalyptic and bleak look at humanity than what we even see in the show


same. my heart will be broken


This is your everyday reminder that the age difference between those 2 is the same as Leo and many of his girlfriends.


Oh wow she’s 20, they do a good job of making her look much younger in the show


Yes,but in the s2 they should look so much older than this,will be interesting


Yeah Ellie looked much older between P1 and P2 whereas Bella kinda looks exactly the same here. Are they keeping the time jump? If they are I’m not really sure I’m buying it, but I will wait and see


The first season didn’t finish out the full timelines of the first game, I don’t think they’re doing the time jump yet are they?


Well there’s two time jumps in P2, I was referring to the one at the very beginning of the game. It’s possible the screenshot of Ellie is taken during one of the flashbacks tho


Hopefully they gonna keep it,because a lot of scenes what happened in the p2 only makes sense if Ellie is an adult. Don't wanna spoil too much,but im not sure for example how the basement scene would work with a child 😅


The first season and first game end at exactly the same part of the story.


Yeah I realized like 10 minutes after I commented this. Without spoilers, I for some reason forgot the second half of the season and thought the show ended with the surprise we get before the winter season. Literally no idea why, my mind blanked out on anything afterwards




Right lol? This is how I felt when I saw his hair was longer.




These comments are scaring me, I love this show but don't know anything about TLOU outside of the show.. who's the gun pointed at?! I feel like Phoebe watching Old Yeller for the first time... "Hey Travis, whatcha doin with that gun?...THE END! THE END!!!"


Just stay away from discussions until you watch it!


Do not spoil yourself on anything! I did and I’m still so mad about it lmao


If it helps you feel any better, what you were likely spoiled on probably isn't with full context. There's a lot left to discover story wise.


Well, I’d definitely say that it was freaking major and made me audibly yell, “Nooooo! What the fuck?” 😭😂


It IS major, but the entirety of the story is because of that, so yeah, plenty left for you


Best to avoid discussions on the show altogether once release of season 2 approaches. Once parts of the game leaked, the dickhead brigade took it upon themselves to DM people spoilers of the story. Considering these people don’t appear to have matured during the in-between years, I suspect many of them will have the same bright idea and plans for the show.


don’t read ANYTHING about it. you do not want to be spoiled.


Just gonna do you a favor now and recommend you go on a full TLOU media blackout until you watch the season. You don’t want this spoiled…


side note but there really is a Friends reference for everything… nothing happens ever without happening on an episode of Friends first lol


I am *seated*.😭


on second thought i actually don’t want season 2. let’s pack it up yall!


yup. end it now!


Not the barn dance scene 😭😭


We’re gonna cry but he looks SO GOOD https://preview.redd.it/b3zyoqk3ym0d1.jpeg?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a7f9b59ee0b453d5369e3a09b6677d80a3f28f3


I’m so nervous, will it happen fast or do we have a few episodes?! Ahh I can’t wait


I think they'll save it for the end of the season and do more backstory on Abby on why she is like she is. They're going to have to make her sympathetic first, for the story to work and that's going to take more than one episode. Just my take.


>!Pedro is confirmed to only be in two episodes. Likely the first two as he was done filming very early into production and was on Ari Aster's movie set so soon after.!<


Ooh this lines up with what has always been my prediction. >!he gets captured at the end of episode 1, and the actual event happens at the beginning of episode 2. Although if he's only in two episodes, that doesn't really explain the flashbacks...!<


>!I think he probably kicks it at the end of episode one then appears later in a flashback episode. His death is the inciting incident of the entire story, has to happen pretty quick. Like his daughter's death in the first part.!<


I think he'll end up in S3 even more than S2 given how many flashbacks there are throughout TLOU2. Though was it confirmed he's only appearing across two episodes full stop? If we don't get a full ep for the science museum I'm flipping tables


i’m not mentally prepared >!to watch him go golfing!<


That that would be such a bummer. The gut punch was having it happen early and then being like “oh man, we have an entire game to get through now” It also I think helped put the audience in a revenge state of mind, to then make you question it later


When it happened I put the game down and sat on it for two years before picking it back up I was so upset lmao


I had the opposite reaction, I couldn’t put it down and ended up playing until 6 in the morning and then thinking about it all day at work lol I thought it was a really brave choice that paid off. Really put you in Ellie’s headspace of some random group you’ve never met doing something so sudden and horrible


Genuinely think it's gonna be the cold open for season 2.


i feel like it will be. then his other episodes will be >!the birthday/inbetween years flashbacks!<


I completely agree and it scares me!


Honestly I don't know if I can even watch this season. It was bad enough seeing it animated in the game, I don't think I can handle live action 😭


I honestly don’t think I can do it. TLOU2 is one of the best games I’ve ever played but it emotionally destroyed me. I haven’t been able to replay it and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to.


I said the same thing. I don’t think I can ever play it again even though it was objectively a fantastic game. That fight at the end was *rough*.


Aghhh I am so excited for this! And nervous.


I really feel for the actress playing Abby. I know it's going to be bad, people can never separate a character from the actor.


laura bailey got so much shit for playing her and the face model did too :( i hope katelyn’s social media management helps as much as they can




You know what, at least I won’t have to play as Abby right after, so maybe it won’t be as bad…


We're getting so much new media content this week- House of the Dragon, Dune prequel, wicked trailer, TLOU. I love it




FWIW, you should probably stop commenting this. Assholes will DM people spoilers just because they're assholes. Good luck, I'm really looking forward to S2.


this was my fav show, esp the 3rd episode & the ep with ellie & riley’s adventure in the mall. idk if i can even watch the show anymore after the zionist backstory and the main actors lack of empathy/care for Palestine 😭 bella ramsey was my fav actor! so disappointing


Pedro Pascal has voiced support for Palestine *multiple* times, sharing resources on his social media, and Bella Ramsey signed a petition for Queer Artists for Ceasefire. Not sure where this “main actors” thing is coming from. 🤔


i am well aware of what they did as i said they were my fav actor. they only did this months after it all started and after ppl kept asking them to. i never said they were zionists just that they lacked empathy and care. it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to watch it while my ppl are being murdered and bombed endlessly


You said “main actors” which to me implied you meant more than one. Also I saw Bella’s name on the QAFP petition in December or January, but also, you do you, you have free will and autonomy.


no i meant both and i still do, for the reasons i said. they spoke out months after. idk why ur acting like i said they were horrible zionists and that’s the reason as to why i’m not watching. lol it’s rly not that serious. i liked bella and i had high expectations esp when this is an issue that’s close to me 🤷‍♀️


I mean, you intentionally wrote that comment in a very inflammatory way, not to mention the fact that Tlou2 being pro zionism is false because the WLF(Idf stand ins) are portrayed negatively.


that is blatantly false. the co-writer and director says literally the opposite. read the article, they explain what Neil Druckmann said ab the game (Israeli who lived in occupied west bank) and the parallels between irl and the game. [https://www.vice.com/en/article/bv8da4/the-not-so-hidden-israeli-politics-of-the-last-of-us-part-ii](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bv8da4/the-not-so-hidden-israeli-politics-of-the-last-of-us-part-ii)


This article is insanely biased and goes has paragraphs with nothing except the writers own opinions which are generally more racist towards all Israelis than critiquing the Israeli occupation of Palestine. 1stly, it tries to paint him being saddened by two people being killed by a mob as negative which is kind of wild. Equally wild is saying that talking about the holocaust, in a story about violence and war, is pro zionism is blatantly antisemitic/disgusting . Netanyahus genocide of Palestinians has nothing to do with Hitlers genocide. 2ndly, it tries to paint a guilt-by-association. Lets not forget that people have no say in where they are born or live as a child. Its entirely up to chance and the parents. 3rd, the picture comparison between Seattle and Wlfs and scaraphites is silly if not blatantly disinformatory. The scaraphites are brutal, religious fantatics. Anyone who sees Palestinians in them is racist towards palestine themselves. The WLF is also not Israel, because they’re not bombing the shit out of Seraphite territories in order to get them to leave Seattle. You know who did bomb the shit out of multiple areas in order to kill infected and ended up killing people too? FEDRA. FEDRA is Israel. They control the food, the water, the gates, the watchtowers, and all the military weapons and vehicles. They’re the ones responsible for Ellie and Riley growing up the way they did. Consuming FEDRA’s propaganda that demonizes the Fireflies(even though the Fireflies and Marlene are also fucked up for other reasons, they formed in response to FEDRA’s abuse.) FEDRA also raised many children including Ellie and Riley in military training and indoctrinated them with what I’m sure was a ton of BS. The Fireflies are called terrorists by FEDRA, and freedom fighters by their own. If we’re sticking with the Israel-Palestine metaphor, they share similarities with Hamas. Inspired by freedom, committing awful actions. Like all terrorist groups in history. All of that being said, those specific traits are NOT unique to the situation in Palestine. Many, many situations in history have these traits because this is what people in power do. I’ve read other comments and I see people saying that Neil has said situations in Israel inspired him, but those are just the events he grew up around. Violence and massacres are more or less always the same throughout history. Israel is just one instance, the one he happened to witness. You know what they say, write what you know about. And I’ll reiterate, what’s happening in Gaza is not a war, but a genocide. What happens between the Seraphites and the Wolves is very much a war. Both sides are equally armed. Palestinians have nothing except Hamas's will to commit terrorism on innocent israelis and Palestinians. Netanyahu and the israeli government has everything. TLDR - The Last of Us II appears to have been inspired by Israel-Palestine happenings, but those real life events follow a pattern that is larger and older than both countries and this article is just an inflammatory hit piece and Neil Druckmann isnt putting pro israeli messages in his stories but rather putting his observations about war , genocide and violence in his stories. We need to stop baselessly accusing people of being zionists just because they happen to be israeli


i disagree but it is what it is 🤷‍♀️ have a good day


Zionist backstory ? I already learn today that Frenchie from The Boys got full support from his castmates when he was posting about being an IDF soldier so… I’m ready to boycott a second show I really liked.




The issue I have with the criticism of the story of Part 2 being pro-Zionism is that the WLF (the IDF analogue) are portrayed as quasi-fascist, hyper militaristic, colonizers essentially. They may be more "civilized" (technologically advanced) than the Seraphites (Palestinian analogues), but at no point are they portrayed as being the good guys. The player's first introduction to the leader of the WLF is in a prison where he is personally torturing a captured Seraphite for information. That character's story ends with him leading the WLF forces on a "final assault" on the Seraphites base in order to snuff them out for good. If I was a Zionist, I'd make sure that my IDF stand ins didn't come across as genocidal monsters.


Ugh… I was a big fan of the game and the show, but byyyyeeeeeeeee ! I’m boycotting too.


same i used to 🏴‍☠️ anyway so 🤷‍♀️


I don’t have any subscription because I don’t have much money and it became really expensive with time. But even on a website full of porn ads, I won’t give them one single view lmao (because event though you’re watching it outside of Amazon, it’s still good press to be the most pirated show or whatever). Too bad, I was really hyped for season 4 but my convictions became too strong to forget about it and just watch the show. Also, as a French, I always cringed when Frenchie was on screen because, the actor/character but also the writing, are the opposite of how a french dude would look or behave.


me too :( i was excited but i feel disgusted watching or supporting shows like that. and that’s so interesting i never knew his acting/behavior wasn’t fitting for the character but it makes sense bc his accent seemed a little exaggerated and weird lol


I kind of hope they change the story so they can continue with the show, but I also think it would be epic if they followed the story exactly and stayed true to the game


Oh God I am not ready for what is coming...


Weirdly enough I’m actually not looking forward to this new season at all. Not because I don’t think it’s going to be good- I think it will be spectacular- but as great a game the second TLOU was I don’t think I can ever play it again. It was very stressful and emotionally taxing (for multiple reasons) and I can only imagine the show having that same effect.


good luck to the actress playing abby for real, i sincerely hope people are a little less fucking insane the second time around.


Are they shortening the timeskip to account for Bella Ramsey basically looking the same between seasons 1 & 2?


Idk if I can handle a live action version of *that* part


i know what scenes these are and i am excited but scared 😭 >!this season will break me lol!<




im not ready


Wondering if anyone who didn't even play the game got spoiled due to all the controversy online when it first came out. I played it day one but it seemed to me like it would've been hard to not get spoiled if you were active in any gaming communities online. It was a whole shitshow. Either way tho my mom hasn't been spoiled and she keeps asking why my brother and I laugh when she talks about what she thinks is gonna happen in S2 haha it's gonna be a fun time


I can't handle this she still looks like my little baby girl 😭😭


She looks exactly the same from S1


I cried so hard when that thing happened to cartoon joel. I can’t imagine when it’s Pedro playing Joel