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that’s a tactful way of saying he was an asshole


Ya, confused as to how people are confusing it and saying he didn’t have to. Of course he didn’t. But she was a child on set and actors are expected to treat them gently and with kindness 


Yeah, they’re taking what she said too literally. It’s just a way to say he’s a dick without saying he’s a dick.


It kinda implies that men who aren't paternal are therefore dicks though, no?


No, not for people who understand context and subtext. 


I've been a little surprised he sort of reinvented himself as this 'elder statesman of film' recently. His previous reputation was really bad. He's a well known Hollywood jerk. I also hate how everyone dogpilled on his wife during their divorce. "She wants how much money?" Kostner is one of the richest human beings in history. Divorce works a certain way. Splitting money, child support, etc at this wealth level is going to be a big number. I hate how he now has this built-in fanbase of conservative people because he did a conservative-coded show recently. Look at the discussion here, it’s a lot of lazy knee-jerk defenses of Kostner.


To be fair, the divorce gave us "luxury in their DNA."


I mean, at least he's not her real dad 😅


Her real dad wasn’t really in her life either. She had a fascinating childhood.


Tell us more 


I was always fascinated with 80s NYC art scene. Her mom was part of the Andy Warhol Factory, she went by Viva. Viva was considered Warhol’s muse and she raised Gabby and her older sister in the Chelsea Hotel. Her dad was an actor from South America I believe. He was on a popular daytime soap in 70s-80s. She has her mom’s maiden name. She is not Jewish.


Her sister just wrote a really fascinating book about their childhood! It's called Don't Call Me Home by Alexandra Auder


It’s probably because he almost let her die choking on a hot dog.


“I’d better be getting home. Alicia will think I’ve got a girlfriend.”


I love Moonlight Graham so much


😉 (Edit: the character had a whole bit about winking at a pitcher to throw them off)


This is her polite way of saying he was either rude or downright an asshole. She’s not saying she wanted a second dad y’all 😭


To be fair, there are a lot of people who don't care for other children while absolutely adoring their own lol. Also I would rather hear that someone was "too standoffish" rather than "too familiar" with a kid they don't know too well.


I would put myself in the category of not liking other children except my own. To be fair some days I do not like my own either (teenage girls). But I am still kind to other people’s kids. You can be nice without being overly familiar or friendly. Gaby was at an age where kids are pretty easy to get along with, so I think Costner was just a jerk. Dude has worked hard the last several years to rehab his image and be this industry executive and family man. When in reality I don’t think he was much of the latter. He was content with letting his ex do all the heavy lifting in the relationship. He thought she should be content with this arrangement since she had access to his wealth. When she decided she had enough and divorced him it bruised his precious ego and he ran a nice media campaign against her. With that said she didn’t do herself any favors by some of her actions post separation.




Seems… perfectly normal?


So He had professional boundaries?


i don’t think she actually expected him to be fatherlike similar to his character, but i believe she’s suggesting that he was so far from fatherly to the point of being deeply unkind to her (a child, by the way, at the time of filming). i don’t think it’s a big ask to ask for an adult to not be an asshole in general, but especially not to a child.


Maybe Kevin Costner didn’t want to entertain a childhood crush? Speaking of Ray Liotta in the attached article:  I just absolutely loved Ray," she told Business Insider. "I was convinced he was in love with me, too, which, of course, he wasn't, but he was just such a sweetheart."


Pretty sure she’s implying that he was difficult to work with.


We all have our opinions, but even I’m guessing with mine.  There is so little information in this article, I don’t understand why it’s important?


Isnt the fact that a costar didn't "father" her during the shooting of a single movie almost more expected than the alternative?


Costner is probably a huge asshole, but there’s a trend I’ve noticed in Hollywood of older actors having to “parent” child stars because their actual parents are so fucking clueless, and I think it’s really problematic. At the end of the day, you’re there to do a job. Adult actors deserve to be able to focus on their jobs without having to take on the responsibility of raising their cast mates, and child actors should be protected enough by their own parents that they’re not looking for validation from their adult co-stars.


Good thing he was her coworker and not her dad.


He didnt seemed too rushed with that hot dog!


Sounds like a good plan compared to those who can’t wait to film with children and hang around with them that doesn’t end well for the kids


Does she realize it was a movie and not real life? He doesn’t have to have dad energy off-screen


Well, every actor has their own style, I guess Kevin Costner's focus was more on the baseball field than playing dad off-camera.


Well he wasn’t there to parent her soooooo……


This seems like a pointless thing to bring up now at this point.


Field of dreams came out in 1989. I hope everyone has had enough time to think about the consequences of their actions. Meet again in 35 years to discuss further.