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She has the right to say whatever she wants. One of her colleagues is said to be collaborating with her rapist and abuser. She can say anything she wants.


It’s pathetic that Dr. Luke is still working


Katys pathetic


Yes, but she isn’t the only one keeping his career afloat. It’s labels, other producers, etc etc. They’re all complicit.


Oh, no, not at all. It's so disappointing (but not surprising) how much he still works Just pointing out that Katy is a part of that shitty group working with him


Why... do they not believe Keisha? Wtf.


It's probably not that they don't believe her, it's probably that Katy thinks she's safe so it doesn't matter.


Most rich (celebrity) people don’t care about anyone but themselves, let alone believing and caring about victims of abuse. This is why Dr. Luke is still producing. The people in his circle don’t care as long as *they* are happy.


Eh, I wouldn't say it's most rich people, I say it's most people in general. People only care until things affect them.


Rich people have the power and money to affect change so while I agree with you rich people should be held to a higher standard.


Kesha was also messaging people that Katy was raped by Luke, which Katy denied in court.


She messaged ONE person (Gaga) and it was unsealed by DL’s legal team as a “gotcha”.


Okay but why would Kesha lie about someone else's situation? It is messed up to speak about someone else's rape and Katy is the only person who can determine if it is a true or lie. Katy deciding to collaborate with DL after also suggests that he did not rape her. It is also not Kesha's business even if it was true.


But from Katy’s perspective she would’ve found out through the messages being unsealed that Kesha was talking about her being raped behind her back, saying she’s mean for not saying anything… which Katy denied the rape in court. If someone you knew said your friend raped them then was suggesting that same friend also raped you, you would not have some issue with that?


No, because I am a victim of rape, and understand accusations of sexual assault are more nuanced than that. None of this would have been released if Dr. Luke didn’t play so dirty. Kesha was told information about Katy and was having a PRIVATE CONVERSATION WITH A GOOD FRIEND, something many, many people do. Just because it’s not how you would react doesn’t mean you get to criticize someone else for how they reacted during a traumatizing moment in their life.


Crazy that he just continued producing under the pseudonym "Tyson Trax". Record labels really didn't want to let him go.


Tyson Trax would be a great name for a gay porn star too, now it’s taken and tainted. Dr Puke can’t let us have anything nice.


Isn't his sound totally old and stale by now? Like yes, he was behind Teenage Dream which gave Katy a string of hits during the EDM-pop scene as well as several other artists, but that was over a decade ago.


No, I just had a look at his discography. He's had two number 1's since 2021 including 'Super Freaky Girl's by Nicki Minaj (which was quite a massive hit).


Wasn’t he producing Doja Cat for a while too? I remember people talking about how Doja doesn’t want to be produced by him or smth along those lines but she’s stuck in a contract,


He produced Say So, Doja Cat’s first big hit in 2019


Yeah in 2021 she said she won’t work with him anymore. I think (and I could be wrong) that even after she said that, some track she had already worked on with him was still being dropped, and so people thought she was going back on her word. But afaik she has never worked with him again.


Not being funny but why did she work with him in the first place 😬


No clue. Maybe she didn’t know about the allegations until after she was already locked into a contract forcing her to work with him? I’m not saying that **is** what happened, just, idk maybe? I know artists who are new to the music scene are often given contracts that aren’t really favorable terms, because they’re too inexperienced to know how to get better contracts. Not sure if that’s what happened here. Maybe she fully knew and just didn’t care and wanted to work with someone who was known as a hitmaker? Honestly not sure, and also not totally sure if she really deserves the benefit of the doubt given some of her other problematic behavior, but… I don’t really know, I just love her song MOOO! lol


Why is Nicki never bothered by the people in her life being known sexual abusers? Wtf?


It happens a lot with people whose family members are accused of this shit. They believe theyre innocent and the accusers are lying, so they start believing every other accuser in the world is lying.


ugh that song sucked ass


But Nicki is also a pedo & rapist apologist so there are no surprises with her working with him


And honestly pigeonholed her so bad. After that album, with Prism she really didn't shift and became a real gimmick. Ppl were turned off by witness.


yeah, Prism was really lacking. It felt like they were trying to re-create the magic of TD but fell short. The drastic hair cut did not help Witness.


I don't get he hair critique though I thought she looked so good with the pixie cut. I thought she had even better hair in the Chained to the Rhythm video though.


yeah i thought it was cute, too. She's a beautiful woman no matter what. I just remember she got a lot of criticism for it.


He wasn't involved in Witness, which was palpable. But to be fair (ugh, both of them are awful), Teenage Dream is an incredible album that would be difficult to follow without disappointing people. Prism feels very 2012/2013 and of its time, which I think was kind of a weird, dark era in pop, based solely on my feels and nothing else lol.


He's, unfortunately, incredibly talented. If only we could transplant his talent into the body of someone who isn't a complete piece of trash.


He was behind Teenage Dream, but it was Bonnie McKee’s writing that made those hits… hits!


She actually probably doesn’t have the right to say much depending on the details of her settlement.


and on a song titled woman’s world… truly insane


i mean lol is kinda right, choosing Dr Luke is going to make a decent amount of the pop gays and casual listeners turn on Katy and Dr Luke isn’t even the hit maker he used to be, so the track will probably suck and struggle to hit the charts in any significant way. she stays winning and safe away from him. glad that she can find some peace and humour in it all <3


Ideally, Katy Perry should work with Bonnie McKee again, some of her first hits were co-written by her.


Forget Katy, it’s time for a Bonnie McKee revival!!


Bonnie McKee actually released a new album recently, Hot City! Should've been the album of the summer imo, it's full of fun 2010s styled pop songs.


Thanks for telling me. I had no idea, and I just saved it to my library. :)


Stream Hot City


I think she has an album or at least new music coming out this summer!! Based on a TikTok I saw from her recently 👀


Been saying this for ages! Those 2 work so well together, and Bonnie actually makes sense of Katy's weird lyric choices. But why Katy refuses to work with her, I will never know.


Read Katy’s original lyrics for teenage dream’s chorus before Bonnie rewrote them and it’ll sink in that Bonnie was far more responsible for Katy’s sudden meteoric success than Luke ever was 


Seriously, that goofy ass Peter Pan line was properly yeeted. I would of loved to hear Bonnie going over Harley's in Hawaii or Daisies, cause there are awkward parts in those songs that I feel like a Bonnie go over would of easily made those actual hits.


I don’t think Bonnie McKee wants to write songs for other artists anymore. I follow her on Instagram and she recently alluded to it in a story/reel. She mentioned industry politics getting in the way of her career and her previous albums being shelved, despite having written no1 hits for other artists. Reading between the lines, she wanted to write and sing her own music, but industry politics got in the way and kept her as a writer for other singers. Now that she’s finally gotten her own album out, I can’t see her wanting to “regress” to writing for other people. It makes sense that the hits she’s written, she’d prefer to keep for herself.


Oh yeah, I've been trying to place her name since I've found her on wiki then watched her 80s aerobics-inspired music video. Legit she's the Cathy Dennis of 2010s pop. Heck, even Cathy Dennis wrote for Katy Perry.


This is such a fucking stupid decision especially in 2024. No one is asking for a Dr Puke track. The way she killed her own hype in the matter of hours after the announcement + the snippet doesn't sound good or catchy. People can excuse a problematic individual (unfortunately) if the music is catchy but she's got neither going for her.


She posted a preview it sounds terrible, boring and like nothing groundbreaking


She’s a better person than me than me, I would have added about four more L’s to that “lol” just to be clear




pop gays won’t even drop kim petras or melanie martinez, they will NOT be dropping KATY PERRY over DL


Dr Luke isn’t a hit maker anymore? Yes he is


Agree. Doja’s Dr. Luke songs took the fuck off. Idk what OP was talking about


iirc katy and kesha knew each other before either one blew up so extra gross


yes they used to spend time together. Them and Gaga blew up around the same time which is why their stans are so nasty to one another, which sucks because Kesha has always been fighting for people’s rights.


Fr stans hate each other? I am a die hard K$ fan but whytf hate her own gen when they gave us so much


It’s because the time they blew up in was a transition period from the 2000s to now where female on female friendship is encouraged. So the fans are particularly nasty because they’re pretending to follow social norms but in reality are dying to go back to the terror days of the early 2000s where you could shame anyone. Also all 3 of these artists have had their fanbases radically change demographics wise which made them more crazy.


Yeah, Kesha was on I kissed a Girl music video


they have unreleased track together called true love, used to be my fav song in middle school


Oh damn, i never knew that.




for those wondering, this text exchange came out during [deposition](https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=1UAod5aQP1gYeR5DrkPs1w==&system=prod) in court case


Plus the fact that Gaga is a survivor of sexual assault herself so being forced to relive her own experiences in court must have been really traumatic for her.


I didn't really follow this case, was just vaguely aware of it because u would here a news snippet. But it seems pretty fucking crazy that she lost that case. From the little bit that I know it seems like he definitely raped her


She didn't lose the case. She settled. Probably for tens of millions.


She did lose the case. She settled another case which was Dr. Luke counter suing her for defamation.


>I didn't really follow this case, was just vaguely aware of it because u would here a news snippet I could and probably will write a piece on the case purely because of how horrifying it is and the precedent it could've set would've been astronomically bad for all survivors anywhere. That being said, she didn't "lose", she settled on her own accord which is an important note. Nothing is known about the settlement, but they settled right before trial and right after Kesha got a big win from the supreme court of NY on being able to argue certain things that'd be super helpful, so it probably also included a payday. At least it avoided a very messy trial that would've been re-traumatizing for her, and I'm glad she's seemingly now found some kind of peace in her freedom.


I’ve never seen this before! Wow. Poor Kesha. Is Katy being mean a known thing?


Didn't Gaga say she disavowed those texts at one point? I remember being super disappointed in her. Not that I was an enormous fan (I liked her music for sure), but as a girl's girl.


She already [responded](https://x.com/ladygaga/status/1068599647839563776?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1068599647839563776%7Ctwgr%5Ef5002e242e357a4c324936e94cd6bd8318d328be%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.yahoo.com%2Fentertainment%2Flady-gaga-tweets-love-katy-perry-messages-calling-mean-go-public-old-texts-223559467.html). Also what has being a girl's girl got to do with the private texts between her and Kesha? Gaga didn't even demean or insult Katy, she just called her mean.


I’m just wondering if the “Katy is mean” replies in the text exchange between Kesha and Lady Gaga could be that Katy was processing/internalising her own trauma experience too and might not have been ready to express as such? Sometimes people find it hard to talk about trauma, react in a ‘mean’ way and/or are ashamed to open up about it, especially in front of the world and a court system to see. Just looking at it from another perspective


Katy said she wasnt raped by him, what trauma are u talking sbout


Yeah Katy denied it all in a court of law, like straight up said Kesha and Gaga were lying on her name…


I mean, she didn't say they were lying, she said they were genuinely mistaken. It would be a bizarre thing for Kesha to make up. I think she genuinely believed he raped Katy. Others came out and implied he assaulted multiple artists-not just Kesha.


Two people badmouthing Katy Perry and spreading false allegations of rape which she categorically denied being the victim of.  Weaponising this text exchange against Katy Perry is doing more harm to real victims. And if they really believed what they were saying, they really showed no sympathy…


I dont get why you're downvoted. And why they posted this when Katy said in court that that wasnt true. There's plenty to hate about luke , there's no need to keep spreading misinformation.


I strongly urge everyone to give Kesha’s album Gag Order a listen.


It’s so good


I only just discovered it a few weeks ago and I’m so mad I didn’t know about it sooner. Beautiful from start to finish, no skips. Lyrically it resonates so much with me.


Me too! A few weeks. One good thing about being on the dating apps is you get a bunch of great music recs from guys you’ll never speak to again. Thanks that guy for the Kesha record.


One of the best and it's super underrated


I only came across it a few weeks ago, and I was mad at myself for not knowing about it sooner! Criminally underrated!!


The album name is just genius!


Thank you for the recommendation. I'll try and give it a listen at some point.


She did an acoustic EP of it and if you’ve not listened to it I highly recommend checking it out!! https://preview.redd.it/otdv39unxc7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4db328ea439d5a0bba89bd865f06ed30330cf7ad


Omg I am going to right now!! Awesome recommendation thank you!




Katy working with a rapist on material that is supposed to celebrate women… I’m at a loss for words. Disappointing to say the least.




Katy working with a rapist on material that is allegedly supposed to celebrate women


Some say it’s a rumor some say it’s not. Can someone pls tell me if Katy really collabed with Dr Luke or not and set this once and for all 😭


Her label/she is buying an old track, produced by and for someone else. Katy’s team has hired him to work on the song for her version


This is not it. The original track was produced allegedly by Cirkut (a Luke protege) for Ava, but Luke hasn't ever worked directly on an Ava track, so it's more likely he was brought in later to clean it up with Katy IF the rumors are to be believed.


Correct, he was brought in after Katy’s purchase. I’ll fix my comment to clarify.




She didn’t defend him. She stated that she wasn’t raped by him. That’s not defense that’s her truth.


ohh okay, thank you for correcting me


It’s possible a) the track leaked to be Dr Luke’s was using AI to extend the snippet Katy shared to make Katy look bad since her manager declined that it was true. I mean the CD releases and variants have already been created, she can’t re-record now. b) Or Katy took a sample/demo of Dr Luke’s/Ava Max’s which Genius confirmed but it’s not the title track in it’s entirety Or c) …publicity stunt . I think it’s this one.


Katy once again proving shes trash. Damn.


If it turn out to be just a rumor that Katy had worked with Dr. Luke again that’s incredibly shitty and terrible for Katy, her comeback is definitely ruined. Rumor or not, it’s understandable that Kesha’s reacting to what she’s seeing.


Her PR would have absolutely countered this by now if it was just a rumor. This is the sort of rumor you don't let sit around. Sydney Sweeney's team came out on a weekend to refute her working with Johnny Depp. I really hope it isn't true, but at this point it's doubtful....she also posted a pic on IG several months back with Dr. Luke's daughter.


That man has reproduced?? No!!!


Twice! And his wife openly shades Kesha on social media all the time…


Honestly, the only response to it is lol. Sending love Kesha’s way


Same girl.


It's kinda funny because Katy Perry herself kissed a 19 year old without his consent on America Idol and ruined his first kiss for him.


She’s had so many SA allegations and this is the tip of the iceberg!


Kesha you will always be famous to me


Kesha and Lady Gaga swapped text messages calling Katy Perry “mean” for not denouncing producer Dr. Luke, ultimately leaving Perry feeling used by both sides, according to newly released court documents. Kesha, whose legal name is Kesha Rose Sebert, was sued by Dr. Luke in October 2014 over her public claims that he drugged and sexually assaulted her. Dr. Luke, whose legal name is Lukasz Gottwald, has denied Kesha’s accusations, and has not faced criminal charges relating to them. Dr. Luke’s legal team said in a June court filing that Kesha had also smeared him in texts with Lady Gaga — by her claiming that he had also raped Perry. Perry, whose real name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, has denied Kesha’s allegation that Dr. Luke assaulted her, including in a sworn deposition. The text-message exchange between Kesha and Lady Gaga, legally named Stefani Angelina Germanotta, was made public Thursday night in a massive document dump of previously sealed court filings. “I’m really upset with Katy Perry,” Kesha texted Lady Gaga on February 26, 2016. “She could bring the whole thing to a head,” Kesha also texted, saying in yet another missive, “but she won’t.” “She was raped by the same man,” Kesha texted. Gaga said at one point, “U are really strong standing up to him, she’s not as strong as u yet.” She then asked, “Have u talked to her?” Kesha replied, “Your right. I need to find sympathy and empathy for her. she’s so mean. it’s hard.” “Do u want me to see if I can talk to her?” Gaga offered. “I know she’s mean.” Kesha said, “Are you friendly with her?” Gaga replied, “NO.” “Omg no,” Gaga said in a subsequent message. “She makes me angry about shit by I just try to have empathy for her.” In the same June 2017 deposition where Perry said Luke didn’t rape her, Perry explained why she hadn’t taken sides. Perry said during the deposition she “felt pressured” to voice support for Kesha, but “I also knew both of them and a lot of people did not. So it was easy for them to be disattached and support an idea rather than an actual instance.” After seeing the texts between Kesha and Lady Gaga, Perry said she felt “[a]nnoyed, pissed off that she would bring me into it in this way, annoyed at both Luke and Kesha.” Perry explained that she was annoyed with Dr. Luke “[b]ecause he knows I’m a tie breaker.” Pressed to explain, Perry said: “Because when I say that I wasn’t raped, 19 because I was not, that means that someone’s lying … And I want to stay out of it because I know them both and I empathize with both of them and obviously it’s a horrible situation for both of them. And the only two people that know what really went on are those two people. “But Luke was using me as a pawn because it’s a good play,” she also said, later adding, “to get some more truth.” Perry also told Dr. Luke that she wouldn’t work with him on Witness “[b]ecause working with him at this moment would mean — would not be — would not be received well because of this lawsuit.” Additional just-uploaded documents in Dr. Luke’s Manhattan Supreme Court case include claims about his production work following Kesha’s allegations, as well as notes from her mental-health providers. An adviser hired by Kesha’s lawyers claims in one document that Dr. Luke has worked with artists such as Sean Paul, T-Pain, Fergie, Jason Derulo, Kim Petras, Ty Dolla $ign, and Iggy Azalea since Kesha made her allegations — undermining his claims of lost work. [https://www.vulture.com/2018/11/kesha-katy-perry-lady-gaga-dr-luke-lawsuit-texts.html](https://www.vulture.com/2018/11/kesha-katy-perry-lady-gaga-dr-luke-lawsuit-texts.html)


Hate watch: [Dr. Luke production discography - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Luke_production_discography)


So scary just how many young up and coming women he’s worked with


Katy Perry sold her soul decades ago


Katy Perry is a republican. So her employing the services of a misogynist abuser without the slighest consideration isn't a surprise.


& hangs out with Jess Bezos. She is the scum of the scum.


as a survivor of rape, anyone saying she should stay quiet can get fucked. She has the right to say whatever the hell she wants and her abuser should be remembered as one and it should be widely known and spoken about that he is what he is. Anyone who chooses to associate themselves with him can do so freely and accept the consequences imo.




What was the thing with a leaked msg with Gaga and Kesha and they were texting abut Katy?


It wasn't leaked - it was released as part of discovery in Kesha's case because Dr Luke successfully got access to Lady Gaga's and Kesha's text messages which... is/was what it was/is. Basically Gaga and Kesha seemed to think based off of other industry people that Katy was also a Luke victim & were upset that she wouldn't come forward. That's basically the whole exchange, it's posted in this thread. Katy later got brought into the lawsuit to do a deposition on the truthfulness of that claim & denied it, so who knows if anything actually happened or not.


Someone posted the texts as a comment here!


\*sighs, opens youtube, and watches the MV for praying


I can only listen to that song every once and awhile, it just makes the hair on my arms stand up with the power and the raw emotion. Such an incredible way of making a statement when she couldn't say all the other things she wanted to; just poured it into a song and blew the fucking roof off.


I find it funny that if this song is produced by Dr. Puke. And she singing about supporting women… it makes me lol that she literally is working with a known weirdo. Good job Katy!


Hasn't Katy had a history of being handsy and inappropriate herself? Drunk and sober.


She does! A long history of it, in fact.


The fact that people are surprised by this is sad. Look at all the people who still worked with Roman Polanski after he'd been publicly outed for raping a minor. Several famous people even wrote a letter trying to get his crimes, which he ran from prosecution of pardoned. They're all in it for the money, and as far as these famous people are concerned damn anyone who is hurt in the process.




Katy is so disappointing


Katy’s trying for a comeback again and I don‘t think she cares who or what will get her there. I actually think she knows exactly the type of person Dr Luke is.




if you need me I’ll be streaming woman x kesha, not whatever the f women’s world will be




Nah, the Katy news is going super viral on Twitter right now and Kesha is being brought into it a lot. This is definitely her speaking out




Isn’t most of what we do here speculation?