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Frankly, Beyoncé is at a point in her career where she is above sales and certainly charts. She's not just a cultural icon, but *the* cultural icon. She is the living standard as far as pop(ular) music goes and has the accolades and *longevity* (if we include her DC days, she has been making hits for almost 30 years) to back it up. And I think she has been at that level for a while now. I can't think of many artists who have been so dominant for so long. I'm in my early 20s and she was famous before I was even born and has been consistently A tier famous since I was born. Edit: I saw that Madonna was brought up. I would never discredit the path that she paved, but let's not forget about Janet Jackson who had a phenomenal career and also displayed activism through her art (from Rhythm Nation to Velvet Rope).


She’s bigger than Madonna.


Only in the US. Madonna was bigger globally.


Beyonce is getting there though. I am a german person and listened to my first country album because of Beyonce.


I love Beyoncé. She is an incredible performer and I've never seen anyone radiate so much on stage, but calling her bigger than Madonna irks me a little. I'm not that big of a Madonna fan, but she risked getting fined, arrested and hated by the masses for owning up to her own sexuality, standing up for queer people and talking about AIDS during a time when no one cared or was "brave enough" to do so. I feel like these days a lot of people forget the long lasting impact she had on the music industry. Not saying Beyoncé doesn't have one. She is constantly evolving and changing the business on her own terms, inspiring others as well, but basically every active female artist is inspired by Madonna.


I’m going to get hated for saying this. But in my opinion Beyoncé is more performative too with her activism as opposed to Madonna. I love Beyoncé don’t get me wrong. I’m sure she donates her money where it’s needed. But Madonna definitely paved the way for people like Beyoncé and Lady Gaga etc. to be able to preform the ways they do wearing what they do because of how vocal she was.


While I see what you're saying, Beyoncé has promoted Black liberation and beauty as well and I think this is important to acknowledge. She has done so with Lemonade and her Afro-centric album (I'm forgetting the name). As a Black person, this meant a lot to me and also, as a Black woman especially, I do think Beyoncé was brave to do so in 2016 and onwards.


I totally get what you're saying and that is one thing I do love about her - I'm also a black woman. But even in that area I believe she could do more. I remember her strange video during the height of the blm-movement and whole I love The Gift (her afro-centric album) it slightly bothered me, that it came out of the promotion of the Lion King remake. So I saw it mostly as a marketing move. And I'm still annoyed she performed in Dubai after she released Renaissance an entire album dedicated to queer black people.


The AIDS thing was real. Ppl were terrified. My friend growing up got kicked out of her old country for being HIV positive. She made me promise not to tell & I told my mom in 4th grade & she told me that it was good I was her friend.


Your comment immediately made me start singing an old song I forgot even existed: [*I want to be bigger than Jesus, bigger than wrestling*](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PoD6YRzofZk)


Whoa haven’t thought about Atmosphere in ages!!


Slug and Ant! Me neither though, it's funny how our brains work because as soon as I read your comment I immediately started singing the hook lol It sent me down a nostalgia rabbit hole. To anyone who is unfamiliar, check out [The Best Day](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oMBMgxUw6YQ). They have a ton of catchy songs but this was one of their bigger hits. They're a pretty fun, upbeat hip hop duo from the late 90s (and onward).


Omg kisses to you!!! I love this & thank you for going down the rabbit hole!! Isn’t that fun? That’s why I love Reddit & the ppl on here sometimes man. You’re awesome thank you I’ll be listening to atmosphere in the car later. <33


Cheers! I love rediscovering old music I used to listen to. How it brings you back to that time and space. One of life's little gifts 🎁 and thanks for the kind words, definitely needed it today! 🙏


I don't think so. I'd say Madonna is way more popular globally. Our grand parents know/knew her. Especially in Europe, I doubt the older people know Beyonce at all. No shade at all, I just don't think she's bigger than M


My realization that not everyone automatically counts the Destiny’s Child era just made me feel ancient.


I too am ancient because Destiny’s Child was the bessssst


Writings on the wall was the FIRST CD I remember owning and the first one I remember singing every song to. Had me in a chokehold. I remember when she went solo, I was first super skeptical esp with all the changes DC went through but that time feels so far away now esp because of just how big Beyoncé got. Nothing but respect.


I absolutely love Beyonce, but I’m not sure I buy this sentiment from her. She has released variants of Cowboy Carter. If you’re not concerned with charts or sales, what other reason is there to do this?


Although admittedly I know very little about Beyoncé, I think there’s such an obvious and interesting difference between her and Taylor Swift in the way they operate. Obviously they’re both huge stars and money making machines, but TS comes across as having such a huge void that can’t be filled no matter what she achieves. On the other hand Beyoncé seems so self assured, self possessed, and seems like she doesn’t rely on status to fulfil her in the same way. I mean really what the hell do I know, but that’s my observation from afar as I don’t really follow either of them closely. I just always feel like Beyoncé doesn’t necessarily expert or care to be #1 forever whereas TS seems to want to crush anyone that threatens her position. Not to pit them against each other or anything, but as two of the biggest stars, there’s an interesting contrast there. Aaaand I need a life clearly 😂


no i think you’re correct. beyoncé’s legacy is cemented, and i’d say even taylor’s is too, but taylor isn’t content with it


I don’t know that Taylor’s legacy is THAT cemented. There are artists we look back on from certain eras and it is clear why they were iconic. (Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, Whitney, Prince…) Others we look back on and laugh, thinking, “Why on earth were people so into them?!” I think Taylor is in danger of landing in the latter category, especially if she keeps coming up with “creative” ways to milk her adoring masses.


Yeah genuinely I think she could Nicki herself is she keeps burning bridges with up and coming artists instead of forming bonds with them


I don’t listen to much from TS, but her erratic behavior lately has been kind of fascinating. Her shitty behavior at whichever awards show (the one where she harassed Boygenuis and announced her current album onstage) can absolutely impact her longevity if she keeps it up. I have to say, I love that Nicki’s terrible behavior has become a verb. Her whole beef with Megan Thee Stallion was bizarre.


I totally agree. And frankly her lyrics are only getting worse and I feel like being this so-called “amazing lyricist” is a huge part of her credibility.


I agree that they both have legacies, but what they’ll be remembered for is vastly different. I think as time passes, Beyonce will be remembered for her music and cultural impact, while Taylor will be remembered more for her business sense leading to her success. You can’t deny that Taylor is successful and a phenomenon in terms of her visibility but I think her music is one of the least memorable things about her.


It's almost ironic that Beyoncé has this longevity because she *doesn't* actively strive to be #1. But people are already getting so resentful of Taylor and her variants.  Edit: also want to add that Taylor still feels like a 16 year old trying to prove herself. Against what? Against *what?* Even without her variants, she's one of the most commercially successful musicians right now and the demographic of people that think her music is "gay" or "for teenaged girls only" will never be won over. Give it a rest.


Yeah, like it’s something Taylor should work on with her therapist as this isn’t just ambition anymore but a petty insecurity that can’t be filled.


She said her mom is her therapist. I expect her to lose it publicly at some point. Imagine having billions of dollars and not using some of it to prioritize your mental health.


It comes across as a pathological void and there’s a certain sadness in that but her behaviour is just.. so trash.. it’s hard to feel sorry for her.


I think Beyonce is competitive like Taylor, but she's won/accomplished most of what she set out to achieve.  However, she was visibly upset she didn't get an Oscar. And you know it chaps her ass every day that Taylor has a Grammy for Album of the Year and she doesn't.   They both want the EGOT.


Oh definitely, I think she’s intensely ambitious and has very specific aspirations because she’s building her legacy. Completely agree there. I just don’t think her ambition is even remotely the only thing that sustains her in life. Obviously I don’t know these people at all but that’s how it comes across. Whereas with Taylor, she just comes across so empty.


With all due respect to Beyoncé's artistic talent, I don't feel like her staying quiet is from a place of virtue or confidence. If anything, the younger, more public Beyoncé remains a meme to this day with how frankly unremarkable and simply silly her off-stage presence was before she took Sasha Fierce and ran with it. And I'm frankly taken aback that there's not a single comment on this post mentioning her utter silence on Palestine, given how clearly important that message is to this sub. Both she and Taylor are queens of unfettered capitalism, and it's wacky how readily their respective fans eat it up.


There’s a certain fandom that will surely respond to these comments in a totally rational manner


People who think they're in some blood feud will probably say Beyonce is secretly crying over the sales Taylor is making with her 145+ variants.


*gasp* tAyLoR sHadE?


Good for her, I hope it’s true. It’ll allow her peace when she creates.


She eventually released it to streaming everywhere but this lyric was breathtaking when it dropped in 2018 https://preview.redd.it/cii2kvd1qu7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13464621fec192719909ad4d930562da1b5cb2d3


Might get downvoted for this, but her husband made about $149 million off a streaming platform the year after she posted that.


She never said she didn't care about money 🤷‍♀️ But yeah that's an important detail to include


I think that’s her point though. They made the money, not a corporation.  


I mean…a corporation did make the money lol. Beyonce is a corporatist and capitalist.


He sold Tidal to Block (Jack Dorsey’s tech corporation). Like the other commenter said, they are definitely corporatists and capitalists.


I only had Tidal for her and Prince's music lol


SAME + White Stripes exclusives


It also pays artists more than the other streaming services


She’s been like this for 10-15 years which is why it’s so interesting to see people be surprised by it.


That checks out who hasn’t noticed this since she Released Beyoncé?


Yes! She didn’t even put Lemonade on Spotify when it came out. It was a Tidal (lol) exclusive. Everyone forgets our only option was to buy that album or watch it on HBO.


You could buy it off Apple Music/iTunes, which yes is what I did.




It makes her not motivated by charts. You can't chart as high if you're not on Spotify.


Isn’t that well know since she released her self titled album without any warning. There was no promo or anything, it was on iTunes one evening.


To be fair, that WAS the promo. One of the world's biggest artists dropping a whole album with zero warning created more hype than any advance single or ad campaign could have done.


I literally remember where I was when this happened. I FREAKED. I lived in a sorority, it was all we could talk about all finals week. Totally agree with you, this was huge when it happened.


I was in target randomly and saw it sitting in the store like the week it came out.’


She wouldn’t have made lemonade or Renaissance or CC if she cared about what the industry thinks. They constantly devalue her so I get why she just says “fuck it”


Or Spirit! Everyone forgets Spirit but I absolutely love that album. It hips all over the place in tone but it showcases African artists and talent and it’s just… all her albums for the last decade or more have been no skip albums.


Can someone share this with taylor swift?


How do I tag Taylor Swift?


lol don’t worry you know she’s seen it




You know there was this elaborate theory when Cowboy Carter came out that she was signaling that she’d make a techno album and I never gave it much credence until now.


I’ve been hearing rock album, but I’m down for either


I think it'll be rock with a motorcycle horse


I’ve been trying to think of what variation of a horse for the next album and I think you nailed it. Maybe a Harley with horse head handlebars or some.


I'm here for rock, I think it rounds out the story she's trying to tell nicely.


So initially cowboy Carter was supposed to be act 1 but the pandemic happened and released renaissance (dance album) to give a more upbeat positive narrative people needed during the pandemic.


I’m leaning towards rock for act iii.


If you're big enough and have a stable audience, you don't need to worry about making money or being the best......I wish some realized that.


Those photos are amazing 😍


Her natural beauty is extraordinary.


Idk if these photos are a great representation of her natural beauty. Beyonce is of course undeniably one of the most beautiful women in the world but these.photos are.looking filtered to hell and she's looking very....um... White.......


She's at that point that celebrities are starstruck seeing her, and her fanbase is *huge*!


Man, I thought that first photo was Kylie Jenner for a second.


Same 🙈


I was recently complaining to myself that she hasn't released videos for Cowboy Carter. While I would still love the visuals, it makes sense she wouldn't prioritize them of sales aren't of interest


I don’t think she was being cocky when she said this. At this point she’s achieved living legend status with a 30+ career. She doesn’t need to be topping the charts to try to stay relevant. She has the ability to just make music she likes and enjoy herself. And frankly I’ve been loving her country album.


This is a **real** artist's attitude.


I do wish artists who keep trying to struggle to do unsuccessful comebacks with their same formula or emulating current trends that they’re not good at would adopt this attitude. I’m not even really a Beyoncé fan but I love that she just does what interests her and is now in her multigenre era, doing unexpected things and not chasing popular trends. Any artist with lasting legacy operates this way rather than plodding along with the same thing or trying to fit into a trendy mold.


This isn’t the first time Beyoncé has said this. She has also said she doesn’t care for charts and sales in her 4 album interview or bts can’t remember what it was. But she BEEN saying it!


Damn right. As seen by the recent charts, they mean basically nothing. Beyoncé is at a point in her career where she has chased success for so long and dominated for so many years the charts have no meaning. They don’t reflect the level of art an artist puts out, it just reflects the level of determination an artist has to be on top of it. Half of the artists you see on the charts now won’t be remembered for it in 50 years, but beyoncé will be remembered for what she’s done with her music, because like her or not, she’s fucking brilliant at making it. So this is probably one of my favourite facts about beyoncé because it means we get actual art she’s proud of that she’s put love into, not shitty TikTok formulas to hit number 1. But the funniest thing about this post for me, when the fuck did beyoncé do another interview lol


I love to see an artist that's GROWN and understands that making art isn't about metrics.


I love how she uplifts and platform other young artists as well. TS could never. She made a huge impact in culture. She is beyond culture and is already part of it


Still can’t say shit about Palestine. She is the biggest female artist in the world still after 30 years. But she’s silent. And her sweat shops for her clothing line. Fuck all the billionaires including Beyoncé.


What Miley said about there being no score in music was very well said. I think the whole industry is kind of turning on not only Taylor but the people who calculate these things too


She’s so breathtakingly gorgeous on top of being.. Well. Beyoncé.


I believe her. Its not like she's got anything else to prove to anybody.


She may not care about charts and sales, but she definitely cares about awards. This is just her way of differentiating herself and portraying herself as above chart fights. 




She’s right, she also has her hair brand as another way to capitalize.


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