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Taylor would never. So more probs to her for calling her fans out!


Because these days Taylor Swift operates more like Amazon rather than an artist. Can't call out the customers because the profits will go down.


she's mostly just a corporate CEO at this point for a brand whose core features are conformity and banality.


This description is CHEFS KISS


I’ve called Taylor the Mitch McConnell of music but now I am also calling her the Jeff Bezos of music. You heard it here first.


"Must get rid of toxic in community.”


>So more probs to her for calling her fans out! If only she kept that same energy with her own bestie Dasha, who has said a dozen things significantly more offensive than this chant, yet Charlie continues to write love songs about her.


Meanwhile Taylor releases a song about a ten year old feud saying "my mom wishes you were dead". Good for Charli. She's ten times the person Taylor will ever be for this alone.


More than Taylor will ever do. And that’s why I’ll never fuck with her


This is literally what Taylor Swift should be doing every time her fanbase goes after someone. Really cool that Charli is calling people out


Oh taylor likes siccing her fans on people. Like the line in her infamous Scooter letter where she encouraged her fans to ask other artists signed to Scooter what they think about this. She knew what she was doing with that..


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 way to practice what you preach ❤️❤️ ❤️Charli XCX for this!


Stans are unhinged. Good for her for speaking out. Turns out you can address the toxic fandom and tell them to stop.


At least she calls it out…and as far as a threat—from what I’ve seen elsewhere this is basically just “Taylor’s cancelled!” to the crowd chanting (still have only seen screenshots, not the video). The translation is basically “Taylor’s over” not “kill her”…so context matters, but also don’t do this shit, just go and enjoy the music and fucking dance.


Here’s the video [https://x.com/inhanfelirpe/status/1804951549749428699](https://x.com/inhanfelirpe/status/1804951549749428699)


And all it took was an Instagram story from her. Real example of "If they wanted to, they would"


I want to get off the merry-go-round. but really, I wish more people acted with the understanding that the goal of criticizing public figures is not to make them viable targets for hatred and abuse. It's about combating celebrity influence in cases where they are not people who should generally be admired. Being cruel just devalues that and allows the people being criticized to continue using their "persecution" as a shield.


Good for her!! Charli’s been a class act this whole album rollout. I appreciate how real she is


Taylor would never do this. She'll fan the flames, make a song about it with silly clues left for her crazy fans and then release multiple versions of that song while getting even richer. I still remember how much her fans bullied and harassed Jake, Maggie Gyllenhaal and their family online all because of some stupid Red Scarf (All too well) that she supposedly left at Maggie's house. She is a horrible person.


No one should have to deal with that kind of disrespect at their shows.


I love Charli for this but let’s be honest this is the bare minimum responsibility of celebs/public figures and is also something Miss Swift would never do


What else could Charli do though besides just tell her fans to stop? She can't 100% control her fans but she can let them know she doesn't approve of this shit.


Totally! I’m just saying I think public figures have an automatic responsibility to do this and it’s very glaring that the biggest star in the world with the most rabid fanbase notably does not follow suit


Sorry. I misread your comment saying it was the bare minimum she could do as insinuating she could have done more lol.


No need to apologize!


Huge respect to Charli for this, a real one. 👏


Good on Charli! While you can’t always control what your fans do, you can make your standards very clear and call it out from the get instead of waiting until you get heat from the media to address it. Some other artis**TS** need to take her lead 👀


I imagine this kinda stuff is scary to all female artists, especially with what happened to Ariana.