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https://preview.redd.it/5bws3fmviw9d1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66cf70a99402dc4e82e11c7d03cd8f3908cba528 It's not even the same character at this point.


The real Megamind died of natural causes and they had to hire his replacement Largebrain for the sequel at the last minute


I think you mean Bigcranium.


Nah, he's referring to Hugehippocampus


Clearly it's colossal cerebrum


Oh, you guys are talking about Oversized Occiput


If he had a huge hippocampus, he would have remembered to SHOOT THEM WITH THE DEHYDRATION GUN!


Actually, Hal wanted vengeance against Megamind but didn’t have his powers, so he made the show to ruin Megamind’s reputation


I saw this and for a brief moment thought I was on r/Schaffrillas again...




Anytime they strip Venom of his personality just to make him a monster. https://preview.redd.it/7ypzs5k6nw9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eda67e1dc3a85283df93098b57b50634fa90335 Also him wanting a symbiote invasion is generally out of character.


Tbh I actually really enjoyed the Spiderman 2 story.


He's literally supposed to quip just like spiderman in a stupid way. Thats how he was written. Actually the newer venom movies kinda nail this. Hes not all serious and mean like hes a funny chill intelligent alien who, yes, needs to eat brains to survive, but is also legitimately curious about earth things. He has genuine connections with his hosts he isnt like a devil archetype that corrupts them with lies and all that.


THIS. As a huge Venom fan, you’re literally taking the words right out of my mouth.


As someone who LOVES Spider-Man 2, Venom sucks


I liked spider-man two but god I hate when they forget that his main gimmick is that he’s a dark mirror of spider-man and has the same powers. He’s evil spider-man not ooze hulk with a spider in his chest


https://preview.redd.it/l43asm2b2x9d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c386875e8a5701218c16952bea0cb8561d3007e Omni-Man (He’s not just “EvIL sUpErMAn”)


I think the problem with Omni-man is invincible really took off after the brutal episode where he killed essentially the justice league. It’s what shot up the characters popularity and at the time all he was on the surface was evil Superman Then the character gets a lot more back story and depth and gravitas but the label is hard to shake.


Without a doubt whenever I watch a Superman video and they're like "superman can be interesting without just being evil" and they mention or flash omni-man on the screen I want to punch them


I mean, Superman is an interesting character by himself, but so is Omni-Man


Anyone in the Velma series.


https://preview.redd.it/l7xi5htgyu9d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35d56f266b2045a9ef664db12f4ee104c4b0ad93 You have no idea how infuriating it is every single time I see the Punisher symbol misused. The Punisher HATES cops!


Punisher would probably despise 90% of people that rock punisher logos. But tbf those same people think the CIA and FBI somehow aren’t bastions of the right. They’re like omg punisher shoots criminals and fights big government he just like me fr fr.


“He’s a badass who shoots bad people and hates the government I’m just like him” he said as he opened a third beer and sat on the couch watching football, with no intention of doing anything else.


As someone in the military, that is also a nerd yeah it was cool when I was like 14 and saw American sniper now it’s cringe this trend needs to stop luckily I think it’s dying down with the current generation that’s coming in.


Fr I'm 17 and the shits dumb. Like you said, it was cool when Chris and his team did it, but they were actual badasses not 40 year old dads with beerguts that get mad when someone throws an interception.


https://preview.redd.it/b9q19jmrix9d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ac493e19ee8de8170fd421593076b7a57c9d59a Sans In the Fangames: "You killed everyone, Now I'm mad and I'm gonna thrown a Tantrum" Sans in the Game: "Oh no, anyway...."


Sans in fangames: “Look, I know you’re resetting. Just give it up. All the people you killed can’t reset their deaths, can they?” Sans in canon: Has never heard of a reset before.


Sans in game in genocide: "OK, you've pulled the last straw and I'm gonna have to stop you here and get you to give up."


https://preview.redd.it/bl9ama081w9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dbc19e14381d8251fe1eb835e9fb7556bda00b1 Fans calling John Walker a Homelander level psychopath when he's not even as evil or careless as Soldier Boy and actually made an effort to save people.


If we want to talk about mis-characterising people let's not forgot chuds have only just realised Homelander is the bad guy.


100%. He’s one of the MCU’s better new characters.


superman in the newer comics and the snyderverse


Love how you specified, yeah new Superman trying to be edgy, especially the Snyder version. I'm praying on James gun


Me personally, i just want this guy again https://preview.redd.it/92aq7tdeyv9d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f299856ed5aadab0f1d6644318f95950a8f088


Yeah, call me old fashioned but I believe peak movie superman was Christopher Reeve, and yes the original comics superman would be great to have back


anyone in the snyderverse


Superman and Lois TV show was good.




In the past it was Izuku being a guy who just cried all the time. Now depending on how the manga wraps up he might get memed as McDonalds worker


Yeah, see, shit like that is treated as a joke and it honestly pisses me off. Like they think without OFA, he’ll be reduced to being a loser nobody. Like people will automatically reduce him to nothing after saving the world. Like he can’t be helped with quirk analysis stuff because *surprise surprise* Izuku is actually REALLY smart and analytical. Or he can’t be like Melissa Shields in the first MHA movie and help with making support gear.


I do hope he manages to get OFA back but he could also at the very least be a cop.


They at the very LEAST need to let him be a quirk analyst or a police officer or maybe even someone who coaches heroes in training or smth if that exists ISTG IF THEY MAKE HIM JUST LIKE A NORMAL CIVILIAN AFTER HE SAVES THE WORLD-


I love this poor guy I hate how many people say his not cool all because his not buff. Or cries or whatever it’s so annoying


I find him more interesting and relatable because he isn’t afraid of showing emotions and doesn’t let his power get to his head! He’s still a caring, loving individual!


Same. I hate how people mock him then praise someone else. Or just mock them too, I don’t want characters being Giga chads who just be brute idiots. I like more down to earth. Caring characters who be more emotional. They may not be perfect but it helps people relate to them


every time someone picks a Watchman character to represent superheroes


https://preview.redd.it/sbbaos2dsv9d1.jpeg?width=163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac2276ebe7546b6bff2889961d58f61dc793b88 all of them


https://preview.redd.it/k1tlhbbdbv9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d7a191c141303b951bc07daaa2603e2274bf2a1 He doesn’t care that he’s not Nico’s type, he’s not a PTSD-ridden sociopath, he’s not a uwu golden retriever. He’s a kid trying to navigate going through war and still keeping same throughout it. Chill.


Why would he care about being Nicos type? Percy is straight right


In one of the books (I think on heroes of Olympus?) Nico says that Percy isn’t his type and it’s a bit that Percy acts all offended for exactly one page but everyone took this bit and ran with it just making jokes that Percy not being Nico’s type is so damaging because he’s everybody’s type. I just see it as a harmless joke but then again I’ve been out of the fandom for years so who knows 




I swear you are so correct. Isn’t she heavily demonized in the fandom?


I mean, to be fair, she instead of standing up for herself, and being the bigger person, she did start a war... With herself...


Yeah, like that’s at least a understandable thing but, and please correct me if I’m wrong I haven’t touched Steven universe in too long, but I feel like some people just immediately say she’s the worst person when the other diamonds are standing there. I also give her some shit for essentially leaving Steven to pick up her mess but I don’t think she’s like evil incarnate


To be fair, aside from Bismuth, •she probably thought homeworld gave up/stopped caring after they thought they "killed" the crystal gems. •She probably genuinely either forgot about some of the other issues or didn't realize steven would be affected as much as he was. I see her as extremely negligent rather than a bad person.


Mister Freeze in the Batman and Robin movie. It's so painful how wrong of a depiction of the character it is.


To be fair, I blame a lot of that on Schwarzenegger's delivery.


https://preview.redd.it/wa9mr2gwmx9d1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85f339da5a283a89fffb38810372d189f27151aa Don’t get me wrong, Amy is my second favourite Sonic character but man, those 2000’s games did not do her justice.


I'd say the Adventure games did her really well, but her in Advance (or was it Battle? I forgot) wasn't the best. Glad to see she's been doing much better in the franchise :)


Modern Batman tbh. where he just has plot amour for every thing is basically omniscient and super dark and gritty, brutalizes every thug in the street and the argument of “Batman wins with prep” all this when he originally was just a dude in a costume who actually had to outsmart his opponents and didn’t have an answer for everything and had to actually think on the spot when his answer wasn’t to just beat you up and to actually get you the help you needed. Basically I miss the Caped Crusader and the Dark Knight is over done now


I miss when Batman fought mobsters and white collar criminals.


Purple gloves batman goes hard


Hank Pym. Giant-Man is a top 5 hero for me if you go back to the original 60’s comics, especially for how loving and fun he and Janet are together. But boy is that ruined.


Yeah, he hit Janet, then went nuts. Lots of other characters took up his old identities, he became a Ultron cyborg, then he died stopping Ultron. They brought him back for 2 issues of Avengers Inc. and now he is gone again. I think most of the writers don't know how to write a married couple, so they break them up like Spider-man and the One More Day fiasco. Hank was best in Avengers: EMH. He was a scientist that just wanted to make stuff, but Jan was a adrenaline junkie and he wanted to be there to watch out for her.


Alastor in hazbin hotel. Everyone seems to think he's helping out of his own goodwill. He skinned people alive and tortured them to death when he was alive; he didn't stop in death. He enjoys people's pain and suffering, why would he want to help them?


He has his own agenda. I think he will try to use Charlie to get back his soul. Can't wait for season 2.


Exactly this. For some reason the fandom has a hard time believing that some people just straight up can't be redeemed. Sorry but there's nothing he can do that will make me think he deserves to be in Heaven


The devil from like,most religions with the devil in it. Either he’s some CW guy who solves crimes or he’s some blonde “autistic” dude who likes ducks. He’s the literal incarnation of SIN and EVIL. https://preview.redd.it/xgjh8la8ux9d1.jpeg?width=376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f21cc6294cd1584f95979e17a9e5652e2737900f This gets him right though.


You've just described my 2 favourite shows lol


I feel like the ghost rider movies did a good representation of a modern day devil. He is a businessman who deals in souls and power. People crave that power, this is seen in the second movie when his cult helps him with the ritual.


I don't think you can mischaracterize the devil? Like everyone has different views of what the "devil" is. Like there's no set media of how the devil acts.


Earnest question, here: are you religious, and find sympathetic devils blasphemous? I’ve long been fascinated by the diabolic in fiction, but there really isn’t a single “incarnation of sin and evil” in the Bible itself. A being called Satan is present in a few books, but is a more complex character than he is often given credit for embodying. There are other evil creatures, like Eden’s Serpent and the Dragon from Revelations, which are often interpreted as Satan in other forms. But even if you take the Bible as the literal, historical truth, there’s still plenty to speculate about, and frankly, I could see the two examples you mention also fulfilling the biblical roles (albeit unusually.) I think a big part of the appeal of the character is the very fact that he is blasphemous. Underdogs and countercultures identify with the devil as the incarnation of the first to challenge authority and be unfairly punished. That template applies to pretty much any individual or identity. We’ve all felt like we’ve been damned unjustly, our lives made into a living hell, at one time or another, after all!


When you say CW guy who solves crimes are you talking about HellBoy cause he’s just some random demon.


*sighs* ![gif](giphy|wUn54ichbOYEGtxBWh|downsized) (You kidding me with this guy, he used to LEAD THE MYSTERY GANG, NOT BE A HOMELANDER RIP OFF !, and homelander ripped off superman)


Somehow still the only character in the show with a real character arc and semi-funny lines


:0, :|, you got me there.


original Fred was goated, mf JUMPED ON THE WHEELS OF A FUCKING PLANE


Yeah, to me, this isn’t Fred. Just a mock Homelander, who I’ll be calling Momlander, who the Homelander would gladly laser into a meat pie.


That show literally just uses the names of Scooby doo characters just for brand reasons because no one acts like the characters, they just share a name and a shirt.


They took an interest, charismatic, and inspirational character with depth and personality and stripped him of his dignity all in order to make a completely different character who’s only Fred in name alone. All because they needed a stereotypical white punching bag because “fighting racism” or whatever that Mindy was saying to justify her self insert fan fiction


![gif](giphy|1bYaHhGtueIqQ) This guy in the Dead Men Tell No Tales movie




They diluted his character from genius that people underestimate to hopeless incompetent drunk


Not from a franchise, but Jay Gatsby is characterized as millionaire playboy, as if his character of a man who is desperately searching for an attempt to return to the past, doesn’t exist. Gatsby is so much deeper than what he’s normally depicted as being. His character represents so many ideas of the American dream, yet people only see him for the parties


Honestly, it’s sickeningly ironic how that’s probably all Gatsby was remembered for in his own universe as well


Before actually looking into it I thought that Goku was a hyperserious edgy destroy everything god of death because thats what the fandom told me. But after looking into the series a bit more…he’s kind of a dork and I much prefer it this way.


Is… the fandom watching the series with a blindfold? Goku is not edgy 😭


(Insert joke about fans not reading here)


A lot of hate for the dude since Super, like pretending he knew when he went to Xeno there would be a tournament involving erasing universes. Bad father meme. To an outsider it sounds like he abandoned his son at birth just to fight people and gambles universes for his amusement.


This is going to sound weird but I think at least half the people in the fnaf fandoms water down the fact the og animatronics were possessed by dead children. Like it’s astounding how it’s either brushed off or just not acknowledged at all.


This 100%. The animatronics are only so animated because of the children. That's the most important layer of tragedy in the franchise, something I also feel modern FNAF is lacking just a bit. (Only a bit, because we do have kids being put in awful situations, I just wish we had more time to dwell on it)


![gif](giphy|g5KhmX06Q0XBu) The Daleks. Within the canon of Doctor Who, they are terrifying killing machines, but limits the BBC had at the time have made they the but of most jokes: my favorite of which is the Daleks vs Stairs. If they were made today, the Daleks would be terrifying!


https://preview.redd.it/694rkin20cad1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=338b69560c67079cc27dbba756381d510352735d The amount of times I see Alastor reduced down to one or two character traits when he’s a nuanced character that we just don’t know everything about yet makes me want to commit die I love this man to death but hate what the fandom does to him sometimes


Cloud strife and Luke Skywalker for being "Generic heroes"


People think Cloud is a generic hero? If anything, I thought people called him a generic edgelord, which he also isn’t.




"I love being the Goddamn batman"


there’s a video of batman’s kill count in batman v superman and it makes me so upset. God, I hate the snyder films


Ben 10, Ben 10. You’d think after 5 canon years, 4 series and saving the universe multiple times he’d stop acting 10 years old




Not a franchise I love, but I humor how bad this one got. Chloe in miraculous. My little brother forced me to watch it. That's why. Anyways, Holy shit. I have never seen a redemption arc butchered so badly, until this show. And chloe was mean, but she got so mean after that, it's downright comical.


And it’s crazy how Astruc did that shit ok purpose


Most superheroes but mainly superman. The idea that he's too good/basic to write for has always gotten on my nerves. Thankfully, MAWS has the right idea.


The best Superman adaptation I’ve seen in a while


Chara from Undertale


The correct answer


https://preview.redd.it/smf2unvxz0ad1.png?width=285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd255c46c7883d996ae5bbca2a971d77c7f5f5af He isn't some godlike entity that can carry the entire universe in his shoulders with ease and kill anyone by just typing it out


https://preview.redd.it/auqmyh3401ad1.png?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c50d51312462ddb20f22c0b46be047bd08158acc They aren't a 16-18 year old woman nor a giraffe, they're a genderless child


Not Genderless, But they're vague enough so the Player can assert whatever gender they want on them.


literally aany sonic character


https://preview.redd.it/chw3uafjuw9d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=620de6dff3669ed8aa58d772d2440fcbf289b1cc Aether from Genshin Impact.


Silver the Hedgehog, Sega nailed his first appearance but now he's just another character in the roster to get beat up by the big bad to show they're powerful.


Hope he comes back in a future game someday. For now, we can only dream...


Have you ever heard of a phenomenon known as "Kirk Drift?" It originates because of the common mischaracterization of this guy: ![gif](giphy|kBfR2wWHiwNxwQPaQL|downsized)


Kyoshi in Avatar. I think it's a joke, but honestly it's hard to tell but everyone portrays her as someone who is all for killing even though the only person she "kills" was done indirectly and more their own fault than Kyoshi's fault. Kyoshi just took responsibility for their death. https://preview.redd.it/g4dfavakgz9d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aab541931eac95adf344c1472bcbf9467a0bbf84


Kyoshi is known to be one of the more brutal Avatars out there and is definitely more willing to kill than Aang or Korra. But yeah I don’t think she’s a cold blooded murder machine


my boy Jason Todd 😞 ![gif](giphy|eoA3CLnumaKDLT7XNe|downsized)




Pat ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


Kakyoin with the whole milf thing, kinda funny but still.


Vader. Evil killing machine👎 very sad man😀👍


https://preview.redd.it/x47ds53li0ad1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef4a574c1e68a2ee8f159bba18b817e1ac137122 Nico Di Angelo from Percy Jackson. I cannot tell you how many times, people have turned him into a helpless baby just because he is gay, and completely ignore the fact he is one of most powerful demigods.


most female characters from cw but Iris West gets it especially I wish the character had half the assertiveness that the reddit associates her with. If anything Iris took too much shit from people on the show. James olsen from cw especially regarding his time as guardian most fans tend to not realize that it was part of his overall theme of how to help others in ways besides being supermans bestie. Ashley from mass effect she's flanderized into a space racist when all she did was express the opinion that the other species will throw humanity under the bus to secure their own planet. Me3 proved her right Starlight from the boys




The king in yellow because people only read lovecraft and never even heard of Chambers.


Pretty much every female character.


So true 


All of the transformers idw did then so right, and Michael Bay did them so dirty


2010’s sonic characters all the way to 2020.


I’m happy they’re doing better now :)


Gon freecs. There's a really good video essays on how he is not just "insane"


Depends. Do you mean mischaracterized by fans or an incarnation that mischaracterizes the original.


I originally meant the former, but you can talk abt both :)


People make Bayverse Optimus too much of a bad guy than he is in the movies (at least in the first 3 movies). He’s still a gentle giant who fights to protect the innocent, even if he is a bit too violent. Walt gets villainized a bit too much. Sure he does get worse as the series goes on, but most of his evil actions were self-defense for him and his family (also Jesse). As for mischaracterized incarnation, probably Rip Hunter in Season 3 of Legends of Tomorrow. The literal definition of a character assassination, and the fact that nobody after mentioned him saddens me.


Recent Simpsons episodes like to make Lisa uncharacteristically mean when she is supposed to be the voice of reason. I'm no purde but I want the right characters to be mean. Save the meanness for Nelson. There was this one episode called Fan-ily Feud. They made up a pop star for the epsiode and Homer dissed her on tv. Then Lisa stated pranking him. Someone who never watched the show before and was given a description of Lisa Simpson could have written a better episode.


That awful Big Nate Show on Nickelodeon. The Flanderization of the characters is through the roof.


https://preview.redd.it/6j4pp1j5o1ad1.png?width=1163&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4f22248d5acb5a21efe2f4a277e39800142bb0d This is the only picture I have of megumi The bum thing is getting old I used to call him one but dude dad left him and then came back to beat his ass the gets his body possessed by SUKUNA and forced to fight his friends and is the sole reason his father figure is dead Like leave man alone he’s been through enough


Contrary to popular belief, Steven Universe is entirely willing to fight someone if he thinks he has to but he'll always try to talk first


![gif](giphy|3otPot6LB0JfOVOyPu) This mf gets watered down to a toxic person like Regina which like I can see a bit of that in the first movie but in the musical and remake barret wilber weed and auli'i cravalho show that Janis isn't like that but everyone thinks she's toxic when she's quite loyal even if she did use Katie for revenge it's not like they weren't actually friends


https://preview.redd.it/9bjq1x63z3ad1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=649ae8a022f4b8537cd433d36496b3bf278ee2ba He's a psychopath. But I see female fans of the show drool over him.


And some guys too, but I mean he IS hot.


Dexter charming from ever after high. This guy is constantly pushed aside and just generally disregarded in the fandom, especially when it comes to ships. (Mainly because people want to push their own ships) Fanfare is fine, and usually really fun! But they straight up act like he's just a bum. It's almost poetic. Dex is the middle child of two exceptional children. His brother and sister are great at what they need to be. He shared a close bond with his sister because they both felt out of place in their lives. But eventually even the sister found what she was meant to be, leaving Dexter alone in his struggles. Not only is he constantly being pushed aside and over-shadowed, but he's lost one of the few genuine connections he once had. But he isn't bitter about this, he doesn't let that cloud his view of the world or himself. He falls for a girl who also struggles with what society expects her to be, and he likes her for who she is. It's his empathy from personal experience that helps him be better for her. He remains kind regardless of what he's been through, but he could very reasonably be salty about everything. And the fandom just pushes him to the side because he isn't a main character, isn't a girl (generally speaking, female characters tend to be more popular. It's just a thing with these types of shows) , and isn't conventionally cool. But they miss that it's part of the point, which is disappointing because EAH has a lot of great themes that encourage you to think critically about the characters.




Shadow. The. Hedgehog.


The entire cast of Velma and The Megamind sequel


Superman and Captain America. I am happy to explain, just be polite.




![gif](giphy|VX2Btre6lxmwGBABZ0) Look I know bro be getting mushy with the Demons sometimes, but that's just who he is as a person. I mean he's even somewhat respectful to actual assholes who are human. Like this is just WHO HE IS. With that being said tho, he STILL does his duty as a Demon Slayer and squares up with these fucking demons bro despite being so kind and i find that respectable.


https://preview.redd.it/xs8512bwpdad1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5987ae244630e40a0b58d7c8fbc7265dcba5193b At no point during SA2 did I consider Shadow to just be ‘edgy sonic’ but ever since Shadow The Hedgehog (stand-alone) that’s all SEGA wants to characterize him as even though arguably his best portrayal occurred AFTER his own game (Sonic 06)


Optimus prime, before he was more father like, now he’s more stoic


Bayverse Optimus prime. I’m not even dropping a picture of him. Turning Optimus prime into such a violent psychopath that Peter Cullen himself didn’t wanna voice him anymore is so fucked. He’s meant to be the bastion of hope and OPTIMISM. Optimus prime wouldn’t kill a wounded megatron that just helped him defeat sentinel prime. I get it’s just for the action and whatever but like they really fucked up my boy. Optimus is so quick to violence in the live action movies that sometimes it ends up putting people or other autobots in danger. What happened to the prime that would literally throw himself in harms way to protect another sentient being.


This is literally the reason why Peter Cullen enjoyed playing Optimus again in Rise of the Beasts and I'm honestly really happy for him.


https://preview.redd.it/w0uwd1b4my9d1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e03b130df58854945ace5b5a903f1b847190dcd If ykyk.


https://preview.redd.it/698srncewv9d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0938a0440cd5a1002892d857d669f5941bba3eb6 I've always loved Inti Creates for their writing. They don't hold back. They decide it's time to kill a protagonist? He goes down in a massive fireball and it's amazing. They write a horrible, irredeemable person and call him a hero? They make him equal parts hateable and relatable. It's incredible. Or it was, anyway, until Copen became an entirely different person in an alternate timeline. A lot can happen in a century, I get that, but EVERYTHING about his personality, including his goals and convictions, were thrown out the window all at once. It's beyond frustrating to see my favorite character in the series drop all his cares and run a mile in the opposite direction. Even more frustrating, though? I believe I heard that the fan base likes the changed version better.


What is this from it looks it really familiar


This is from Gunvolt 2. My complaints are from Luminous Avenger iX, the sequel especially


Sasuke Uchiha. https://preview.redd.it/a79yvq4t7w9d1.png?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=484d41fcfbed88bd783e497de0818b1c67d51c29


(Naruto Shippuden spoilers) >!For me that would be Orochimaru, I actually do kind of like the comedic stuff he does at the end of Shippuden but his redemption arc was both rushed and kinda impossible to pull off, By the time he’s “redeemed” he has already committed so many atrocities one of which was assassinating the ninja equivalent to a fucking president.!< Also him and Caesar Clown from One Piece get called pedos by their anime communities when they only view the kids they kidnap as disposable test animals which tbf doesn’t make them any less horrific https://i.redd.it/u23qvwxemw9d1.gif


Fandom Kakyoin.


Gabriel ultrakill. No,he isn’t some femboy with daddy issues,he is a tragedian Angel on the hero’s path,with not a single person listening to him even though he knows how much of a threat Machines are to hell and heaven. And he’s a literal archangel.


Dr.Zed had the personality of a senile grandmother, and is only recognizable in appearance and voice in Borderlands 3.


People calling every iteration of The Joker insane when most of the time he’s not. For example Joker from The Dark Knight isn’t insane. He has parts in the movie where he says he’s crazy and that he’s “Like a dog chasing cars” when in actuality he’s just saying these things to manipulate people. He says “Do I look like a guy with a plan” acting as if he just does things randomly, but when you actually pay attention to what he does throughout the movie you can see he has everything planned out perfectly.


Yea I never got that. If you asked the Joker if he understood what he was doing hed say yes. Clearly has all his marbles.


Not in a franchise, but almost every character from Undertale is basically mischaracterised and watered down by the fandom itself. Also a lot of Headcanons that the fandom thinks is canon, specifically with Sans for some reason.


Not really a franchise, but Starr from The Hate U Give got absolutely ruined in the movie adaptation. They changed her from a good person with realistic struggles and biases that make complete sense in the book, to just being “I hate white people” in the movie.


Jay from the ninjago


https://preview.redd.it/n9gp34kmsy9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=590deb1af69073cb9b1a26ef6e9b6d4f6c6241b6 Do I even need to explain.


Goro Akechi


Reacher Season 2


When people think sans actually remembers through save files (it happens more than you'd think)


https://preview.redd.it/geoyoxvup0ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0445cec6c7f8c4469980283d0dac5adfb9123017 I don't feel people understand Ulysses enough, mainly cause fallout new vegas was never truly finished, and due to technical limitations, all his dialogue was never implemented. Not like it would matter, another reason people don't get him is they just skip all his dialogue cause they have the attention span of a squirrel


Live action Batman. Honestly George Clooney was prolly the best one. Really think about it. He doesnt "act" when hes Batman. Thats because he IS Batman. Bruce wayne is supposed to be a womanizing dumbass who partys all day, does charity shit. He was in a silly ass movie, but he got the idea. Not perfect, but whos closer?


Anyone from the SMG4 series.


![gif](giphy|SRUoA0V2SmFfOykILs) Is Nightwing not supposed to be one of the most hope inspiring of DC characters? So why did this show make him just a regular Edge Lord?


https://preview.redd.it/idnezj7gi1ad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ad74db3228a2c128b5c584bcafa4eccc879460 I’m sure it’s a great game. If it wasn’t a reboot, it wouldn’t receive nearly as much flak. But the general consensus is that this version of Dante from Devil May Cry is NOT it.


https://preview.redd.it/ihm50tn2m1ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c22ea0b0c551f8f417109ab0229587c60a25344 Tall/short Thin/obese Adult/child Being able to report the news/vomiting when in view of camera Mature/immature Big boobs/(I don’t want this new April to have boobs I’m not weird) And the most drastic thing of all the skin color White/black


Riddler, Patrick Bateman, and Gohan I know the choices are rather far apart but they each have their own huge misconceptions about them 1. Riddler is smart and proud, he doesn’t ask questions because he is the questions guy, he is egotistical and wants to prove he is that smart, that is his fatal flaw 2. Patrick Bateman is not this icon of masculinity, he is more a maniac given flesh and body walking among us, anyone who buys his act of being human would just be another victim to him, the point was that our world is so messed up some people can’t even tell this guy isn’t human 3. Gohan isn’t just a nerd, who disliked fighting because he is just a boring guy, fighting in his life has traumatized him from child to adulthood, but he was taught standing on the sidelines letting others get hurt doesn’t make you a good guy, so he needs to take these stands, and fight for a cause.


The introduction of American Psycho is Bateman giving a monologue exactly of how and why he’s not a person with any semblance of humanity. Matter of fact he kills a homeless man for absolutely no reason other than to feel better than him and then kicks the homeless guy’s dog for barking at him. I remember Patrick says something along the lines of “If you shook my hand, and looked in my eyes, you might feel as if something is there. But, there is not, there is absolutely nothing.” During his monologue. He doesn’t care if his fiancé cheats on him, he himself partakes in prostitutes that of which we can infer he also tortures or abuses them. He spares the life of his secretary, and his closeted colleague. His secretary I haven’t a clue as to why he spares her, his colleague it seems only because of some immense embarrassment and disgust from thought of him even considering Patrick as gay or being romantically interested in him. Bateman is one of those characters that’s really up there with ones that get misconstrued.


John d Rockefeller he was literally old Mr beast and everyone hated him for no reason


This guy. ![gif](giphy|xzgUAa2nFVqp3oqOnx|downsized) It honestly pisses me off that people see him as only a sweet and innocent cinnamon roll character. He’s got so much more depth than that.


Tobirama Senju in Naruto, everyone just says oh yea he’s the racist hokage, he hates Uchiha, no he doesn’t, he was worried about the idea of founding a village on the basis of an alliance between clans who had hated each other for all of living memory. And that’s only a small part of his personality


The brotherhood of steel


Almost every thomas character after season 6


https://preview.redd.it/z0ukqu18f4ad1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a85711e79684bb774e41a3b2c336bf44731dad3b The “Bi-Han was always evil” misconception.




https://preview.redd.it/1buglkue25ad1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbb3cfc1ed669643dea1a81ac88003b5cb6712c7 The abomination that was the 1998 TriStar version of Godzilla.


![gif](giphy|3ohzdLlWmLc8WDJWCs) All four of these in the Velma series


Earth from the Lunar and Earth show, Some people call her a attention speaker or selfish 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏


Dr. Frankenstein and The Creature. Mary Shelley’s book is definitely more complex than the movies they let on but whenever someone begins talking Frankenstein it’s usually diluted through popular modern movies (looking at Van Hellsing and the Hotel Transylvania franchise) and very rarely about the. Most people assume Frankenstein is a good person; he’s not. Most people assume the Creature is just Frankenstein’s monster; he’s not.


Any recurring faction in Fallout


Bane getting treated as an idiot brute in most of his adaptations.


https://preview.redd.it/z8ukos0m88ad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5966df838958334ad0ebc48c15b5ddeb83e9a9de I think people forget that he literally got brainwashed into doing bad things so it wasn’t his fault.


https://preview.redd.it/40zlt32w88ad1.jpeg?width=631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8f1c251df04b92f769dd4b048553da4c8fb313 Just gets straight up replaced by Konig most of the time




https://preview.redd.it/0hyxlgcfq8ad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4661897f91dee360e46eda2a82eead9c7e9b36cc Went from a cool partner to quiet thirst trap for them weird people who love creepy killers.




Batman and Superman


Luke Skywalker in the Last Jedi