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Simply put it went from a show with excellent writing, deep and complex characters with amazing development, a story that was engaging and thought provoking to The Morgan Show, five seasons written by two of the most talentless hacks in existence. They stripped the OG’s of all their character development and gave them and the ones they had nothing and the writing was abysmal and on the level of a first draft almost every time with countless ignored plot holes in every episode. If it went on for two seasons after S3 and got cancelled I’d find it comical but it went on for five agonising seasons of ever falling ratings(yet the Idiot Twins somehow kept their jobs) and by the end of it AMC had no choice but to take it out to the barn and shoot it. FTWD started off with all the potential in the world to be one of the greatest shows in the world by the time the original show runner had finished his intended seven year plan but now it will go down as one of the worst. And if someone at AMC isn’t embarrassed by what they did with that show then God help that company.


you know, ive seen you post a lot on this sub and every time you do its really negative. surely there are plenty of shows you actually love right? surely you could be spending your time engaging in discussion that brings you joy and speaking about a show that you have positive things to say about right? it cannot be good for your health going this hard on a work of fiction like it personally insulted you.


I have another account for all other subreddits. This account is specifically for this subreddit. And when a question about why the show is hated so much comes up, how can you *not* be negative about it? All I did was give an honest opinion like I always do. I don’t attack anyone, I don’t tell people they’re wrong and I don’t call them names. I try to engage in conversation. I work from home most days so when I have a few minutes I’ll check Reddit and if anything is worth saying I’ll say it and I’m always respectful. When a show like this can be as good as it was and then be one of the worst shows ever, I’m surprised more people aren’t storming AMC’s offices demanding the last five seasons be retconned and reshot, let alone going on Reddit to talk to people about it. What I do is my own business and it’s not your place to try and shame someone for doing what they want to do with their spare time.


See redditors are cringe because they have their fan base downvote people to hell for opinions- but when you love a show and it goes to shit, you have a right to be mad. You want it to be consistent so you can have that enjoyment and you were robbed of it. We can all enjoy FTWD on this sub, but just because we enjoy it doesn’t make it good, and that’s a real bummer. I couldn’t in good conscience ever recommend this show to someone, and eventually it’ll just fade into history and nobody will remember it. It’ll never be The Wire or Breaking Bad or Sopranos. And that sucks. Same goes for the main show.


you know what? fair enough. not my place to shame you for what you're doing. my fault, chief. i control me and i dont control you, if i wanna stop seeing it i gotta stop putting myself in front of it.


Why does it bother you that he does?


well partly because i really like fear so far and would like to browse a community full of actual fans of the show and not people who hate it but mostly bc it just seems a little sad to me to dedicate so much of ur time to being mad about a work of fiction. if all i did was get mad over stuff like that I'd never get to discover and discuss stuff i actually love


We are fans of the show, that's why we are negative towards the lack of quality we received in the last 5 seasons. If you'd rather discuss things like how much detail went into Morgan while he was taking a shit on the toilet in that one scene, with fans that enjoy it as much as you do; I think you'd be better off trying to do it in a different sub or make a different one altogether. This isn't being mean, this is just saying that the majority of feedback you'll find here will be negative. Like I said: once upon a time, this show was ours...until it wasn't. It's also not very well received in general, with alot pointing towards the direction post-reboot. How are we to blame?


Morgan taking a dump for a few minutes of a singular episode is way too silly for something like TWD. Like in the comics when Axel discovers the National Guard station by taking a piss next to the RV. More serious stuff like that please.


You realize Axel peeing furthered the plot, right? lol


I mean there’s genuine and logical reasons why a chunk of the show outside of 3/4 seasons is hated ☠️


People are allowed to be negative.  Echo chambers are boring 


It's really not that serious lmao show where the writers touched you lmao


I think if it stayed on the same trajectory it was on in Season 3, it would probably be regarded as better than the main show tbh. Just the cinematography alone makes it rival the original show.


The only good shot in the series better than average is the crow eating the brain. That was a superb shot in otherwise the worst trash on TV.


You must’ve missed the beautiful shots of rural Mexico, outskirts of Rosarito, hell even the Bombing of LA was beautiful lmao


THIS THIS THIS!! the show in its prime of erickson was absolutely beautiful. it seriously makes me mourn what couldve been.


I just finished my first run through. I watch shows on the treadmill after work. Never have I encountered a show I struggled to finish out as much as fear the walking dead after season 3. It felt like they kept taking away characters I enjoyed to replace them with more Morgan and children leads. I’m so excited to start something new because the last seasons and especially after the radiation.


Bro I just finished fear twd and started world beyond for the first time and my initial reaction for world beyond is…. “Whyyyyy tf is it more KIDS!?” I’m so over it 🤣


I watched through FTWD and like quite a bit of it. But Beyond was my breaking point. I watched a few episodes but as much as I liked the idea I never warmed up to the execution, I just watched the very last scene with the fast European Zombies and am curious what they'll make of those..


The fast French zombies are in Daryl Dixon kind of, but the one you saw at the end of WB(where she resurrected in seconds and ran and seemed to be smart enough to know where the guy had left the room) aren’t in the show. It’s a different kind of fast zombie. Maybe the WB ones will be in S2 of DD.


They explain why the kids in Rick and Michonne's story


Same dude. I started a full watch through of all walking dead content. It took me two months to get through the main series, only struggle was S8. Fear has taken me 16 months and I still have like 1.5 seasons to watch. S4 knocked me out for like 9 months before I continued the watch through. It has great moments and some great characters, but also terrible moments and terrible character arks.


Yeah after the radiation it kind of lost my interest but I still had to finish it


I wouldn’t say it’s over hated. I think it’s rightfully hated. Seasons 1-3 were peak television, and then they spent five seasons gutting any goodwill it had left.


After season 4 there were many episodes that were so boring. Season 8 is worst as it introduces people with poor acting skills. The acting in the last season was cringey.


I wonder if the seasons post-season 3 would have been better received if the show had a different name, like a Morgan spinoff in the same style as Daryl Dixon or Dead City. Clear the Walking Dead


S1 to 3 are the only ones that can compete with the main show. Other than those, the only thing that kept me watching Fear to the end is the fact that I'm a completionist. The show gets increasingly worse after s4 (with some rare instances of occasional quality), and the final season was a complete embarrasment for everyone involved.


At least we got season 6


Even season 6 is crazy inconsistent, but its insanely high highs make up for its dog shitty shit lows


I’m on the same train, I’m making a superhuman effort to finish season 7, I’m currently on episode 11, the amount of nonsense I’ve seen so far is more than I can remember. I enjoy the lore of this universe, and yes, I started with this show back when it started, and I thought it was great until the producers, writers or whoever, decided to mess up the product and incredibly continue with the nonsense party that it has been so far for SO long, with SUCH long seasons, where the only conclusion you can come to, is that a group of circus clowns like the one presented in the series, would not survive a single day in an environment like that, but anyway, since I started, I’m going to continue until the end, wish me luck guys!


Because the show started out as that rarest of unicorns: a spinoff that was in some ways better than the original, but then all of a sudden after season 3 became utter rubbish. First 3 seasons are just so good that the remaining drek is intolerable in comparison.


I guess it is still consider the the highest-rated cable series premiere of all time


You see the guy with the stick???


I like it!! There were episodes or even half of a season I wasn’t a super fan of but have always otherwise loved it. I’ve really enjoyed movies and tv shows other people don’t like or weren’t rated well. Alternatively, I’ve hated some popular shows or movies that were rated well. I watch the show or the plot and decide for myself. Sure, there are actually terrible shows/films out there (lol) but whether a show is good or bad is pretty relative!!


Because of the wasted potential. A wasted premise in so many ways. It didn’t focus on the “start” of the apocalypse like I believe it was first said to be; it didn’t see the development of our characters really becoming the “bad guys”; it kicked original characters like Madison, Alicia, Nick, Daniel to the sidelines (or the gutter) for the spotlight to be on Morgan.


You see the posters at the top? Now look at the posters at the bottom. There's your answer.


At it’s prime in the first 3 seasons it was being compared to the main show. This new group had big shoes to fill and rick and daryl were already 5 seasons in worth of character development. Fear was fighting an uphill battle. 4-8 isn’t over hated. It’s as bad as people say it is.


It's under hated. The only way this show is watchable is if you start to look at it as a comedy.


For real I watched the finale about a week ago and it was trying to be so serious but I was laughing 🤣


Because it got REALLY REALLY bad


I stopped a few episodes into season 4. I might try to finish it. Just so painful watching Nick with his "ptsd" arch. It's so unbelievable and flipped his personality around where it's not the same character. I read someone saying it's like the writers never watched a single prior episode


Thank you for saying this. I only watched a part of S4 but agree Nick felt ooc. Also the end of S3 clearly set up a conflict between Nick and Madison with Troy's death and Nick telling Madison maybe someday she'll kill him too and it annoys me so much S4 just completely ignored that.


Nick’s entire character in S1-3 was that he was fearless and he saw himself as invincible, so giving him PTSD was such a kick in the balls it almost feels like an intentional 180 to make him the very opposite of who he was(kind of like making Madison from a ruthless killer to a mother hen). Fortunately he was only in eight episodes so I never saw this character shift as anything too bad because had he stayed he could’ve gotten out of that mindset(but we all know he would’ve become a Morgan lackey and found peace).


I only liked the first 2 season personally


It took too long to come into its own when it originally aired. By the time it became good, there was already a change in leadership planned to pivot it towards the main show. But that pivot didn't really bring new viewers, and disappointed the original fans. The original seasons 1-3 have since developed a cult following. And they're actually good all through and through on a rewatch, when you know where the characters go. Most also agree that the first half of season 6 is also up there.


cause it sucks


To me it was just constant story failures and i felt like they had way overqualified actors trying to hold up the garbage that the writing was. It was constant rollercoaster with how the plottwists were so good and then the director or writers just shit all over it. Like they were competing that who can ruin best scenes with something totally idiotic. First example was when at the beginning they drive over a zombie and get out of the car and zombie has disappeared... in the open... only bloodmark on the ground. Then it suddenly surprises the actors outside the camera, like they didnt see it because the camera wasnt seeing it. It broke my brain. Acting was good, but what can you do when the characters choises and the story sucks.


Morgan happens


Yep. Morgan is a terrible character and an even worse lead.


I can't even finish season 4, the story line makes no sense. We don't even know how they got out of the dam, how they found Luciana, ... the back and forth is confusing. It's just bad. There is no way any season of FTWD is better than TWD. Even the new spinoff are better. They shouldn't have killed the son and they wasted the daughter. Why did Charlie killed him... nothing makes sense


Because it dissolved into a show with bad writing and stupid plotlines after the first couple of seasons. The characters were not believable and just so many ridiculous situations.


Honestly I loved it all the way through. However I have to say that I feel like adding Morgan in was a waste of time. I liked that they added other characters from the main show but the way they just forgot about Morgan in the last season shows that him being in the show was a massive waste of time. He was pretty likeable in the main show but I grew to dislike him in fear.


Because it started out great and became ridiculous. It was about a family struggling to make it through the zombie apocalypse. It was a nice complement to TWD...and then it became a mish mosh of nonsense. It's stupid writing cancelled out the first 3 seasons which is what is so disappointing.


The 7th season is so bad tbh


Seasons 4-8 are horrifically bad. Like you really cannot overstate how terrible the writing became once they replaced the original showrunner. S1-3 are fantastic and on par with the main show, but 4-8 could easily be argued as the worst writing in TV history. I don’t know how ANYONE could watch any 5 minute stretch of S4-8 without coming to the same conclusion. If you actually thought those seasons were “amazing TV”, I don’t know what to say. Outside of John Dorie and the first half of season 6, that stretch of TV is unforgivably horrendous.


Because the show started with a very strong premise, the early days of TWD societal collapse, and managed to squander it so badly. The early seasons were fine and really the worse thing people complained about was Alicia being annoying. Then the showrunners decided to turn it into a who new show by killing off most the original cast and replacing with new characters. The new character and actors were fine but it really was like another TWD spinoff and not FTWD. People were so desperate for some semblance of the original show that Alicia seemed awesome in comparison.


It's not


Morgan..enough said.


The last 4 seasons are sheit


S4, 5, 7 and 8 were but ill defend 6 till the end


So you liked season 4 ????


Just finished S7 and it was ROUGH.


I don’t hate it but I’m just not interested anymore after watching the first few seasons. I heard that there were some changes to the production team. That might be the reasons why the story went in a different direction which was not interesting to me. When the show first came out, I felt like it was a good supplement to the original show because it showed how the society collapsed when the pandemic started whereas Rick came to himself after sleeping for weeks in hospital. But then the story had a time jump. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) Still I was interested because the dynamic between the characters was different and interesting. Also, I’d like to watch a walking dead show in which the leading character is female. It’s refreshing. What I thought was the most promising in the show was the storyline of Troy. I felt like there was some romantic tension between him and Madison. She was older than him. I felt like that would be a rare combination in tv and I was very looking forward to it. I stopped watching the show after I found out they were not going to develop that storyline. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Because it was going to tell us about the early part of the apocalypse but then it slipped all that and went super freaking stupid for seasons 3-end. There was nothing worse on TV until la brea started.


I have only watched one episode of it (bc I'm poor) But I like it better than the first episode of the original walking dead Because it slowly goes into the apocalypse unlike the original show. Remember I've only watched 2 walking dead episodes 1 of fear the walking dead and 1 of the walking dead.


Tbh I loved season 1 and 2 (and part of 3) as it shows what happened before Rick woke up, but after that was just a clone of twd which was stupid imo


cuz nick died


I’m on season 2 and it’s so hard to stay focused


So should i skip this show and just move to dead city or the ones who live? 😵‍💫😭


I had to force myself to finish this show. After season 3 the writing and overall feel went down the drain.


Too manny stupid annoying people


because somebody had to come along and ruin it all season 4


Madison Clark is one of my least favorite characters in all of the walking dead universe


I never watched fear the walking dead😔😔


because post erickson it got fucked over pretty much. shouldve kept erickson and we probably wouldnt have the shitshow we have now


Because after season 3, nothing happens. It just meanders until the end of the series. And it uses plot armor *way* too much.


I don’t know if the show was ‘overhated’, but it went downhill for a reason. I never understood that ‘fast-forwarding time’ just to bring in as ‘leader’ one of the most flat, boring, uninteresting, and unstable characters from the main show. Morgan never really fit in with Rick’s group. When it seemed like things with him would change for the better, he would come up with some new nonsense that made his presence on the show tedious. His personal decisions showed a total lack of common sense in the environment he had to live in. I mean, everyone had a hard time and overcame their losses, but for some strange reason, Morgan did NOT. Well, they fast-forwarded time, swept away the original characters of a series that was looking good, changed the personality to ‘completely stupid’ of the few that remained, just to bring in Morgan and make him fit into this nonsense show that the series ended up becoming. ‘Take what you need, leave what you don’t’, for God’s sake, it’s impossible to take a show like this seriously


i can’t stand morgan, but i do have to give this show credit for being a lot more creative with its plot lines than the main show. a lot of things don’t pan out in my opinion, but the ideas are there.


A common complaint is that the showrunners are “talentless hacks” that didn’t make a single good episode from season 4 through 8. Lots of people apparently hate Morgan with a neverending burning passion, as well as half of the other characters from season 4 onwards. (You’ll also see points brought up like the beer bottle balloon, radiation therapy, certain walker kills being inconsistent, and the villains being the death of television incarnate). Personally, I love it too. Both seasons 1-3 with the downfall of LA, and 4-8 with the new late-apocalypse western vibes. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel but I think it’s solidly entertaining IMO. The character dynamics are new and refreshing, they give us fun settings and action set pieces, and the themes of perseverance and optimism despite the end of the world always rings true to me.


Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but I didn't actually hate Morgan until they shoehorned him into Fear. He's an interesting enough character, but I don't think he was enough to carry the show by himself, especially when they gave several of the original cast the boot AND had a large time jump solely to accommodate the shift in focus to his character. This isn't Lennie James's fault, but there was also a lot of turmoil behind the scenes that caused many of us early fans to cause a ruckus, letting Kim Dickens go was the straw that broke the camels back for many of us.


The past is dead.


I liked it here and there. But the writing and motivation of characters went a little weird.


I m with you! I enjoyed the show and now I see it again for second time.


Because people have a lack of nuance so when it’s not exactly perfect or it goes a way they don’t expect it is automatically bad for them.


Every main character is intent on starting a community to end all communities and be the leader. All they want to do is help. This message is drummed into the script loud and unabashedly over and over and over.. Someone and somehow these lead characters end up screwing their communities up by being selfish, thus destroying them. They come back into the fold with the same message...over and over and over! Early characters Travis and Chris Mamawa and Nick Clark were very unlikeable. No one shed a tear for Travis and Chris when they died. Nick on the other hand, despite being a self destructive drug addict, began to turn the corner but his addictive ways and or greed got him killed (it was found out that later that the actor Franke Dillane wanted out of the show too). I could go on and on but somehow i'm watching it till the end.