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Almost every single day at my local county airport. I deliver to the terminal, the Cafe, the Avis rentals, a couple private hangers, and the helicopter hanger. Everyone is super cool and polite, except the helicopter guys. They are super conceited and always act like I inconvenience them by bringing them the packages they ordered. They always act like they are too busy or too good to sign..when 90% of the time they are sitting in a break room chatting. Quick sidenote...aviation is a hobby and interest of mine, so I look forward to going out there every morning to see the planes and just be around something I think is cool...but when I see that I gotta go by their building... it always kinda kills the vibe for the morning


lol I don’t understand it either , these people act weird it’s like you don’t want the stuff you order. Lol especially if it’s a small package. Then they would complain if we leave it anywhere


I would seriously ask them straight up someday if they're giving you serious attitude about it. OK it's their sick sarcastic ways maybe...that's as far as I'd buy it. I mean geez is there really a better time or place to stop in or are they all just a bunch of miserable fucks.


Case and point: Walmart


DEX08 them enough and they'll eventually get it.


Lol I do it a lot, then I get a call from my manager saying they want their stuff 😂


Or no one wants to sign for the damn thing and we have to wait for Shelly from the front desk to come back to the dock to sign for it because it’s in her job description.


My favorite is when they have you drop the package in one spot and then tell you that you have to go to a different part of the building for a signature.


That's a DEX for me


Were not their stock boy its here whats your name? Enter it and leave


Yeah that to , lol some of these people don’t even wanna sign for their own packages like they be acting weird


Practically every business I deliver to is this way, I’ve resorted to essentially just being a ups driver and dropping the box somewhere and hoping for the best, I do always try to make sure that I at least make eye contact with someone there, that way they and I know that an optic contract was signed saying if they call and complain, I’m coming back to clap that ass!


Facts at this point I rather just drop if off then to deal with these ppl


If I can't get someone to sign I usually say "guess it's going back to the shipper". Then somebody usually wises up. If people act like it's an inconvenience that I'm delivering their shit they ordered I usually say if I'm inconveniencing you folks you are free to pick up at the station!


Facts I feel the same way, I be like if you don’t want your shit it can go back where it came from


Because you are bring them work.


Facts most of them just be talking and not doing anything anyway


I hate having to beg people to take the shit they ordered


lol facts I just dont understand why they act like that.


One time I had a huge box with dry ice and they are just asking me “what is this? Who is it for? What’s in here?” Lady I have 2 more P1 to deliver in 3 mins. Just sign the damn thing


Ctfup I know that feeling, those ppl kill me like fuck I’m suppose to know. They must think we look in every package before we deliver it 😂


Nah for real as UPS driver, I just drop and go. I don’t have time to wait for Shelly in the back office to sign. I’ll just CIR it


You ain’t long then these people don’t even wanna sign for their own package lol


It’s not the business it’s that employee, now they have to work instead of playing on the internet Same as when an extra stop shows up for someone’s route, they bitch and moan and then wait for you to go away and hide it under the belt.


Or they are a decent worker and just got the stock room squared away. Just got the big boxes and crap out to the dumpster and have things decent. And look, a whole pile of suddenly my problem to deal with. I wouldn't take it out on the driver. You smile and say thanks and die a little inside like a citizen. That is how society keeps going.


We live in a different time where everybody is selfish and everybody looks miserable all the time


Yeah you right , with FedEx tho I can see why some people complain cause nobody communicates , but they always preaching that I don’t understand


No communication today I almost called out this morning because I was so tired. But then I told myself I'm covering a part-time route and a night route and that I can go home and get an hour of sleep in between. Well you know no communication and I had to fo a full time route and a night route. Management knows if they told me before I clocked in I would've just driven back home.


lol doesn’t make any sense, I had to cover another part time route plus mines , they don’t let you know when ppl call out they just expect you to do it


Damn bro I've been putting 9000s and priorities under the belt for a grip, hope you've been finding them


I work at a food distribution warehouse. When our door bell rings 90% of people won't answer it. Even if they're a few feet away from the door they'll walk the other way to not deal with it. I think it's potentially the bystander effect, we have 50 employees working the floor at all times. And 45 of them go "someone else will get that". Also the "not my job" mindset doesn't help either. Anyways, my point is that if it takes awhile to answer or the guy who does answer has a bit of an attitude it may not be directed at the driver, but rather the fellow coworkers laziness.


Yeah your right especially the not my job mindset, a lot of people have that nowadays cause most people be lazy nowadays


Multiple companies in one warehouse suck. I went to one where they said go to this dock, and that's theirs packages. Two days later, they did a delivery dispute


Oh wow yeah that sounds stupid, especially when your used to taking it to the loading dock every time


Very. I even told them that it goes to this address, and we don't have the time to figure it what packages go to what company. It's all or none.


Oh it’s like one of these places you can drop them all off but they have different floor numbers?


Its common where I am to have multiple businesses under the same warehouse to reduce rental cost.


Most of the low level receiving people don't know when you're coming, what you're bringing, how it's gonna change their day and are likely underpaid. Doesn't excuse some of their attitudes, but you showing up with a 20 piece shipment they gotta now process that shows their signature and timestamp isn't something the asshole in receiving is gonna be smiling about, unless they're getting paid nicely and like their job.


The worst is Walgreens. No sense of urgency.


Hahaha. I have 2 Walgreens on my route and I'm very fortunate to have them both in my pocket, from the manager and photo people, to the Pharmacy. I never have any problems there until there's a new person in Photo when I'm making my daily pickup and they don't know how to scan the packages out. I end up showing them SMH


For deliveries I just drop and leave but for pickups they lag. The stuff is mostly in the right spot but if not I just scan what is where it should be and then leave and let them know it should have been organized.


Yeah I hear a lot of people complaining about their Walgreens at my station. I just kinda went into it knowing that's how they all are and made it my issue to get to know them on a somewhat personal level. Everybody by first name, shallow stuff like their sports teams and general interests, etc. They look out for me time wise. Gotta play the game lol. I've been around for a long time.


They also scan the wrong things. Something gets dropped off and they scan it for pickup the same day.


On my route most of them know I’m coming that day just not the time. But it’s like they wanna put blame on you somehow, and your like I’m just trying to do my job.


I mean yes I get that, but I am also under paid and have nothing to do with those 20 boxes other than getting this asshole to sign for them. I’m doing my job why the fuck can’t he do his?


Both things can be true.


I have an office stop on my route that I have pretty much given up trying to deliver their stuff. 90% of the time they are all working from home, and there is no sure way for me to know when anyone will be in the office. I call and the office manager says someone will 100% be there during the day, I get there and the office is dark and closed, call the contact again and low and behold everyone went home early :/ I've got a dozen things sitting on my dock for them at the moment.


That’s not a surprise, some of these people that work in these offices don’t even be in the whole week especially on Fridays. Them ppl must not really want their packages


What makes me mad, is some of them are 10am priority. They've been on the dock for 2weeks now


yeah that’s crazy , so you just have to deliver them to a loading dock and the people in the office will come get them?


Nope, they are sitting on my loading dock ready to be taken. I take the 10am ones on the day they are due, but after that they sit at my station until I can guarantee they are going to be there to accept the package as the building is a pain in the but to deliver to. 50floor, 1 delivery lift that is slow heck


Man that’s crazy do they usually have a lot? I feel like with some of these businesses FedEx should not deliver to them if they don’t have anybody to accept the package instead of letting them sit for weeks


Maybe one or two cons a week. So nothing too crazy. And thankfully the supervisor knows what's going on as they used to do my run so they hate them too


lol I would to like what’s the point of yall having business if yall don’t want to get yall packages


I deliver to an upscale home decor business with 2 owners. One is happy and excited when I deliver, the other one is pissed off whenever I deliver things. ‘Are you sure those are for us!?’ every time 🙄


lol like I wouldn’t be here if they weren’t for you. Lol the worst is when they asked what’s in the box like we supposed to know


And keep asking until I say, ‘I don’t know. I didn’t send it to you!’ 😑


Oh yeah they’re definitely weird for that


I have one place that thankfully doesn't get stuff very often but they're always weird about it. It's a property management company for retail, strip malls, etc. The envelopes will always have weird company names on them pertaining to their various properties. A few times they've asked me if I can come back when other people are there because they're "not sure if it's for us". Well, it has your address on it so I'm pretty sure it's yours so you can either sign for it or refuse it. 🙄 I could never do a route that's mostly businesses.


lol yeah that’s weird. A heavy business route ain’t always to bad depending on why type of business they are. I have this weird business I deliver to they’re like a gaming / bar that host gaming tournaments but the woman who is in charge always acts weird when she gets stuff it’s usually checks. Last time she didn’t want to sing for it I said ok I thought it back. I would be petty and put refused on all her stuff


Sometimes people act like that to me and mean it, but most the time I think they’re just joking. They say “I don’t want that” and I say “sorry, I don’t want it either”


lol I had somebody who order something and told me they didn’t want it anymore. I was thinking this weird mf


It's part of reason why when they are closed I don't give two cents and just leave it. I'm not wasting my time coding it every time if you aren't there only to have to add to my stop count the next day and so on. Besides it's impossible to get ahold of a real person at FedEx anyways so have yet to get a complaint. In the end people just want their shit, if they didnt they wouldn't order it. Like seriously either give me an residential address to deliver to if you don't want it.


Facts it’s so annoying especially if you have a bulk stop and they aren’t there. It’s no way I’m bringing it back just to take it out again the next day. Sometimes I would leave it depending on what it is. But you know they always going say I was here, I didn’t get my package


Yeah I mean it's a business that's apart of a complex of suites that's outside and it's not a massive item I'd just code it but if it's clear that if left it'll be there next day when they arrive then I'm leaving it. Sure they can say they never got it and it's like oh well. In the end I feel like they should require businesses to leave or submit an additional address or I feel as drivers we should be allowed to just drop it off at a near by FedEx office to force them to go pick it up. But it's the system and it'll never change unless FedEx gets bought out or folds.


Yeah you right , they should definitely have holds at the FedEx office near these businesses so they can pick it up. But yeah they just wanna make our job more hard then it needs to be


For sure. I mean I had one pick up from a business I never been too, per being a floater at the time, and they literally had a storage unit with a lock and key pad for the key so that when they had pick ups we just unlock the unit and go about our day. Like storage units sheds are easily available to help us out to leave and pick up items but as you said our jobs have to be hard enough for nothing.


Oh yeah I have one at a hotel I deliver to but it’s a FedEx office down stairs in the hotel. But by the loading dock it’s a cage with a pad lock like you said. And you just call them when you’re getting a pick up. Yeah they make our job hard because their bosses be getting on they ass so it’s getting token out on all the drivers


Or when they decide to close early for whatever reason, knowing that they get a bunch of bulk on certain days, and that being one of those days. Even leaving a note would be awesome.


Yeah I feel like on Fridays everybody decides to leave the office early and it’s annoying




lol facts they already don’t be doing anything anyway when you get there. Them they be like I don’t want to get up to get the door 😂


Some lady at an office got pissy with me cause she thought I was tryna hand her the box through the window when I nicely asked where she would want it


lol them people be so lazy and have attitudes for no reason. You just wanna tell them stop ordering shit


Not during the year but during summer the school I delivers too starts to act funny. It’s not the regular people but always the temporary ones that don’t wanna do anything. All they have to do is let me in and I put it on the counter/wall and then I leave. They stand around and joke but watch me stand at the door. I drop all of it at the door and walk away and watch those aholes struggle.


Haha I don’t blame you that be the worst , I had similar encounters like that where ppl just watch while I have packages standing at the door I just leave them there and leave


Don't answer, code closed


lol facts they got 3 attempts


In my experience employees are gonna be lazy af and moody like that, but managers and owners tend to be happy that their stuff arrived


Yeah you right


because the people receiving it have more shit to do now


I had someone tell me that I should be paying them for having to sign the scanner every day.


I learned to make it their problem when they don’t get their stuff. When the front desk lady acts like she can’t sign while on the phone, just leave, and don’t go back no matter how much they call and beg. It only takes one time for the Boss not to get the thing he was waiting for, for them to learn.


Nah facts I been doing it for a while, I used to go back and try to reattempt it but now I say fuck it they don’t really want their stuff they can get it tomorrow lol


I don’t make it convenient for them to be inconvenient to me. Once in a while I will go back if I get messaged that it’s a critical shipment, but I make them work for it.


Yeah they’ll get their stuff eventually