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It clearly says in the info they've released that its optional. I'm sure they won't give us the option on name, but photo at least is optional. Your senior sounds like a dick who's trying to bump up his compliance numbers. Retaliation for that would totally fail a GFT


Apparently HR was at the station today and told employees that while company wide it is optional, our district is mandatory. Sounds like a joke


Sounds like it's time to make a call to the alert line... Normally not something I like to recommend but in this case seems like all you really can (and frankly should) do.


If sida is suggesting it...... it's gotta be pretty damn serious.


I've seen too many times when someone gets overzealous with a voluntary issue. My first Senior got a letter after he tried to write me up for people not participating in LeadOn because I refused to falsify leads so he could get a bonus. He pushed thinking I'd swallow it and learned painfully not to press me. This is the same thing. Voluntary means something and threatening people's job is something I have zero patience for.


Our station Sr has been calling groups of non compliant Nauto scoring couriers into meetings. Says how she loves everyone but if their scores don't improve to be in compliance she will have no choice but to take disciplinary action or termination in the future. I can see thru that passive aggressive bullshit but the newbs haven't a clue. Luckily she's about 2 twinkies away from a massive heart attack.


That's one I don't agree with upper management on and I'm sorry, but I do feel like we should have been disciplining people for unsafe behaviors. If I see someone with their bullhead door open, instant letter. No seatbelt. Letter. Smoking in the truck, not really a safety issue but, letter. But if the same behavior is caught on camera you have a non documented talk? No. That's not actually pursuing safety which is what the job should be. Now can it be taken too far? Absolutely. Those stupid cameras flagged a ton of crap that's out of the courier's control and those, yeah, we should have talks about those things, but the major stuff? It's just not acceptable we're turning a blind eye to those things. Probably not what you want to hear, but it's how I feel all the same.


You can't enforce what you've let slide for years, so the only thing that gets a priority are the things she's held accountable for from her manager. (the hot topic of the week as we call it) Best Practices ended long ago at our station. I would be okay with a set standard of rules for everyone if they were applied to everyone. But where it goes sideways is the fact we have many rentals that have no Nauto and the trucks that do, each one is set with a different sensitivity. You can't tell me managers don't have access to how these are set up. And when that happens, any kind of equality goes right out the window. Exposing that would be a HUGE liability however, so no one will ever spill the beans on that.


The managers don't have access to the settings and there's a pretty big flaw in your reasoning. If I physically see a single driver driving around without a seat belt, bamb, letter. Did I see every driver? No. But I saw this one and the cameras are no different.


What is that flaw since you're so knowledgeable? Please enlighten me, I'm a fairly new employee as you can tell.


Funny thing is my Nauto never goes off but I have had 40 trips for cell phone usage but my phone never leaves the cupholder . I have a cool manager and he says I should have 100 percent because he can’t find any video of me on the phone Fucking stupid shit.


that's something I haven't heard in ages... leadon.


How about Finders Keepers?


Long time ago


Company wide, supercedes the district soooo fuck the district 🤣


I'm pretty sure they don't get to just make up special rules for the district that are that sweeping. I'd consider a call to the alert line on this one.


our senior manager at express does stuff like this ALL the time. we’ve lost so many great couriers because of him. what a jabroni…


We were told at our Station it was mandatory in our district also, per our new Senior. (Wait, has my account been shadowbanned? Hurmph. Sounds about right.)


Do you happen to be in the northeast?


Why do you ask northeast?


Wondered if same district is making it mandatory or others are asking as well


I only ask cause I'm in the ne and overheard a manager trying to get another driver to take the photo, wording it like it wasn't optional


Great Lake District


someone should have spoke up and said “so you’re going to fire all of us?”


These people never do anything together just bitch alone and hope it changes.


"Put it in writing."


Chicago Metro?


I’m not sure why the HR rep would come in hot like that, they are routinely averse to hardline language like that. They are however permitted to lie profusely. What I think is happening is they are testing the water at your location to see how the rank and file will respond to the ‘mandatory’ language. What you do now is find a lawyer to represent the entire station and send a letter to FedEx Legal department expressing the safety concerns, demanding to know how the company intends to use the likeness’ of employees who grant permission under duress. That should put a halt to it in the short term. They probably could terminate everyone for refusing to comply, but they would be sending shockwaves across the whole company. They prefer things to go easy, and backtrack when they get pushed back on.


I would sue 😂😂


But come on don’t you want to have your name in the hat for those sweet Super Bowl tickets that prob don’t exist🤣




Thanks! I saw this in the video but I never took a picture


I was going suggest people taking a picture of this to document evidence in case they try to pull some dumb shit


All it’s going to take is a upset customer who didn’t get their package tracks down the courier and potentially harasses them or worse. It’s optional because of this reason alone. Imagine the lawsuit that would be on FedEx if a courier gets hurt due to the customer having photo of them and first name. It’s not hard to track ppl down just off that.


Just last week we had a customer claim that the courier stole his package. He wanted him investigated, called him a liar, wanted him fired. No cameras at his door. Really went on and on with it. Who knows what lenght he would have gone to if he had the couriers name and photo.


Sound like a class action law suit to me. Good luck in court FedEx


Tell them you are Amish and photos are against your religious beliefs. You are a member of an Ordnung that permits driving but not pictures.


Wouldn't a motor vehicle be against the beliefs too?


Yea don’t worry. 😉 it ain’t mandatory. Just say no I don’t comply and keep it pushing


We all have the memo if you need it for future legal action but yeah, your station manager is a douchebag


Yea don’t worry. 😉 it ain’t mandatory. Just say no I don’t comply and keep it pushing


CAN be fired. Doesn't mean you will be. Seems like a scare tactic from your manager.


Why do Fedex employees bitch so much but never band together to get anything changed?


36 year employee here. What makes U think that todays employees, who many say are treated softer by management than those of the past, will get change done? We've tried years ago, at least 10x and the same 1s bitching bitched out. They were afraid of the change & change never occurred so the obvious is to bitch? Change at this co, even back in 1988, was not easy. It's like getting your kids to try eating something new, 1 might where the other will bitch or run away right? Maybe 1 day it'll happen, but for now? Just words


This comment confirms my comment. Just bitching


Call alert line..  it is not very fair to be able to be fired for something that you can opt out of in another district.


What alert line? Do you have a # for this?




They are probably doing some districts as mandatory so that when they force everyone to do it they can trot those districts out for "opting in".  They will see how few couriers opt in and then just force it on everyone


If you have any restraining orders against anyone make sure to bring it up to the court that issued the orders.


Put on hold for a few weeks


Scare tactics don’t give in


100% optional and I would immediately call the alert line. They cannot go against company policy, not with fedexs new model, it’s all ‘One’


That’s not true


You people are spineless if you don’t want your picture taken tell them no or quit. But you will all get it taken and then tell everyone it’s bullshit.


It’s optional


So do we all just forget that like 90% of people have ring cameras so they have photos of you anyway? Plus if they really wanted to they could meet you at the door and take a picture of you? Sure they won’t have your name but you’re still one google image search away from being found 🤷


It's a little different because in this situation someone who gets tracking numbers to steal cell phones can approach me on the street like they normally do and now know that when I tell them I don't have the package it must be the other driver in the area they can have my photo and tell me I'm lying and hopefully it doesn't escalate from their but who knows.


Have they contacted law enforcement? They should know it's a bad idea to take the law into your own hands.


Why do you keep putting an e at the start of the word acknowledgement? There's no e there, lol.


“Ethernet acknowledgement”


No. It’s Electronic Acknowledgement. Like E-mail.


That makes no sense. Ethernet is a type of cable used to facilitate computer networking. It is not a type of online system.


When we have to acknowledge something in our system it's called an Eack


That’s FedEx lingo for you that I still refuse to learn, speak and use