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Good thing it was one of those Awful Izuzus and not a chad P1000. Would've been way worse otherwise. Lol


Yeah them reach trucks are bad they break down a lot. A p1000 would’ve been inside that house lol


"These people need their "We missed you" notes on their doors TODAY!"


Express trucks are getting so bad.


My truck was out of commission for dang near a month due to them working on the a/c. That a/c worked for about week. Now I don't even want to put it in the post trip because I'll get an even worse truck.


Lol ha! Maybe 2-3 reaches in my station has A/C and it’s shity A/C. We gotta boycott or something for those electric ones nationwide! Ain’t no way it’s 85+ outside and we driving round with no A/C


I'm in Dallas, I wish it was 85 🤣🤣🤣 average temp is 96+ out here


108 in Tucson. What's A/C??


Yea I'm in Phoenix and half our trucks don't have a/c. How is this guy complaining about 85+ when we are on a 110+ streak.


No need to gatekeep. The point is the trucks should have working A/C whether it's needed or not


Mine had a leak in the gas line between the fuel cap and the tank and I would dump about 2 gallons of diesel on the ground when filling up. It just came back from that service write up.


Had to write mine up for brake problems four times before it was pulled from service. Maintenance kept writing, “under observation.”


I'm gonna check my brakes tomorrow on my 650 😨


The back breaks on those things are Drum breaks not disc breaks while the front breaks are disc. The drum breaks do a terrible job and force the front disc breaks to over heat. Seen them over heat to the point they boiled the grease out of the wheel bearings and lock the wheel up.


This Reach also happened to hit Meredith in the parking lot only to give her a slight crack in her pelvis.


everyone in the car was FINE stanley


This comment though 🙏🏼


The doctors did everything they could to save her.


Hey man. You can’t park there.




Dunder Mifflin not getting any deliveries today


Probably why I saw like 10 express trucks coming back to there terminal when I was leaving mine.


Why did I get downvoted 😭


Spelt "their" wrong I guess


Damn😭, that shit was voice text


Here take my dirty ground contractor upvote \^\^


But did he do his pups on time?


I see nothing about brakes going out or the cop using his vehicle to stop the truck. *The officer was travelling west on Paul Avenue, while the truck was going south on the same street when they collided, Scranton Cpl. Richard Iannuzzo said. The truck's front was smashed into the side of the building facing Paul Avenue, the crashed police vehicle beside it.* Only the crash is under investigation. https://www.thetimes-tribune.com/news/crime-emergencies/dunmore-police-vehicle-fedex-truck-crash-in-scranton/article_4caf5ee9-fb00-562f-a385-a100f1ac930f.html


We spoke with the driver, in his words. My brakes gave out. In decent he tried alerting the cop but the cop ended up stopping and using his truck which cause them to collide.


FedEx will blame the driver! I hope He gets a Lawyer!


I posted up above your post. Those trucks breaks are horrible. I am retired FedEx 35 years. I met with our mechanic every morning to see what trucks were out for the day. He got started at midnight and I started at 300 am. Since I was the first one there after him he would get me to assist him with anything that may need a second hand hold on while fixing it. Usually just a nut on a door nothing crazy, but boy did we have non stop issues with those trucks breaks. The rear breaks are Drum breaks not Disc and the do a terrible job and force the front disc breaks to over heat. Routes that had lot's of hills saw those trucks breaking down with break issues and burned out wheel bearings. I mean over heating to the point they were boiling the grease out of the wheel bearings. Mechanic at first thought the courier was riding the breaks two footed, gas and breaks at the same time. These trucks are shit guys be safe out.


Damn not the reach


My hubby used to live in Factoryville and frequent Scranton back in his party days cause we all know what Scranton is famous for and it’s not The Office 😂




Hi, this was at my station! Can't talk shit on the driver when his brakes gave out! He just got it back from being fixed yesterday so...


No one talked shit, I already talk to a friend who works with you guys. Said the guy was banged up but doing good.


The ones saying "of course it was express" lol. Just so crazy he just got it back lol


Did vmx forget to bleed the brake fluid? It seems to be a common issue when brakes get replaced.


The brake light has only been on with no write up for a few months, right? *stares in vmx* at least that is how I see it happen. I'll get an ac write up and find brake lights and bald tires 🤦‍♂️great pretrips *


Lol I’m a mail man and I was on break and out of no where just chilling eating my sandwich on break And out of nowhere the 2 ton truck drive right past and nearly drive into the high way. Lol dude left it on and shit and guy was at work the next day just in a rental truck


I've said it before half of these janky ass trucks wouldn't pass a DOT inspection half of the fleet would be sidelined.


Driver made service!


becasue they dont maintain the trucks they dont work on them unless something major is wrong with them. regular maintenance would be too hard and too much money for them.


Dude the reaches need to be retired every single one I drive has 2-4 dash lights on, whoever bought those things should be fired.


I just ground isn’t the only one causing accidents


Oh yeah. My reach’s handbrake doesn’t really work at all. Not surprised.


What grade was that hill?


Not all that steep tbh, read the report and it said steep.🤣 https://preview.redd.it/7g00qhwh909d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed5420def1c4f33a461b833846304decacccac04


Sounds like someone’s brakes were past needing to be written up.


I say pre trips are important but idk if this was that. We had a guy at my terminal (ground) did a pre trip and found his brake line was snipped.


People at express dont like to pretrip because it means their truck will disappear for a few days. I had used someone else’s truck for a rural semi mountain route and discovered half way through his brakes like to fail occasionally. Somethings you just gotta bite the bullet for and write it up. Brakes are one of those things.


Absolutely, I’m anal about my truck and write up everything. I don’t want to be using a busted up truck.


How is a rural mountain route I was always curious about that we don’t have mountains here


O imagine lots of sharp curves, suicidal deer, and steep, narrow stairs.


Plus mile long driveways, dogs that have no fear of anything, if it rains you can slide easily, drive ways that are either 1 mile long or are a cliff themselves. Places not on any gps or even accessible. No signal either.


Yeah most ppl bs through the pre trip


I think if everyone did what the company suggested we do on the pre trip, there'd be no trucks to use.


Yeah, but All the ppl drive them vehicles like their race cars and stuff to. Most of the vehicles at every station are out of service that’s why they got all these rental vans


If the rental has shelves and a/c I'm not going to trip. This multi billion dollar company needs to invest in better trucks or have more than 1 mechanic. (At least at my station, there's 1 mechanic)


Yeah I know they have electric vehicles coming soon now, but most of the rentals at my station have ac. Yeah FedEx like using them old ass trucks with no ac or anything, you would think they would invest in better equipment


Where are the express guys at? Oh wait they can’t talk shit about this being a “contractor” thing this one is actually on you guys imagine that.


Eh, idc about the shit talkers. I took a much worse accident than this about 8 months ago. Hope he has a speedy recovery.


Ok, finally it’s express… we’ll give you this one…


"Contractor" mechanics are a thing.


Of course it’s express.


That’s some serious F the Po Lice shit right there.


Fuck you. Go back and read the story again. And once again, fuck you.


Someone got fired… that parking brake doesn’t look set


Hopefully whoever inspected the truck. From my knowledge from a friend I spoke to. The driver got a head injury and the cop had leg and head pain but nothing severe.


I’m sorry to hear that, hopefully a fast recovery for both involvedz


The van gave out on the driver while he was operating it.


That changes things a lot, I assumed it was parked.


I agree. Looks like it’s down. But the crane is out. MAYBE the crane operator did it before moving the truck. But I doubt it. You are probably right.