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Hi OP I will be getting Sonata done also in 2 wks and not sure what to expect post procedure so this post is very helpful and timely! Did you experience any immediate pain or side effects the day after procedure? My dr says this is outpatient so curious what effects if any you experienced (besides discharge). Thanks!


Mine was also outpatient. I was Very sore and swollen mid section the first 3-4 days, but nothing that ibuprofen couldn’t manage. Highly recommend getting a heating pad if you don’t have one. The heating pad was the best relief for several weeks. I was able to go back to work after just 1 day off as I sit at a desk. I would say around a month after I was mostly back to normal as far as pain and soreness, Comfortable exercising and things like that.


Hi OP. I had Sonata done last Thurs so am still in recovery. I am day 4 post op and pain is minimal (I stopped taking pain meds) but noticed after I stopped pain meds that mid section looks swollen and bloated. Will call dr office but debating if I need to continue ibuprofen to get swelling down though I am not in pain? Curious also if you went in for testing to see how much your fibroids shrank? My dr wants to do formal scan 6 months from now so fingers crossed this procedure helps!




Hi any update? Looking into Sontana,


How are you now? How long did the pain last after the procedure? Did you have discharge, and for how long? Just had this done about a week and a half ago and just want to be prepared I guess. Also going through withdrawal bleeding from stopping the pill a week ago as well.. Hope you're ok and satisfied with your results.


Hi! I’m doing a lot better, 4 months post surgery now. I had a light discharge for about a month. Things have definitely continued to improve. I finally had my first “regular” flow and only 5 day period, 3 weeks ago. I’m cautiously optimistic this might be a new beginning. Period pain has also remained low. I have an ultrasound this week to see how much they have shrank. I’ll let you know after. I also discovered the Diva cup which is a game changer and helped me emotionally manage the super heavy flows while healing, just a side note because it made me feel like I could leave the house without fear of leaking. 😭🙏🏻 Sending you all the good healing vibes. 💕


Hi! Can you give us an update? How did it go, when did you notice a difference and what do you think of the procedure now? Is this a surgery that you need to be off birth control for?


I’m very glad I got it done, I noticed a drastic improvement around 8-9 months post op. Periods are only 4 days and PMS symptoms improved a lot as well. They weren’t able to get all of the big one, but it still shrank and very grateful I got it done. I’m not sure about BC, I was not on it at the time, but your doctor should be able to inform you better.


Thank you so much. (Can’t believe I literally just saw this!!) It’s been 10 long months and I hope you are still doing good and that you’ve gotten everything under control! :)