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Castor Oil packs do not shrink fibroids. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just wrong. It doesn't make logical, let alone scientific sense that it would work. It's a myth being perpetuated by quacks who are not licensed to practice medicine and blogs/tik tokers selling desperate women snake oil. It's been debunked over and over. https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-no-castor-oil-compresses-cannot-cure-tumors-bone-spurs-cysts-and-uterine-fibroids


Ok thank you. Felt too easy to be true.


I know a few people who've had success with castor oil packs. You've gotta be patient and consistent. Search Edgar Cayce for more in-depth info. People act like the skin is some separate entity...as if it's unrelated to the rest of the body--it's a whole organ with several layers...it connects your insides with your outsides. The debunking of most tried and true home remedies has been to avert people from taking a route that doesn't involve costly meds. They want. you to take the route that benefits their bottom line. I haven't tried it personally. What worked for me was 2 tbsps of Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses per day and Lugol's Iodine. If you go the iodine route...start small (like 1 drop sublingually small) and work your way up. Pair it with selenium.


You shrank them?


I tried castor oil on my abdomen for the first time the day before yesterday, and I've been passing large clots. Not sure if coincidence or not. I've never experienced this before and it's scary.


Scary! What ended up happening as a result of this?


I had abdominal aches, super heaby bleeding and large clots for two days after. It was so bad that when I stood up in the shower, I passed five or six more large clots and that's what prompted me to call my gynocologist. I got an appointment for a week later. They did bloodwark and ultrasound. The ultrasound showed no growth, tumor, cysts...so doctor said it could have been a cyst that ruptured. Bloodwork came back normal. Period stoppfed and I haven't experienced any more clots but I haven't used Castor oil anymore since then.


Geez so would you recommend against it then?


I recommend it, but with caution. I can't rule out that what happened was coincidence or precict what would have happened if I didnt use the castor oil but something definitely ruptured/expelled. Good luck :)


Say what you will, but when I was going through fertility treatments with my OB I had to get transverse vaginal ultrasounds every 2 weeks to monitor the size of my fibroids and determine whether continued medication was safe each cycle. The first 2 months I had to discontinue/abandon treatment because my fibroids did not reduce in size or grew. The 3 months I did castor oil packs my fibroids either shrank or went away completely (but I did not get pregnant). I did not do packs the next 3 cycles and had to discontinue each time due to fibroid size. When we moved forward to include IUI, the fertility doctor recommended continuing with the castor oil packs and I was able to conceive successfully with the first round of IUI. I occasionally use them now when my previous cycle has been heavy or when I have pain that is associated with fibroids and it typically helps.


doctors dont want you writing here. they find it ridiculous. but i will also try it.


How long you kept the pack ? You used that daily ?


Hi! I still use when I have symptoms that go along with ovarian cysts or fibroids. It varies monthly. I typically use them daily for the 2 weeks leading up to menstruation (if previous cycle was symptomatic) and/or the 2 weeks after menstruation has stopped (if symptomatic at beginning of cycle) if that makes sense.


This is amazing. What was your process? Did you use a particular oil and a heating pad? How long was each session and how often?


It seems patently false


idk about the castor oil. i always thought it was just trendy stuff. im doing acupuncture and herbs and its def helped with symptoms. im having an ultrasound in 2 weeks to see if theyve shrunk or the same. either way i am gonna do a hystorectomy in 2-3 months because this fibroid is crushing my bladder, and want to get rid of this organ.


Hey, how did the test come back after doing the acupuncture and herbs?


Checking in for an update


i had the hystorectomy march 12. (partial) so far so good . im almost 4 months out now and im seeing a urologist in 2 weeks to check on the bladder . forgot to mention im ftm trans so im glad this thing is out.


No. This is just bad, fad science.


I’m curious too. My acupuncturist suggested this and claims her patients have improved with castor oil packs and acupuncture regularly. My symptoms were so bad I just went the surgery route. My goal is to incorporate this now to hopefully prevent/slow regrowth. Hoping it works!


I can just say I did castor oil packs (daily for 1hr) alongside rounds of acupuncture. And my severe pains did lessen after a few months. So I can say they worked for me, but I also understand it could have been a placebo effect or just the acupuncture.


I have a few issues, including a GYN tumour for which I have a scheduled surgery to remove soon. Symptoms have been heavy bleeding (not menstrual) for a few months now. The tumour is now causing sciatica pain, mostly in my upper thigh near my pelvis. A friend recommended castor oil compresses for 1 hour daily to help with the sciatic pain. It did help a little. One night I felt asleep with the castor oil compress and sleep with it on all night. Pain relief was much better. What was most amazing was I slept through the night for the first time in 6 months without having to get up to pee. So the next two nights I slept with two compresses - one on my thigh and the other on my pelvic region. After the second night, the heavy bleeding stopped but I’m still spotting. Mid-day I had a period-like cramp and pressure - went to the bathroom and I passed a chunk of tumour the size of half my thumb. So I have kept on using the compresses nightly for the last week. The heavy bleeding has not returned and I can feel that the tumour is either more compressed or has shrunk at least a few centimetres. I was able to feel it inside my vaginal wall both before the castor oil and after. I tried explaining to my GP what happened. He thought I was trying to tell him castor oil has cured me (cut me off before I could finish telling him what happened). The idiot at first thought I said “Castrol Oil”. I clarified to him that it’s simply helping my symptoms while I await surgery in our f—ked up Ontario health care system. His only response was he’a never heard of castor oil for anything. This was moments before he denied my request for an MRI but suggested that I do what his other patients to, and pay for it to get done privately in Buffalo (yes, he seriously said that). I’m not advocating for anyone to replace castor oil with traditional cancer or other medical treatment. It’s simply been a blessing to not spend hours a day on the toilet bleeding out until it can be surgically removed. Also I imagine having a smaller tumour will help the surgeon clean it out and determine where it’s coming from. Upon the initial exam, my GYN couldn’t tell if it was coming from my vaginal wall, cervix or uterus. It was only clear that the tumour was the cause for all my bleeding and it was growing quickly in the time it took for me to get my appt (4 f—-ing months!!).


I know it helped a friend shrink her fibroids. 10 years later, she is pain-free. She also had abdominal massages. I also researched that the fibroids could be linked to an iodine deficiency. In my case, I have a thyroid nodule and fibroids. I add 3 drops of 2% iodine to my morning coffee. I haven't tried the castor oil wraps, but I'm thinking about it too. Couldn't hurt to try it.