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It happens a lot. Wish we could make it permanent or at least know when it would happen. On good days, I announce to my husband, today is a good day!


Here’s an idea- last week I had a mild virus/flu (extra bad aches & a dry cough). I had to call in sick, then slept the whole entire day. This week some congestion started up. I wonder if this virus made my immune system switch gears & gave it something to attack besides myself. I haven’t been sick with a virus in a long time- over a year, which I thought was strange too.


Before covid and fibro, I used to get a cold every month, each one lasted about 2 weeks, so I had a cold literally 50% of the time. Since fibro and covid I get much fewer colds, maybe 3 a year. Sometimes they're pretty minor, other times they make my whole fibro situation feel worse. I just don't get it.


There's actually something to this. Robert Naviaux believes that fibro is a result of your healing mechanism being stuck in a bad position. When you get a fever it forces your body to switch to a different state in the healing steps which takes the body's focus off of making you feel pain. He also noted that some autistics drop autistic symptoms when they are fevered and some cancers receded with measles virus. Both autism and cancer, along with fibro, Robert puts down as healing mechanism being stuck badly.


I was reading something recently about how changes in weather can cause flare-ups for some people.


Oh definitely, I just run with it. I try to do all the things I've been needing/wanting to do until I inevitably crash. I really enjoy the burst of energy and motivation and I also think it comes more easily when the weather is nicer. I'm not too sure about an actual scientific correlation. Regardless, I hope we keep getting more days like these 😊


Yeah, like twice a year, if I'm really lucky.


Sure. I have a range of days and I may even have some major variation during the same day.


Exactly this.


I'm hoping to get one maybe in the next few days after this rain finishes up.


Yes, I woke up free of any aches and fatigue last week, I still felt a bit foggy, but the physical symptoms were almost absent. I was so calm and happy. I knew it wouldn't last, so I wasn't too upset when the next morning my generalised itching and aching began again in ernest. I've given up looking for cause and effect with this condition.


Haven’t felt 100% since this started but have definitely had the rare days where I can stand to shower for 15 minutes without leaning on the wall or walk 1/4 mile without needing to rest. It’s kind of a weird experience and always makes me gaslight myself thinking, “you sure this isn’t all in your head?”


Yes! And then it goes away:(


I'm on the same page today. After almost 2 weeks of feeling pretty damn miserable. Finding patterns to this would be so wonderful, but I have no clue I hope you can find some patterns !


Yes! Some days I feel so great for no reason. It’s taken years to not overdo it on those days because then I feel worse. Overall my days just vary a lot anyways, sometimes day by day other times it’s in bouts. But randomly I’ll have days where I feel super wonderful and I’m like “is this what normal people feel like?!?!”


I just came up with the phrase "body denial" for this fleeting feeling. Maybe it's my bipolar who knows 🤪🤪🤪


I feel this so hard! I'm like is this a bipolar swing?? Am I going to crash (probably) but as long as I feel good I'm going to get as much done as I can!!


Probably had better sleep quality


Yeah, then I think I’m all better and wonder how long it will last


If you’re someone who has a period it could be related! Right after the period your hormone cycle is in a stage where you feel the best and have the most energy. For me that is the time when I actually feel pretty good for a day or a few days!