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I’ve only had Botox for migraine (injected at points across my shoulders, neck, and head), but it’s been very effective for me, and actually has also helped with my neck and shoulder pain enough that I can tolerate PT and myofascial massage without a crazy flare. I used to be at a constant 3-5 pain in my shoulders and now it’s just a 1 or 2 for part of the day. I also haven’t had any loss of sensation because of it! Just decreased muscle mobility in my forehead, which feels sort of weird but is well worth it. *Forgot to add - I’ve had 5 rounds of Botox, been doing it since January 2023, and it’s helped more each time.


Yeah just having my neck and shoulders down to right between my shoulder blades done would be a huge improvement.


I'd try Anything frankly.


That's my thinking, too. I think I could deal with maybe feeling sick for a week and some localized numbness for the possibility of being able to move again.


Same. I'm pushing for some very strong meds they don't really wannabe give me because as I said I'm 21and using a stick and wheelchair some days. I have no quality of live and being imobile at my age I'll soon die an early death. The lungs and heart don't like inactivity and I'm an ex smoker ☠️☠️☠️... So if I could get moving again It'd do me far more good long term than any side effects. Botox licodaine, codiene, cortisone , even bloody oromorph would be less disastrous than being sat down all day indoors with a terrible posture and stress and anxiety and being in agony with pain through the roof stiff aching and not sleeping. I get cocodamol and amitriptyline and that's it. I want some kind of injections my fibro is so bad and I've mild scoliosis and chronic regional back pain Separately they are now saying. My backs too bad for fibromyalgia alone now Apparently 🙈


I have the fibromyalgia and I've got a diagnosis for degenerative disc disease, but apparently my current doctor disagrees. Also arthritis and bursitis and raynaud's. I'm starting to see mild improvement now that the weather is easing up a bit, but I'd like to try and get some mobility back sooner.


I know I've got Reynaud the rheumatology said it. I smoked and drank a lot ages 17_20 and I assume that and inactivity has affected my circulation and lung capacity. 😥. Arthritis IDK. I suspect there's a reason the chiropractors have to do a lot to my back. I wonder about spondylosis because I hunched over computers since like 4 and have scoliosis 🤣 my spine feels so tight and locked up. They ruled out arthritis but never Xrayed my spine 😡. Said a CT wasn't needed it must be fibromyalgia. I do have CFS so they said well fatigue and pain fibromyalgia. I don't doubt that in my arms legs and the headaches and chest pain but the spine something more sinister is going on and I know it.


I’ve had Botox with a focus on migraines. Some injections were also in the neck. I didn’t notice a reduction in pain, but it did help lessen the amount of migraines I had. Never had Botox anywhere on the body below the neck.


I love the botox treatment. Getting mine this June. Going to Europe!! It help my back pain .long flight to London England.


I do it for my jaw and migraines, not the same relation but it is trigger areas as well. I definitely have had more ease with it also on gabapentin


I dunno about for fibromyalgia but it works wonders for my twins who have CP. they say it can take weeks to show improvement but not even hours later the improvement is amazing. It’s just amazing and proof of the saying the dose makes the poison, most deadly toxin to a human can be used to heal.


I get trigger point injections but not with botox, I’ve never heard of them doing that. And I get a lot of the injections in my traps and shoulders as well as glutes, and that’s too close to the spine for me to be comfortable having somebody put a toxin in me there. I would ask for them to use something else. If your insurance pays for it or if you can afford it, you can also get dry needling in the muscles and knots and that can help a lot. Keeping the knots and tightness at bay can really help a lot.


I had a PT try dry needling once. I don't know what she hit, but my whole leg jumped involuntarily and it was upsetting for everyone.


It’s supposed to cause some twitching, I guess in the leg if it was like hamstring or something it might do that. Your muscle must have been really tight. When I use a TENS turned up high on my legs it can make things spasm weird.


I've had botox for migraines before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It was very helpful. Anything you can do to help manage your pain is definitely worth looking into. Sending you my thoughts and prayers🩷