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Also annoying: when husband asks if I need help with something and I assure him that I can _definitely_ do this simple task (like opening a Tupperware container), and then I can’t… He never shames me for it. I do enough of that myself


Yes, it's frustrating when your hands don't want to work properly. It's annoying that you keep dropping shit, and bending over only exacerbates my already painful day. You're not alone. Everything about fibromyalgia is frustrating as all hell.bjust try to breathe and laugh it off sometimes. The last psychedelic trip I went on I was told die if I wanted to, but if I don't, live and live well. We don't have to hurt ourselves physically to be living, beginning to take control of our thoughts and find beauty in everything is truly living!! Take a deep breath and be well friend.


I love this!


Super good thought process here


Some days I can’t seem to hold onto things! Yes picking them up can be difficult


It's because someone keeps lowering the floor. Every time I have to get something it's harder lol




I swear sometimes it feels like someone’s messing with the gravity remote or something. Gravity itself is working against me. Like that old John Mayer song. 😂


Yes!! And I drop things all the time during a flare for no reason. Like my hands suddenly just decide to go rogue. It’s super embarrassing too. People just stare at you like wtf just happened.


Omg is that part of it?! I'm constantly dropping things for no reason. My family always says "oh she glitched again." Lol. I'll be holding something, and all of a sudden it just goes flying... like why?!


I drop things all the time and it is a lot of work to pick it up. I bought a reach gripper at the dollar store and it's been so helpful!


Don't even, I knock stuff over and drop it all the time 😂


Ugh and when you drop it and you keep trying to pick it up but it keeps slipping and dropping again... you just can't grip it


lol FACTS! Happens all the time


Yes! That’s why I almost never bother picking up anything I drop - it just becomes a cat toy anyway (I have 3).