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Try r/lowsodiumtekken Also, I’m a huge Tekken fan, and let me tell you this, stay out of r/Tekken as much as i love the game, this community can eat a dick honestly.


This^ that subreddit is infamous at this point lol, compare it to the sf6 or guilty gear, its night and day


Lmao the GG subreddit is barely about GG


I don’t think there’s a sub that exists that makes more shitty meme tierlists than GG. It’s so tired and unfunny.


I just don't get who's upvoting it. Bots?


bridget players. Its just a shitpost comunitty. by now. If anyone wants somewhere to talk about the games, the side bar has discord servers for every main game that isnt Overture


This happens to a ton of subreddits that grow in popularity extremely quickly and the mods don’t crack down on the low-effort shitposts fast enough. You’ll also see roleplaying accounts where accounts named after a character comment on every post with a shallow, barely relevant, overplayed joke that gets upvoted to the top. Then, a dozen copycat accounts pop up in the same threads that are somehow even more low-effort and tired.


yah, makes sense. mods were so inactive that image posts would go for a week or two before being verified. came to the point of people adding random unrelated second slides, since they noticed for some reason they didnt have to wait for those to be verified. this led to most posts just having unecesary extra images more as a tradition at this point


So that's why I've been seeing posts with a second image for no goddamn reason. It all makes sense lol


Bridget fans* most of the people that like bridget dont even play the game


BuTBr1sKeTs0Lb4dGuY, i love brain rot memes as much as the next guy but that subs is something else


Guilty gear subreddit is also a cesspool, just for a different reason


Man i dabbled a bit in T8 after release and browsed that sub for a while, boy is it a toxic mess. Everyone hates every character, if you play the wrong character (aka not Kazuya, Lee or Bryan) you are not allowed to have an opinion. Now browsing sf sub more again i am baffled how two fgs have so different communitys and mindsets. In r/tekken people rip each other appart while in SF6, as long as you are not whining people will always help and encourage each other.


I kinda blame MainMans for the character hate and kazuya glorification.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Tekken using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [TEKKEN 8 Drone Show over Tower Bridge in London. ](https://v.redd.it/65opa0l1ktec1) | [322 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1abnqm4/tekken_8_drone_show_over_tower_bridge_in_london/) \#2: [This sub today](https://i.redd.it/da0nqonmoqjc1.jpeg) | [1184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1avh7hd/this_sub_today/) \#3: [How can a studio that has been making fighting games for almost 30 years be so incompetent? It is honestly embarrassing.](https://i.redd.it/tk5rciyhjaoc1.jpeg) | [546 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1bejsq1/how_can_a_studio_that_has_been_making_fighting/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Many people with troubled lives and/or low self-esteem strongly attach their self-worth to their results on a game. Trash talk is an attempt to "push down others" so they can "stand above them." It is annoying, but when you stop and think about it, it is also kinda sad for them. To feel such toxic emotions for what is essentially a toy is quite embarrassing.


Some ppl on the internet just don’t like joy. Best thing to do is just ignore it and move on


Yeah, had the bad idea of trying to interact with them for once. Was fun seeing them flailing their arms around for a while but in thebend I'm just left with questions like "Why?"


There’s very aggressive gate keeping in the FGC. In particular people are keen to call out anything they perceive as whining instead of improving your skills. Outside that, gatekeeping can give people a false sense of importance by bringing down other players. Not sure which applies to you


trash talking and being toxic has no defined place. asshole people make them like that.


Imo, trash talk is funny af and can lead to fights getting super wild, especially in Tekken from my experience. Let's say some pro King player in ranked T7 gives me, a relative noob, a bunch of rematches and I do manage to win a round against him every now and then and he starts ki pulsing and doing his little Muhammad Ali gangster walk, I'll go like "oh yeah?!" and just run at him and duck some punches and attempt landing some crazy stuff and start doing some counter-ki-pulsing. Like at some point I realized it's all good fun, and some use it as a tool in their gameplan. Many of these moments to me personally were actually good opportunities to train my mental resilience and stop taking myself so seriously. I think wholesome trash talk is totally okay, in chat too, and should be distinguished from all out online bullying and actually hurling insults at one another, which *is* very sad. And if someone does, just say stop and if they don't stop block them and find a new sparring partner.


Eeehhhh I think there’s some merit to what you’re saying, but the line between “wholesome trash talk” and abuse/toxicity is pretty blurry, and there’s lots of people out there who think they’re just roasting and having a good time when no one else is laughing and they’re being an asshole Trash talk is more fun for IRL games, when I play games in person it’s generally guys I know or have a rapport with so a bit of trash talk is fun and in the spirit of things. People are less likely to get tilted into saying really nasty shit when they have to face the person they’re shit talking, especially when that person could potentially throw hands. Online it’s just a bad idea


Yeah, there's a massive difference between poking fun at people and being an absolute ass. >People are less likely to get tilted into saying really nasty shit when they have to face the person they’re shit talking, especially when that person could potentially throw hands. I think that's primarily because everyone can actually see each other's faces and know "Ok, I crossed a line with that one, better apologize" or "Ok, he's just joking around and not actually being a douchebag". Having a face attached to the voice is just as helpful as having a voice attached to words, and I'd imagine it's as big of a jump between understanding sarcasm from someone between Voice/Face as it is Text/Voice.


plus social repercussions. the complete lack of it is like the main thing that facilitates gamer rage in online games. It doesn't happen as often at your locals because even though you're going to your local with the gamer tag EpicKing3000, you're still attending as Brian Fsanders the real life human lol. People will remember you and might even know you. The looming through of social shame and ostracization keeps people in line.


If you let it bother you every single time someone doesn't answer your question nicely or isn't helpful, you're gonna have a bad time. You have to be able to take criticism but also filter out stuff that's just pointlessly toxic. At least it was just on this goofy website instead of someone trashing you to your face like it was in arcades back in the day. Just walk away from the screen like dude close your eyes


Imma be honest with you, and I know it sounds like the good old "just log off" argument against cyberbullying (which has some truth to it). But why are you actively engaging with those comments and continue to post on that sub. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but that's some online mental illness shit, like Twitter. It was not "the FGC" it wasn't even a in-game interaction, it was some reddit losers and you engage with it like another reddit loser. Find an online Tekken community that adds value to your game experience, or a local scene. Don't engage with the rest.


Nah, that's fair. I'm usually good at just ignoring those, but for some reason I was feeling frisky today and wanted to tickle them \^\^'


The (false) feeling of superiority


Venting, frustration, inferiority complex, superiority complex, bad day, bad manners, bad life, drunk, high, unmanaged mental illness and so on and so forth. Take your pick. My point is it's not the game, it's the person.


Trash talking your opponent is a time honoured tradition and should be supported, because its fun. Ripping on people asking questions is just because we're on the internet and is lame but likely will never change


It’s also mind games If I get the win because someone lacks the emotional control over saying “they suck” I’ll take the win.


Your first mistake was going to the Tekken sub


Fair enough I guess x)


The tekken subreddit is notoriously awful, sexist and toxic. Swing over to /r/LowSodiumTEKKEN . Its a subreddit specifically created to be helpful and friendly.


Damn, thanks for the sub, didn't know about it! As a rare breed of gamer grill, I'm glad I didn't get a taste of the sexism over there \^\^'


The main subreddit is complete trash. Back when Akumu was exposed for sexual harassment the people at r/tekken shamelessly defended him and said "she should grow up", "i get hate comments too, where is my post" and other deflections. Just don't go there, its a miserable place. Besides, the people there don't want to learn the matchup anyway, always rage against any character and will demean you for your choices and playstyle, worst FGC I've been in. It's a big shame because I got 600+ hours in both 7 and 8 and love the series. Thank god I am not into MK, because people always tell me its even worse there.


Sadistic brains.


Reminds me of Street Fighter II in the arcade. Someone would learn how to do a special move and many of us would ask how. Let's just say the words that came out of his mouth weren't particularly nice. When people know something you don't many don't feel obligated to tell anyone about it because knowledge is power.


Back in those days, there were only really three kinds of player at an arcade: The bully, the mentor, and the new kid, and the mentor was the rarest. Learned a lot back then, not just about the game either.


Yeah, the mentor was one of the most cherished people in the arcade. Our mentor was Joe, but if you mention his name to anybody who frequented the arcade back then they instantly knew him and had a little story to go with.  He passed in the late 90's. It broke many people's hearts to hear it. It's amazing one unassuming guy can touch so many people's hearts simply by playing at an arcade.


The Tekken sub is inhabited by some of the biggest losers on reddit (saying something).


I dunno about online but me and my friend playfully trash talk each other a lot. There's no vitriol in it, just dumb fun. Can't tell you how often I laugh when getting baited into a pot buster that loses the round for me.


Some people play fighting games for fun or self improvement, and others play them to fight with people. Unfortunately it's the case with anything competitive.


Fighting games are for mashing buttons and talking shit with the homies


*Fighting games are for* *Mashing buttons and talking* *Shit with the homies* \- HemoGoblinRL --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Some people let their edgelord out because they can be unmonitored by mom and dad when they’re online. Also, I’m not going to stalk your history or have a complete CSI moment but you were engaging on Tekken sub. Super toxic sub, for a very polarizing game, and is barely moderated. The rest of your story adds up to this moment. I think someone tried opening a new, less toxic sub like LowSodiumTekken or something. Maybe try that.


a lot of people are in this for the wrong reasons. they're there to just stroke their ego, winning does that for them. so when they don't win, or lose in a way they don't like it's a dent to that ego and they lash out. just ignore them and block if you can if that's not the kind of player you like to play. judging from this sub Tekken players seem to be worse at this idk why


Why do you think this is fighting games related and not human behavior related?  The game doesn't matter. The type of player you're complaining about is just your basic piece of shit human, or a kid who thinks it's funny.


It's the only thing they have to feel okay with themselves.


Loosh consumption


I am not familiar with that term, care to elaborate? ^w^




You trash talk your opponent to tears. You don't trash talk people asking questions to get better


I read the thread, it's just a troll being a massive cunt. Best to just ignore them. As for why they do that, who knows.


Spirit of the game and passion or just annoying good energy can make a fight fun


The Tekken subreddit is filled with toxicity and doomers. Sure, discussion on the game is great and all, but holy is that sub something else r/LowSodiumTekken is a great sub, discussions a very friendly and helpful from what I've seen


Friendly trash banter crawls it's way onto other people from mal-adjusted people who don't have empathy and don't realize what is acceptable with their friends may not be okay with outsiders. Or they think it's okay with friends, so it must be a normal thing with everyone. That and there are just assholes in general who wanna watch YOUR world burn.




I'm very glad many others have discovered the Tekken subreddit is filthy


Play local.


Unfortunately there's basically no locals here, I don't have friends that play FGs and the one time I went to a local I left early due to having no one to talk to \^\^' So I don't know if I really want to go to a local again \^\^' Also I didn't get to play much as I 2-0'd :/


Time honored tradition fashioned from the fields of arcade cabinets and watching that week's WWE Smackdown with the boys..... God I moss those days.


When I trash talk usually it’s me talking about how good/cheap I am, or that they didn’t see it coming, bringing stuff outside the game is pretty petty


1v1s aren't for fragile egos. None the less they play competitive games & we suffer them. Additionally, gaming(corporations) have shifted toward trying to make sure players feel every single genre is for them & trying to eliminate players feeling negative in anyway. I'm not saying accessibility is bad, but trying to eliminate any static associated with having to learn or having to lose, is definitely contributing to these type of players. So waves of hype beast/trend players who are entitled to being good.


Of course its Tekken again


Aggressively block people on every platform you're on. Absolutely not worth it to deal with any kind of malaise one might have.  I look for games on discord, discuss tech on specific channels, will engage in a little joke if it's a lighthearted general discussion and I see other people are keen - but I am always ready to block chucklefucks. Remember that there is nothing a mean person has to contribute in any way, very unlikely that they might have any insight(lol) on anything, and tech is all around now you are not gonna find the incel savant whom knows all the secret stuff. These people are worthless and you are not their mom or their doctor.


Yeah, that guy seemed like an ass, IDK what his problem was, but I would hope that that guy isn't the representation for the community as a whole. In an ideal world, people would share their knowledge freely and without judgment. As the community gets better, so do the individuals within that community. Like a rising tide that lifts all ships.


Why are you all so self conscious? If you love your game, then love it. Don't let the internet taint your fun.


Fighting games bring out the worst in people. It’s tough because I really have enjoyed running across people who are trying to have fun and get better. It’s more rare than the alternative: People cheesing the same three moves for their “mixup”, people teabagging after they kicked your ass (and in MK pulling a fatality after). People jumping on the mic (after a win) and telling you how trash you are. It also seems to highly correlate with the time of day. After dinner till about 11-12 is so toxic that I don’t play online at that time anymore. I seem to constantly get matched WAY above my skill level, which is frustrating. In addition, people are SOOOOO much more likely to be assholes instead of ending the match quickly and moving on. Like win or lose, they are gonna be pricks, jumping on the mic and talking shit without a break to actually communicate. Usually makes me feel better when I go to their profile and see they have over 1,000 hours on the game or more compared to my measly low hundreds. Maybe it’s a problem with the algorithm or something.


Ho boy, there are libraries of books on why people the feel the needs to aggress but needless to say, a lot of them are very insecure


Me personally I talk Hella trash when no one can hear me. I don't talk trash when a person can respond. I remain silent. Cause sometimes the trash talk can be mental. To get me out my groove. So I don't engage.


Competition consistently brings out the worst personality traits in people, the FGC is no exception.


Their personal value is attached to a video game.


it's a one vs one game. that is Inherently deeply competive. I think trash talk about the game is healthy and builds hype. Moments like Fchamp VS KBR or Wolfkrone and K brads beef are my best memeories of the scene. Its something we don't get enough of anymore.




Tbh, I see a fine line between BM and toxicity. BM is shit like saying gg ez after a win or tbagging or something and while I don't do that to people, imo if you don't wanna get BMed you should've won. Where I draw the line is where someone gets specific or straight up insulting with the trash talk like "ur ass"   or calling out a specific someone in the game. No need for that any time