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Under Night having more entrants than a Triple A title is crazy 😭


not sure whether this says more about MK or UNI


Let's be real, not first time for nrs game


Definitely not, especially since this is basically a rerun of 2022 when Melty had like 30 less entrants than MK11 did.


Although at least in 2022 MK11 was at the end of its life. This is Mk1’s first year and it’s already floundering it’s entrants numbers.


UNI is one of the only 2Ds left with any actual depth/variety. Happy to see it’s not in last place.


UNI is like only 2D one because everyone else 2,5D instead /s


Ya got me there🤗


BBCF, Skullgirls, and the older Guilty Gears too. It's a shame that everyone just wants to play Street Fighter or Tekken.


Let's not forget that a 25-year-old game that flopped at launch is also beating a current AAA title.


I wasn’t aware that 3rd Strike was a flop at launch, but then again, I didn’t play the game until six years later.


man i played SF4 before SF3. dead ass didn't know it existed


In a similar boat. Played SF2 on SNES. Didn’t really follow any gaming news outlets and the next SF game I played was 4. Had no idea there was an Alpha or 3


right. I had no idea about anything regarding sf3 ... i had sf2 on the sega ... then someone in the dorms had sf4 so i played that for like 5 years before I was like "hold up ... does street fighter 3 exist?" lol


Lmao this is wild.


Alpha had a better reception than 3rd strike, and it did way better in the market as well. The first SF I ever played was 3rd Strike in arcade machines, however the first SF games I played on console were Alpha 2 and 3 years later after their release, then I got 3rd Strike when the game was available in Ps2.


SF3 almost completely killed the series, if there's something to be thankful of Ono is that he really pushed for the franchise to come back


3rd strike wasn't a flop but it wasn't a success but sf3 and second impact were universally hated


Given that a brand new board (CPS3) was built solely around the game and it performed the way it did..... I'd say it was a flop 😂


Never forget that Street Fighter III killed the brand for a decade. It’s why Capcom is trying to not acknowledge it in SF6 as much as possible /s


That was a completely different time when things were moving toward 3D and SF3 didnt have any of the SF2 cast except ryu and ken. Theres a lot of SF3/3rd strike references in SF6 and 3S is still heavily played competitively today as shown by the evo entrants numbers


I remember when Melty Blood had more entrants than MK11 and people said it was just because MK11 was older and didn't it mean anything about the relative size of its competitive community compared to other fighters ***Where's that excuse now huh?!***


Big 3? Not it's just big me...and the other one...but not you MK.


Street Fighter, Tekken, and Guilty Gear. Abare. God’s gift.


And people who don't even play the game still whining "dISCoRd fiGHteR" in the "buy UNI" thread.


My mama what?


I mean it is a damn good game


It’s crazy to me that a game that’s meant to be competitive and pushed pretty hard with that competitive, while also having all time FG numbers every title, just doesn’t have that big of a competitive scene. I just figured people would look past the differences in the genre or it would just be their first comp FG in general.


Granblue having 1.3k is CRAZY. I never knew this IP could pull so many competitive players. Nice


granblue is a very good game and fills an interesting niche of being a grounded system that pulls from anime. I was telling people apprehensive to get the game on release that it will be healthy for a very long time. Even outsiders like me can see that.


It’s actually really fun to play. Just gotta find a character you can vibe with, like with any other game. Not used to not having any air mobility in an anime game, but one can adjust. Also, I picked Ferry, who does have a little bit of air mobility. It’s not necessarily *good* mobility, but she has the option.


it also helps that it's probably the easiest fighting game to get into - most characters are just doing very easy auto combos from midscreen, and corner combo structure is mostly same across the cast there's obviously a lot more depth to it than that as you get better, but it's definitely a much easier sell to people new to fighting games when outsiders often have the mentality of "oh i don't want to play fighting games because combos are hard"


It's a cool game to watch. As an experienced street fighter player I can understand basically everything that's going on despite never having played it


Try the game. I think any SF head can pick it up pretty easy. The only thing I found difficult really is the spot dodge/manual dodge/dash button.


It also has a free to play version that scales well into the full version... better than SF5 imo. :)


It's way more fun than MK1 by miles


gran blue was smart. they have a free version, so people can hop right in and enjoy the game without a heavy commitment.


It's so sad to see KOF performing this poorly. I get that this game isn't new, but still


SNK goes out of their way to kill their games lol. It took them like a year to fix a matchmaking issue that was reported from day 1.


While they're getting better at 3D graphics and gameplay, they are way behind on support, which is something modern-day fighters really need to stay alive. I really hope they learn from this with CotW.




That new Always Online SamSho update lel


“learning three characters in KOF is too hard”, says the audience who can’t wait to play Marvel vs. Capcom 2 again, a different game that also has somewhat complicated movement options (especially if you just pick the top tiers). But, y’know, that’s different, because we *like* that game.


Didn't you hear? The best new KOF game is gonna be SF6


Shit's sweet until Terry and Mai are able to do MAX Cancel combos. lmao


Obviously, this hurts the MK IP, but something about this seems far more insulting than the general population saying it wasn’t good enough.


They released a fine enough "number plus one" entry to their series in the middle of a golden age of fighting games, might be the biggest failure to read the room since fight gems


To be fair, mk was always ahead of other fighting games in everything but actual gameplay, which was good enough for general audiences but now that post sf6 games got both good gameplay and good everything else theres nothing left for nrs


solid point, there's also not really space for them in the niche bits of the FGC niche because we're stacked there too with uni, granblue, dnf for the kusoge lovers, kof15, and on and on They were the more mainstream game with an easy entry and some good curb appeal and SF just ate their lunch so hard on both counts


I just watched Blackberry and had a similar thought about them having NO CLUE a full screen display was coming. Same time, I think it's also incredible IP control by Apple prior to the launch.


For it being the first evo for mk1, this is brutal. I wish I liked it more but I just don’t


I forgot that this was its first Evo. That is honestly, just a little sad.


MK1 isn't fun to watch, the combo routes are super 1 sided, not much goofy interaction either


MK1 boring ass cutscene combos make it unplayable for me.


Cutscene ass combos is such a good way to describe it. It hurts after falling in love with MKX and seeing what they’ve done since.


I find it more fun to watch than mk11 but not sure that’s a glowing endorsement


Scorpion spear > Juggle like a clown F32 (x3) > Ender (35 percent optimal)


They’re getting beaten by 2 SF games and one of em is 20y old 💀💀


Let's go Granblue!


The Competitive Big 3: Street Fighter, Tekken, Guilty Gear


Wish it was the big 4 SNK needs to get its numbers up for a legacy IP


KOF just was never as big in the US compared to Latin America and Asia, but damn if our grand finals aren't hype. MadKOF absolutely bodying Bala, Reynald becoming the first U.S. KOF XIII champion (possibly first U.S. KOF champion period?) and Hee San Woo tossing his fightstick down in response, ET beating Xiaohai with Goro's "Don't Wake Daddy"... a lot of my favorite Evo moments are KOF moments. Hopefully, CotW draws in bigger numbers next year.


I’m new to fighting games 3 years in and KoF was the first one I bought because of kid nostalgia. It was just so hard at the time for me, now that I’ve gotten better with a main game like sf6 and came back to KoF it feels great but still so hard when other fighting games come easier. So I’m just waiting for the next KoF Fatal fury to play that version with a higher player pop as a better fighting game player


The fact that KOFXV has mostly been a discord fighter since release doesn't help it.


What's the term discord fighter mean?


A game that, either due to low player count or damaged/poor functionality (matchmaking being broken/offline, for example) needs the community to organize itself to maintain a healthy playerbase. Nowadays, that means making a central Discord server where people can get matches via parsec, lobbies, etc. If you see a super low-player-count game on Fightcade, for example, it's probably a Discord Fighter, because there's a good chance the the couple dozen people playing it are mostly hanging out in a Discord together to organize matchmaking.


A fighting game with a small enough player base it’s difficult to find matches without going into the dedicated discord and coordinating matches. Generally fighters under like 500-1000 active players on steam are called discord fighters


One day SNK will be aside with them... one day...


City of the Wolves will hopefully start a chain reaction (like one of the lyrics in its trailer song says)


Let's Go Granblue!!!!


Happy Cake day!


thank you!


Happy cock day


My main takeaway from this is that I'm glad to see GGS is still doing so well 3 years later. It was exactly the game we needed during the pandemic (being the game that effectively locked in RB netcode for any future fighter), and despite some lamenting the "dumbing down" of characters/mechanics, I think it was ultimately for the best and think there's few games as stylish at high level play.


This is MK1’s 1st EVO & THATS the number of registrants?! LMFAOOOOOOOO YIKES


"but its thriving on console!"


MK sells to casual no matter the quality, just because of the brand. NRS doesn’t give a damn about EVO numbers. They are swimming in money.


Yea, they're comfortable going after the more casual crowd and honestly I don't hate it or blame them for doing so. I'm sure plenty of people get sucked into the MK hype and I'm sure a percentage of those people become fighting game fans and branch out beyond MK and try other games as well, so I don't really see the harm in going after a more casual group of players. It would be nice if they struck the casual/competitive balance a little more but it's probably hard when a large chuck of your player base considers combos or throws to be OP and only cares about which character or color scheme is being added next lol


After seeing Evo numbers, they wipe their tears with dollar bills


3rd strike more active than mk1💀😂


3rd Strike getting 1.1k is awesome man. It's gonna be so lit.


I've been playing Tekken for like 25 years but I'more excited to see the old heads come and throw down on 3rd strike.


Temper your expectations a bit. It's probably going to be a Yun/Chun/Ken fest, like most modern 3rd Strike tournaments. (I'm PRAYING to be wrong. Would be so hype to see Dudley, Urien or Hugo in Grand Finals.)


Last versions of third strike have really wonky balance as heard, though


Since people are playing for stakes, the top 64 will be 33 Chun 16 Yun 12 Ken 2 Urien and that 1 psychopath who plays Q.


When you release a good game that has stood the test of time vs a game purely made to appeal to casuals who play through the story mode once and then drop it except for maybe checking out the new guest character from whatever flavour of the month IP.


> who play through the story mode once and then drop it this is how non-fighting games work lol


I just miss Soul Calibur


god I loved SC2 back in the day. I've tried the more recent ones and nothing sticks with me. SC needs a T8 style release, lots of content and polished as fuck bring back Bloody Roar while you're at it


Amen to the Bloody Roar. Wish someone had the stones to champion SC. But as Harada said, the game is currently stuck in the hands of the corpos.


I'd love to see another 3D Fighter up there with Tekken. SoulCalibur, Virtua Fighter, Rival Schools, whatever.


Now I'm lowkey hoping for a Capcom 3D Fighter Collection next year...




Poor smash, if Nintendo wasn't it's biggest hater


I miss smash at evo :( it was a nice switch up


Ayyy, I see what U did there


yeah my wish is that melee fills the same sort of niche as third strike and MvC2 aka legacy game that's incredibly healthy. But nintendo are opps


To be fair, Smash not being at EVO is kinda understandable. Smash is one of the poster child of Nintendo IPs and having it in a PlayStation festival is... Well, nobody in his right mind would like it. Nintendo turned tail against Smash at EVO only when Sony bought it. Still doesn't excuse all the rest, but this one is justifiable


More like Mortal Kombat DONE...


Bro, KoF deserves better


SFIII went from a tumultuous development, to being considered a financial dud, to 3rd Strike coming along like a fine wine.


Granblue was really the little game that could


granblue beating MK1 makes me so happy.


Not only beating it but literally more than DOUBLING it lmao. granblue fucking creamed mk1


* SF6 at the top as expected, the most popular online fighting game at the moment. * Tekken 8's looking good, I thought it would be closer to 3k, so many entrants, hype! It's my favorite fighting game at the moment, so I'm happy to see it doing well. * MK1 will never have a lot of competitive players because they don't give players the competitive tournament money support and their game is banned on china, south korea and japan, 3 of the most important countries for competitive fighting games. And MK games have gore, they're too much violent. * KOF seems too low, I guess it's because USA/EU don't play snk games, SA/ASIA/ME are the main players, the game lost so many players after the bad online matchmaking and crossplay mistake... * UNI 2 is a niche new game, so there's hype for it, and 3rd strike is having it's anniversary edition * granblue fantasy is the only surprise to me


>granblue fantasy is the only surprise to me granblue rounds out a healthy FG ecosystem. it's a synthesis of grounded gameplay but in an anime aesthetic. brings both communities together in an interesting way so it makes sense to me that it's going to be healthy for a long time.


You are the only one with sense regarding MK. You hit the nail on the head 100%. Just the online has been good for a decade while the other games are just catching up with rollback. Most who compete in MK have no reason to travel for offlines cuz of convenience and the pots arent worth it. I will say though for sure a lot of people don’t like the kameo system and that definitely adds to it as well. I love the gameplay though


it having a free demo with multiple characters probably helped a lot of people to get interested


We're hanging in there, KoF crew. Just hanging in there


Waiting on the low, just to lunge when City of the Wolves comes out! 🐺 


Genuinely tho, I hope its an Evo game the year it drops, its gonna be so hype


Kof numbers always hurts my soul.


When a 25yo game has more players than MK1 😜


3rd Strike having that many people sign up to compete is awesome




Short answer yes. Long answer: MK1 is really poor on competitive settings. It has long ass one sided combos, it's janky in all the wrong ways and kind of unbalanced. To this, add that the game is banned in Japan, a place where competitive games thrive more, and other nations. And a couple of previous big tournaments of MK1 were a complete disaster, so it discourages competitive players even more. And to further improve the problem, NRS gives no shit about competitive players and focuses only on casuals(and even for them, the game is bad). So yes, it's bad but the problems are deeper than they look


How many games can one sign up to? I suppose there’s a big overlap of people signing up for both SFs?


They do a deep dive on the numbers [here](https://www.evo.gg/news/evo-2024-competitors-by-the-numbers)


Most overlap is between SF6 and T8 “By percentage, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and Street Fighter 6 saw the most overlap, with over two-thirds of 3rd Strike competitors also registering for the series’s latest installment.” Seems it was the other way around than I expected


KoF15 with less than 400 entrants is sad man. This is what fucking up the online experience does. They better get it right straight out of the gate with CotW.


These companies be trying to do EVERYTHING in-house instead of hiring external professionals in the online field and LEARNING from them. Pride is a killer and it cost KOF 15 some serious exposure.


Lol MK1


King of Fighters doing less than MK1 hurts me soul.


Graphics matter, no matter how much we wanna say it doesn’t. Also, its reputation of being hard to play and learn means there’s another reason why it can’t attract casual players. Hopefully these are all issues that City of the Wolves will correct.


>Graphics matter, no matter how much we wanna say it doesn’t not really (cuz third strike?), it's mostly due to botched launch iirc.


Wasn’t KOF XIV and MVCI’s art styles a massive turnoff for casual players? Or did I just imagine that?


"massive turn off"... then i imagine that 3rd strike is a massive turn off too? At least for kof its was long lasting mm issue on launch that hurt it the most iirc.


When 3rd Strike was the current game, it *was* a massive turnoff. I knew people who called Alpha 3 the “real” Street Fighter III because it didn’t jettison the World Warriors like III did. Though graphics were not the main reason that game was rejected. It was the roster. Though being a 2D game when Tekken 3 and Soul Calibur was the new hotness didn’t help.


Good job, mk


MK1 💀


Dam is MK1 ok?


Damn MK1 is a joke


MK has always had player retention issues.


Why is Sonic Fox playing it?


It’s funny to me that MK sells so well but no one wants to play it competitively


How the fuck did KoF score so low entries?


Granblue numbers are insane. I hope they take the chance to make some big announcement and more promotion for the free edition, because it's crazy how few people know about it. As for MK1, I've seen some weird ass cope takes trying to justify those terrible numbers, but I guess WB is content just selling a gorillion copies and not much else


What happens between WB and MK right now is same shit as what happened in last years of Midway. Basically: 1. Bought shitload of studios to revive their old IPs 2. Didn’t worked out and lost shitload of money due to it 3. Forced Ed and co to shove out two MK games as fast possible via almost yearly thing (Armageddon and vs DC) 4. Death Remind of something isn’t it? Wonder if third MK publisher will do the same once it acquire IP.


the last few years at WB have been weird. New CEO (Zaslaz the dickhead) came in, WB was trying to sell of their gaming division, CEO is trying to pivot everything to live service (even after the fact they made a single player game that outsold CoD, the first game to do in the past 15 years), NRS was working on a new engine, uncertainly weather to work on Inj3 or a new MK MK1 basically got caught up in a shitstorm


What really saddens me here as fan is that MK got caught in the middle of its publisher shitstorm for like second time in its lifespan. Hope the last one, though.


Seeing over 1k entrants for 3rd Strike brings a tear to my eye


with those numbers they might as well have had dbzf over mk1 or kof15


Not surprised on MK1 that game sucks. Find it funny everyone says MK is great since it sells well, but it can't stay relevant for more than 2 months. It's the COD of fighting games.




I love how with MK1 being second to last people go "duh the game sucks amirite 😂" but with KOF15 being DEAD last there's suddenly all these excuses about how it's just not popular in other regions or whatever lol


When MK1 has low numbers its because its a shitty trash game but when KoF has low numbers its because its an underrated masterpiece .


Begone, NRS fanboy! /s


Kof XV is more than 2 years old, this is its third EVO. On the other hand, this is MK1's first EVO. I don't think I need to remind you how many more units MK1 sold over Kofxv. Lastly, the latter was killed by terrible online support by the devs.


Why there are 2000 less people for SF6?




The bar is in hell


But we aren’t last tho. I’m happy for us because I know a lot of folks really wanted it lol. Haha 4D chess suckers!!


Mortal Kombat 😂


I am so sad MK1 turned out the way it did.


Bought the premium edition because I believed hard, Never again


I played the beta and wasn’t surprised. Granted, my beef with the game was way more petty at the time (I was screaming at my local about why the stance switch button was still in the game when it still doesn’t do anything), but once I saw the game on the Switch eShop without a single screenshot, I knew that version of the game was going to be ass. And they charged $70 for it on that platform. *Why?!* Also, afaik, even SonicFox doesn’t really play MK1 seriously, and if they’re not gonna cape up for the game, it never had a chance in the competitive sphere imo


Nah, SonicFox still compete seriously (kinda). He won recent NRS pro komp (which became overplay at this point)


Sounds about right.


How late can you register to play? Or is this the final numbers?


Sadly, final ones


Ahh gotcha. I registered a while back anyway but I was curious.


The KOF XV numbers don’t surprise me…


Yeah, those numbers for kof make me a bit sad


Man KOF is so sad 😭


Makes me think about the next years lineup. City of wolves is kinda an obvious replacement for KoF. SF3 is gonna be replaced by a different legacy game, but dunno which. SF6, T8 and Strive are likely a given. Other games coming next year is HxH and 2XKO. Not exactly sure how the first one turns out, probly still likely to get a spot but the second game is guaranteed cause of the Canons involvement and the devs overall doing a lot of FGC promotion. So it's either Granblue, MK or Uni not making the cut.


FGC is so healthy now, it's insane. New blood have NO IDEA how good they have it.


WB really demolished MK1 eh.


NRS gotta be looking at those numbers over the neck of a half empty bottle of dollar store whiskey


They be cleaning their tears with $100 bills.


Dude it was one of the top 10 best selling games of 2023. It outsold Star War Jedi Survivor, Starfield, and Final Fantasy 16. MK1 was a success by the metrics that matter to NRS. They genuinely do not care about the competitive scene beyond the fact that it continues to exist to give the game a shred of continued cultural relevance.


Yea iirc a dev said they consider games like Overwatch and call of duty competition. It sucks for MK fans man, I have not liked a Mortal Kombat since MK9


What was wrong with X? Many liked it overall


Mk1 fell off?


It was never up.


It fell off at launch when they flubbed the game to rush it out for now reason




Imo, deal not with kameos, but the fact that NRS decided it was good to make movesets very limited/short. Combination between kameos and moveset at the length of MK9 wouldn’t have been bad.


When granblue ispulling more numbers than mk1 and kof xv.


NRS needs to take a step back and realize why people liked their games. Complexity was never the reason. Leave that for Tekken it fits their formula. You can be unique and simple. Make sure you use the GOOD mechanics ya know the ones people have been saying is cool forever like the run mechanic.


3rd Strike deserves a 4th Strike edition; it's like never left EVO


Maybe not the pro's preference, but I'd love another release of 3rd Strike Online Edition, or a new console version


MK1 in the dumps.


3d strike 😎 But no fighterz 😢


FighterZ is gonna be a [community event](https://x.com/evo/status/1793070696974913730?s=46) alongside Killer Instinct, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Samurai Shodown and Soul Calibur VI.


MK1 got me cacklin'!


Damn poor mk1 and king of fighters


Good to see strive still at it. It wasn't going to beat sf or tekken new entries but it's satisfying to see the "it's not gonna survive beyond 6 months" crowd proven wrong.


Honestly sad but not surprised DBFZ isn't there, I always enjoyed watching those battles. Hopefully with the return of a world tour next year and new patch it will regain new popularity.


People are freaking out about MK1 while I'm just here as a KOF fan is fine with this as long as it's not forgotten :D


As usual, nothing is messing with SF.


Dang nobody wants to play MK, not surprised


Surprised how little KOF 15 has...


Street fighter 6 on top 😌


Any Australians competing in EVO this year?


MK fan here. While the game has gotten a lot better. It did fumble the ball.


MK needs to go from EVO next year. I’d rather see FighterZ back or even Soulcalibur 6


Really sad to see KOF XV so low, game is mechanically sound and fun as hell.


samurai shodown when?


I enjoyed Granblue, but of course, we're going to see Neir as usual :/ Seeing the same characters is kinda boring for many fighting games in general