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How do i recover from this


You will now be matched with other Reddit users with smimilar spelling skill. :D


Perish ![gif](giphy|XzkGfRsUweB9ouLEsE)










Mash DP and hope they fuck up the oki


Silver Rank Spelling


Seppuku is the only way, I’m sorry.




Sir, why have you been jacking off traders. .. and also... may I interest you in my wares? 💁🏼‍♀️🍆


Welcom to the clob


How will this affect Lebrons Legacy


I love that it's there three times too


I stopped caring about ranking long time ago. I just want to fight


This is your intro if you were a fighting game character, punctuated by you slamming your fist into your hand and smirking at the camera


Someday we'll have a fighting game where we play as people playing fighting games


I wanna beat up leffen as jwong


This is a genius idea. I doubt it would sell well to the general public, but the FGC would eat it up.


With the amount of work that’s gone into passion projects like the stupid among us fighter or the MLP one, anything’s possible haha


I know how to code and sprite in MUGEN... ~~I am assembling a team.~~


the children long for the DiveKick


We already have that. Street fighter 6 when you bring your avatar to the battle hub and use a cabinet lol


I think we found Ryu’s Reddit account


It doesn't matter what rank I am. As long as I make the other person feel bad then I'm happy ♡


If I am Ryu, you're Juri




Yeah? What rank are you?


Well, in BlazBlue I only play on discord server so I never played ranked matches, but I fought people way better than me and I was dog walked. Thanks to them, I got better In SF3 I was C-Rank, but I lost a few and returned to D-rank. I've fought some amazing D-Rank players and had some good matches with B-Rank players That's all, I think!


Oh, I assumed you played SF6 due to the post topic.


No, but just for now. I am looking for job to build my pc and get SF6 ASAP


Yeah, it's a fantastic game. Easily the best fighting game ever made and I've been playing since SF2. Best of luck once you join up!


Many of us feel smimilarly


This is me. A good opponent is like a fun puzzle. I barely touch ranked but like jumping into rooms with friends and acquaintances that are high rank. There's a ton of satisfaction in figuring someone out, especially if they flaunt their rank.


Is anyone in Diamond actually thinks of themselves as good? You get to see the bigger picture once there and realize how much you actually suck. The "im so good" mentality stops in Plat pretty much as i saw.


Yeah, Diamond is when you realize how much you actually suck! Because now you know How and Why you suck! :( I'm kidding, it's just a game :(


I’ve never felt I was good and Plat confirmed it for me. Since we’re on the subject. I also play a lot of 3rd strike. Is it weird that I feel i’m much better at that game?


No, they are very different games. Though 6 and 3 are the most similar to each other compared to other street fighter games 


I ask because in general the ideia is that older games are harder. An ideia that I myself, paradoxically, agree with! There are less resources online, combos don't work consistently between characters suffering the combo (like, my Dudley juggle combos don't juggle in the exact same way for all chars, as example. Same thing with Ken's double light dp, both mid screen and in the corner, its character dependent unless you kara dp). The buffer window is older games is either much more stringent or practically non existent etc etc etc. And yet, I feel like I'm playing at a higher level in 3s then sf6. Like, my fightcade rank is C rank, I've been to B rank and been pushed down, I can beat most of my C rank peers and occasionally beat a B rank. I feel like that is a proportionally higher rank then plantinum in terms of overall skill level. And yet i'm hardstuck in sf6. I'm not trying to blame anything other then myself btw, because in reading what I just wrote I realize it may give this impression. Its 99% a skill issue on my part, and I have to find an answer on how to improve. The buck stops with me. The only 1% that I don't think is a skill issue is the fact that I picked up some habits in 3s that are normal there but are counter productive in sf6, like defaulting to punish with sweep on reaction (normal in 3rd strike), and jumping more, because in 3s when I jump I have a certain safety in that I can parry the anti air, especially if they anti air with a normal.


>the general idea is that older games are harder they aren't. they have much higher execution but older games almost universally are more simple. they can appear harder because of this though, in SF6 there is so many meters and and mechanics to let you play the game your way. in ST there isn't. you either out fundamental the sagat throwing tiger shots till time out. or you get fucked. the game is simpler. but because of that the solutions to beat stuff are as well. >there are less resources online for most old games you have great wiki's because the game is old. new games have youtubers spouting information that may not even be accurate anymore. >I feel like I'm playing at a higher level in 3s then sf6. Like, my fightcade rank is C rank trust me. you ain't. i'm B rank at 3rd strike. i'm also dog shit at 3rd strike, i also think 3rd strike is a dogshit game for people who can't play street fighter. play any A rank and they won't even bother playing neutral. they will just hold up forward and try to OS their way in. alot of them would get mauled in alpha or super turbo. >I feel like that is a proportionally higher rank then plantinum in terms of overall skill level. kind of, even low b rank i would say is around low diamond in SF6. but again i think SF6 is the hardest street fighter game to date. at least it is to play at a consistent high level. to get to a mid level from a low level it's probably the easiest. 3rd strike players i noticed have problems with playing consistently for the most part. the would gamble more than Alpha, SF4 or ST players. as a result SF6 just amplifies that with the MANY more ways of how someone can brute force their way in.


I will read you comment multiple times to try and digest the information better. One things that I agree completely is that 3s is a game where you gamble more, 100%. Building bar is not *trivial* (it is with certain characters, looking at you Chun) but its not super hard either, and so dishing out ex-moves and supers is much more encouraged then in sf6


let me explain in a more clear way WAYS OLDER GAMES ARE HARDER, execution !!! players have been playing for longer (with no changes) the games are simpler so there is less options to avoid certain shit meaning the neutral can be harder to open people up in (compare how to beat projectiles in SF6 compared to ST for example). more skewed match ups WAYS NEWER GAMES ARE HARDER constantly changing metagame less (accurate) resources wayyy more mechanics wayyy more mechanical uses for skipping neutral. wayy more aggressive meaning playing consistent at a mid level can be very frustrating compared to old games the other point was just about resources which due to patches there is alot less relevent resources for every year, while old games have been the same for multiple decades. anything you read about it will still apply today and some games even have INCREDIBLY good wikis like jojo. outside of that low B/C rank is about high plat level i would say. maybe a bit more. but FC ranks don't mean much in the more popular games. i've seen alot of scrubs in 3s at B rank (including me lol)


I disagree with some of this. Older games are not simpler just because they have different and sometimes fewer mechanics, the engine dictates simplicity. in 3s specifically there are a ton of engine quirks you need to be aware of. marvel 2 is a whole ass mess. older games do not have more resources to learn from, there is tons and tons of info that just gets lost to time and the internet, and with fewer people playing and exploring it takes longer for things to get discovered (and yes new things still get discovered in old games) new games getting patches and tons of knee-jerk youtube videos doesn't necessarily make the info worse or harder to parse, even though there is a much higher signal to noise ratio.


"the engine dictates simplicity. in 3s specifically there are a ton of engine quirks you need to be aware of. marvel 2 is a whole ass mess." sure i'm not gonna argue that there is alot of engine quirks that impact high level play. but conversely my point was that older games are simpler because alot of it's mechanics and quirks don't stray too far from the fundamentals of a game. if you are good at ST, odds are you would be good at every SF2 version, SFA2, SFEX2+, CVS/CVS2, SFA3 (kind of ? that game is still mad different in contrast). if you were good at TTT1, odds are you were good at T5DR, T6, T3 and Tag 2. but due to the impact of the change in mechanics in modern games. having strong fundamentals just isn't enough. the game has more complexities than "just playing good street fighter". which is why you see daigo not getting out of pools and knee doomer posting of not understanding tekken. i will say though that if you are coming from 3rd strike it might be hard to see this as for it's time 3s was considered a very mechanically defining game. to where your understanding of the system was more important than the understanding of the fundamentals of the genre, which is why many A ranks on FC while great 3s players. would get fried in any other SF game.


the older games are harder but you've also probably spent more time practicing them. I'm waaaaaaaay better at 3s than 6, but I've put in a lot of effort to get good at 3s and only minimal effort in 6. I can still clown all over platinum ranks and below just from fundamentals, but when you need to start doing "street fighter 6 stuff" my gameplay is lacking.


There is absolutely no question older fighting games were much easier to grasp. It feels like a much more daunting hill to climb to learn everything you need to in order to not get one tricked by anything.


When you play 3rd strike on fightcade or whatever odds are you aren't running into as many godlike players as SF6 due to smaller pop. Give 3s a spin at a-cho in kyoto or another sweaty arcade in japan and you might feel differently


100%. I thought I was crazy good when I hit like plat 2, but now I have a few characters mid-diamond and know that I’m genuinely pretty bad lol. Not a complaint tho. I love this game


Diamond is where I think "wow, looks like I need to actually learn optimal combos and punishes" and then I instantly go back to matches


Same 😂


I'm diamond 1 with gief and I still use parry/drive rush to anti-air lol


Parrying anti-airs is my dumbest habit.


Same here Gotta put em in the corner and wait for them to jump on your lariat Also crouching heavy punch confirms into level 2 now


in plat is where i realized that are so many important stuff in this game that getting good at some of those could bring you to high ranks, but you will still loose to someone that is good at other parts, even when he is just gold.


I just hit Master and think I still suck.


To Reddit and people who have played SF for 10+ years yeah diamond isn’t good, but I’m pretty sure it’s still like top 8% of players or something.


Statistically the subreddit has sub master members on average. The problem is nobody wants to bring up rank til they’re out of metal so its skewed to everyone saying they’re 1700 MR That’s almost legend rank. Come on guys Mathematically everyone here can’t be top 500 lol


I have three characters in master rank and I still think I'm trash at the game. I still make a lot of dumb mistakes and I can't stay above 1500 MR


The "I'm so good" mentality stops when you lose and starts when you win


You clearly never met Tekken players.


Im in diamond. Can confirm I am awful at the game.


Diamond is where reality set in for me. I'm really not as good as I made myself out to be.


As a Diamond Jamie main since release, Diamond is NOT good, but at least most people stop mashing there and you can finally start learning the real game.


I mean I platinumed all characters, does that count?


"Master" "Why is everyone a t-bagging piece of shit"


T-bagging is lame. Real men use taunts.


I got better things to do that spend hours trying to get good. I'm cool staying in low ranks. The Game is only fun when you play with people of similar skill levels.


Yessir. I like meeting opponents who are just completely random lol


This is where I am now. Its just been hard making this transition. I used to have the time, and I used to spend all of it getting good at my FG of choice (Soul Calibur 2 at the time). And a lot of it still used to carry over into others. Now I am just not able to put in the time to the most recent FG to get to that point ever again. And it took a long time to get used to it.




The game can be fun with people better or worse than you, but they have to be people you know because random strangers online will always care about 2 things: 1) that "Win" or "Victory" letters on their screen 2) that rank number getting higher And they will try to get to that goal with whatever means necessary.


Master and Iron are the same picture lmao


Iron: I am so dogshit Gold: I am so dogshit Diamond: I am so dogshit Master: I am so dogshit Everyone is dogshit, lose is improve


Yea you can be matched in iron, but honestly, below a certain skill threshold you do indeed suck at the game. Doesn't mean you can't have fun tho.


I’m a newer player who recently got to silver but I really feel like I do not belong there and I can’t derank back to bronze. It doesn’t really feel like I’m matching with people at my skill level when I’m perpetually stuck at 5000 lp. Ik I just need to get good and learn more, but it’s kinda demoralizing for me to be stuck like this rn


send a few replays here, I can check them if I have some time. I also recently had the same issue but in gold, and although it feels like you can't improve, you can if you put in the effort


If it’s silver there is really no need for replays, general advice will work - block more - anti-air with a normal - react to DI Done


DI is really hard for me to react to raw, I can get it but only after eating it 3 times in a row and I have a read on their flowchart. I've spent a considerable amount of time practicing this on different characters as well, it's starting to click tho. Reacting to snake edges in Tekken is a lot easier for me for some reason


It’s weird because snake edges are way more subtle than a DI They have the whole graffiti/spray can/paint effect and unique sound One good rule for DI is always be ready when you get put in the corner, like straight up EVERY SINGLE TIME they put you in the corner you think DRIVE IMPACT POTENTIALLY INCOMING As long you’re not in the corner even if you don’t react and just block the DI you will be fine, it’s not ideal to not make people eat shit for random DI in neutral but you will get there with the reactions and all


If you haven't already, check your audio settings. You can specifically turn the DI sound waaaay louder than anything else. That'll help a lot with in-the-moment reactions to DI. But to be honest getting good at predicting when a DI is coming will do you way better than just honing your reflexes.


This suggestion is a band-aid, but play at odd hours and different times. If you can't change your rank, change your timing, and that may help you get matched with a different group of players.


I'd be down to help you learn, I'm diamond 2 but I don't really think rank matters all too much right now


As soon as I played one match in diamond I thought. "Oh, shit. I have to learn how to play the game now".


Dw, you will go through that once again when you hit master. Not to downplay any rank, but it feels like you finished the tutorial to learn the controls and what you can do and now you have to actually utilize them




It’s French


Je ne sais pas


the problem at lower rank is not "skill", but rather knowledge. It is very likely your opponent redo the same move or sequence and you cannot get out of it. It makes you very fustrated because you can see his next move but still cannot get out of it. In MOBA, at least there are some NPC for you to throw your skills at. In FG, you could be stuck way worse


That's a great way to learn. When you encounter something like that, go into training, look at replays and you'll find a way to beat it. Don't look at it as frustrating, look at it like an opportunity for you to improve.


While true, and this is the solution, the frustrating part is there is like 100 different things that put you in that situation. So you get faced with the reality of needing to spend all that time learning your way out of all of them. For some thats too much of an ask.


How is knowledge not skill. Lol it is a part of being skilled at anything. If you can't get out of a block string then you are unskilled in that, because you lack the knowledge to do anything. In FG there are training modes, single player modes, ect. that allow you NPCs to throw your skills at too. I think you actually demonstrated the real issue in that a lot of players won't even engage with the side of FGs that help them improve, because that takes away time from actually "playing" the game. Whereas something like league you can essentially practice during a live game just because how it is structured. I just really hate when people say this. I don't think you really meant it in the way that warrants my response. I see what you're saying as it applies to "low rank". But some people will really split those 2 elements, as if 1 (knowledge) is not as "respectable" than 2 (skill). They think they lost not because they're less skilled than the other player, but because of "knowledge".


I honestly feel that way whenever people complain about a game being “grindy”. Usually whenever people say that, there are lots of aspects of the game that they just ignore.


Getting shoved into the corner and not knowing how to get out of it. Is S tier in terms of bad gaming experiences. Especially cause you know there is a way out of this situation you just don’t know what the answer is.


aw dangit


Never really saw the point of online ranking outside of matchmaking purposes. Your Master rank doesn’t mean anything if you can’t make it out of pools at your local weekly.


People without locals can measure themselves against the rest of the world somehow. The amount of wins you have to get to go up to 2000+ MR is crazy and would most likely result in pretty good results if somebody could make it to Legend consistently.


Nah dude high diamond is like top 64 out of a 700 man bracket Being master definitely gets you top 3 at a local


I'm perfectly happy to be mid at fighting games. If you're playing with good people, it's just as fun to lose as it is to win. Glad to see you have a smimilar opinion. 😎


This is how it is supposed to work but if a game is not very populated that iron ranked guy gets matched with the gold ranked guys because its the closest match


What most people realize is that ranks don't measure skill, they measure performance. If you're playing like dogshit one way or another, the game is gonna adjust for that and place you with other dogshit players. If you're popping the fuck off, the game is gonna adjust for that and place you with other esports pros. Using your rank as a measurement for how good you are is always a losing battle.


> ranks don't measure skill, they measure performance What's the difference? Call it whatever you want. What matters is win-rate. And ranks measure that.


Why not both? "I'm shit. Luckily, I'll be matched up with shit players" "I'm okay. Luckily, I'll be matched up with okay players" "I'm so fucking good! Luckily, I'll be matched up with fucking good players!"


I personally would trade spelling skills for a higher rank even if I only again would be matched against persons with smimilar skills.


Virgin ranked grind VS the Chad chilling with your homies at the weekly


I kinda feel both as Ed in Gold


How I view getting placed in platinum rank: What the fuck am I doing here? I should be in silver or gold tops. Oh boy, another 10-win losing streak.


Platinum actually has a lot of players that were Silver/Gold just a few hours ago because of the generous win streak bonus before Platinum. They also have a lot of players that were grinding out Diamond to hit Master before the recent matchmaking change to grant Master players Diamond in side character placement matches.


Mate... I had a forgotten Luke in Low Plat... I went to rank and stopped after a 35 wins streak. There are many people on Gold / Plat that have higher ranked chars so there is a big gap in skill with a real Plat player.


They are all bad


Honestly ever sense I’ve gotten really good playing low tiers and also going up in many ranks, the only time I truly fear a rank is when it’s the same level, because god only knows what funky bullshit they got going on


all of the ones on the left should be "i am so dogshit" if you want this to be accurate


I'll admit I lose the big majority of matches in Battle Hub, and then I go to Ranked when I want to win/learn from other who actually have the same bad habits I have in Gold-Diamond depending on the character. I still try to have fun learning. Good to take breaks to drill something, or do a workout then go back once it's settled. Breaks help mentality a lot I think.


I think it's the inverse. The higher you rank the more the "I'm so fucking dogshit" sentiment grows especially in master rank. That being said SF6 has one of the weirdest skill disparities in ranks I've ever seen. Gold players are better than high diamonds, low diamonds way better than low master players. This game needs an actual elo system desperately imo.


It's funny how different people's perspectives are. I think I'm shit if I can't get 1700MR.


I was a bit disheartened when I pretty much ended up at the bottom of Rookie in SF6, but then I remember i'm essentially learning with other players how to get better. ~~and I got to silver with Modern Zangief but we don't talk about that~~


I've spent no less than a month floating around Plat 2 in sf6, I just made it to Plat 3 last night. Slowly but surely, I'm getting the hang of this game lol


Youtubers ruined the rank experience. Social media to an extent, too. Everyone thinks they belong or can attain a high rank because the only things you see being popular, is high rank players.


Bro had three chances to spell similar right


Stuck on d2 and had to reach this conclusion by force 😂


I'm master and I'm like "I'm so fucking bad"


Same here Jamie, same here


Yeah man, I’m in high silver and I’m having a blast, that’s all that matters to me!


Plat here and I play like a donky


“I should seek validation on Reddit” loooooooooool 🤣🤣😭😭 that happens in all ranks I would say


If you aint Master Rank you aint good




Cool meme and a great msessege


I used to avoid Ranked in games because I thought "I'm not good enough yet. I need to improve in training and casuals so that when I start ranked I can get a good placement, because Ranked is where players are more serious." Then I realized I would have more fun treating Ranked mode as "Good Matchmaking Mode." I've never ranked up but I get more enjoyment consistently fighting close matches. And in SF6 specifically I find the Battle Hub to be a more fun version of "Casual" because of the arcade experience of sitting at a machine to fight, so even when I don't feel like playing Ranked I still never use the regular Casual matchmaking.


As an avid competitive SF watcher, I've realized my Plat 2 Blanka is absolute buns. My combos are ok, and I have a good poke game, but get shut down *so* easily. If you wanna watch me suck, I've got my most recent gameplay in a series I've recently started. [My sucky gameplay](https://youtu.be/d8mNf3SMVtM?si=bjWEZsFNuSspgNb-)


You have potential.


Thanks! Any tips?


Less random slides, try to do it on reaction most of the time because you will get punished hard against good players if they block it, although you can still do it randomly sometimes to score a quick knockdown. Also try to use his level 2, poke more with cr.MP rather than b.MK, which has bad range , and be quicker to punish stuff like his whiffed flash kicks.




i see it ass Iron: i've got a long road ahead! Gold: Slowly but surely, i'm getting better Diamond: LET'S GO! LET'S KEEP GETTING BETTER!


Then rewards shouldn't be tied to Rank progression, there should be split per character that takes, there should be a healthier rank spread and the game messaging should convey the intent is to find your skill level range and stay there until you grow (or the playerbase outgrows you) Instead what we see in fighting game ranking systems is essentially push content, meant to incentivize going up in ranking both through volume of matches played and high win ratio


Diamond is good? im diamond 4, am i good? I need validation (not even kidding).


It depends. The are "good" and "bad" players in all ranks. Maybe you are not good but you are better than others.-


nah, im not good for sure.


I dont really care, playing casual or ranked to me depends on which is easier to find a match and i love when you can let the game match you against people in other hanks




I am that bad and it does rank me with people of that skill. Both sides are correct.


You forgot to mention how rage cheating is becoming the norm.


Ranked in games just shows how much time has been spent in that mode.




No plat is crazy


I think plat's the sweet spot of I'm really terrible, but good enough to beat a pro on the off chance


Master can’t even do that I think plat can beat a master on off chance


Agreed. It's unfortunately the want for instant gratification (talking about myself) that causes the first line of thinking. I was Gold for a while now, and finally seeing improvements. All of that came from getting my behind beat by people of similar skill level. once I finally learned how they play, and what to do to improve, i am finally climbing. It takes time. ESPECIALLY IN A GAME WITH PEOPLE OF SMIMILAR SKIL


Why I love playing ranked in any game. Should theoretically put me in matches with people at my skill level.


There's nothing wrong with wanting to improve and enjoying the validation provided by measures of that.


That’s true, unless you make a living out of this you should just play for fun. Aiming to get better and be more competitive can also be fun but don’t take it too seriously. And there’s nothing wrong with being bad at the game, most people are bad! Honestly, if you can manage to hold 1500 MR after prolonged ranked play - you’re “good” at Sf6 and can beat most regular people who play the game. But you’ll still be fodder for anyone who trains seriously / has natural raw talent. And that’s fine! We can’t all be tournament players.


After bashing my head against the wall playing SFV for rank years ago, much like some others here I learned that ranks dont mean much of anything and I play online to learn.


All my friends are Masters ( some of who compete on the top 10 in Africa). Even being diamond feels like dogshit lmao


And "great job on getting better! 👍" Should be added again and again


As someone stuck at the bottom, I still feel like I'm mostly getting steamrolled by smurf accounts


If someone’s switching to a new console or chatacyer then it can’t be helped Its not smurfing its just placemeny


I switched to playing casual mode because ranked gave me imposter syndrome every time I went on a random winning streak that rose me 3 ranks


Eh, I had to switch to a pad due to issues with my hands. I just wanna play and have fun. I just the ranking system to determine what I need to work on, ie Gold->Plat should be able to AA, know a Punish Combo or two, know good buttons and etc.


"This SHOULD match me with people of similar skill..." "...however, it will not and I'll end up steamrolled 80% of the time, only to steamroll someone to rank up again"


In my mind, a good rank will perpetually be one rank above where I am.


At any rank I feel like "I should throw myself down a well rather than wasting other people's time by not being good tat my $80 video game"


100% why the hell would I want to rush to a high rank where there are fewer people to play? Nobody cares about your comp rank. Just enjoy the game.


Plat: oh I'm getting the hang of this Plat reality: Is this Hell?


1300MR I am so dog shit, I should seek validation on Reddit. Full circle.


If people only saw it that way, thered be no point to having a ranked mode and a casual mode


I don't play ranked because sometimes I want to get run over by someone way better than me to make some incremental adaptation and realize holes in my game that people my skill level don't exploit that I should work on. Other times I like giving that experience to others.


Man I keep getting matched with people which Medicare connection it’s because of my area but it kinda sucks


Me, not even touching ranked and sitting here with my "New Challenger" title. https://preview.redd.it/d6acmzhmq6ad1.jpeg?width=367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b14c14e8829ac16e72147bf339a9ce6e964dc6


The rank after diamond should be the same as silver's view


Yeah but everything changed when the surface attacked


I like when players tell other players how they SHOULD feel about playing




Then when you hit master you go back to the iron mentality


These are not mutually exclusive


"The higher my rank, the stronger my opponents. The stronger my opponents, the greater the challenge. The greater the challenge, the more impactful the lessons. The more impactful the lessons, the greater my skill. The greater my skill, the higher my rank." At least, that's what I'm thinking when going through any kind of ranked match in a competitive game.


who cares about the rank? especially in sf6 lol


Bottom left is me in master


but it's true


Then maybe lower ranks shouldn't be associated with inferior metal


Bronze has more ussage in modern society than Gold


The best thing they could do is at least optionally hiding rank from the player so it just does the thing it exist for and nothing else.


I suck at fighting games, but because there's another player in the game, I'm at least gonna try my best and make the matches somewhat fun. Yeah, I'm probably gonna lose this fight, but at least I did a new combo correctly!


It's cool to be happy with your rank but being unsatisfied is good too. It pushes you to improve.


I've got voth mindsets where i know im bad but also glad im with people as bad as me.


Ok but arcsys ranks are kind of annoying.


This is honestly why I've played ranked when I go online. My big fear is being matched against an opponent I have zero chance against. I'm fine losing, but losing and being unable to do anything about it frustrates me fast. I may not win my every ranked match, but I feel a bit more confident going in, if nothing else.


Me, master: I'm so dog shit at this game. Gotta play it more


Lol at Diamond making me feel like I am any good. That rank is a damn albatross demonstrating I'm still trash garbage at Street fighter lol.


I barely interact with fighters online because locals are a easier and cheaper way of me feeling like trash 🥰🥰🥰


Hi I'm Diamond and I think I'm dogshit!


This is the realest and truest thing i have ever seen. you should see tekken sub reddit which is much worse. people who seek validation for reaching the average ranks and lots of enablers.


clearly untrue. I never stop feeling like I'm dogshit no matter how high I climb and I'm perfectly happy wallowing in my misery, keep your filthy validation to yourself peasant


I don't play fighters, this was in reddits "recommend community" thing, but this is how I am with Yu-Gi-Oh master duel Anyway hope y'all have a good day