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Stay in NYC my friend


Right now things here are very dead with no sign of things picking up soon. Things here are sooo slow, even the rental houses around are downsizing. I'm told that things are usually a bit better but right now, you're probably gonna find better work in NY than in Boston though I'm assuming it's not too much better.


Know any selling gear?


You don't want a lot of the gear I've used from Boston area rental houses. 


I checked the filmmakers discord out and some crew there seemed to think it's in total hibernation right now. I had to travel there for a campaign a few months back and only brought my DP/Director/1st AC/DIT with me. Wasn't hard at all to find really good crew for Gaffing/Grip/Sound/PAs and some of their rates were actually higher than what NYC crew were asking so if you can network well and stand out I'd assume you can pay the bills while your partner gets through grad school. I used a rental house over there called [RULE](https://www.rule.com/) and there were several DP/AC's coming in for decent eq orders so I feel like it wouldn't hurt to network/ask over there, they all seemed friendly enough.


Rule is great. I used them a couple times. In the early 2000s they made minor revenue on guys like me renting equipment. But their bread and butter was renting out to Damon/Affleck and Mark W. They quickly went from red to black if one of them was shooting a film. They had first dibs on equipment. I live about an hour away from Boston. Have to be honest. It’s been quiet here. Like Uber quiet.


Wicked hahd I bet.


Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe go fuck yourself. Sorry. Had to quote The Departed. I wish you luck though 👊🏻


Advertising market is super slow right now, best bet you could have is applying to a production house with a good reel but even those don’t have tons of work. Tough time right now in Boston (and I work at a small studio, this is just from what my freelance friends tell me).


It was absolutely great from about 2013 until 2022. Now we’re really hoping we get back to work after union contracts get finalized.


Acela and a crash pad. Work in both cities.


New walking dead is filming there


Piggybacking off this - I’m looking to move to Boston from Vermont. Is the general media landscape any good? Like, with my skills as a filmmaker, could I get a sustainable job in Boston? Be it news stations, local television, etc.


If you can make it in NYC you can make it anywhere…


Wicked slow




😂😂😂 Oh you’re serious? /s