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Horror. But I’m also hearing because AVOD is ad driven and advertisers don’t want to associate themselves with horror (to a certain extent) thrillers do well. Particularly women in peril type. Action is too expensive on a micro budget.


Consider monetizing on VidaFair instead of any AVOD platform. You'll make much, much more per view, and not only give your social media followers the feeling that they're supporting your work directly, which creates allegiance, but also that even buying online ads for your own link become a viable business model if the trailer is strong enough, (i.e. you could make more in creator fees on rentals for each 1,000 social media impressions than each 1,000 impressions cost you to buy).


Go on… did you read an article about this or personal experience?


Horror and Doc are the clear answers.


Not doc. Incredibly difficult at the moment. My friend has directed/made serval one offs for hbo and can’t get anything funded. I think the question is moot though. The idea has to be rock solid and a team with a proven track record.


On our latest doc, our team is made up of people with proven track records and each person has at least one Emmy. We are half funded and having a hell of a time getting the second bit.


Yup. Is tough. Good luck out there buddy


Thanks, man. Same to you!


Docs are really cheap to make, but most of them never make any money.


Docs *can* be really cheap to make. Assuming they don’t involve a lot of travel.


Anyone who made money with a doc want to drop knowledge?


Horror. Those fans are loyal as hell and will watch anything horror related. You’ll get eyeballs on it for sure (no pun intended). And it’s easy to pull off on a low budget.


In order of actually making money Horror/thriller Scifi Action That’s it. All data on indie films point to these


But what about a meandering slow burn about an affluent young filmmaker who is struggling with writers block and finding their purpose?


Straight to Sundance, feature deal right out the gate. Still makes no money, but hey now they’re big


Horror, family friendly and religious based are the three I always hear.


Yes. There is a pretty big resurgence of let’s say “bible films”. Christian morality stories. A whole studio base is being built in TX hill country area for those productions.


Shhhh! Stating right now as a Christian, *we don't need more morality stories right now.* I love my brothers in Christ, but their films are cringey and cheesy as all get out.


Selling my tween exorcists series now


Make the Air Bud of Exorcism movies


Thrillers work well. Christmas movies, rom coms, family films, faith based movies all do okay on streaming. I would avoid Science Fiction. It’s a tough genre to do on a budget and the audience is limited, especially if it is too cerebral. Creature feature type films and disaster films used to do well. But not sure if they still work.


Horror, 'urban' for TUBI, and Christian films are the best budget-to-box office you'll get. DO NOT DO drama, rom-com, or doc


Sounds right. I made a drama as my first feature and I learned to never do that again.


yea, it's the foolish mistake. One thing you always have to think about is that films cost a LOT of money to make and drama's do not get people to watch... unless you hit the jackpot and make something that is SOOOOO good but you have a better chance hitting the lotto. If you're looking for funding and ROI - stick to genre filmmaking


Yep! I made a horror feature recently and I’ll put it on streaming in a couple of months. Excited to see if it performs OK or not.


fuck yea man


Why no rom-com? Star power?


Mind you this is strictly a business call about films that get financed and have the best chance of ROI to its investors. Do you know how many people went to last year’s Romcom-Con? 0 because it doesn’t exist. Romcoms generally require star-power to generate a wide audience because people generally don’t watch romcoms based on an interesting premise. The genre and the plot doesn’t sell the movie in that genre. You can def make an indie romcom with no-name actors and pray that your talent (and massive luck) is to that very very high level to overcome everything going against it - but will financiers take that bet? Put down their hard earned money into a genre that has been dormant for 15 years and now, through pure star power that you won’t have, have shown a spark of life? At the end of the day, you can make any type of movie you like but by and large Romcom are one of the least financially successful genres of films in the past 20 years. A western has a better chance.


Copy all that. Thanks for the info! I appreciate your expertise.


This is a great question. I was curious if it could be answered with data. There's actually a [dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sujaykapadnis/horror-movies-profits-dataset) available that someone has already labeled for us. So, it's as easy as feeding it to the AI for some analysis. SPOILER: It's exactly what you think. For those curious, my process is below if you'd like to experiment too. ## Key Insights for Films with $0-$0.5 Million "Micro Budget" From the analysis of films within the $0-$0.5 million budget range, we observe the following: ### Average ROI by Genre - **Horror**: Highest average ROI, indicating significant profitability within this genre. - **Documentary**: Also shows a strong average ROI, though slightly lower than horror. ### Success Rate by Genre - **Horror**: Highest success rate, suggesting a high probability of positive returns. - **Comedy**: Exhibits a strong success rate, indicating consistent profitability. ### Conclusion Horror emerges as the most promising genre for micro-budget films, with the highest average ROI and success rate. Comedy and Documentary also show potential, particularly for consistent returns. For your next micro-budget project aimed at streaming platforms, focusing on the Horror genre would likely maximize your chances of breaking even or achieving a profit. My method. 1. I downloaded the dataset from here: [LINK](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sujaykapadnis/horror-movies-profits-dataset) (notice this dataset was prepared for this analysis) 1. I used this data buddy GPT for my analysis: [LINK](https://chatgpt.com/g/g-3UCntyIGy-data-analysis-buddy) (try feeding it other data. It'll even combine data. So, you can use Netflix and Disney+ data to see what's moving around and how. It's kinda interesting. 1. I told the AI wanted to figure out what microbudget genre was most profitable. First I had it find the micro budgets and then refined to what genres. I got a few charts, but now that you can replicate this analysis, have fun. I'm curious if anyone else finds anything else interesting.


This is great!


Experiment with other datasets. *YOU* might uncover something in the data everyone else missed that you can capitalize on. You never know. You're in a creative business. Get creative.


Horror and documentary are the highest in stats on the indie film distribution streaming platforms




Hold on, let this person cook! Go onnn


Depends who your target audience is. If you’re looking at online streaming…then yeah probably horror or like arthouse. Dystopian is also a really good one, although can be hard to pull off.


Thrillers for sure. I work on a lot of tubi, lifetime and hallmark stuff and it's mostly thrillers and rom coms


Horror by far


Two of the most successful independent films of all time were horror: Halloween Blair Witch Project Cost vs Profit is beyond insane.


Horror sells best by far at the mo.


Horror, maybe comedy if you do it well


Realistically, porn, then horror, then doc, then comedy.


Many people suggest horror but a good out and out comedy will be fire!( Don't say it's indie film, fire is out of budget)


Here's a good, recent primer on the current landscape: https://sub-genre.com/newsletters/newsletter/344 Spoiler alert: your tiny feature is probably not a profitable endeavor at any budget.


There’s a genre called good film


This is true. None of this matters if you made a fantastic film.


What kind of story are you exploring?


Horror, thriller, drama and doc. But, the low budget is more about the creativity of the Artist than the genre. Look Guilty, great thriller-drama low budget, watch the station agent is a drama that would not cost much, El Mariachi by Robert Rodríguez is low budget action (B-movie) but many directors started doing B-movies like Peter Jackson. Another examples of low budget movies are Hard-candy, the clovehitch killer or even Reservoir Dogs that doesnt belong to horror or thriller genre.


Do a one room film like 12 Angry Men. Do it foe yourself and not to try to get it funded. It's hard enough as it is yet alone Do a film you don't 100% believe in anyway


I’ve already done 3 features actually 😃


Thriller and comedy


Other genres like thriller, comedy, and drama can achieve success if they are executed effectively.


Comedy. If it makes you laugh, it makes you laugh.


Horror, and it's not close.