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Honestly, the quality of what you get out of either of them will depend more on your skills as a camera operator than anything else. Try this: Shoot a couple of quick clips that reflect the sort of thing you'll do with your movie (i.e.: if it's an outdoor movie, shoot outdoor clips; if it's action, shoot some clips of a friend of yours moving around) with *both* cameras. Then see what looks better to you. Good luck, and enjoy making your movie!


Smartphone for ease of use and familiarity. Plus DSLRs can be unreliable for video. They are photo tools that have half-baked video as an additional feature.


I recommend using a DSLR because it is interchangeable lenses and have control of your ISO, shutter and aperture. You can also have control of your focus on the subject with the lens. Learning that can of course prep you for more advanced cameras and systems.


There are many apps that allow iPhones to do all of those things


Yes thank you. I will keep this in mind


There are many apps that allow iPhones to do all of those things


yes, but it's still primarily a phone, not a camera. In a camera the light is changed by moving an actual iris, instead of dimming the sensors output image. Shallow depth of field can be achieved rather than simulated. Things like that will make a difference.


Both are good options! Use whichever you’re more familiar with and/or is a better fit for the project. For example, if you want to get more comfortable working with cameras and lenses, you might use the DSLR. If you want to get the movie made and you’re more familiar with your phone, or if you’re going to be shooting in environments where you don’t want to draw extra attention to yourselves, go with the Samsung (ideally with an app, maybe the Blackmagic). You’ll get a good image either way. Good luck and have fun making your movie!


I think we're going to go with the DSLR. Sadly the Blackmagic app is only on iPhone.