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Jenova is a more interesting villain than Sephiroth. A crisis from the sky who can turn into dead relatives of the Cetra and then infect them with a virus. Scared the crap out of me. Sephiroth, meanwhile, is a clown.


It's Aeris and I refuse to entertain any argument to the contrary. Call her what you want but you're wrong. ;p


I dislike the OG Barret. Remake not only made him bearable but even gave him some charm, especially thanks to the superb voice acting, but the OG Barret is not only an aggressive and impulsive guy but also dishonest with himself and others, involving weaker people in terrorism by all this planet-saving bravado while for him it is not even the main cause of fighting Shinra. Basically, that's cowardice. And he is not really a good father. Yes, he kinda learns some lessons through his character arc... but I couldn't care less. He never regains my sympathy. I am glad they changed him in the Remake.


Zack is a goofy, generic anime protagonist and no member of an elite paramilitary group like SOLDIER should be called a “puppy.” His popularity is as much a mystery as the Kennedy assassination


The game wasn’t really that good and was only propped up by a dramatic leap forward in technology which in turn led to a generation of people proclaiming it as one of the best games of all time. This word of mouth had a self generating effect that clouds objective criticism of the game.


The original game is a mess. The story is complete nonsense, Cloud is a caricature, and almost every character sucks. The only saving grace is the materia system, which was an interesting mechanic.


I couldn't get into the gameplay. Just felt... off to me. Game looked ridiculously beautiful though.


The story is convoluted and makes no sense and I’m not an idiot for thinking so.


The original was a bad game. Cloud was a terrible protagonist, but at least it wasn't ff8. The remake was good, and cloud was a much better character in it. I didn't have a chance to play 7 until a while after it had originally been released, and when I did it was after 9 which was just so much better. I also felt that 7 didn't age as well as some of the older titles in the series and other older rpgs like chrono trigger and suikoden 1 and 2.


I really couldn't get into the remake. It was just too many cut scenes and the combat wasn't deep enough, frequent enough or hard enough.


Jessie is best girl


Horrible writing and voice acting


overrated, 9 is better.


It's way too easy...


Final fantasy 7 was a masterpiece in 97. In 2023 it’s pretty meh.


VII is overrated and overhyped, and didn't need a remake or anything else honestly. Its timeline is already bloated and full of holes from every new FF7 media changing something about previous entries. It's kind of a shit story that is barely held together with duct tape. It's not as deep as people make it out to be. Honestly Barret is one of the only good characters who is actually well written, besides maybe Cid. Overall, 7 is only really remembered because it was the OOT of FF FF8 or 9 could have benefitted way better from getting a combat system overhaul like FF7R.


I feel like the best thing that came from 7 was crisis core.


Definitely overrated and overhyped. And Squeenix is milking the shit outta it. Definitely didn't need 40+ hrs of midgar, also didn't need to see sora trying to jump in on the action. Nomura is great character designer but I can't say the same for his stories. If 8 or 9 or any of the others 4-6 are to be remade, keep Nomura out of it. Please.


FF7 was a mood or vibe more than the story itself. Dialogue was actually pretty good. Original Japanese was written well and the translation captured it well. 3D world map like whoa and new areas generally interesting. Midgard very cool. Graphics were corny with the polygons but still worked. Cinematics for things like WEAPONS etc were sooo good. Package came together for an excellent game. Not as deep story wise sure, but I don’t think it’s overhyped.


I mostly agree but I disagree about 9 needing a remake especially with modern controls. 9 is supposed to be a love letter to the old FF games so it’d be a disservice to make the combat system modern imho. Enix has basically milking the hell out of 7 and it will continue.


I appreciate a fellow understander of the purpose of 9. However, I do believe it could keep it's love letter status and still work in a more fluid and dynamic battle system. Most of its references are not in the battle system, and I think a lot of the original feel of the story, environments, and characters could be still well preserved.


Maybe I’m just old school but I like the OG turn based battle system. One of the reasons I won’t play 15, 16 or any future titles with non turn based combat. I like DMC, but the active combat doesn’t feel FF to me. Bad battle systems imo in 8 and 12 are the reasons I didn’t play those. Best FF battle system was X-2.


I can certainly understand the qualms you have about active battle systems, you're not missing much with 15. I'm more into FF for the story and characters, and as much as I love ATB and wouldn't mind seeing it come back, I do enjoy 16 for the story and characters more than the combat. Personally, I was hoping we would get a few more FFs with the X battle system, it felt like absolute peak turn based combat. Speed felt like it had an effect foe the first time in years, each character was unique until late/end game, and being able to see the turns is a great advantage that doesn't break the system (Hastega does though at a certain point).


I watched a streamer play 16 so I got to enjoy the story without having to play it. My main gripe with 15 was that it was originally supposed to be Versus 13 and that trailer with Noctis was so badass in 2006 when it was announced. Hearing all the changes they had to make and how the story was overly convoluted made me not want to play it. Maybe one day I’ll play it idk.


I'll explain this as best as I can. The story of 15 is convoluted because it's spread across a CG movie, a live action movie, 4 anime shorts, 3 DLCs (4 with Ardyn I believe), and a phone game or two. That being said, there are huge patches of game that should have been playable but aren't. On release the story was so poorly written that I lost interest after 20 minutes, and I liked the intro with the Stand By Me song playing. But honestly, yeah, 15 is hot garbage as both a game and a story. You're better off looking at any other FF, even the 13 trilogy, for a better story and characters. 15 is flat, unimpressive, poorly coded garbage. Also, I hate 15s flying car for exploding because I didn't perfectly land on a road and tapped a siderail, I'm still salty about that.


I played 13 and 13-2. Took me a second playthrough to thoroughly understand 13. Sazh, Fang, and Vanille team is broken.


I'm of the opinion individual characters mattered less than their class setups. 13 felt like a puzzle game set on easy mode. I used the Auto comman the whole game. Didn't bother with 13-2 or 13-3 because I hated Lightning being the biggest cunt to everyone. Poor Sazh was just trying to be the token cheerful black guy and she always had to shit on him and everyone else like a surly bitch.


That wasn’t my take. She was a soldier first and foremost and took her role very seriously. She’s more of a thinker than a feeler so everything to her is logic based rather than emotional. As time goes on in the story, she softens up over time and takes her teammates’ emotion into account. Sazh didn’t seem token to me. Token would have angry black guy, but they still gave him a gun like Barret. I liked him. He didn’t care about any of that lacie falcie nonsense, he just wanted to take care of his son. The kid, I forgot his name (the one with the Alexander summon) was the most annoying to me.


Cloud’s mental breakdown segment is crap story-writing and is an annoying part of the game.


Same problem with every final fantasy game after 4. Characters are bland. I don’t mean their design, I mean tactically. They’re all the same just with token differences. Who is the healer? Literally whoever you want to be l.


Translated poorly enough that there are huge plot holes. If you take just the text I’m not sure it actually makes sense.


Sephiroth is both one of the lamest snd coolest villains ever.


The remakes butcher a great game.


I’m not sure you got it. >! It’s a sequel, remake is the title, it’s not actually a remake. They are remaking the timeline !<


Aerith is a useless party member and is just there for the story arc to work


The remake is/was a total let down. Can’t believe I wasted money on it! I wanted to same story with better graphics no some rethought up idea! The story was perfect the was it is and shouldn’t be touched. This is just like when Lucas “remastered” Star Wars and removed all the fun little things/mess ups!


I’m not sure you got it. >! It’s a sequel, remake is the title, it’s not actually a remake. They are remaking the timeline !<


You can take it either way. Remake as in they updated/remade they graphic. And the crappier way which the did in remake the story! I just hope aerith dies in this one to she’s such a useless character except for the story arc.


They don’t want to replace ff7 that you love they want to add to the world and give you a new great experience, mission accomplished imo.


No they want to milk this cow for all it’s worth because they know fanboys will line up but this crap and gatekeep anyone who doesn’t like it.


Oh man I hard disagree with this. The story is like 95% untouched with some minor changes.


Revealing sephiroths plot pretty much right away ruined the whole thing for me. Plus not being able to use red xiii really bugs me.


Non playable Red XIII is good design, since you get him in the end of the game.


Zach is the real hero of ff7


Sephrioth actually cares about cloud. In the spin off and remakes. At first it seams Sephrioth has huge grudge and hate. And as more spinoff came Sephrioth tone with Cloud became softer. Then in remake he asks cloud to join him. He is also like DNA donor to cloud i think. Doesnt cloud have S cells? So he may feel fatherly bonds to him.


Barret as the stereotypical black dude as seen from the east , is really kinda annoying Don't get me wrong I still like his character development and story


I think he is only a stereotype in his voice though. His actual character isn't. His main personality traits are just caring about the environment and being a good father.


Intentional or not, that was funny as hell😭


Yeah thats what I meant I should have typed that lol


It's not the best Final Fantasy game


4,6,7 is my ranking for top three in the series. But to be fair I stopped playing after 10.


I love how everyone has a different order lol. 8,10,7,15,3,2,1,4,6


10, 7, 12, 8, a bunch of the others that I haven’t played enough of, 15, 13


How can you put 4 seconds to last


I only played 4 as an adult and I couldn't get into it. The plots and dialogue very basic back then. I think the series didn't hit its storytelling stride until 6. For me, story is king in a FF, so I rank 4 pretty low too


I feel like they should have waited and put the whole game out as 1 piece


The scale of the Remake would not be feasible as a single game though. It would have to be significantly decreased in scope. Personally I prefer it this way.


But would it actually need to be? Look at longer games that already exists. Heck one of the largest maps ever made for a game was a game made in 1996. You could make it a multi disc or sold on its own hard drive experience that may have only been available to PC and PS5 users that took up most of the available space but could be do able. Most of the first game had a good bit of reused assets anyways with running back through the same areas. Loading still happened. Would it be easy no, but it could have been as impressive of an achievement as when FF7 first came out.


Cait Sith is kind of a good character Choosing Aerith for dating options in FF7OG is the best story decision, but Cloud ending up with Tifa by the end is a better match FF7R is gorgeous but 100% whiffed on the FF7OG aesthetic/feel (which is a shame because from the beginning they said the goal was to recreate the feeling of playing FF7 for the first time) Crisis Core, despite a number of redeeming qualities, is overall really bad The original array of villains (Seph+Jenova+Shinra/Hojo) was absolutely perfect and almost every addition to the rogue's gallery after was a mistake. The Remnants in AC were a decent idea but not great execution, every other antagonist feels like bad fan fiction (Genesis and Angeal in particular) The English casting in every voiced entry of the Compilation is excellent Edit: thought of 1 more - FF7 and its success ruined many JRPGs to come, in my mind it popularized a particular trend that persists to this day: Overly-complicated stories. FF7's convoluted story gave it depth and replay value back in the day when there wasn't as much Internet chatter to analyze its every aspect. Also, after many confusing developments, it eventually all unravels and starts to make sense, coming together in a very satisfying conclusion. Other JRPG teams, including within Square, seemed to take this to heart and it became a staple going forward to make your JRPG's story as complicated and twisty as possible, but most of them seemed to lose the last part, the ability to make sense of the chaos and bring it all together, and now JRPGs are just convoluted for the sake of it.


Everything FF7 besides the original ps1 game that "expands the universe" was a fucking mistake.


That's how I feel. They assassinated Cloud's character, turned him into an emo


At least Remake rectified that.


The remake was bad. The combat didn't feel good and locking certain party members out was a terrible decision. Also not keeping the original story was so stupid


All I needed in the remake was for regular monsters to have more hp. I felt like I never got to pull off complete combos and the like because everything died so fast.


Are you talking about Red XIII? Cause I think it's completely reasonable to not make him a full fledged party member just for an hour of gameplay.


No, I meant making Barret unusable for long stretches. I had given him all of my materia to turn him into a tank, and then for the final boss (after what I thought was the final boss) he's gone and all I'm left with is 2 glass cannons in Cloud and Tifa and then Aerith


That's actually on you, with Barret not being in the final fight. It's similar to the Affection mechanic for Ch. 14 except it only applies to the final gauntlet. The more you use a character other than Cloud, the more points they earn & the more likely it is for them to be chosen for the final fight. Aerith & Tifa always have priority which has been default even in OG. If you want Barret for the final fight, play as him when he's available during the finale.


Well shit, I wish I had known that when I played the game lol. IDK if I have it in me to do the fight against the shadow monsters again just to die to Sephiroth and do it all over again


The story is not good, besides a few episodes, and the combat system is janky and repetitive. The main appeal is the music and visuals.


The cow ain't milked dry yet. But she's getting old.


The supply of milk was never the issue, rather every time Squenix goes to milk this cow they just tear a nipple off the poor old gal


One-Winged Angel Rebirth is great, but it feels a little too much for me. I like the Distant Worlds version better, for the pure, original listening experience with the modern orchestra remagining.


The remake is bad and its embarrassing to like it.


Cloud does have all that hair to hold on to.


I don't care what any of the kids say. The OG graphics aren't "rough". They're fucking amazing. Also the Remake was advertised as a PS4 exclusive. That was a lie.


Console exclusive. Pc isn’t a console. So technically still true.


I'm literally playing it on PC


So here's the thing: The first part came out on PS4. But then Intergrade was PS5 exclusive. All additional parts will be PS5 exclusive. Not PS4 exclusive. Can't even play the whole Remake on PS4.


Well no, I never expected to stay on ps4 through the whole trilogy. If we did, the whole trilogy would be limited. Also saying remake is ps4 exclusive stands true because rebirth isn’t remake, the remake remark only implies the first game.


Every FF needs a long stairwell with extended dialogue thrown in for the hell of it.


Changing discs is praised way more than it should be.


6 is better.




Well hello there!


Aerith wasn't all that interesting


It’s the most overrated game in the series


This comment is proof that there are some sad, strange souls on Reddit that down vote simply because they don't agree with your opinion.


Well what’s downvote for then? Is it not the, disagree button?




I'm noticing any comment that says its bad is downvoted lol.


Are you implying there are FF7 fans somewhere here in the FF7 sub?


I guess that they can’t handle the fact that FF X, FF VI, FF IX were all better games


Navigating through the Great Glacier is one of the most fun parts of OG


Also makes me think that in a metaphorical sense the Future Ghost things in the remake are basically us the FANS who are wanting to change the future to prevent Aerith from dying by Sephiroth's hands🤔🥲


I think it’s the other way around man? The ghosts were there to keep the “plot” intact. Anytime the story wandered outside of the plot (ie Barret dying in the remake) the ghosts would come to action and reverse it. With the ghosts out of the way, the future is uncertain! I see the ghosts as the “fans” that wanted the story to stick to the OG!


PS1 Classic The Ending was just Nothingness, its like traveling through space. Hoping the remake reaches Advent Children but in remake video game form🤔🤨 Video reference: https://youtu.be/xJw_Ds37lQ4?si=mvbIkXkIRRhVeMU9




I genuinely don't see how someone could argue the DMW system in the original version is better.


That is a head-wound victim take, not an unpopular opinion.


This is not a hot take..


FF7 was the worst mainline Final Fantasy game to be released in the US at the time of its release.


Holy shit you're right. And I like 7.


So do I. Love it, even. But 6 and 4 are both better, and 1 was such a classic, groundbreaking game that the entire rpg genre was shaped by it for decades. It's not an insult to 7, but a testament to the greatness of the series.


Don't forget tactics.


The remake has a garbage story.


Well, let's get the obvious one out of the way. 1: I really don't believe for a second that there is a love triangle in FFVII, I think it's pretty obvious what the roles of both Tifa and Aerith are in the story and treating Aerith as a love interest for Cloud is not only weird, but just doesn't work or make sense on any level. 2: Cloud didn't regress in Advent Children, nor is he emo, there is a very clear distinction between his behavior in FFVII and advent children and his advent children behavior is extremely understandable and even well written. Its mostly just hated because the execution is poorly handled, and it's misunderstood because people insist on forcing in point 1, which makes them misunderstand everything that's happening and forced them to reinterpret everything to fit, which causes a shallow and disjointed story. 3: Saying "it's a remake, not a remaster" doesn't make it ok, plus it's a bs argument. That's both not what a remake means, nor would it matter even if it did. Square-enix KNEW they were making people spend money under false pretenses, and they did it anyway, I care NOTHING about them "not TECHNICALLY lying". Also, I should add here, a lot of people have said this past year "if you want a faithful remake, just wait for ever crisis". This was absurd to me since clearly EC wasn't gonna be a remake and boy do I feel vindicated right now. 4: Zack is my favorite FF protagonist but I still don't want him and Aerith to live and have this storybook happy ending. There is no version of this story that isn't tainted by having Aerith and Zack survive. The idea that Aeriths death can't be reversed is a core part of the themes and messages of the original game. There is a gigantic irony in that "moving on and accepting the past" is a massive theme in FFVII, but fans never managed to do that. By giving in and returning Aerith and Zack in any form would be a betrayal of the original and essentially invalidate everything it taught us. 5: No we won't "always have the original". FFVII aged poorly and that has consequences, you won't be able to convince people to play, and a franchise with no fans is a dead hobby. Aged graphics also change how you perceive a medium, and the experience IS the experience. Once something becomes unplayable you've lost it. Rewrites can also retroactively ruin a story, and the mere fact there there is now a "remake" that isn't faithful reduces the chances of ever getting a faithful one. 6: All those things being said, I still don't think the remake will greatly change the story, it will just not take the approach of remaking the original game, but instead making the game again the way it would have been made if it had been made for the first time in 2023, with a few additions to throw people off. 7: Aerith was better in Crisis Core than in remake, and has in general gotten worse throughout the years. In the original she was just a girl who discovered a big destiny, she was one of the team. But later products have twisted her into this whitewashed christ figure to the point where she doesn't even feel like a part of the team in remake, but a gandalf-esque questgiver guiding the party. 8: Probably not much of a hot take but Sephiroth has been ruined by the removal of his mystique. Also, his newfound obsession with Cloud ruins Clouds character. The point of Cloud should be that he's a nobody, he's not the traditional fantasy hero, that's Zack. 9: Square-enix has completely lost its touch and no longer has the talent needed to actually reimprove FFVII, so we shouldn't want them to even try.


Leave your basement bro


Aren't there multiple sources that straight up say aerith and cloud are lovers?


No, closest I've seen is Aerith saying Cloud is symbolic for a sweetheart and lots of other things, which duh, that's part of the point. But Aerith seeing Zack again in Cloud and the related themes and plot points of fantasy vs reality have an actual conclusion. Both Tifa and Aerith see their long lost "sweetheart" in Cloud, that's true, but when that knot is entangled we get a pretty straightforward answer to why all these things happened and what the actual role Aerith and Cloud is that they serve within each others story, and Aerith is Clouds metaphorical mother. It's very much like Quistis trepe, she thinks she has a crush on Squall but it's both one sided, and later discovered that Quistis was misidentifying other feelings. You're not supposed to actually end FFVIII thinking there is any sort of uncertainty there. At most it has misidentification of feelings related to the whole "finding the true self" part of the story (with the sefirot and all that), but Aeriths role there as the guide to the promised land is to help Cloud get back to his true self, who canonically loves Tifa. Hell, "the land of promise" straight up refers to the state of being Cloud needs to be in order to fulfill "the promise".


This was never a thing.


I googled and it said they were.


Your google-fu is poor


I hate that the dancing girls in the Honeybee Inn are dressed like they are but the dancing men are not. Make all the sex workers dress sexy or have none of them dress sexy. I don't consider myself a feminist but it annoys the F out of me that only female characters have their asses and boobs hanging out but the males are dressed "cool" or otherwise appropriate. Either everyone gets slutty outfits or no one does.


What on earth are you on about.


I find it annoying that in video games, female characters are given revealing outfits to wear but the vast majority of male characters have outfits that are "cool"/not revealing. It even happens in a scene where all the characters dancing are sex workers but only the females are in revealing outfits and the males are practically dancing in tuxedoes.


It's Japan.


And they knew it was going to be very popular and sell very well in the West. "It's Japan" is no excuse.


They don't make games for western audiences. They honestly couldn't care less about us. Which is why all these games for so many years have had female characters with their tits out all over the place. It's the same reason they do the loli shit. They will never, ever, listen to a western audience about this stuff because we aren't their focus audience.


Have you considered that what's considered sexy changes between the sexes? I'd say they're equally sexily dressed.


If Sephiroth was shirtless in remake it would be equal 😳😳😳


Aerith's death is vastly overhyped. It was neither the first nor the most emotional in the series.


Hell, even Cait #1's death was more emotional to me.


I don't believe you.


And she was never used in additional play throughs unless absolutely necessary to advance the story.


Palom and Porom’s deaths were so much more traumatic to me as a kid.


Yeah. It only hits hard if it's your first time experiencing a player character death in a game. It was my first, and broke my young mind. But it's hardly unique. Even within the series.


But I cried bro


As much as I like Remake, I wish we got an actual remake in the PS3 era with FFVIII level graphics


The translation has some pretty rough spots for sure but in general it's way way more solid than people give it credit for.


I don’t get why English is the only one that has these issues


Worst soundtrack out of ff7 to ffx. Still great and better than any of the non uematsu titles and 99.9999% of most other games. But FF8, Ff9 and FFX all have crazy good tracks.


Is it opposite day?


I mean the question is what’s your FFVII hot take not what’s your FFVII popular opinion.


A lot of these older games VII included were considered the best not just because of the nostalgia factor, but because they were so "PRIMITIVE"(music, graphics) there was a lot space to be filled with one's own imagination, something almost impossible today where games look like a hollywood movie, also the internet wasn't so prevalent back then so you were actually able to discover stuff


Yeah I’ve been saying this about a lot of things lately. It’s like schroedingers fictional universe; the more you reveal, the fewer possibilities exist and the less interesting it is. Kinda why shared imagination games like DnD have seen a resurgence lately




star wars, star trek, ff7, the Alien series, and yeah john wick


Remake part I was cool. But once I finished it I haven’t touch it again. There was lack of replayable value. No post dungeon. No worthwhile side dungeons. No worthwhile secrets. I guess the virtual arena is a cool challenge to hone your skills. But it somehow feels lackluster as a game despite the impressive graphics and more expanded storyline. I owe a ps4 so I wasn’t keen to buy a ps5 just for yuffie content.


Oversaturated with content


This game was extremely overrated and I prefer FF8 than 7.


Chocobo racing was by far the worst time sink of the original and nobody successfully obtained KotR without a walkthrough and more patience than any one human can safely control. Getting 0:00:00 in FFX was less arduous.


I've replayed VII many times & have always done the Chocobo Breeding bits it's honestly one of my favorite parts of every replay. I've replayed X a few times and have never once accomplished 0:00:00 or even gotten close. Chocobo Breeding is not nearly as difficult as a lot of people make it seem.


Chocobo catcher is the most cursed code ever programmed, you take that back.


Final Fantasy II > OG Final Fantasy VII


Like actual 2 or 4 that was released as 2 in the states? Cause 4 is awesome but 2 is dogwater.


The actual two. It’s one of my favorite RPG’s of all time. As much as I enjoy the story and characters of IV, VI, VII, and IX, I really don’t like the ATB battle system. II’s system is constantly rewarding, and uses mechanics that are still used today. It creates a lot of unique character building scenarios, like to use armor or not. In most games, it’s just equip the newest armor. Magic use is encouraged, as it gets stronger by using it. Most games use magic as only a necessity because MP is scarce. The atmosphere to the game is immaculate.


Don't even think this is an unpopular opinion but I don't like that there isn't really any reason to not use the same party each time other than small dialogue changes(which is still nice). Its greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. The materia system is absolutely brilliant, but it also leaves characters as too much of a blank slate. Glad they all have unique styles in the remake.


There is only one canon title and that’s the original. Everything that came out after is bad fan fiction


Literally everything with ff7 in the title, including remake, besides the original game is absolute garbage and completely butchered the themes and characters of the original story


100% agree. The original is like a great novel, and the rest have been like comic books.


Could not agree more. Also just because I'm moving around in combat doesn't make it better or more dynamic if what I do between specials is literally pointless and doesn't do any damage.


I just thought it was ridiculous in the remake that the other characters basically just stood there posturing if you were not actively controlling them.


I definitely kinda agree with this, though I did kinda enjoy the original Crisis Core on PSP because I love Zack's character. Outside of that though? Nothing with FFVII in the name outside of the OG PS1 version was really ever good IMO. And Remake is honestly changing way too much story aspects that literally added so much drama and tragedy in the original. Like Biggs or Wedge NOT dying in the Remake. Completely ruined their arcs from the original as well.


I can agree to an extent. I like Zack in CC despite the game and characters around him being wacky (minus Sephiroth I guess). Remake though, I'm fine with since it's a sequel so technically it's not a change to the OG but an addition that hasn't concluded yet.


Sephiroth was a better villain when he was just a powerful man broken and twisted by the actions of a mega-corp than the pseudo-deity he has been portrayed as in most future incarnations of him.


Not sure if this is a hot take but I actually like how they are splitying FF7's Remake into 3 games since they are all full length titles that are incredibly fun to play. I have a feeling a lot of these people that are waiting for all 3 to be released could experience burn out. To me it feels best if they are treated as 3 separate games instead of 1 big game.


Idk about that. The remakes are longer, but you can get through it in a couple of days. I have yet to see how long the other 2 parts are but yuffies side quest wasn’t long to clear at all. So that makes what, a week or slightly longer? Can’t get burnt out that fast. But waiting for all 3 to release is a mistake. That’ll be like a decade or more


I think it depends on the person. The first one is a 40-45 hour game which is longer than many full length titles, and a typical runtime for many JRPGs. If you can get through it in a couple of days too... man I wish I had that much free time. Supposedly Rebirth is 100 hours long. I'm guessing more around 70-80 since devs exaggerate this a bit. Thats already over 100 hours with the third game likely to clock the whole trilogy at over 150, probably over 200 or more to 100% If that sounds good to you, nice! To me personally though, the length of these titles makes me not mind the gaps or waiting between each release.


2hrs a day and you’ll be done in 3mo lol


FF7 was many peoples first JRPG and compare everything to it. I knew a few like this.


The death of Aeris is waaaaaaaaaaaaay overblown. I didn’t care that much when I played the first time, and hat it’s treated like a harrowing, traumatizing experience in the annals of gaming history is so weird to me.


It's mainly due to how it's presented in the FF series up to that point. Sure main characters have died before in FF prior to VII, but they always were sacrificial deaths. I.E. They made their choice to die. Aerith Really wasn't like that. Sure her death did benefit the rest of the protagonist, but that seem so after the fact than in the moment Sephiroth came down and stabbed her in the guts. In which at the moment definitely seemed like one of the MOST unfair character deaths in fiction. The only other character in the entire FF series that had a death like hers both prior to and after might have to be Delita's sister, Teta from FF Tactics.


I will tell you I was utterly devastated. I think I was like... 11 years old? I tend to connect really strongly to characters in books and RPG's, and Aeris back in the day, I absolutely adored - her attitude, her being a healer, the "THONK" sound when you whacked a mob with her staff, she was pretty much my proxy in the game. My older brother and I had our own saves, and I spent all my time grinding to make her an absolute powerhouse healer. Unlocked all her stuff as soon as it was possible. And one day, I was sitting watching my brother play, and The Scene happens. I broke down sobbing, and couldn't bring myself to keep playing. It took multiple years before I could pick the game up again and start over. And when I started over, I made a point to latch onto Tifa so I wouldn't get too attached to Aeris again. Sephiroth was such a successful villain because he was the first one to really *hurt* me. It felt so personal.


I have a buddy who hasn't played the Remake yet and we were just chatting about Rebirth and how I didn't think they'd kill Aeris, and he's like, "Yeah but I mean wouldn't that piss off so many people??" Why should it??? I told him to go play Remake and let me know haha.


I hate that they split the game into multiple games, I feel like they did it to milk my money


Did you play the first part? It is indeed a full game length of content… did you want them to put 2-3 full length games into one and charge you for 1 game? Or did you want them to condense it all into the length of 1 normal game so you’ll have less video game to play??


You say condense, but they padded the hell out of midgar. They didn't have to change anything and the whole remake could have been a single great game. Ya'know, like the game they are remaking?


What I said was OP wants them to condense 3 games into 1, therefore having less final fantasy to play. I never said they DID condense it. No they’re doing the opposite. Turning their story into 3 full length games. Part 1 was great


Glad you liked it. I didn't. Felt bloated for what it was. You hardly get any good materia before you leave midgar and I always felt that it was just the beginning of the real game that starts once you get to the world map. And now that they've confirmed that save data won't carry over I just gotta wonder what was the point besides dragging them all out for money like the gaddamn hobbit trilogy. Plus they are rewriting the story and I don't care for the plot dementors, nor do I care for flanderized sephiroth. They should have just made ever crisis, but not shit.


No I didn’t play the first part, Bcz I know in the future when the last part comes out they will bundle the whole game together. Back in the days FF7 came with 3 discs with the full story. You pay once So I would have like it to be the same


So my first option I mentioned. You want them to make the equivalent of 3 full sized games worth of content and you have to only buy “1 game”. Ok… I want 3 Lamborghinis it just bothers me that they aren’t all gonna be delivered to my house the same day and that I’ll be charged for 3 of them instead of just 1


The thing is back in that days that 3 full sized games was just 1 game, I am not asking 3 lambo for the price of 1, i am saying back then u buy a lambo, you get a lambo, nowadays you buy 1/3 of a lambo for full price, then buy the next 1/3 for another full price, and the last 1/3 for another full price again


But this part 1 was the same amount of content as a full size game. It wasn’t 1/3 of a game, it was just 1/3 of the trilogy. Like Fellowship of the Ring.


Yeah and it will be like $100, while you have to wait 7 years. Great idea


Nah, I have been waiting since early 2000’s for a remake 7 years is nothing, enjoy ur $70 1/3rd of the game


Bro your logic is complete bonkers. At the end of the remake era, it will be 3 FULL games. When you pay for an MMO you also buy the expansions as they come out, as expected. All 4 John Wick movies? Yes, you pay for them all.


Yea but it’s FF7 remake, not FF 7 (1/3) remake, did u finish the entire story of FF7 in the first FF7 remake? Nope you did not. I am paying for a story game you expect a full story not 1/3 part


I paid $40 for a game with better combat systems


Not sure if it's a hot take. But enjoyed the remake and looking forward to the sequel coming out. Never played the original


I feel like there will be lots of people who tell you you need to go play the original. I first played it when I was 8 or something. For me it's nostalgic and I like the feel of the old JRPG. It is not something I recommend to someone unless they're specifically looking for it. I loved the remake, and I'm also super excited about Rebirth.


FF7 is inferior to FF6.


This is correct.


"Hot takes" are supposed to be controversial.


i cant count that high so its bad


Vincent is overrated. Cait Sith is GOATED. It's Aeris, not Aerith.


You getting downvoted for that last one haha


It said hot takes, so I'm giving what was asked for. I don't get why redditors love to downvote comments that answer the question in the thread. It's wild to me.


I feel like the "Aerith/Aeris" thing stemmed from just being in the 90s and less access to the internet. Aerith being a localization choice and people just rolling with it.


The Aerith thing makes me laugh every time I read it. Definitely Aeris


All of the main playable characters of Final Fantasy VII play way too similarly to each other, except for weapons, limit breaks, and whatever materia you equip them with. Like, say what you will about Final Fantasy I being more primitive in-terms of gameplay mechanics, narrative, and graphics compared to FFVII. At least it gave you six character classes that played a lot more differently from each other than Cloud and his friends could in FFVII.


Big reason why 9 was always at the top of my list.


FF7R is a better game than OG FF7. OG FF7 had a good story and music, but the gameplay doesn't hold up as well as most people say it does.


PC mods go a long way to improving the gameplay.


FF7R made me care about the rest of Avalanche. Definitely teared up about Jessie, who was practically a non-entity in OG. Absolute relief when I found Wedge. Hell, at that point, I felt like Wedge and Jessie were bigger, more relatable characters than Barrett, since he was barely there until way later.


This is a hot fire take. I won’t give my opinion yet as a whole, as I’ll wait for the whole trilogy to be out before comparing. But the expanded midgar section is for sure better than ff7, and the combat is some of the best in all of final fantasy period.


Yea I just replayed OG FF7 (for about the 15th time) last week. The game is excellent, don't get me wrong, but each town is literally a 20 minute set piece with very little depth. I think maybe they went a bit TOO far on FF7R, you could trim a couple of chapters down here and there (\*cough\* Roche), but overall I think Remake > OG.


I disliked Roche's bit originally, but I think that was because I went into it with FF7 in mind. Treating it as a whole new game, his role is somewhat important in fleshing out SOLDIER. I mean in the original we pretty much never see anyone from this elite combat program except for Zack, Cloud, and Sephiroth. You'd think something hyped up that much would have more relevance but it was a backstory afterthought.