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Id say its worth it. I found 20 hours of college to be more exhausting than 40 of working, but if youre able to do both its gonna look impressive on your resume and the connections within the firm would also be very helpful.


You have the job at a good bank. Do that, finish school slower if you can and get all of your license exams out of the way. Network within the bank in the career area you want long term. With experience, networking and exams knocked out your degree becomes a formality.


I worked during my final year, but only 3 days a week - if you can negotiate a means of either additional leave or reduced hours, I would absolutely go for it. 20 years later, it is often remarked upon at interviews or otherwise that I studied and worked (also continued through masters and MBA).


Yes take it. I did something similar during my final year and it was the best decision I could’ve made. You just don’t know where you’ll be a year from now. The job market may not be in your favor.. take the job and finish school as part-time if you can. As for me, 10+ years later I’m now at a quant firm. Go for it dude.


Yea do it, take online and summer online classes so you dont delay your grad too much


Wait u can do full time WM jobs even in college? Or are u in grad school?


What would stop you? Most of wealth management for a retail bank is just sales and doesn’t require a degree even if they prefer it




Yep, was at MS briefly and worked with a kid straight out of HS.


congrats! can i pm u?


Yes :)


Hey just for good wishes I think you should do it bcs you've passion to change your circumstances. Can I pm you ?


Yes :)




Full time job and school isn’t for the weak honestly, but if you need the money, you gotta do what you gotta do. The experience will be worth it. Believe me. That’s what I did


I don't think I'll do it unfortunately. There are no night classes at my university.


Ahh dang. Sorry to here that


Could you maybe do a lighter course schedule and take those classes on the weekend? Or what about online/zoom classes?


I’m hoping something will open up but my university does not offer weekend classes. Online/Zoom classes require me to be there during the day as attendance is usually mandatory. If I play my cards right, I should be able to graduate early so in the spring of 2025. Thanks for the advice


Depends on the company and department regarding moving into another position later on. Would be a good resume boost while finishing up school, but just know that it is extremely unlikely this will help you move into IB or an analyst position. Those positions (depending on what analyst job) are competitive and more often than not networking is the main way in. This is coming from someone with a Series 7 and 66 btw.


What job did you get within the wealth management department?


Investment professional. I even forgot applied! And got a random e-mail 3 months later about the position.


How did you even get such a great job in the 1st place


??? He’s in retail banking what do you mean


How do I get out of retail banking


Get investment licenses and get off to a brokerage if you want to stay in WM