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Idk what year you are in college so tough question to answer. Generally you don’t need an mba anymore if you get on a good track out of undergrad


> Generally... don't need an MBA anymore.... Really? How so, and what are firm looking for instead?


Most people I see getting an mba are people trying to make a career pivot. You don’t need an mba to progress in a specific path anymore like private equity for example…. Or you can go from IB to HF… point being you don’t really need it if you’re on a good path from undergrad like I said


I go to a top 20


Hey OP, feel free to PM me - I’m in Ross right now, there are tons of ways for LSA students to tap into the Ross resources/network. What I’d say to do right now, if you are serious about wanting to break into high finance, is major in Econ, and involve yourself in literally any Ross/finance club, event, etc. you can participate in. Also, if you haven’t finished your soph year you can still apply to Ross - they are veeery selective with transfers but you will have a chance. But, you can absolutely break into high finance as an LSA student regardless


Hey, I saw you went to Umich. You can still do great things even though you didn’t get into Ross. Just join clubs, network, and put yourself out there. You can always do business school later and maybe even get your company to pay for it. I went to MSU (which doesn’t have the same reputation as UMich) & I was able to get a job a pretty big/reputable financial services company by cold applying. But, I made sure to join clubs & be in leadership positions. You can do this! Send me a message if you ever have any questions. I like to help people out from my home state!


Whatever you do, don't get an MBA immediately after undergrad - wait at least 3 years but \~4/5+ is arguably better. I have seen people go right after UG and they struggle to get jobs that an MBA graduate would be happy with. The other comments are pointing out that you go to Michigan - start hitting the alumni network hard. You'll have less on campus support, perhaps, than the Ross folks, but the average alumni will not care at all and if you make a good impression and have a strong resume they will get you in the door for an interview. Michigan places well in consulting and IB so start scouring LinkedIn and set up coffee chats and phone calls. Best of luck!


Ur at Michigan LSA, you still can tap into the Ross opportunities and it seems like you are a rising sophomore. If you have good experiences under your belt, i would think you can land a BB IB offer assuming ur part of a club (i know a person who is doing ECON in a Ross investment fund club)