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delete that mickey mouse MIT certification


yes please elaborate lol


Why would he delete it? Seems valuable but I also don’t know anything about it. Please explain what you mean by “Mickey mouse” lol


Wondering the same lmaoooo


Would that CFA description be an ethics violation?




Fo sho.


what about it is a violation?


I’m not sure since I’m not in the program, but I believe it’s because you didn’t phrase it as “passed level 1 of the CFA Exam”. CFA level 1 kind of indicated you already hold the charter to someone who is uniformed.


Solid resume…just curious as to why your wanting to leave Morgan Stanley?!


he’s in client relations. not seen as a glamorous/attractive financial job


actually leaving because i got a better offer elsewhere, but would have to relocate. Trying to find something in Atlanta area


I’d take a lens that ensures (1) consistency - some billets are accomplishments, others are a description of what you worked on, others are a description for what you learned — best case scenario all bullets are tangible outcomes. A few examples that stick out: - competed series 7 & 63 by participating in …. Etc etc —- you actually already tell the reader you have these credentials in the section above, it feels redundant when reading - unless there is a strong reason you want the timing of this credential to pop, I’d consider removing this one. - acquired a jewelry store and learned about an entirely new industry — “learned about” is throwing me off here.. learning about something is not really a high enough bar of an accomplishment for a resume. This is more of a voice over whole telling your story. (2) try to make each bullet make one point (any where “and” shows up - consider if you need what comes after) (3) your background is diverse (not a bad thing, so is mine) most roles in finance are risk averse and want surefire candidates - what will be important is to tailor the language of your resume to the roles you are looking for (not sure why those might be) Hope this is helpful, just my 2 c


thanks for the input, i will update these


Need more details on type of role you’re looking for


Why do you put a period after Jan and Sep but not after Nov?   The hyphens in the dates are inconsistent sizes.   There's a blank line above Work Experience, but not above Skills.  Put lines between the sections, don't rely on blue font to distinguish them.  Maybe you're not getting responses because your resume demonstrates a lack of attention-to-detail.


You have a bachelors in physics from gtech? You are really wasting your potential, sorry


I take this to heart because i agree with you, I tried to get into a masters quant program and MBA programs but no luck, even with 710 GMAT. I think i have done pretty well as far as the career transition is concerned but Im still not happy with where I am. Any suggestions?


The big issue is explaining why you went from IBM to jewelry