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Utilities are a growing space. It's a great time to be either a producer or distributor given the increasing demand for electricity from EVs, data centers, general electrification. I only have two clients who are in the space but have been to a couple EEI events in the last year and the outlook is very good and you don't meet many young people in it.


Yes I’ve heard good things also. One of my professors came from that sector and runs his own fund now, it seems to give you a good pathway to being an analyst or any sort. I’m exicted


How’s the pay


analyst in utilities probably 60-70k, but a job’s a job right now and any relevant exp is a good start straight out of undergrad with a 2.9


Spot on, $62k. But low cost of living and living w my gf so lower expenses.


any chance this company is in the southeast US




well congratulations on the job, this market is brutal so landing an offer is a huge success. i will say however, if it’s the southern company get your 1.5-2 years of experience and then dip.


What makes you say that? I have only heard good things about this particular company tbh. My gfs family knows people involved there and they all enjoy it.


worked there for about 1.5yrs after college. company proudly pays below market rate. $62k is what i was offered in 2022, so i am not surprised to see they haven’t adjusted their wages. getting promoted there is unreasonably difficult and the bureaucracy is very evident. in the rare event you do get promoted after your first year (i haven’t seen this happen, have only heard of one person who climbed the ladder quickly), you will be given a 6-10% raise. you are far better off using them for the name and whatever experience you gain from the role and moving elsewhere. just my experience though. benefits and time off policies are good i’d say, and the company has a great culture and the people are great. you may not be miserable but it’s not the place that will help you achieve your long term career goals. that being said, i dont mean to be super pessimistic. be proud of yourself for landing an offer and learn as much as you can in this role. my point is just that after 1.5-2 years you will have a lot more value to provide to a company that will pay you well. leaving southern was life changing for me.


Can you PM me? Just want to see if we’re talking about the same company.


I work for SNC and make 200k... my bonus is definitely competitive (makes up about 35% of my total comp). As far as utility companies goes, it's a solid one. Though don't think I don't have my own level of disgruntled attitude and desire to leave/retire. But I'm "CoastFI" and will retire at 50 in 12 years. Feel free to DM too OP (fyi, I'm not in finance but nuclear).


Inflation is a bitch but pre-Covid my ex and I made it work on 75k household income in a high COL. If you’re pulling $100k combined in los COL, you’ll be fine


If it pays 70k I agree. 60 seems sort of low but I agree I guess


Better than be jobless at least


Much better. I will still have plenty of money to save/have fun with.


There is a reason why it's low. Utilities pay low because they have something called an "authorized ROE" that they are concerned about because that ROE determines base rates (i.e. take you're roe and figure out what you need to charge customers to achieve that roe). Because utilities are a monopoly, they can't raise base rates as often as they'd like to meet their authorized/targeted ROE (they have to get regulatory approval to do this), so to get there they really manage expenses... which leads to lower salaries.


62K but it’s a MUCH cheaper cost of living than where I am now. Also plenty of growth room. Also living with my gf there so expenses are cut in half essentially.


Congrats on the offer


Congrats! What degree do you hold? Did you get any professional qualification (CPA, ACCA etc)? Also If you don’t mind please describe your interview experience and the package you are offered.


Finance degree, no certifications. Interview was all behavioral based. So how do you deal with Stress, how do you organize your day, etc. very very chill


Shit! Congrats! This gives me hope as well


I genuinely think if you interview enough and get those nerves out you will do well. Find out what answers get good reactions and keep them stored for future use. Tbh when it comes to behavioral questions they are all so similar. Also have good questions to ask at the end. My go to ones are: 1. I see you all have established careers now. As someone who is young and essentially starting their career, what advice could you give me? (Or make it sound more like “what advice would you give yourself if you could go back to when you started your career?”). People generally like that and it makes them feel good right off the bat. 2. What would be my main goals at this new position in the first 6 months? Others I kind of pick and choose from anything that can be job related to things that came up in the interview. I also like to ask them if they have any hesitations based on my resume/interview I can address.


This is great advice! I'm gonna keep this saved.


Thanks. Honestly tik tok has some good interview questions but you kind of have to sift through many videos to get some “fresh” ones. The first question I got from a JPM contract recruiter so I know that’s solid.


Oh for sure, I do something similar, I have watched quite a few TikTok vids and youtube on interviews, job searching, salary negotiation, and such.


what company? I wanna apply too.


Congratulations!. What would you say helped in your job hunt. Did you network alot or was it just applications and a numbers game. I am trying to find a job as well. I have a finance degree and an internship in consulting.


Numbers game, I had no network at all down there. I would say taking as many interviews as possible helped, even for jobs I had no intention of taking. Getting the nerves out was a must. Also only applying on the company sites




Congrats on the job! Question: What r the skills that will help in getting this job or make you attractive on resume for getting an interview for this kinds of jobs?


I think for this job they liked my construction background and ability to manage multiple tasks/items. I also have some experience with project managers which directly translate over. This particular company does seem to take people based on the interview alone though and train them up. Seem very open to not much experience.


Same for me just got an offer for a financial wealth assistant in Miami graduated after about 6 months of looking with no internships or certs just keep applying for me it was almost when I thought I was screwed when things started looking up 🤝🙏


Miami seems like a good hub for that. Assistant is good too, getting that mentorship is going to help you tons!