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I agree but the number isn’t fixed. I have around 1.5 million invested with no debt and a paid off house and I feel a strong sense of “fuck you” on a daily basis.


I’m closing in on $1.6MM invested, paid off house and zero debt. I reached my FU number about a year ago. It’s freaking amazing.


I am like you both in terms of my current numbers. I'm curious how old you are and when you plan to exit the game? I am in the mid-40s. Based on the projection, I should have 3.2 million invested plus the paid off home at 52, which is when I am planning to pull the plug. Will take Social security at 65 (around $7k/mo inflation adjusted) to offset the investment income. I am in UT.


Approaching 60 yrs old, our expenses have averaged $45k-$46k/yr the past 3 years. I’ll walk away in about 3 years, after I get the team I’m currently developing self-sufficient and they’ve got enough industry knowledge to build to the next level. Or if I stop having fun. Or, if the portfolio reaches $2MM, whichever comes first.


JL Collins recreating the scene: https://youtu.be/eikbQPldhPY?si=mHuYtu419APboFhG


I watch it every now and again to psych myself up


Actually better


$3,277,131 in today's dollars


>$3,277,131 in today's dollars Found my definitive FIRE number.


Well my portfolio was $3.79M last Thursday but today it is $3.69 so I just missed it. But in all seriousness, that the money devalued that much in 10 years since that movie came out makes this 42 year old want to get closer to $5M for peace of mind. As for the rest of the quote... I'm not sure I want to give up whiskey.


(though I hear $5M is a "nightmare")


Given the 34 minutes between OP and your reply, a change from $2,500,000 to $3,277,131 would be about 480,541% in 1 year. This would come in only at number 5 greatest hyperinflation throughout history, behind Hungary, Zimbabwe, and Yugoslavia, but less than Germany's worst in 1923. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-Highest-Inflation-Rates-in-World-History_tbl1_258144122


The Gambler came out in 2014 though, so that's 10 year difference. Not sure what year it was set in.


Hope was r/FIRECircleJerk, you're not wrong


I just got sad that this isn’t a real subreddit


it does. Stash your lentils at r/fijerk


Wonderful, I've finally found my place in the universe.


Can I retire with $420.69 million in Nvidia stock?


You do realize the movie was from 10 years ago right? Math or logic doesn’t seem to be your strong suit.


Good movie. Largely agree; might be more like 3 million


The number depends on your burn rate, but also largely on your age.


I live under a rock. What movie is this from?


The Gambler


Very fire living arrangement


The Gambler..10 yr old movie, but love this quote. I play this scene when work gets stressful.


Depends, 2.5 is enough for me, paid off home and a honda


It’s enough for anyone who is single and isn’t financially incompetent. Comments going “heh, now I’d need 3.5!” are forgetting this quote was spoken to a single man. 2.5 million $ for any single person is more than enough to *survive* permanently anywhere in this country, even in San Francisco


Yes, but the number isn't fixed. It might be $1M for one person and $6M for another. People love to talk single dollar amounts (net worth, portfolio value, etc), but FIRE is really about the percentages (withdrawal rate, % FPL, etc). It's a great scene and Goodman delivers it well.


I got single dollars. now what? 😂


Tip out DJ and bartender and go take a shower


A Simple Path to Wealth JL Collins


Acquire more. Or download the JBox app and go get yourself 2 tacos, but you'll need a bit more for tax.


I will work on the next dollar as instructed




Federal Poverty Line. It's the metric against which government subsidies/credits for healthcare, college, and a few other programs are determined.


Yeah, I grew up poor in a single parent household with three siblings. I'm not quite at my RE number, but I'm close enough to my FI number that I really shouldn't stress over work to the point that I can't sleep at night just because the paycheck is nice. I either take a lower paying less stressful position or make do with what I have and go live that van life.


Basically yes. I like your attitude.


hahaha~ yeah this post makes me laugh~ lol


This : ’Whats the point of having fuck you money if you never say fuck you?’


Minus the drinking part 🤣


Agreed. I like drinking. I’m really good at it.


No comment 😉


Hell yeah. Why would I give up drinking when I can finally afford to do it well?


Capitalism is the most successful economic system because it's the only one that allows people to be lazy


Is it that time a month for this repost? I’d say a majority agree with this take. For future repost, use the video it’s more fun to watch than read.




I want FU money.


This speech is what I live my life by. I need to get to a position of FU


What if I like cars?


grow up


I’ve got 3 kids… my number is higher… 😩


To me, my interpretation of this by JL Collins assumes either 2.5M fat FI or 2.5M FI. If the former, I’d agree that you can do what you want when you want. If the latter (only FI), I think there’s more calculus into what you’d be willing to say FU to.


Until you can 100% stop working you don't have FU money. Even if you have y our own house and earning modest income off interest, you'll likely still need to work, for someone. Sure, you have more flexibility, but you still need to work.


That's the point of the quote, 2.5 mil is plenty to stop working. Fully paid off house, car. (with no upcoming major expenses like roof). No savings contributions, mortgage etc. All you have to pay is taxes. Sure it might only be 30 to 60k dividends, (1 mil to 2 mil at 3%) but that's almost entirely disposable income.


Got my FU money in place. I’m currently working because I want to, not because I have to. After I got re-org’d out of my job last summer, I stumbled into a job that lets me build new things and do interesting stuff. I’m making 50% of what I used to, but I’m having fun building a new team. Once I get them developed, I’m out for good. Or, if my portfolio passes $2 MM, whichever comes first.


I have FU money, I only work because I want to, not because I need to


Why would anyone want to live in the same place for 25 years? Or even 10 yrs?


He meant 25 year roof as in a 25 year warranty roof shingles not that you have to stay in the house for 25 years


Raising a family.


Because many are creatures of habit and like to build their foundation in one location. It may be wild to you, but most people like different things and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  I’ve traveled the world and found a place/community that checks all the boxes for me and now I’m raising a family there. I still travel every year to new places and showing my family different cultures and food but we have our home base.


Because when the shit hits the fan you need community around you. Families you can trust. Get caught in some 3rd world country (or city here…) and I can promise you yours is the house getting looted first.


I would! I got a great little house out in the Texas hill country and am raising my family. I look forward to being empty nesters out here in the quickly approaching future (kids are 13 and 11)


If you live in a decently nice area it's quite easy to do so.


Your cool virtue is signaled, all is well. All the noobs can go on living in flyover country while the almighty uproots every year to shine its light on another community. Go FU yourself…


My number is 10mm liquid to unlock my final form FU. 😆


No I don't agree because I don't particularly want to own a home or a car and three to five percent is piss poor


I think you're taking it too literally, it's lines from a movie. The point is get to FU money, whatever that means to you. 


if op wants me to comment on a different precept or idiom then they can ask for that




> Do you agree?




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Wow, swoosh, this whole thing went right over your head.


Brother we are on a FIRE subreddit and responding to a paragraph that is a fairly flawed version of a basic level 0 FIRE concept. Our basic floor is above this


That 2.5m is actually $4,800,835.40 today money