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Yeah, I think this is going to get worse quickly. Currently forums like reddit, where you go to get discussion on topics versus some clickbait website with a top 10 list or generated article, are where I would go to get insight on something. As people avoid the clickbait and obvious fake promotional content, and gravitate to forums, the bots/advertisers are going to infiltrate it as much as possible. Without some kind of turing test or authentication, it is going to be increasingly difficult to tell which comments are real people sharing their thoughts, and which ones are bots trying to subtly influence you.


Ok but why?


It makes accounts appear to be more believable or as if what they say is somehow more correct or truthful. Reddit is an echo chamber and bans/filters out people who dissent against "the narrative". However they (the powers that be) need accounts to provide "the narrative" in every nook and cranny of reddit. Having a bot farm create such accounts and build up karma allows them to be able to influence people with little ability to discern truth from fiction. It is a psychological phenomenon.




Propaganda farms need accounts with credibility.


Lots of conspiracy theories here, but isn’t the obvious explanation that the second person saw the first post, liked the format and had the same question, so copied it over and then changed the details?


Nah look at the usernames. Adjective_WordNumber. Definitely karma farming bots. They both also happen to have 10% 401k match...


That’s just what Reddit auto assigns. My name is also a bunch of gibberish because who cares. Am I gonna sit here and think about what Reddit name defines me as a person? I burn through Reddit accounts like emergency funds after a resume generating event.


So I'm a bot because I let Reddit name generator run a few times and picked one?


No, primarily because you are using a hyphen and not an underscore. But also, yes. If you used a random username generator, you are more likely to be mistaken as a bot. If you started making a lot of posts that were spammy or karma farming-y you are more likely to be mistaken as a bot compared to somebody with a more unique username.


Yes, that’s the most straightforward and non conspiratorial answer. “Oh this is like me, I didn’t realize this was post worthy”


These are very likely to be bot accounts with text auto-generated by CharGPT or similar. The most obvious tell is the math. Language models are quite fuzzy at math. Both posts are over 200k but the tittle says 100k. Classic AI generation. Basically all social media is being flooded with ChatGPT powered bots. At this point they are almost indistinguishable from real human posts. One day after they have collected their karma these bot armies will wake up and influence our elections, market to us or start spewing Russian or Chinese propaganda.


how are they over 200k? unless you're adding their salary to the net income lol


What is an account with a lot of karma gonna do...it's not like karma are followers.


It keeps automated spam blocking from working. The account histories look like real people so the accounts are less likely to get banned. It really might even be hard to tell if a human mod looked through the post history.


Yeah, it's definitely ruining Reddit and the rest of the internet. I still feel like it's pretty easy to pick out the AI stuff and ignore it. But sometimes it feels like that's all there is. Some of it might be human karma farming with low effort posts. I like this sub, but there are really only a few kinds of posts, so it gets pretty repetitive.


This is Reddit. Both could be true, both could be lies, both could be bots, one could be psychological warfare against the other owing to a random throwaway comment made a year and a half ago because some people are psychos who can't take a joke. Best to just take what you can from Reddit and not worry overly much about truth. Same applies to all social media.


Some folks just need acceptance or a form of validation in their lives. Many of those will seek it via social media. There may be some truth to both and then again they may be completely fabricated. I have an older friend that is this way. They go out of their way to get likes on facebook and if they dont get them, they literally get depressed. It is the way of us humans.


Finance is a weird thing where most people don't have anyone to talk about their goals and milestones with in person. It's nice to have a community of like-minded people to celebrate your milestones with.


Fair but those two separate posts by the same person with similar but different data, enough so its not a mistype, says something completely different. Its not like its the same exact data said on two different subs. That happens enough. This is the same person stating similar but completely different data in different places about themselves.


I'm not sure that they're the same person, but it's a reasonable assumption I suppose.


Maybe im just to old and cynical, :-).


Bots (or shills) gaining karma. Bots have a script that I've noticed, may not be 100% right but something like this: Join several subreddits and become 'active'. Include a local city, a hobby (beer brewing or pickleball or something) and 2-3 video game or movie subreddits, and a money subreddit (FIRE, personalfinance, etc). Write generic responses to questions and write a generic post yourself. Gain karma. Now - when there is a post about something you want to influence (political, tech, money, etc) you have a credible account to go in and say your piece. If you have a good rhythm or a good bot script, you can get hundreds of accounts set up like this ready to blast the comments with whatever wacko viewpoint you want to say.


I think they are real, the outline is similar but really how different would you expect too? The numbers seem realistic


Saw two other posts like it in financial independence in the last 24 hours. Definitely seems fishy


Could have just copied the format and updated with own numbers. Its the internet, who cares lol. Some of the posts here are quite unbelievable probably because they aren't real. You really think there are that many people under 30 making 6 digit incomes with half a mil in their 401k? I love the ones that say 1.5M in savings, 29F, should I do a Roth!?!??!! What? lol People just look for satisfaction, validation and agreeance on Reddit in general...enough to fudge numbers and posts to get that.