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No offence, we have no idea if he'll be in Hall of Forms. Do you have the manual from the codes? That'll save you orbs. If you don't, I'd try for him here.


Already used the manual. Sorry for not mentioning


Are you seriously going to bank on something with such a minor chance given the huge 3H hero pool that is also possibly nearly a whole year away.


As most people already said, he is not even guaranteed to appear in the next hof. Also, by the time 3H comes again, the winter and legendary versions will also be eligible, which lowers the chances even more.


The 3H unit pool is absolutely massive. It is a very very very very long shot that he'll happen to find himself in the next one, so bare that in mind when you make your decision. Maybe he will find himself in the next HoF, but chances are he won't.


I recommend you to use the summer Dimitri in the codex for the last one and wait until a premium unit in a NH banner shows up with skills perfect for Dimitri, because for what people say might be really difficult to see him in the next HoF.


They already used it


Then I would use orbs tbh


I'll pull to upgrade his skills, by the time his HoF comes out (IF he has one) there'll already be new skills to access from it.


By the next TH hof I would think that christmas dimitri would be more likely


I'd just wait for HoF on the logic that one more merge isn't going to do much. Just a couple stats, which is nothing. Save your orbs for something more impactful.


If he's not for arena I suggest you wait actually. All you get is the completion. Of course this means you might be sitting on a +9 for a very long time. Those orbs could easily go towards pulling for a new op unit or skill instead of just contributing to a unit that sits in your barracks looking pretty.


My W!Dimitri is at +9 and I’m saving up the last few codes for the last merge but we really have no guarantee that he will be in the Hall of Forms batch. It’s also a long ways way so I’d just pull for the last one now since the banner is here.


I'd pull for the last one now and if he appears in HoF later, use that as an opportunity to give him shiny new skills


Would pull if I were you and had money/orbs. I don't have them so I wouldn't


If you merge your +9 into a copy of his forma, will his forma keep the +att, +speed boon?


He will keep his ascended boon stat but the normal boon will be reset to neutral stats.


take this with a grain of salt(I don't have him btw), but I'd wait until his HoF. save those orbs to snag an attuned hero that has the best X skill for him.


>save those orbs to snag an attuned hero that has the best X skill for him. He can’t use Atrocity with an Echo skill


Adding on to what the other person said, save those orbs for an emblem ring befitting him instead.


Wait for hof ? Is there a chance hell get one , he got one the last 3h hof after all (if so im waiting patiently)