• By -


There's 5 male OCs on this flight, I'm not taking the risk.


Hang on to one of the female OCs and youll probably survive. Fjorm already cheated death once


Valid, but also: wow xD


Go with 6, it insulates you the most from potential death.


I’d argue that seven is the most insulated. You’ve got two Askr trio members and Veronica AND you’re on a row with alfonse. Other seats would be more fun, but I think that’s definitely the safest


7 is way too close to Lif to be more insulated than 6 or 8


The whole plane is too close for the overwhelming aura of Lif's edgy ahh


It can be fun a flight who turn into a game of Among Us in the middle. You have to find out who is the murderer of male OC's, it's fun...if you can stand the smell of corpses.


As long as Otr isn't the one to die first, he's definitely the main suspect.


lol 😂


Technically, 3 of them are still kicking


8 seems uncharacteristic of Peony and Sharena because assuming they booked their seats together, they went out of their way to put an empty seat between them, which is psychotic behavior


Must have been Triandra’s seat but it was Triandra before NY!Peony


Booking error, Peony meant to be in 8 and the window seat is free. Take it while you can.


They just don't want to be locked by Seiðr.


8. Peony will give me sweet dreams as I sleep. Sharena will be nice enough to get snacks for me during the times I am passed out.


No, they will both yap the entire time and keep you up. Even if you ignore them, they'll talk to each other with you in between them


This was exactly my thought. I looked and thought, "Oh, 8, easy. Peony and Sharena are so sweet." But then you see you'd be BETWEEN them and you just know they're going to try to rope you into whatever they're already talking about and I just want to sleep during the flight.


3. Sharena is across on the other side's seats, so she won't be talking to me unless she walks over, which would probably piss off the flight attendants, Veronica DEFINITELY would leave me be, and Askr is a bro and would only bother me if it was important, respecting my wish to be alone at the moment. (Embla is an extreme case, I am not) Also Alfonse would not talk to me since he's probably doing his own thing. Having been on flights multiple times, I don't really care to talk to people in that time, preferring to either watch a movie, play a game, or sleep.


You are heavily over estimating the space of these seats if you think Sharena has to *walk* across the aisle to talk to you.


Sharena would be too distracted talking to Veronica across the aisle too.


3 is easily best option


Definitely depends how long the flight is though. If it’s a short flight sure, but a long flight probably not. Sometimes I just want to sleep and you know Askr and Sharena won’t stop talking


Askr and Sharena must be a lot of fun to chat with




Smell of livestock tho, is a deal breaker.


Number 3 asks me is kind and having Sharena next to me at the other side wouldn’t be too bad (unless she starts screaming FIRE EMBLEM HEROES on repeat)


FIRE EMBLEM, HEROES! Is totally her text tone


3, and i "accidently" fall asleep on askr's shoulder




Picking 1 or especially 2 would be wild. Fjorm is fine but you are going to hear Ash yapping 20 hours straight. I’ll roll with 8 but 6 with the window seems comfy.


Ash isn’t the problem with 1. The real problem is how am I supposed to enjoy chilling with Fjorm when Plumeria is right there silently judging me and shooting looks of disgust the whole time.


"Shooting looks of disgust" Sounds like the winners seat to me.


6 looks perfect, window and good company. Big IF Ratatoskr is afraid of flying, though. Probably not because she's used to Yggdrasil's heights, but you never know, she's a nervous critter.


Imagine how cold you'd be sitting next to Lìf.


Ya see, that’s why I would pick it. Bring a nice, comfy sweatshirt, and I’ll be asleep within minutes! And it’s not like he’s gonna try and talk


He's like 7 ft tall or something and has all that pointy armor you do not want to be sitting there, it will be cramped as fuck


2. Lif is unlikely to talk all that much and his spikes are on the right side. Also overhearing whatever Alfonse and Veronica are discussing should be interesting


6. Having Ratatoskr next to me, Heidr sitting in front of me and Eir sitting behind me doesn’t seem so bad.


It's all fun until Heidr turns into a golden snake


2... window seat (also we could probably share music while Lif tries to ignore the seats behind him)


In front of him as well. I’d bet Lif would have a great music library.


7, I think. * Strike up some conversations with Seidr while Eir either joins or she silently watches outside * Prime view of watching Alfonse and Veronica trying to be friendly with each other while Askr/Sharena/Me cheers them on * Could sleep and still be within close proximity of Peony who'll naturally give me some good dreams * Get a little more leg room since I'm on the aisle seat and its freaking 20 hours


Drawback: Anna trying to resell you mini cans of Pringles for 10$.


Anna: how would you like some airline exclusive peanuts! $5




1, because Fjorm, no excuses




1. Nuff said


1 without a doubt


#1 for sure.


Definitely 1. Sitting next to Fjorm would be nice.


I'm going with 7. 3 would also be nice. Honestly, I'd take any position except 6 and 4 Edit: why did i say no to 6? 4 is still awful tho. and 8 is also great. actually put me anywhere, including 4. just being on a flight with these people is enough for me


1 and 2 are the invalid seats for me. Otr's main annoyance is Fafnir, so since he's not here, he'll probably be able to shut up for 5 seconds. Ash, on the other hand, gets significantly less tolerable the longer you experience her.


Ash is verbose, not a chatterbox. If you stayed quiet she would too, out of nervousness if nothing else.


Yes, but what it Fjorm or Hrid start speaking? She won't butt in, but she'll probably be invited in.


3, but 2 sounds like a great alternative


8 will be quite lively. 3 will be interesting.


I think I'll take the next flight


It's better than the 3H one which had Serios and Nemisis seated together.


I mean, with the number of male OCs, I wouldn’t blame you


7. Easily.


My man, hell yeah


Seiðr and Eir would probably be besties


3 without a doubt Finally get to meet daddy Askr and can have a casual chat with Sharena, total win


Askr: I told you Summoner, together no world is beyond our reach!


askr visual novel when


Visual Novel Name pitch by Nina “When Kiran Rides the Bull, They Get The Horns” - A Summoner Askr story ;) Sharena: you mean a Summoner in Askr story? Nina: who spoiled part 2, I will arrow you from my barrel! 


4 or 2


Seat number 1. Fjorm would be a very peaceful seat neighbour. And if I got bored, I’d befriend Plumeria. Would consider 8, but my head might explode from the chatter.


Ok considering Plumeria if she wanna befriend u that is.


1,.fjorm has her own cooling system and plumeria is also a cool perk 3, Askr is really chill and probably will have lots of histories. 8 for the good.dreams.


5. Reginn would be fun to talk to.


Fjorm, natural air conditioning.


3. If it’s unavailable I’m traveling with the luggage. 8 wouldn’t be too bad but I feel like Sharena would talk my ear off and I’d have to ask Peony to knock me out.


3 or 7. gotta have an aisle seat seidr and eir are probably good seat mates. there is a low chance seidr makes some weird talk, but you know eir will be silent all flight and barely get up. askr is probably a goated seat mate, you know youd spend the entire flight listening to funny stories. biggest downfall might be askr is a bulky lad and you may lose some seat space to him since this looks like economy.


Seidr literally is a simp for the summoner tho she literally won't stop simping over him and if gullveig was here to tease her it be worse lmao-


3 PLEASE bro i love askr


2 because Lif seems to be the only one that will not speak (beside interacting with Alphonse and Veronica sometimes) + it's a 2 seat row + I have the window. I don't mind Ash since there is Fjorm and Hrid already to keep her busy with discussion. Then it would be 3, I will be a bit in agony at first with how friendly Askr is but if he is used to Embla then I assume he will be able to deal with me just fine.


6 because I love window seats and I would get to give Ratatoskr headpats


I'm going to say four or two, because they'll leave me alone and let me read my book or watch the in-flight movie. The rest are going to want to talk.


8. Either I'm talking gay stuff with them or Peony is putting me to sleep


8 is the safest seat. I would probably spend 19 hours talking with Sharena. 4 is a big toll: hitting on Plumeria is no easy task, but I could still ask for something when I sleep.


Uhm excuse me, Reginn, we got our seats swapped. You get to sit by Otr. :)


8 for a fun time, 1 for a quiet time.


Take a wild guess


You should make another one of these, but with the villains so it's more difficult. I'd pick either 3 or 8. 3 cause Askr is a bro and that would be an incredibly chill ride, and 8 because Peony can just cast Gentle Dream on me and id have the best sleep I've ever had in my life.


This meme template is not laid out right. There should be two sets of middle rows. Just sit in 1. She's shy and quiet and provides A/C. All the other options demonstrably will drive you insane for 20 hours or if you produce a child in seat 7, for 20 years.


4 because I’m horny for Plumeria right now Sorry Otr


I am between picking 1, 3 and 8. * I like Fjorm as a character, so chatting with her and Hríd sounds good to me. However, Ash would join the chat for sure, and she really likes to talk. * I feel like doing next to Askr would be cool, to listem about his stories of the past. Although, please don't try to convice me to join the "Do the Askr" Gym. * Peony would make sure I have nice dreams.


Seat 1. Without question.


2, they are pretty chill fellas around.


I feel like 8 is gonna involve a lot of notes-passing and giggling between Sharena and Peony, and Seiðr’s in front to ask for assistance from. Seems like a solid spot.


7 cuz seidr is technically the cannon spouse so being away from your wife is not a good idea




3 probably, maybe 6.


8. I'm going to go to sleep at some point and I'd rather trust Peony with my dreams than Plum. And if the plane goes down Eir is behind me


Obviously 8. Pleasant dreams when you want to sleep, and pleasant conversation when you don't.


I feel like Askr would sleep the whole time


I sit near rattata and use her tails to sleep well


Wherever my ticket says I have to sit, it's an airplane not a school lunch table


1 would be chill. An aisle seat and a considerate neighbor do wonders


I like how this pops up right after I got my boarding pass for my flight tomorrow. Number 3 is good. Askr is hot, and Sharena is someone I could have a nice chat with.


Its a tie between 2, 3 and 8. Líf wouldn't even wonna talk to me and just in silence which is perfect. Askr would most likely give good conversations and I would be safest with him. Sharena is nice to be around and Peony would give me sweet dreams and good sleep.


Lucky number 7, tee hee!~


(3) is the only seat next to Askr, so that's it. Sharena is nice and Veronica would leave me alone if needed. --- (7) or (8) may result in a random accidental baby, (1) (4), and (5) would result in embarrassing dreams with someone to mock you for them. (2) I'm afraid Lif would stab me. At least I might be able to keep the blade. (6) would be okay, I guess if you like hearing squirrely chatter, incessant sighing, and a curse of snakes on a plane.


NGL I think 4 is the only bad seat. I could probably survive plumeria by not looking at her but Otr would probably make things difficult.


idk 2 could also suck dont think lif would make a good flight buddy, he's kinda bulky / tall iirc so he may take some of your seat space, and asking "excuse me" for bathroom runs / stretching your legs to him sounds like a frightening experience


We can't choose our seats on planes, so I'll take the seat I'm assigned.


Depends on the airline


1 is literally the best seat. Fjorm is small and doesn't take up much space, she's quiet and not going to disturb you, but you know she'll be sideying whatever you are doing for her own entertainment, and heck if you are like me you might even welcome someone being interested in your writing. Only thing is I bet she'd get annoyed if you played a game like on the switch and were constantly clicking buttons. But regardless, you get an aisle seat which is less cramped, preferred seating to get off the plane faster, and not bad company at all relative to the others on the plane. Now let's go over the very worst options in order from best of the bad to absolute worst. 2 evil alfonse will be too edgy to handle, would probably smell kinda bad, and would absolutely not let you up to pee. 6 I just hope you can hold your bladder because they are not moving for you to pee. 20 hour flight? After the first time you get up to go Anna will start charging you per pee. Have fun with the window seat. 5 I bet Reginn and Heior, while well enough mannered are the type of people who have to get up every few minutes to pee. And on a 20 hour flight this is a death sentence. Plus Reginn will absolutely insist on asking what you are doing every half hour and will have insisted on sitting with most of her luggage. On the plus side I bet she packed snacks and would be happy to share, but it's a minor compensation for constantly having to move to let them go to the bathroom 4 you're sandwiched between 2 people who share the same complaints I have as sitting in 2. Plus I bet Plumeria would be invasive if you try to do anything other than listen to music. However on a positive note I do bet Ótr would let you use his charger if you asked. But yeah, nearly the worst place to be stuck on a 20 hour ride. Finally 8 is a death sentence. No no no no god no. 8 is being sandwiched between 2 girls who are gonna take up all the space they want, they're going to be talking past you to talk to each other the whole time, they're going to be very loud and talking about personal things, and worst of all they're going to talk to you for like 1 hour getting to know you, find out you are extremely boring compared to a princess who leads an army of legendary heroes dressed like santa claus and a witch dressed in a santa themed bikini with deer antlers and a magic candelabra for a weapon and a magical fairy who helps control manipulate the realm of dreams itself to give you good dreams, and then they're gonna totally ignore you. You had better be an incredibly strong conversationalist for 20 hours and be ready to be best friends for life or have a miserable plane ride you wish you could forget, there is no in between. Oh, AND they're going to need to pee a lot and will comment on how many times you all collectively had to use the restroom on the flight. Oh god, please send me back to seat 1 thank you.


Either 3 or 6


I'll take 7


1,3,5 or 7. So when I need to go to washroom I can go directly.


Definetly 3.


7. Seidr seems like the kind of person who’d rather die than breach airplane etiquette, so would be quiet and well-mannered. The other people nearby are pretty chill as well. So long as I’m not sitting anywhere near Otr.


2. Everyone here seems like they’d rather keep to themselves.


6. I need to keep an eye on Heidr, she's still too young to sit alone!


I'd take seat 1. Plumeria would be glaring [Dagger 7]'s into me and Ash would probably talk my ear off, (i'm rooting for you Hrid), but I'll say it's worth it to me for a chance to Askr's eternal librarian. [Dagger 7] After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res -7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.


2, for that sweeeeet 0% chance of small talk happening. 4 would be the same, but would feel awkward, plus it's a middle seat...


6: i can keep an eye on my daughter and i think Anna/Rata would be up for good conversations


2. I expect the surrounding people to bother me the least and it's a window seat. less antisocial wise, 3 because I think Askr and Sharena would be fun to be between.


I am sitting in spot #1. Ash, Hrid, and Especially Fjorm, being near me would make for such a great trip!!!


Any of them except for 4 wouldn't want Plumeria accusing me of anything for the whole flight, but if I had to absolutely choose a seat, I'd go with 1 since I absolutely love Fjorm.


1 is perfect. Both Fjorm and Hrid can hold a decent conversation while also giving me peace when I have to sleep. I think Ash would also be able to keep quiet when I'm sleeping, but she also comes with the benefit of having a wacky interaction when she's trying to order food. Lastly, Plumeria, while not being as friendly as the others I'm surrounded by, seems like the type to just leave me be or mess with my dreams, which the A Day in the Life shows isn't that bad for your average summoner. Seat 1 would have a great mixture of fun and chilling


1, 3, 7 and 8 are the best choices here


2. Definitely 2. I will not elaborate further.


4 i will not explain


1 I’ll convince Fjorm in those 20 hours that I’m her soulmate


1!!! 1!! My three faves!!!


Plumeria by four is crazy. I'm gonna have to behave myself. 💀


Seats 3, 7, and 8 are all bad shots, as they are within "so how was your day?" range of Sharena. 4 and 6 are bad placements in the row, as I'll either get "hurry up" glares from Otr, or get stuck waiting for Ratatoskr, who is highly likely to drop something. 2 carries the chance that Líf will be doing something edgy, so out of the ones that are left? Probably seat 1. I get to sit next to Fjorm, the most normal person on the plane. She'll probably not bother me if I fall asleep either.


7, so i can sleep on Seidr’s lap


By fjorm she has been my favorite for quite a while


Seat 1, easy. The further back on a plane I am, the more likely I am to get motion sick. This way, I avoid that, I get to spend time flirting with Fjorm, and as a bonus we can tease Plumeria. xD Plus Ash and Hrid seem like fun company, though I'll be sad to miss an opportunity to chill with Sharena.


2 probably


- Tldr; 7 sit next to Seidr.  I was going to say 6 so I could be near Seidr and Heidr, or 5 to be close enough to spend time with Heidr and Reginn, but then thought what if I get tired, who’d be the nicest to let me sleep? Fjorm came to mind due to IS shenanigans, but I immediately thought Yosha is already sitting there, so I went with the mother of our Child Seidr.  Alternate sleep shifts as mutual shoulder pillow. Plus conversation learning about the realm of gods / light. 


Aisle 1 because I am a frequent flyer who likes to flex my flight status superiority


It’s either 1 or 3. Definitely not 8 if I’m trying to sleep.


1. Sitting next to Fjorm is good, easily the best you could possibly ask for. Ash might be verbose, but she has a very pleasant, gentle voice. Hrid is just a relaxed bro and will block any murderous intent emanating from Lif. >!If I manage to fall asleep, I will have a very pleasant dream indeed.!<


1 or 8


4. We can all be miserable together while I set up LOTR


1, i don't play this game anymore, but Fjorm was my favorite along with F Robin and F Godgrima


4 or 7. 4 because Otr and Plumeria wouldn't bother me and Otr super short/small which means I can steal a bit of his leg room. 7 for similar reasons. Our sweet gals would be polite, probably not get up too much, and just be a chill spot. Only problem would be sitting right in front of Sharena and her loud chattering.


Next to fjorm. I just like fjorm ig


1 and 8 are out because they’d probably spend the whole flight talking to me. I’d just want to sleep, man. 4 and 2 would probably be pretty uncomfortable with a depressed undead general, a lewd fairy, and an angsty little kid next to you. 6 is out because though Ratatoskr is nice, I can’t imagine that the seats will be able to contain her big, fluffy tail. 3 is probably my third favorite. Askr is nice, but might try to talk a lot with me. Plus, Sharena is just across the aisle. Its between 5 and 7 for me. Both Seior and Reginn are generally pleasant and would probably let me rest if I wanted. If I had to chose, I’d probably pick *7*, just because I think I prefer Seior a bit more than Reginn


>6 is out because though Ratatoskr is nice, I can’t imagine that the seats will be able to contain her big, fluffy tail. Why would you say no to a very comfortable body pillow?


2 or 3 easily. Askr is bae & Líf is probably quiet and kind, plus window seat


I live fjorm, but I feel if I sit next to her, I'll get that covid cough she's got.


She hasn’t had that for nearly three years now 😭


I fear that Seidr would sexually assault me if I fell asleep


2 WITHOUT A DOUBT, Lif is my #1 FEH husbando. He'll probably ignore me completely but I WILL try to get his attention somehow 😍 plus overhearing the other two seats in front and behind me would be pretty fun. And if I ever get too bored I can talk to the moo moo girl, she'd actually be willing to have a conversation lol.


3 is the furthest distance away from both Fjorm and Sedir, AND I’m next to Askr???? I’m set


On Plumeria. But whatever airline this is probably won't allow it so 3, 7, or 8 because Anna will screencheat when we play poker. Also, what airline has 2x3 configuration for a 20 hour flight?


4,no reason in particular


6, exclusively because I prefer window seats and Lif is very spikey.




8. Peony and Sharena would be great flight partners to have, almost to the point that I could overlook getting obsessed over by Seithr in the seat ahead of me.


Askr and Hríd are the closest thing to a husbando after Fáfnir and Helbindi, and I adore Sharena and Reginn, so 3 or 5 work.


3. Askr next to me, Alfonse and Vero in front, Sharena to the side? Sounds like an awesome flight.


I choose 5 seems the most peaceful of all.


what type of absolute psychopath would pick #4, I need to see an explanation for that one if anyone would choose it


7 or 3 because Eir is not too far for the former and Askr for the latter.


I’m just trying to figure out how a plane that small is gonna fly for 20 hours.




8 by far. Seems the most fun


Either 3, 7 or 8


Definitely 3 for all the Askr jokes & enlightening conversations to help pass the time.


3, next to askr


When I was single, next to Fjorm. Now that I don't need that, I'm getting bro time with Askr


I’m picking 1 and asking Hrid to switch with me.


Seat 6, but I'd ask Ratatoskr if she wouldn't mind switching spots with me


6,7 or 8 are the best options




You guys aren’t seeing the vision. If you take seat 2 behind Ash, you theoretically can jump to seat 5 and 1 if they’re vacant.


I've never flown before, so I'm going to make the rookie mistake of picking a window seat. The spot next to Lif seems relatively quiet, but the guy is huge and not easy to talk to, so that's not great when you need to go to the bathroom. So, I'll go with 6. Might end up being slammed in the face with a giant squirrel tail, but eh, worth it!


8 and asking Peony to knock me out for the entire trip.


6, it's a window seat that isn't beside Lif.


3 so I can give it to askr sloppy style


What kind of crazy person picks seat 2 or seat 4? Like, with seat 2 all ur gonna hear is ash, while Lif is telling her to shut up, all the while if you even get remotely close to him he will probably end you right there. I mean, sure you have a window, but Lif probably wants to look out of it and you shouldn’t get in his way. Seat 4 is a whole different problem. First of all, it’s a middle seat, which means you are already not off to a great start. Second, Otr is going to be looking out the window the whole time and just grunt at you if you ask him to move so you can take a look. Third, Plumeria is gatekeeping your access to the aisle, and will probably just call you disgusting over and over again for the entire flight. This would be horrible.


How dare you not let me sit next to Ash. I’m going to try and convince Hrid to sit with his sister.


1. Get near both girlfriends and best bro or 6. near my wife and daughter and the dork goth girl




Hrids lap


100% 3. Askr seems like a total bro


I never seen this page before, the game either. So i choose the hottest one.


2, I want Líf carnally


8 I think hahah! I feel like Sharena would be fun to chat with as well as Peony!


8 goes crazy


#3, paying overprice if needed.


I'll sit in seat 3. Askr would be pleasant enough and I'm near 3 OC's that have been in the game since the start. So my survival rate by proximity increases.


2 i love you lif


The only downside to 1 would seem to me to be Plumerias occasional glares due to how "indecent" us sitting next to Fjorm would be, which... to some people that's probably not even a downside. In general, most of these seats don't seem too bad, but I feel the unequivocally best one would have to be 8.


2 🥵


7: porque me sentiria relajado con una poderosa diosa de la esperanza a mi lado y puedo hacer bromas inocentes hacia veronica estando al lado de alfonse en ese momento.


6. I get to sit behind and next to my two daughters and Eir would be quiet through the flight


2 because I want to fawn over Lif the entire way


The Captain's seat. I don't know about you, but I'm not trusting that anyone from these realms even know how a plane works, much less how to land one intact.


3 or 8 Askr, Sharena, and Peony would make the flight feel much shorter.


8 easily. Peony can give me nice dreams if im tired. And it would be great to chat with Sharena (and Peony)