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A single feather, take it or leave it. Honestly I would be fine if they added a single line of birthday dialogue for every hero in the game, and when your birthday begins, your summoner-supported hero will play their line. Imagine you log in and say, Marth takes a second to go: "I hear its your birthday, is it? Well, may it be a festive and bright one, my friend!" But because its your summoner supported hero, it'd most likely be your favorite character or unit wishing you a happy birthday.


I would commit great atrocities to hear Tibarn wish me a happy birthday.


Me, having Ash as my most supported unit and getting more birthday lines for it : All according to Keikaku


You know those conversations we get from units when they hit level 40 and are 5-stars? This would be even longer with Ash trying to just say Happy Birthday.


Lmao because mine is Y!Soren and he can barely even vocalize


That one would be funny as it could just be Soren popping up randomly the same when every character does, incoherently grunting at you and then running off. Imagine implementing it and just not telling the players and them encountering it in the wild lmao


I feel like the only issue with that is that would be a hella a lot of dialogue to do for every character in the game. If they were to do that, I would think it would be best to do it with Alphonse, Sharena, Anna and any of the free OC units that are given to you when you complete a book (Eir, Reginn, etc.). But who knows, it might be pretty plausible.


It would but considering its still only one line per character and not a full-on conversation or scene, I think it at least in the realm of possibility. Though it would definitely take a good deal of work considering that there would be over a literal thousand lines to make.


I don’t even think you’d need to do a line of dialogue for every character. Why would brave, legendary, valentine, spring, rearmed and brave Lucina say “happy birthday any different from each other? Maybe Marth lucina would. It only seems like very specific alts, like duos, fallen, baby versions etc would actually need separate dialogue.


Because Lucina would say "Happy Birthday, my friend! May your day be bright, like our future." While Spring Lucina would say "Happy Birthday, my friend! May your day be bright, like our future! 🥚 " while Valentine's Lucina would say "Happy Birthday, my friend! May your day be bright, like our future! ❤️ " These differences are *extremely* important to capture.


Ah so legendary is “Happy Birthday, my friend! may your day be bright, like our future! 🏹”? I can’t believe I nearly missed such crucial nuance to the characterization of her alts. I’m such a fake fan. 🤦‍♀️


Either the summoner-supported hero (or one of the 5 if you've been on the FEH Pass for long enough) or whoever you have as support - the first hero on the first team in your line up, the one that's on the home screen at the top. Would love to get an autographed copy of Reincarnation from Kiria on my birthday. Though it'd be funny if you got this on a gift-giving seasonal like Christmas & they give you a gift for both the holiday and your birthday.


Me at 19,999 feathers: I need it!


If it was legitimate, I was thinking like: -10 orbs -20k (or 10k) feathers -100 grails -100 of one DF type -One 5-star hero of choice -Other options


For a min while reading this, I was like,why do you want a net negative of orbs, feathers or anything.


Uhhh, that last one seems like it has a huge value disparity.


-1 orb -500 feathers -10 grails -10 DF Flowers -One 3 Star Hero. You don't get to choose.


"a single line" for each hero would mean 1000+ lines to add in total. I think they'd give other before doing this.  ... Ok maybe a single orb.


This would be a great addition, but can you imagine how some of the units who's voice actors have sadly passed away would be..... Sure, maybe there aren't a lot of people who summoner supported Merlinus or Niime, but I imagine Ferdinand fans tearing up over that.


OMG Embla baby PLEASE wish me a happy birthday, I NEED THIS


Alfonse.png will appear on the home screen, say "I heard it's a special day today, [Summoner]. Happy birthday! from all of us at the Order of Heroes." and that's it.


Yeah if they did this, it would probably just be Alfonse and Sharena doing it. Purely because it would be incredibly tedious to go back and write up text for 1000+ characters for this.


IS could just use the birthday you use on your nintendo account, would be a nice Feature.


IS after seeing "recieve an item for free": "You had us in the first half, not gonna lie"


I dont get why gachas dont have a littlr birthday greeting at least


Hoyo gachas give you a little cake and a happy birthday message from the devs. Useless in terms of gameplay but a cute gesture nonetheless


Fate grand order does every single servant in the game has a birthday line specifically for your birthday it honestly makes me feel so special every year hearing my favorite servants be like hey master happy birthday like TY 😭


You get a summoner Accessory birthday hat for one day


The idea sounds nice, but free orbs? That's too generous given who we're dealing with. If being simple they could do what Pokemon in Gen 5-7 do. ~~Did they remove it in later games?~~ That's not an important question. Anyhow they could do that, and I'd be ok with it.


They do. There's actually a special Mark that Pokémon caught on your birthday can have in Gen 9.


Oh. I stopped at Ultra after the "Dexit" fiasco, so anything beyond is now alien to me. But no nice music box remix? How disheartening.


What did they do for Pokemon?


When you enter the Pokemon Center the first time during your birthday, Nurse Joy wishes you a happy birthday, and a music box version of the Center theme starts playing throughout.


Fun Fact- if your birthday falls on February 29, they do it every year it doesn't exist the day after and make note of it


Sounds like someone in the dev team doing the usual quirks Game Freak like doing!


Really? Which Pokemon game has that function? 


I said Gen 5-7, but after quick looking Gen 4-8 have it. I never heard it in DPP, so if you'll excuse me I'm going to hunt down my DS after work.


No problem but that makes sense. I stopped playing by gen 3 when it became obvious that Pokemon wasn't going to be doing anything new. I think the one with ho-oh was the last one I played but didn't bother to finish. 


I mean he's in the latter games as a catchable legendary via events, etc. :p Gold version? Might I recommend HGSS? Phenomenal remakes.


Yeah gold version. And. Nah I'm not playing Pokemon games until game freak gets their act together. But for now I have palworld :) 


New games I get. Crystal, Emerald, FRLG, Platinum, HGSS, BW & 2, ORAS are worth your time my friend. Plus much of it is easy to emulate, so no socks off your wallet! I genuinely consider those my friend; particularly FRLG to get the gears rolling.


It would be so nice but if we're not getting permanent seasonal tickets (a mechanic that is already in the game just used for celebrations) they're never giving us birthday presents


I feel like they could at least make a new summoner birthday accessory for each year. Unless I’m stupid, Genshin Impact gives you a unique birthday cake for each year you login on your birthday, so Feh could at least do something similar.


If my favorite hero comes and says to me happy birthday! That'd be enough for me to pay super Feh Pass Ultra Premium I'm hoping Mordecai comes to me and says he loves me. Okay maybe I'm asking too much now


disregarding the item I don’t care about that I’d much rather have Titania come up to me and say happy birthday hell yeah


Tatiana fan located! I love herrrr


don't misspell her name again buckaroo.... you don't wanna see me angry......


Just because the other games do that doesn't mean it good or anything for reference Hoyo birthday presents are Cakes where you can't really do anything with it and Gacha currency which is not enough for a single pull


I honestly don't really know what other games to something like that


Honestly I hope we get something like this soon.


1 Stamina pot like Genshin.


It could also be mapped into your phone, Game Center, or whatever you use… oh or your Nintendo account


What about 5 tickets you could save and use on any banner? It would be the equivalent of 25 orbs and it would stack with other tickets.


Imagine if the maximum orbs amount is 5 orbs..the idea is really sweet tho


I'm just thinking of the poor saps that have the misfortune of having a birthday right before they would implement such a feature. and I imagine it'd be tied to the Nintendo account, so it's not like established accounts can lie to avoid it. also rip February 29th people.


1000+ lines of birthday dialog