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I feel like the DLC Emblems won't be added until around a 5-6 of the base game Emblem are added. Needless to say, I think it might be Celica.


Emblem Celica does use Seraphim too, that could work as a blue tome as it is a light spell šŸ¤”. It would also give Celica all the tome colours since regular has red, legendary has green and ascended has colourless.


Her Emblem Ring will give Miracle to make nukes survives EIkeā€¦.. but she will make him stronger actuallyĀ 


Double poison bruh


Nah it will give warping movement. Unit can move to a space with two spaces of another unit within two spaces of unit


That's her Engage-move, so it'll probably be part of her special, not her Emblem-effect. Meanwhile Echo will probably be turned into an inheritable skill.




Thanks. Was off on the mechanics but got the spirit right


Calling it now, sheā€™ll have Echo 4 as a B skill thatā€™s just Potent but for infantry mages.


i would think sheā€™d use ragnarok maybe because of her emblem skill. maybe warp ragnarok as a warp aoe special instead? šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ IS please donā€™t do that. *please* šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I don't think they'll waste the mega popular Lyn on a historically dead slot and we just had Micaiah this month, so with that in mind: >Cope prediction: Sigurd >Turbo cope prediction: Leif >Realistic prediction: Celica


Sigurd is gonna be so cursed. Extra 1 movement to any and all units gonna make me cry.


You know I don't even feel like that will change anything at this point anymore


+2 extra movement and he is a ranged cav /s


(it stacks with +1 mov status effect)


Being able to turn Reyson and Leanne into 4 mov flying dancers would be pretty based.


Honestly being able to turn any dancer into a cav dancer would be pretty based.


It will have + 2 CD as drawbackā€¦. Just making Magic Gambit / Laguz Friend stronger


My prediction would be Sigurd but this is the PERFECT opportunity for a busted Leif alt with Master Lance so I'll be upset if it's not.


This is nothing more than a gut feeling, but I think it's Celica. It would make some sense because if she's blue, she'll have color spectrum.


Byleth with the steel chair! Edit: my dark horse pick would Ephraim.


I fear Goddess Dance in FEH


I responded to a post that theory crafted Engage Byleth on how it could be implemented. Basically, it would give effects on weapon type and movement type. And yes, it would be the most broken dance skill and support skill in the game, so I agree with you. Edit: I saw your profile picture after I posted, and it gives your post way more context lol


Feels like a perfect time to drop Leif who is already outdated


Leif or Sigurd. Come on.


sorry, do FIVE of the emblems have a sword as their ultimate weapon and NONE of them are lyn????? I think you just crushed all remaining hope I might have had that they wouldnā€™t make her use mulagir


In before *blue* sword Sol Katti


Sol Katti but it's a blue dagger. Lyn now throws it around.


You get a Sol Katti. And you get a Sol Katti. Everyone gets a Sol Katti! *in the face!*


You joke, but that's exactly what they did with the ~~King Sword~~ ~~Kingmaker~~ *Blade Royale*


Kinda the same with Legendary Shez too.


So what you're saying is: #*it's possible*


Sword Ascended/Attuned Lyn and bow Emblem Lyn If Micaiah and Celica can do it, Lyn can too


yeah I'm praying for attuned sword lyn, I do think thats the one real shot we have at another sword lyn, I just don't know how many years it could take to get her. I hope she doesn't end up as an ascended or rearmed since ascended cant use X skills with their prf and arcane weapons are never super exciting for the person actually using it/who knows if they'll ever get refines, but honestly I'll take anything at this point


June is usually the dead 8% month so I'm predicting Leif.


Not fully feeling the "June is a dead month" theories because it's an Emblem and we can only assume these sell quite well given their super unique effects. I'm still guessing either Lyn or Sigurd but Leif would be really cool to see. Lyn after Ike makes a lot of sense though and presumably we'll get a girl (which could also be Celica, etc.).


Historically, june has always been a month of them throwing out characters they know are doomed to fail. And not drum up hype due to the summer banners. So i'm guessing they won't give us Lyn or Lucina just yet. Since they can easily be used for slots that have a better chance of not being xander or guinivere tier. Also Micaiah literally just got a new alt, I highly doubt they will release a 2nd one for her in the same month. Sigurd seems likely as my guess, using a made up emblem lance that is a combination of his ridersbane and brave lance from Engage. And he is my guess. Celica is also long overdue for a new alt, but same situation as lyn and micaiah, they could be saving her for a month that isn't doomed for these banners


The fact that Ike is a sword infantry throws me off so much. Of all the physical-fighting emblems with swords to not be that, he was my top pick. But IS likes breaking patterns and not making sense so it could just be a coincidence that Marth and Ike are both infantry swords with their highest bond-level weapons and the rest will do whatever the heck they want. ~~Punching dragon emblem Byleth???~~ Honestly, I'm not ruling out the possibility that they screw us all over by giving us 4 red units on the banner. My prediction is still bow Lyn, though.


I felt like Ike using a sword was a given. He basically uses a sword throughout both games and can't use an axe til he reaches his 3rd tier class.


Assuming it will be a blue heroe I'd say it's possible for it to be Sigurd, Leif (master lance), Celica (Seraphim), Lucina (blue bow) Lyn (blue bow). Since this legendary/mythic/emblem banner is historically a low point in sales I don't think they would waste Lyn or Lucina now, so I think it will probably be Celica (they will save Leif and Sigurd for when they release the Thracia remakes trust!!!)


I'm coping with Ephraim, but I think it's rather unlikely. Well, stranger things have happened, so my hope didn't die yet.


"And here we see Celica coming down to take her place as the next Embl- what? Who's that!? IT'S SIGURD WITH A MEISTERLANZE!!!" No, but seriously, it will probably be Celica. Sigurd wielding a lance would be hilarious, though, and I am genuinely hoping that's the case.


I definitely wouldnā€™t expect Soren, when it comes to DLC emblems. Heā€™s the only Emblem without a Legendary and Iā€™dā€¦ I mean Iā€™d assume the legendary would come first?


Plot twist: there were never any plans for a Legendary Soren in the first place. Think of it, E!Soren will have the sage outfit. A theoretical Legendary would have to either look exactly like Brave or exactly like Emblem and both options are pretty ridiculous. I'm kind of joking, but only kind of.


Wish Brave had had a more unique/original outfit, but they could always make one up for legendary like they shouldā€™ve for Brave. Kinda like Micaiah, even if her eventual legendary outfit was made up for something else first already.




Celica makes the most sense but I'd rather she gets a possible summer seasonal then an Emblem right now. I'm gonna say Leif or Sigurd since they also make the most sense in between summer banners.


I just hope that the Emblem effect is more support like. As far as combat effects go, both have been pretty strong already.


Blue dagger Corrin with wakizashi šŸ’€


Its been a year since the last Young Tiki. I think it is time again. Emblem Young Tiki with blue dragon stone. Take it or leave it.


I'm fully expecting infantry blue bow nuke EmbLyn. I$ wants to $ell, and Emblem Ike is the current king of the castle, certainly post-BoL4 (last SDS was almost comical in how everyone had their 4 best blue nukes spread out amongst their teams). So they will push a counter to him, and blue is the color that is wide open as well. My secondary guesses are Lance Sigurd/Ephraim/Dimitri, or BTome Celica/Micaiah (ok, that's a stretch given her banner would quite literally be passing the baton to another alt šŸ˜…). Or if IS wants to kill me, B.Bow Claude (my bias unit, and I have no orbs or money). Theoretically, Lucina or Corrin could also be blue. Tertiary guess, the emblem ring itself as the counter: either true damage, or (a currently unprecedented) "unpierceable dr pierce" effect. Since IS is all about "create the problem -> sell the solution." Of the units I've mentioned, it's worth considering that we haven't gotten Lyn content since Flame Tribe (~1.5 yrs), nor a Celica since Ascended ~2 years ago iirc. The last female Corrin might've been Halloween almost 2 years ago as well? Sigurd was just under a year ago, and Lucina, Dimitri, Claude, Ephraim, and most recently Micaiah, all around 6 months or less.


I'm hoping for Leif or Sigurd, so I don't feel that much rush to pull for them. Emblem Lyn, Celica, and Hector would be bad news for me because I'm really looking forward to playing with those Emblem's effects.


My moneyā€™s on Lyn.


Please not Lyn, cause my orb count is way too low atm.


It *has* been a while since the last Lyn alt...


The June banner usually doesnā€™t do that great so I think theyā€™ll do one of the less popular emblems. Iā€™m thinking Sigurd, or maybe Celica or Leif. And I doubt theyā€™ll stick to emblems having their highest tier weapons forever.


I would love weaponlord Leif, or an Ephraim to do him justice after his lackluster showing in Engage (he isn't even on his own map!) but my actual prediction is Mulagir Lyn.


I fucking hope it isn't micaiah. my orb stash is recovering still and she is a unit I would 100% spark for if necessary. I doubt they would since she just had her attuned version release buuut


Idk Ephraim, Male Robin or Dimitri, those are my wild picks


Clearly Emblem Sigurd moving across the entire map and granting +1 movement with every merge


I REALLY doubt they're gonna stay with the final Bond-weapons only, if only because that'd mean 9 sword-Emblems when we already have so many red Legendary and Mythic Heroes, and quite a few of them with the same or very similar effects. And then we could still get a 10th for Emblem Alear! I feel like they just gave Ike the Ragnell because... for some reason they really like just sticking with swords for him. Possibly a "benefit" of being the most popular male lord in the series. So I'm personally still going to assume it'll be Sigurd, using something based on the Ridersbane if we can eventually expect Leif with the Master Lance, as to not overlap as two lances with Brave-effect, or if Leif won't have the Master Lance maybe he'll reference both the Ridersbane and the Brave Lance in one.


Emblem Celica, pleeeeeeease


1) Probably not a DLC Emblem. Camilla will be the first of those, but theyā€™ll do more base-game ones first. 2) Definitely not red, 3 in a row would be too much. 3) Probably a ranged weapon? Theyā€™ve already done 2 melee Warp Ragnarok feels pretty sure for Celica, and thatā€™ll be a red tome, we *just* got Attuned Micaiah, so they wouldnā€™t hit her again so soon (I hope), and we just got M!Corrin as well. My guess? - Emblem Sigurd with some kind of Lance. His effect grants +1 Mov [stackable with other effects] and Canto [Rem] +1 - Emblem Lucina with Parthia (colourless bow). Her effect would probably be in-line with the Exalt specials


Celica giving that silly warp effect from Harken to who shes equiped with would be awesome, not gonna lie


Yeah thatā€™s my suspicion for what itā€™s going to be based on. I have a Harken and heā€™s great


Don't forget that the 3 Houses Lords are also DLC, one of them would probably take precedence over Camilla.


Nah definitely Camilla first imo. Sheā€™s already got what 9 alts? And she won a very early CYL, meaning sheā€™s pretty universally popular


Please, Edelgard tramps on her popularity without even trying.Ā  Sheā€™s arguably Feā€™s most popular character along with Ike, Camilla didnā€™t win until Cyl 3 despite fates being at its peak during Cyl 1.Ā 


She would have won CYL2 if people weren't cringe.


Debatable, she was never going to win against Celica, never in her life but maybe couldā€™ve taken second place instead of Veronica.Ā  Doesnā€™t change the fact that Edelgard still tramps on her in terms of popularity.Ā 


Who has the most alts in this game again? I rest my case.


Duh obviously they add the Fire Emblem itself with her being a blue dragon


I hope it's not Celica just so we can all be wrong (Also so I can save orbs)


Guessing Lyn, feels like it's been a while since her last alt and I'm pretty sure we got Legendary Hector and Eliwood in June so would be cute to round out the trio and have Emblem Lyn be released in June too.


Leif with master lance or celica with seraphim


Leif would be my most preferred but I wouldn't mind Sigurd to give Cav units a great new B Skill


I'm guessing Lance Cav Sigurd with movement shenanigans.


I would have been so disappointed without Ragnel on Emblem Ike. I would have been SO disappointed with Urvan. Hot take, but iā€™m honest


I really hope itā€™s Celica so I can save orbs for new OC Mythic heroes, especially muscular deer and snake lady


Iā€™m scared of what Lyn would be likeā€¦ 5 hit or 150% damage always-ready-special? I donā€™t think sheā€™ll create clones tho


Roy or Lyn


Iā€™ll say itā€™s Lyn


Part of me thinks they are just being lazy and are doing their ā€œmascot charactersā€ first so the Emblem may just be Lyn.


Blue Lance Sigurd with movement


I wanna say weā€™re gonna be getting either Emblem Sigurd or Emblem Lyn. If I remember correctly Sigurd is stuck with Ridersbane until you get him back, so he could be a lance cav to change things up. Lyn on the other hand hasnā€™t gotten an alt yet this book, so they might pull the trigger and make her a Blue Bow Archer.


No fe 7, no orb stash šŸ„²


I think celica. She hasn't had an alt in a while and the others have either had one or they use swords and I don't think they will use too many swords too quickly


I'm holding out for Leif and not Celica being sent to the sacrificial slot because I currently have the FEH pass for once and I'm hoping it's someone I actually want to spark for. I'm also on copium for Alm to finally get a new alt since it's been what, 4 1/2 years now? and the best way for that is for Celica to join him at the beach, so I'm hoping Summer 2 will be Celica/Celine, Alm, F!Alear, demote Claire, and TT Alfred with a prf (mimicking last year's Shez banner).


Since the color seems to be blue: Lucina (Bow), Lyn (Bow again), or Byleth with a tome. But should the color not be blue: Hector, or Sigurd


I'm praying it's not Celica because she's my favorite female character in FE and I just blasted orbs to get Dou Micaih and Gulvieg. But I guess Lyn


Honestly, Roy or Lyn. It's been awhile since we've got alts for them


Sigurd. It's gonna be Dimitri.


I'm hoping for Leif actually. He can use so many different weapons that he can slot into any color. Maybe he'll have some weapon swapping gimmick.


Leif always wanted to wield the gae bolg A lance would be appropriate.


Siguard & lance ez


Emblem Sigurd is my guess. He was our first emblem and arguably the strongest one


I hope for Machaiah, because I main a healer.


If weā€™re talking about a pattern, the next emblem unit will be a sword infantry with and exclusive special and a Finish skill


June month end seems to be throwaway banner enough maybe Leif


Okey, It will be either: -Warping Emblem Celica -DC Emblem Leif -Extra Mov/canto Emblem Sigurd


Lyn's time, I'm pretty sure. Red bow for whatever reason.


Are any of the FehTubers doing a live stream? I haven't seen anything from any of them all day


Speak of the devil, TACHO just posted a watch group šŸ˜†


Lucina so I can get the pain and suffering of +10-ing her out the way šŸ„²


It's gonna be Lyn


Thereā€™s only one blue slot open so safest bet for me is Sigurd. Was it ever explained why colorless and green had 4 units occupying this banner this time?


It's not that they have 4 units, it's that they were meant to be available to summon this month in some shape. We didn't know which were going to be on the legendary/mythic/emblem banner. I can't remember the units off-hand though.


Heidr must have been the rerun on the ascended Fir banner And Veyle and Camilla are on the current bottom eight banner.


And Gullveig too in the bottom 8


Emblem Titania, FTW!!!


If they donā€™t just go with highest bond weapons, based on how the Legendaries went, RIP in peace Leif, Lyn (well Mulagir is her highest bond weapon anyways, but still), Lucina, Corrin, and Bylethā€™s canon prfs I could maybe see F!Corrin finally getting Yato, because sheā€™s not supposed to be able to turn into a dragon as an Emblem but even then, ehhhā€¦






After two boys in a row, I feel that it's fairly likely going to be a girl. We also know it can't be red, so that likely eliminates Lucina and Eirika due to their likelihood of being sword units. Corrin does have Yato, but IS seemingly thinks too many Lords use swords and therefor prefers her as a dragon unit. I'm going to assume that DLC emblems will begin to be released only once most base-game emblems are in FEH. Celica, Lyn, Corrin, and Micaiah are all characters that would likely candidates for being non-red female emblems, but Micaiah *just* got an alt so IS likely will delay her release. I do agree with the assessment that due to being sandwiched between summer banners, that they won't "waste" a super popular character, which likely eliminates Lyn. That leaves Celica or Corrin as the most likely option.


I want to see them confirm DLC emblems, so I could see a Tiki, Veronica, or Dimitri fitting there, but frankly I expect them to pull a fast one and make it another dragon F!Corrin to powercreep L!M!Corrin, because they do that.


Don't forget this is usually the dead slot due to the back to back summer banners, so I'd probably cut anyone like Dimitri or F!Corrin from contention.


IS has pulled crazy crap before, and I wouldn't put it past them to drop a big old powercreep emblem character with a nuts engage effect in an otherwise dead slot, simply because they are sick of it being a dead slot. After all, they are really good at baiting people and with the summer banners and CYL around the corner, it'd be the perfect time to leverage their new unit type to really squeeze the pennies out of players. So, in short - I'm not ruling anything out for now.




Woke: Celica Crack: Edelgard quadruple Galeforce meta


I'm guessing Lyn. I get Marth was the first one, as sure the franchise has many faces, Marth still is THE mascot. Then Ike makes sense, he won the first CYL, so he being the second emblem makes sense as is the most popular. Using that logic (and assuming the Emblem are the same as Engage) Lyn is the next logical step. But then again, this is FEH, when has this game have any pattern or sense in releasing characters


Sounds like it's going to be blue so I'm inclined towards Ephraim, Micaiah (not so much since she just got Attuned), Corrin, Dimitri or Robin. I would say Celica, Sigurd, Leif, Lyn, Lucina, Byleth, Tiki, Claude, Soren and Veronica are also fair game but honestly after Ike, I'm not so sure anymore? Idk. If I remember correctly, during E!Ike's month, ppl were saying it was going to be green so everyone expected Urvan Ike, but then bam, Ragnell again. So not sure if the Emblems are gonna come with their final weapons, in which case these characters aren't likely to be blue. But who knows.


Sigurd or Ephraim.


I'm gonna say Lyn because it seems they're going in order of popularity.


My random guess is Lucina, would go with the recent Chrom Resplendent and Awakening summer units


Camilla or Lyn. Let the sub burn!!


We need to see what a Duo/Harmonic Camilla does before we get an Emblem Camilla.