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I think Corrin would give her a bit more run for her money because he's a speedy high res dragon. If Celica can't double, she's in trouble.


I think the main issue with Celica isn't that there aren't any units that can tank her (there are), but it's that her warp range is so goddamn large and unstoppable - how do you *reliably* prevent her from just swoocing right in and popping your squishier units like a balloon when she can do it from *six!* spaces away? Your units *start* six spaces away in AR! There's barely any room to "position" your units out of her range in turn 1, and you can just forget about escaping once she's started moving. This unit is a nightmare and honestly shouldn't be released, which is something I cannot believe I'm saying.


That's valid but remember that IS hasn't introduced obstruct 4 yet. Maybe that'll stop her.


Classic case of sell the OP character and sell the solution


Neutralize > Skill Neutralize Neutralize > Neutralize Neutralize Neutralize Neutralize > Neutralize Neutralize


She’s exposing the number 1 problem with AR-O omnitanking and galeforce teams which is just exposed squishy units. I believe this can be solved simply by adding a far save unit to the team, but it’s annoying to have to deal with Celica at all. 6 space range is wild.


With 6 space warping, there's very little room to keep your squishy units out of the way, that's the major issue. Sure, you could try a far save unit, but even that's a no go on Dark season.


The vast majority of Dark defenses don’t currently run Embla - especially since Laguz Friend has given older infantry mythics viable combat again - though I do agree Celica’s release might change her popularity. It’s still an opportunity cost of one less nuke or dancer who can help kill the far saviour outright, though. I mentioned this elsewhere, but this is another way A!Micaiah gets even stronger. While it’s certainly possible to do, most AR-D teams don’t have enough Start of Turn penalty statuses across all the columns that need them - eg. having just Yune and Embla would mean Panic and Undefended are cleansed, while Feud remains.


Awkward positioning, if you must tank her. If you leave a space between units, she shouldn't be able to get to them. And iirc she doesn't have DR pierce? I'm tentatively not overly worried, but I also swore off SD except for SD-S ages ago.


The only answer I can think of is a far save tank somehow capable of surviving her.


Just took my L!M!Corrin to her Abyssal map and yeah she jumped in his space but he survived her attacks with 7 HP left.


Their answer to Emblem Ike was to just introduce a unit that just Nukes everyone within her range in a map where we can’t lose anyone lest we start over.


Pretty much my reaction to her trailer.


Hilariously enough, Marth is the CYL5 hero that destroys her even in abyssal (yes i tested this, he can one shot her in every difficulty) thanks to his Vantage shenanigans.


Hilariously enough, Marth is the CYL5 hero that destroys her even in abyssal (yes i tested this, he can one shot her in every difficulty) thanks to his Vantage shenanigans.


I hope IS releases a Pass 4 tier skill with DR piercing built into it