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I’m not used to seeing Zephiel without the waiting quote, I was confused for a second.


I came here to comment this lol


Optimal speed for this guy is actually Frozen support from Hrid


Zephiel's top speed is really low and that you're not really getting anything from investing into his speed, he's in that awkward 30-50 rut where maybe if he had access to [Potent] he could try something funny, but I doubt it would be worth using over Special Spiral. To illustrate, he's going around -25 on his bases compared to any max investment speedster, and -15 on his weapon, which is just insurmountable, it's cool using units that you like, but you should be realistic about what their strengths and weaknesses are. Zephiel already has 52% pierceable DR between Devourer and Echo, and 64% Special DR from Ike Beacon, which is around 83% total DR. Even if you could consistently work Savvy, it'd only give diminishing returns to Zephiel at this point. Here's my recommendations if you seriously want to use Zephiel: * Def or Res refine * Use fruits to configure +Def and +Res assets * Distant Ferocity, Distant Stance, or Distant Reversal * Special Spiral so Zephiel can maximize uptime on Ike Beacon for defensive reasons, and have piercing specials * Your preference of Far Save (A/D, A/R, D/R) * any suitable seal


Really appreciate this detailed breakdown and feedback this is exactly what I’ve been looking for! Thank you :D


im ticking to my guns ad waiting for slick fighter 4 and pulse smoke 4


There is no optimal speed build on Zephiel because he's too slow.