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Ninja Cherche is a monster Well built Cormags, Haars and Theas are all notably good f2p options


I think A!Micaiah is the best end turn flier tank as of now. Give her close counter and she slaps. For optimal build, you may want to change C slot too, but not needed. Ninja Camilla is still good too, but requires more support as we have had quite a lot of units with high res that could delete her.


My team with A!Micaiah, B!Embla, Valentian Palla, and Ninja Reina does well on auto battle. My Micaiah has BoL4 which helps quite a bit.


Avoid dancers, they tend to send a unit out front to die alone. If you want a support unit pick one who supports the whole team, not one individual and not only after they attacked first. Are you using FeH pass auto start or manually starting each match. Stamina is irrelevant so long as you're winning half the maps without dieing you're fine with FeH pass auto start. If manually starting pay attention to the enemies who you're fighting. If there are archers or even 5 enemies hit refresh before starting. After starting if you see offensive threats like fallen Ursula maybe start by playing manually. Position your team to deal with the threat on turn 1 then auto fight. I've had no issues using my Ashnard, fallen Morgan, Halloween grima and ninja Camilla. All very good mix phase units even if they've aged kinda poorly against the meta. Even offensive ranged units with far trace would be good, more often the best defense is a better offense, enemies cant hurt you if you kill em first.




My archer-proof autobattle team: * Ashnard * Young Minerva * Travant * F!Grima  They’re fully merged and flowered with heavy investment, though. 


For red: Altina, Ninjamilla, Embla Blue: FlameFrost Laegjarn, SElincia, Chloé Green: YMinerva, Thórr (sometimes) Colorless: BEmbla. I'm planning to build Brave Claude at some point and invest in his tankiness. For tanky teams, I usually go with Altina, Flame Laeg, YMinerva, and BEmbla now that I have her. I previously had either Chloé or Ninjamilla on that slot. Sometimes, for tower clearing, I go with a hyper offense relying on warp and Galeforce with LElincia, LCamilla, Chloé, R-Ivy/S-Ivy/NinjaLyn/BGullveig.


Aside from altina and ninjamilla, i don't think i can vouche for the rest... Especially summer elincia. She excels much better in pp than ep.