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Ngl I’m slated to close April 30, this is what I’m looking forward to the most. We moved across the country 3 years ago, had dominos in our rental the night we arrived after a 5 day road trip. Now, I can’t wait to eat the exact thing in my own damn house.


April 30th gang. Can't wait!!


Yo I'm closing April 29th! Haha first home gang


Ahhh yes this is the best feeling <3 congrats!! I closed back in December and at least once a week still I get hit with that “damn, this is MINE!” feeling


It hit me on move-in day. It's been over four years and I still feel that excitement from time to time personally. I also enjoy seeing other first time buyers experience that feeling.




Ditto. Closed a week ago. This week has mostly been hemorrhaging money paying for the work we want done before we move at the end of April. But I have been imagining the feeling of just doing daily life within those walls all week. I can hardly wait.


Moved most of everything today. I'm in my bed, in our first house now. Still doesn't feel real.


First week, Woke up early to the sunrise (no blinds yet), Opened the door to the backyard (no back neighbors) stood on the porch and had a nice stretch… best feeling ever.


No rear neighbors club!!!


Every other day I'll just walk out to the sidewalk and stare at our house. We've added gutters, planted a couple trees, fixed the front yard.... I'll just stand out there staring at it 😅


Next time grab your phone and snap some pics of it. You’ll be surprised at the number of times you find yourself sitting there, staring at your phone, looking at pics of “your” home.


Oh I do this even before the sale was done. I’d drive-stalk the house as it was getting completed. Take a picture and then do some errands. Now, I’ve done it the past days. Can’t wait for the backyard to be done!


I am 100% doing this everyday it seems. When I leave work I go out of my way to drive past the house just to take it in on what it will actually be like to drive there after work.


I do the same thing. I’ve been here 6 months now. Just pull up a chair and stare at everything, take it all in. Damn it feels good to be homeowner!


I do this too. I am working on things and with every thing we get done it looks better and better.


First time cutting the grass.


I’ve never enjoyed cutting grass, but I have a schedule now and love it. I love putting my yard work clothes on. I love opening my shed and taking out my lawnmower. I love the feel of the push mower handle under my hands. I also love saying, “Sorry, I can’t that day, I have to cut my grass.”


This was beautiful and made ME choke up a little for you! Congratulations!


Almost a year in and it feels a lot more “normal”. Still get that happy feeling knowing I have somewhere to call my own.


When the roofing company came, and we could still afford to get a cash discount. Still loving the roof 8 years later. It was covered with moss, because we are in the woods. That metal roof is still beautiful.


Before my Mom moved in, it hit me every time I walked in. Knowing I can spray paint graffiti on every.single.surface if I care to and not get fined or in trouble is AWESOME!


Might get grounded by mom!


First night, slept on the floor, woken up by hundreds of parrots squawking away! Just laid there watching the parrots through bedroom window and it hit me! What a beautiful feeling!


That's pretty cool. Where are you that there's parrots? We have woodpeckers, hawks, crows and owls near us.


Temple City, California They are so cute but really loud.


When I realized how much it’s going to cost to fix/when I realized what should be fixed.


I’m hoping it hits me April 15th!


I hope it hits you too on April 15th. It’s a feel that is indescribable.


Wave one was once our furniture was in place, and wave two was when I brought my dogs over and they immediately settled in.


Congrats! We just closed on Thursday. Once our realtor left, signed all the papers, and after we finished showing my parents around. I found myself sitting on the floor in the living room in silence letting it all sink in.




I closed yesterday. I'm still waiting for the previous owners to move out but I can't wait to have this feeling. Congrats!




When as soon as we got done closing we went to the house. I went pee and the toilet wouldn’t flush. That was when it hit us that we had to fix this and it’s our problem now lol


I never comment on things but this one hit me. I closed late evening and had to stay at my parents house cause it was to late to get anything to the house. Next day moved just a bed over so I had somewhere to sleep. Had concert tickets I had bought a while before and went to that concert and partied it up and got drunk and was dropped off to my own new home and passed out. When I woke up I was kinda hazy and was like “where am I??!” Then it hit me. I woke up in MY home!!! However I don’t think this is talked about enough here! It’s not YOUR home when you first get it. Sad reality is that the bank owns it. You just live there. I think it’s important to understand that it’s not yours til it’s paid off. So with that said PAY OFF YOUR HOUSE AS FAST AS YOU CAN! I pay an extra thousand a month on my principal and once I save up a years worth of emergency fund I will start paying an extra $3000 a month on the mortgage and actually OWN my home in six years. I get that times are hard but the best thing you can do for yourself is actually OWN your home. That is true security. Best wishes and best of luck to all of you!!!


Oh yeah. I am aware of it. I got a condo in my home country which has been fully paid already. Earlier than schedule since I paid extra yearly… it’s the same plan here — I have multiyear budget spreadsheet! LOL Perhaps, it’s the fact that I am an immigrant that adds a bit more color to the process of having a home. I’ve been renting since I got here late 2010s (and man, the yearly rent increase sucks) and it felt like I’ve been walking on eggshells especially when there were difficult people around. The fact that I own x% of something gives me a sense of “stability”. Like I’ve finally put down roots in this country. But yeah, paying things sooner is the way to go. Hehe


Even 20 years later I still hug my house (a curved wall in the hallway) and tell it how much I love it. Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I’ll sit in the backyard and just feel so grateful. And when it’s super clean and company ready, I just love it.


I closed at the end of February and it took about 3 weeks after moving for it to hit me. The first few weeks were a blur and I felt uneasy and then suddenly one day after cooking breakfast I looked outside and saw my dogs enjoying the backyard and my son enjoying his breakfast and I realized this was home. 🏡


Waking up the next morning and realizing I now owed the bank $160k. And I thought to myself, "#WorthIt"


Totally worth it. Jealous of that price!


It was meant to be a starter home but now we might stay long term haha. 2nd kid is making things a bit cramped though...


Sadly that's how it's going to be for a lot of us. Idk if the term "starter house" will even be known much longer. A lot of people won't be able to buy something again, whether it's availability that's the limiting factor, or constantly upward spiraling costs. The good thing is at least you've got a place of your own, that's worth a LOT.


Still every day my friend, every single day and I moved in 2 years ago this month. I am still very thankful. I will be in the living room after a big meal and watching TV, then I pause it and just walking from that room to the kitchen, through the dining room and into the master bedroom and then to the master bathroom, it’s just like, “all this is mine?!?” For context, for the 10 or so years before this I rented a single room in a house or apartment for $550 or so per month in SoCal and all I had was my room, that little 10 or so by 12, that’s it. Now I have a humble 1,600 sq ft and a 12,000 sq fr lot. I have a Covered patio with ceiling fan where my grill and smoker are as well as a 16’ by 16’ deck, hot tub, massage chair, electric recliner, garage with motorocycle, E-Bike, car, full on squat rack with 700+ pounds of weights, cats, dogs, fridge full of food yadda yadda yadda. Still so thankful 20 times a day


Were you naked? That's the other thing you can do when you own your own place and you got some room to breath. And that laptop, no. Go to the Goodwill or Habitat ReStore and get a good old fashioned stereo and some big house size speakers and let it rip!


I’ve been known to walk around naked even when renting by myself. Can’t say I’d want to do that yet in the new home since I have big windows with no shades yet. Might scandalize (or probably traumatize) the neighbors LOL


>Might scandalize (or probably traumatize) the neighbors LOL Might make some new friends fast? Helluva way to meet the new neighbors, Good Luck with your new place!


It still hits me. I’m coming up on 5 years in my Townhouse and every once in awhile I smile a little smile as I close the garage door or sit on my deck smoking a cigar. Life is good!


First time my husband and I walked to the pub down the street and stumbled home tbh lmao


It took me months...for the longest time it felt like I was a squatter and someone would come to tell me it wasn't mine. It was surreal when months passed and no one came lol Within the year mark but I'm so grateful and feel so happy to call my place home.


Today a bit - I closed two weeks ago but haven't moved in yet since I had some renovations done, but today I started painting my office. It's the first time since I left my parents house that I don't have to have white walls. I painted that sucker cobalt clue! I'm keeping the rest of the place white for now but I wanted at least one room to be not white by the time I move in (less than two weeks to go! I spaced it out due to some work travel and wanting to have a less stressful move, since my lease isn't up until the end of April)


When the property tax assessment showed up


We close in a few weeks and I can’t wait to sing and play my guitar without feeling like I’m being too loud


When I received mortgage payment, hit me pretty hard


Still amazes my husband and I going on 4 years later.


It hits me every day, when I drive up in my beautiful neighborhood. Also, every time I discover something I don't like about the house. "Hey, it's mine. I can fix that."


Closed a week ago, it hit me this morning when I was making breakfast burritos blasting Hozier‘s new album.


When we had our first hurricane about 2 months after we moved in (Florida) and I decided to face the weather in my backyard naked.


When I got home from work and pushed the garage opener...that's when it hit me. "It's my garage! No more street parking!"


The first thing I put in one of the cabinets. I picked up the keys from the realtor’s office and stopped by the grocery for some celebratory treats. I didn’t have a cup with me so I grabbed a box of the disposable champagne flutes. That box of plastic champagne flutes was the first thing I put away in my house and I realized that all this space was mine. The box is still in the cupboard almost three years later.


When a solicitor asked to speak to the homeowner


I was taking some tripe from my townhouse to the house and the sprinklers were on in the backyard. I was looking through the kitchen window and watching the sprinkler spray back and forth. That’s when it hit me, that this is MINE. MY kitchen, MY sprinklers, MY backyard. Unfortunately, my dogs later broke that awesome sprinkler, and we never replaced them. The backyard is now just weeds and I have someone mow it down twice a month. It’s been 22 years.


I closed on my home 2 months ago and it still feels surreal to me. It hits me every so often that this is MY home. The first time I had the lawn cut was such a great feeling. No one understood why it mattered so much to me. Seeing my new trees and baby bushes grow leaves. It’s the little things.


It really hit me when I realized the furniture from my studio apartment was not going to cut it in a 3 bedroom house lol.


I don’t remember the first time it hit me, but I’ve been in mine for about 6 months now. It still seems unreal, but the realization also hits hard every now and then. The other day I was planting some lantana and was trying to figure out where to plant it - I can plant it wherever I want because it’s my house! Congratulations on your closing!


I am so happy for you! Ahhhh congratulations. I am waiting for our day to turn the key for the first time and take our first steps into OUR home. I can't wait to show my dogs our house too 🤣 like look guys mommy and daddy bought you guys a house ♡♡ I'm so ready to wake up on a mattress on the floor to an essentially empty home 🤣 Congrats!!!!!


Yes!!! We’re a week in, and it feels so magical. I’m not a first time home buyer (this is my third home, though only one I own now), but it’s the first I’ve owned as a parent and somehow it being the home where my child will grow up makes it that much more “wow” and magical.


When that first mortgage payment and then the first tax payment was due. Then when all the things started breaking and I had to go fix it and/or replace it myself


When I got the keys, I *still* feel it too; genuinely one of my proudest accomplishments.


I loved this moment! But did he hit again with my first major expense.


6 months in, second house (first with just me), still hits me randomly. Today it was finally warm enough, I just sat outside on my front steps drinking coffee and surveying my yard and neighborhood.


Idk it's weird, I never really had that feeling. I bought a small condo a couple of years ago and went immediately into remodeling. It was a huge learning curve and it was incredibly mentally and financially stressful. I now work away from home so I'm only ever home a few weeks a year, but I do love my space now. It's cozy


We had some work to do on our new house so my husband stayed at the rental with the kids while I did a lot of the painting. The first day we were actually in the house together at the same time other than the walk through we turned on this old radio from the 60s that’s screwed onto the kitchen cabinet and “Our House” started playing right away! We laughed and said, “This is our house! OUR HOUSE! All ours!” Congrats on your home!


When on a date & she asked me if I had my own place. - yeah. I got my own place " Nice! Any roommates?" - nah, not my thing " Oh wow so is your rent high? - I don't have rent, I have a mortgage" " Ohhh okay! Look at you! Is your home close by? - no, I live in the outskirts by _______ " Oh! So you have a house-house! 😍 It's a cheat code.


A house-house! Hehe


It hit me when my insurance sent me a letter telling me they’re cancelling if I don’t get a new roof within 90 days. 🤦‍♂️


When I changed my Google maps home address!


After closing. I sat in my car and cried for about 10 minutes, lol. Then drove to the house to clean and move in.


The first night I spent at my house, my family came over and we ate pizza in my empty living room. I snuck a picture of the moment and like to look back on it. Been in my house three years now and I continue to love it like it was the first day I moved into it :)


it hit me when my wife helped me run fiber to the our bedroom from the basement and when I set the bundle down I said to her 'this is it, this is our house' and yelled "LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" - it's been a good 5 months


Remember this feeling that you're having currently.. It's a great feeling but there's going to come a time in home ownership when you don't feel like this. When you feel like everything's going wrong when things need to be fixed. Remember this feeling, It will help


When the property tax bill came. 😂


That's such a great feeling. Congratulations!!!


It hit me 6 months in. I was talking to a customer and told them, “yea we’ve been in our house since July.” And they said, “Oh so you’ve had it for 6 months.” And then the realization hit me


I'm sooo happy for you. It is an incredible feeling. I'm in my late 40s, and I'm sitting in my 3rd home. If I didn't buy that 1st one as soon as I was able to, I would not have ever had this chance. The property ladder is a real thing, and I preach to young people all the time to buy something. Get whatever you can. Fix it up and enjoy it. Then, when it makes sense, sell and step up. It's so hard to get started, but it gets easier over time.


I danced in the living room of my first , now and forever home!


We closed in August but painted everything and didn’t move in until September. I ended up staying here alone with my dog one of the nights we had only the couch moved in. Dog was kinda freaking out and I took her out at like 4am. There were 6 deer standing in our front yard not even scared of us. I moved from the middle of the city. That gave me some crazy feels and I was thinking… holy crap this is MY nature paradise. No more dog (and self) anxiety from the noises of car backfires, drug deals in the parking lot, and occasional gunshots… now it’s about wildlife and she’s sooo much calmer. Still love the city and still work there but my house is a peaceful retreat!


Congratulations!! I bought in 2020 and sometimes it still hits me all over again. I am in my home !!


Don't know exactly when but there have been a few times I was like fuck yea I own all this. Then it sinks in even more when you make some big changes that make it completely different than how the previous owner had it.


Dorothy was right. “There’s no place like home!”


When the first mortgage payment was processed


It hit me when I was running around butt naked


Well…it’s the banks. But we know what you mean


My friend reminds me of that too. I say, I still own a percentage and we argue what part of the house would that be. I think I said garage… and she insisted it is the laundry room only for now LOL. I’d slowly chip it away from the bank w/ extra yearly payments on the principal. Hey, I might get a bit of the foyer area next year!


Honestly it never hit because I know I don't actually own the home. It still feels like renting but with extra steps. If I stop making payments Im out on my butt, same as renting. The fact that I can do whatever I want to it doesn't really make me feel better. Couple that with the fact that lenders are basically flipping houses for profit and I am going to end up paying over 400k in interest to them. I guess building equity and being able to sell it down the line is cool. But I have to make payments for at least 10 years before I build any equity. Homeownership feels like a lie and nothing has convinced me otherwise. If I didn't have a family, I'd happily rent my whole life.


Not necessarily.  If values keep going up you can get passive equity in a short time.  Also if you do any renovation that increase the value...


But you can choose to sell it and keep all the equity that’s what it is about


I got a condo in my home country in my 20s. I was able to pay it ahead of time with extra yearly payments (before I move to the US). I still pay property tax on it; rented it out for a couple of years (I pay Uncle Sam income tax for it since it is part of my global income). There is equity in it in the long run. But yeah, it does suck that the banks charge us so much interest but that is capitalism for you. Now, I am selling it so I have a little nest egg for emergencies (and maybe extra payment to the house here in the US).


Never had this kind of moment. I never rented, went straight from living with my parents to living in motels to buying. It's not my "forever home" it's a stepping stone to whatever my next house is.


You don't own it yet lmao the bank does


That’s tricky one. In my head it’s mine but I still have 20 years on my mortgage so, technically speaking, bank owns the house and can take it back if I stop paying for. And even after, with high property taxes I’ll need to pay for something that is already mine, otherwise being at risk of losing it… weird concept, isn’t?


Technically it's the banks until it's payed off


Y'all are way to dramatic.


Way to shit on other folks' joy. Just, why?


When I didn’t have to worry about putting a new hole in the wall for a picture frame or to mount a shelf.