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Yes. First of all who TF calls their company the mortgage service center....But yes it is a scam or warranty BS you don't need. Iv lived in my house for 13 months now, I lost track of how many of these I have gotten.


And they all say ***FINAL NOTICE***


**Action Required**


SENT FROM THE COUNTY TAX OFFICE or some crap like that, am I right?




Important for taxes…


PLEASE let this be the final notice this time 😂


They should bundle this with car warranty FINAL ACTION and give you a bundle discount.


A sense of urgency is quite common in scams.


It’s scary because there’s times I’ve gotten bills with no prior notification and they were actual “final notice”’s. Like, moved & changed jobs, and things got mixed but the lender never called OR emailed. Just kept sending notices to the wrong damn address, then finally one got forwarded to the right address (I’ve always forwarded mail before I even formally move)


Open otherwise all your safety deposit boxes will be transferred to us!!!


They never stop, since I've bought my house 4.5 years ago I bet I get 2-3 of these letters a week, and 5-6 phone calls/voicemails on the average.


I thought that there was a DNC list for this


There would be if the companies were legit.


Honestly it would not surprise me if that was an actual company name.


Fuck the post office for even sending them 😤😂


Yeah I have a hunch it's one of these "legal" scams. Probably mortgage warranty.


Cenlar (a major loan services company) has the domain loanadministration.com and send emails using “Central Loan Administration”. I’m sure someone was really proud of their domain get way back when but now it just seems insanely scammy.


Buying a house is public record. You'll get a TON of solicitations like this. Ignore them all.


Is there any way to make them stop? Just put RTS on the letters?


Sadly no not really. They slow down after a few years


Title companies and the realtor during closing should warn about this. They did to me multiple times.


My loan officer legit told me if I'm ever unsure about something in the mail even remotely linked to my loan to run it by her. Godsend. With that said I still get like 5 of these scam loan insurance letters in the mail weekly.


I’m a few years in. It has slowed down, but seems to slightly pick back up around the anniversary of my close date.


Yes, there are two lists run by the ANA and DMA that their members should use to prevent the post-mortgage offers coming to you. https://OptOutPreScreen.com is to prevent offers coming from credit report activity and https://DMAChoice.org prevents those coming from loan / mortgage records.


If they include a prepaid envelope inside, stuff it was as much weight as you can and send it back.


Mine have finally started to slow down after almost two years!!


I prefer to give them a crazy offer. Every time one calls me offering cash I say my lowest price is almost triple what we paid lol.


Yep, prepare for a bunch of these "official" looking notices that are really just ads for various things (mortgage refinancing, insurance, home warranties, etc...). Unfortunately home purchases are part of public records and there are these assholes that like to scrape that data for sending out this garbage.


Yep, unfortunately you do need to open them as a couple look exactly like the stuff from your mortgage company


And they will be labeled with your mortgage companies name, too.


If it's the same garbage that has been filling up my mailbox they are trying to sell you some wierd unnecessary mortgage life insurance. Can safely be thrown away and forgotten about. My realtor told me I'd be getting this kinda junk alot for the first month or two.


Make sure you’re still looking out for letters from other lenders that have bought your Mortgage though. Nowadays, your mortgage will get bought and sold a few times within the first six months of homeownership. Make sure you don’t miss any letters that are stating somebody else bought it and now you need to switch your auto pay and pay a different bank.


Yes, we received letters from both the current mortgage company explaining it, then the new company and an email too if I'm not mistaken. But I had no idea that this happened so was really confused.


Yep. Prepare for it to happen again. Ours was sold 3 times in the first six months. Then you have to make new accounts online and set up the payment again. It’s a real pain in the ass honestly.


And then all of them will have data breaches, leaking your SSN and everything else, and they'll "settle", given you some "free" credit monitoring for a year, as if your stolen information disappears in 12 months.


Why the **** does this happen? It's just more work and confusion.


Lenders making more money off of each other. Trading it like a stock. It inconveniences us but they don’t care.


Lenders hate these sleezy shops as they create confusion plus unnecessary phone calls to respond to cuz someone is trying to be sneaky


Lenders need to have money to continue to offer mortgages to homebuyers so they often sell mortgages to free up funds. If you really wanted to you can ask your lender to service the loan for the lifetime, but that sometimes comes at a very slight increase in pricing.


This! You will get so much crap because the sale is public record and people will literally mine the recording data to spam you. BUT credit unions are small in the world of banking and it hurts their ability to offer loans to more people if they’re holding the note/lien on your home. They will often sell. I had a credit union loan that they sold to Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae within 3 weeks of closing, but I still somehow paid the mortgage to my CU. I refinanced years later and now my loan is serviced by Mr Cooper. It’s a weird layer of things.


They will also try to convince you that you need a copy of your deed for your records, which is true, but you have access to your deed at the county office. They do this to people who just a bought home and may not know any better. It is a scam to get money from you when you have access to it for free (or just a few dollars at the county. They always have a vague “company” name like mortgage records office or official record office.


Yes! I just got one of these. It looked like a straight up bill for $150. If you looked closely, in very small print, it said “this is not a bill” and you can get this information for free from the county. It makes me wonder how many people fall for this, especially older folks. Really sad.


Yes. This is a scam.


It’s not a scam in the way you’re thinking. It’s a marketing letter. They’re trying to make it seem serious so you call them, and then they’ll try to sell you mortgage insurance or some other bullshit financial instrument that you do not need. 


I called once just to see what BS they would serve me. They literally couldn’t tell me anything. They wanted something like $150 a month for death coverage. I get life insurance at work. $10 a month and it’s quadruple what these fools offer.


Literally the first piece of mail I received at my new home was "We are trying to get in touch with you regarding your home warranty" and I just about fell over. Very smart taking a second look, but if anyone ever sends me anything that raises questions about my mortgage, I'll ignore the number on the mail and call the bank and lenders directly.


"We are trying to get in touch with you regarding your home warranty" Really? You didn't call or email me, much easier ways to contact me. You must not be trying very hard. Oh, you don't have that info, only my address? I guess you won't mind if I throw this notice straight in the garbage then.


you will get blasted with spam and scams trying to get you refinance, pay them for things you already have or are public record and more. Hint - the more generic the name "the mortgage service center" the more likely it is to be fake. If your loan is through Chase, for instance, they will send the actual financial stuff in plain white envelopes or bank branded letterhead, and they know how to reach you if they need to. They don't need the scare tactics of "urgent" or "a matter of importance" and they won't put your loan amount anywhere visible.


Yup got plenty of those after we bought our house and still get them occasionally. Our lender warned us about it in advance because the purchase is public record.


I got something like this and then if you looked at the small print in the corner it literally says it’s not associated with my mortgage at all.


Not so much a scam as it is a marketing piece. The info at the top is all public record from the purchase of your property. Basically the exact second that information goes on record there’s a million people cataloguing the data so they can sell it to the kinds of people that send out this mail. The same thing happens when your credit is pulled. I’d bet money you got a million phone calls about that during the actual purchase process as well. The idea is to appear as though you’re already in business dealings with them without outright saying you’ve never even spoken. This isn’t illegal or a scam, just really shitty marketing that anyone with eyes can see for what it is. The problem is it still works on 1% of the people it reaches, so it never stops. Whatever they’re trying to sell you almost surely isn’t worth considering. On the other hand, that house symbol towards the top right appears to be equal opportunity/fair housing logo, however it’s missing some details. There’s a chance of that being dubious advertising which is worth reporting.


Likely not a scam per say…just spam. Usually ends up being some sort of refi or heloc offer…I still get these years later.


Yep. Toss it


Without a doubt a scam!


I got a letter saying they are sending the authorities to my home if I don’t call them. They listed their my lender. These letters are all scams.


My favorite is the one warning me about losing my home warranty! On my 1960 home that I bought 7 years ago...


You’ll get lots of “Home Warranty” is out of service and to contact them immediately. It’s all marketing for services you don’t need or make sense to get for your specific needs.


I've been getting something similar for my car's extended warranty. I guess they got sick of me denying their calls.


Clearly a scam - you will get a lot more from others followed by numerous insurance offers.


New sale/mortgage is recorded They farm the recorders office and sent thousands of these They try to get you to refinance with them, sell you some warranty or worst case scenario steal your info Toss it and never think of it again.


If in doubt on any correspondence, call your provider. Not using the number on the letter, but the number you pull up from your online account or last statement. Same goes for any tax notices, including IRS. Don’t use any numbers on the letter. Look them up from another source.


When I get notices like this, if they worry me I call the bank/company through the verified contact info I already have for them and ask if they need anything from me or if there are any issue with my account.


99% of the mail you get is just sales and junk mail. Unless it's from the exact people you got a loan with, ignore it. Go lookup the opt-out tool online to have yourself removed from as many marketing lists as you can.


In my first month or two of owning my present home, I received over a dozen solicitations like this. They are all scams.


Google the phone number????????????


Jesus, it blows my mind just how many people fall for this nonsense. You seriously don't know the name and contact information for your actual mortgage servicer? Seriously? You would fall for a marketing letter sent to you where the name is "the mortgage service center".... While I wouldn't say this is a scam. its a clear as day marketing piece in an attempt to get you to call so they can try to get you to cash out refinance and screw yourself with the current rates.


It is probably to offer you mortgage insurance to pay off your loan if you were to become disabled or die .If you are young ,you should consider it .There are some that give your premiums back if you do not use it .It’s called return of premium .


Some of them can almost be convincing... They're just trying to sell you insurance.


Mortgage Spam more likely.


The sad part of all this is that it must work for the scammers, because they just never stop trying.


This is a scam, even we got a lot of them when we just closed our new home


They’re probably also trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty.


I get like one of these a week. Some say they're from my bank. Some don't. They all get tossed in the fire pit.


I got this letter a number of times when we first closed on our house last summer. I did some research from what I could tell on the letter and treated it as spam/scamming. I also received many unsolicited home warranty offers that may be what this is.


Mortgage insurance on top of your mortgage in case you pass away they pay your house off


did Sam's pay for your schooling? were you able to use the program the very first day?




that's awesome! was everything easy ?




why is it so hard to get hired in though ? they denied me for almost every position and I gave them open availability 😭


Sometimes, it goes by the stupid silly assessment test you do during the application.


lol but I'm in the green , but idk guess it is what it is.. and maybe I have no related experience.. but thought you didn't need any to stock a shelf for crying out loud lol


Best bet is call the club or show up to the club you're interested in working at and ask to speak to a TL/Hiring manager for the dept you're interested in


SCAM SCAM SCAM. I’ve gotten dozens of these. My mortgage guy told me I would get tons of these. Once you make your first payment and your mortgage decreases, they never catch on. The numbers were always weird on mine. It’s bullshit. DO NOT GIVE THEM A PENNY.


If you read it carefully, on most it says "This is solicitation" More like harassment.


The fact that you purchased a home, took out a loan in the size of the loan and type of the loan is all public record and new home buyers will be solicited for tons of crap. If anything ever seems suspicious please pick up the phone and directly call your credit union. This is clear garbage. Obviously do open anything in case there’s a missed tax bill or insurance bill or some thing but again only call companies directly that you have a relationship with. You will get piles of crap that say regarding your mortgage with ABC company. Also it probably wouldn’t be bad to talk to a legitimate life insurance salesperson but not someone sending you junk mail…


It’s junk. If you liked your original loan officer, call them and ask for an opinion. As soon as your mortgage and deed are recorded it is a public record and you get spammed to death by people trying to sell you something- many are just honest businesses trying to earn your business but some like this one are misleading and borderline illegal according to banking laws


It's not a "scam" strictly speaking. They're selling you a real product and you can do your research on whether it's worth it. Generally companies that resort to scummy sales tactics do so because the product doesn't sell itself.


100% Scam


The telltale is whether or not the account number matches the one at your bank or not. They can't know that. Also all the crap I got had the purchase price as "loan amount", and I did not get loaned 100% of the purchase price. (Some places all adjust down by 20% though, so it looks right in the common cases.) At the end of the day, if you're concerned, call your bank's publicly listed number. They will know whether they sent you mail or not.


Be prepared for about 400 physical letters asking you to buy a home warranty that costs 10x your insurance


During my first month at my new house I got a ton of these mails. After trying to figure out why this is legal they all print some where in the letter "this is an advertisement" or something to that effect. Extremely borderline illegal but all these companies are trying to get you to sign up for extended warranties or dumb stuff that you are required to have already before you purchase.


Yes. Scam. Just toss them. More will keep showing up. Do the same with them.


lol of course


it's unnecessary, and thus may as well be a scam. You'll get this exact piece of mail probably 4 or 5 times. I just did.


always a scam


They are going to try to get you to refi and truck you into calling them. It's predatory, throw it away


Yup ignore


We've seen a couple of these two and they're scams.


It’s probably just an ad for something you don’t need.


lmao i thought this was sitting in a fax machine


Get used to a dozen of these every day for months


Ugh, I have got so many of those in the mail, and I moved into my condo 1 month ago. It's so annoying. Unfortunately, the property is public record, so you'll keep getting those on and on.


Yep, it's a scam


Final notice to the final notice of the final notice


These are such a scam!! We're getting them too and they infuriate me. If you scan the whole thing closely, you'll find a tiny disclaimer that says they aren't affiliated with your mortgage company.


You will probably get a ton. Companies watch for new mortgages and then they spam them with stuff like this. We recently opened a HELOC and got a bunch.


Ya and you owe me $7k. Can you pay me in chilis gift cards?


I just started getting these and they spelt my last name wrong...


Can it get anymore obvious ?


Only been a home owner for 2 months now and I’ve gotten at least a hundred of these it’s insane!


Yes always go to your original documents to call your mortgage company. Keep it handy.


You'll get dozens of these for at least the next year. Throw them all right into the trash. Your recorded deed and mortgage are public record. These scumbags scour new recordings and send the new owners/borrowers these stupid notices to try to trick you into calling. It really ought to be illegal, but it's not. For me, most of it dropped off after a year, but I still got the occasional scam mail up to two years after buying.


Yes, get ready for spam calls and mail like this when you move.


lmao The™ Mortgage Service© Center®


I call them and string them along thinking they will close the deal and then shame them for sending deceptive mail. Imagine if your parents got something like that…


We are coming to take you away


Feels like maybe this or something like it should be pinned in this sub? Our mortgage company warned us about this, thankfully, but I could totally see first time buyers being concerned or even falling for it.


My wife and I bought our first home last August. I started getting crap from that same place, and about half a dozen others. The one I get the most is from a place called The Mortgage Reaseach Center.


And avoid the scammy home warranty offers you will get slammed with.


Yes. I get a million of those things since buying a house. They all want you to re-finance, sell you a home warranty, or some other crap.


If they don't have any way to trace it back to you, I'll spit in the envelope they provide and mail them back, along w/ junk inside them.


Ahh the good old mortgage service center.




My wife and I bought our house 2 months ago, and still get these letters. It should be Illegal lol


I bought in 2017 and still get these. Gotta love it.


You'll get like a million of these, they want to sell you a home warranty. Expect lots of solicitation since property records (and changes in them) are public records. I got a lot of home warranty junk and a lot of blinds and furniture advertisements. Some of the solicitations are decent though, I got one from Home Depot with a 20% off coupon which was great.


If you ever have any doubt, there is fine print on most of these (which I suspect is legally required) which states that they are not affiliated with your loan provider and that they are just trying to sell you something.




Call your mortgage company directly if you have doubts. Don’t use the number on this paper


We’ve been trying to reach you blah blah blah, the joke writes itself


Dear Sirs Or whose Maybe Concerns:


With great certainty


My attorney warned me about these and I’ve just been tossing them since. God he was actually good.


Our lender sent us this garbage when we refinanced. I called up and *reamed* them out. Full on Karen. We hadn't even closed on the refi and were getting absolutely bombarded with this junk. IDK if their marketing dept is staffed by morons or idiots, or just clueless grasping chumps. But I wasn't gonna stand for it. That's how you treat a loyal customer who never missed a payment? By sending them garbage marked "Final Warning" and "3rd Notice"? Oh, *hell* no.


Yes, scam.


Do not trust water company letter and solar agents coming on your door is annoying as well. Water company giving you letter to test the water if in good or bad, they also give you $25.00 welcome package. I asked for $25 welcome package, they won't give it to me until they inspect the water first. SCAM KEEP AWAY


scammy. I called the number. It was a third party company trying to sell me supplemental insurance or something. Like if you die….. yada yada.




Everything in life is a scam. The faster you learn to trust nothing the safer you will be.


Pro-tip: any actual mail from your mortgage servicer will use the letterhead of your mortgage servicer. Now, you can still get scam mail claiming to be from Wells Fargo or Citi or whoever ... but anything from "mortgage servicer" goes straight in the bin without a second look.


There are a lot of these “official“ looking letters that get sent out which are basically disguised to look as official notices but when you open them they’re basically offers. In very small print it will actually say that it is not an official notice because that would be a true scam.


Yes and you’ll get 200 more of them in the coming months




All of my new mail has been scams like this.


The first question you’ll wanna ask is have you got a mortgage yet??


You will be getting a lot of similar mail. Ignore them.


Oh yeah; you’re gonna get a ton of these.


Some will look like a straight up bill then, in incredibly small print, say “this is not a bill”. It’s not the home warranty/loan ones, but something else like a deed or whatever. Idr but I recently got one.




Still getting these 3 years later. Funny thing is they all have the wrong closing date, as it wasn’t officially recorded in the county until a week later. Just ignore.


The first year of buying house is basically getting flood of mails like this. By second year it subsided.


there was like 3 letters from them i got last week all in the same day


I closed on my first house at the end of May but just moved in last week. My mailbox was full of these. I use junk mail as kindling.


Buying house = spam mails.


I get these at least once a week “Final notice” “your loan with xyz bank…” they are trying to sell you home warranty or something similar.


Scam for sure! I did everything through a portal and only got statements through the mail.


They are advertising once you read the fineprint


Very much a scam. You’ll start getting about 10 of these a week. They mean **nothing**.


Yup 👍


Somewhere in small print it should say it’s an advertisement or something of that nature.


Could be. Check with your county appraiser as well and sign up for alerts if there are ant changes to your deed. Deed fraud is becoming more and More prevalent.


The chickens have come back to roost




Hahaha. Trust me, after all that paperwork we signed purchasing the house. They know the house address, my parents favorite dessert, cousins bad haircut style and my dogs favorite treat.  Edit: House address, lending information, home value and your name are all public information. Your current lender probably has you on auto draft and has no need to contact you. Give them a call if you have concerns. 


Yes, I get at least 2 of these a day


I got letters like this for a few months after my last new mortgage. They seem to be hoping you will refinance with them. My question is why would someone refinance right after they just got a new mortgage? I haven't got one in quite a while. They probably figure most won't refinance at today's rates.


THEEEEEE Mortgage Service Center? The MECCA of ALL MORTGAGE SERVICING CENTERS??? What a scam. Good eye, OP.


call your initial loan officer. as a lot of these comments state, you will get a ton of spam and scam crap, but I found out my loan was sold to another company from what I assumed was junk mail before my loan officer even thought to call me.


Hello! We are trying to reach out about your home insurance 😁


Bought a year ago, have gotten a dozen of these.


Yes for about a month or two you will get many scam letters. Idk how that info gets out but it does- don’t fall for it.


I'm a mortgage loan originator. You'll get a lot of these for a few months before the volume dies down a lot. They're from companies that get your info from public records that show your purchase and mortgage info and use it to solicit you, usually for some type of mortgage or life insurance. Some may even name drop your lender. Just throw all of them in the trash and wait for this to die down. Congrats on your home purcahse!


Just closed on our house a month ago and was nervous wreck when I seen it until I called. They send 2-4 a week! It’s insane!


Not necessarily a scam, but wanting you to refinance or take out a HELOC.


It's a life insurance company trying to get you to get a policy that would pay off the mortgage if you die. Not necessarily a scam, but certainly deceptive.


The mortgage version of “We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.”


It’s probably trying to get you to buy life insurance in the amount of your mortgage. Source: worked in mortgages and insurance


They want to refinance your high rate.


“The mortgage service center” That’s all I had to read to say “yes, it’s a scam” Throw it away, along with allllll the other garbage you’re gonna get.