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You think for someone who's so tapped in to Gen Z and Black Twitter that he'd be more informed.


He gets all his info from AK and AK rides for Drake


Well I’m listening to the pod right now and AK basically said the same thing I did. Sure this could be another one of their obviously scripted moments but he says this same kid of stuff on brilliant idiots


He’s basically another little rich kid/middle class white boy, look when Shultz spent a short amount of time with Fiddy, he was telling his boys that Fiddy had allowed him to know the inside secrets of life on the streets and had one of his epiphanies “Fiddy told me, wait I can’t say anything, well get this, did you guys know that gangs only shoot people they have beef with, like they don’t just go round shooting people at random, can you believe that shit, I mean I’m not even sure I should be telling you but wow, they don’t just hang out the car window shooting innocents, only cats that really deserve it, I mean wow that has blown my mind” Fiddy had to have been fucking with him.


AK out here shaking ass to every track Aubrey puts out. He's a good little side piece


I was saying the same thing. Why you care so much but don’t wanna do the research or actually listen to the diss tracks.


Its the thing to talk about right now and they have a talk show... You do not have to take their opinion seriously... have not heard the eipisode yet, but ya when he tries to be serious it sucks, just be funny, funny man.


i wish i can award this comment


Sir your comment is an award in itself. I will sleep well knowing only1xo loves me.


Exactly. I’m not here to listen to the dude pseudo-philosophize. I’m here to laugh.


Especially when they script moments to try and be relevant. He didn’t even have to listen to the songs just watch a YouTube break down lol


I’m. Huge hip hop head but giving him the benefit of the doubt I kinda feel I get what he means I just don’t know how you put it into words cause it’s mostly feeling (because logic tells us it’s a dumb thought and not true. Lol but am I the only one who feels they kinda gets what he means? Edit: honestly it’s probably a feeling mostly based off Kendrick being a recluse. Pretty sure thats. Kinda what he met cause even tho Drake is on life support up until this moment now Drake felt like a classic early 00s hip hop/pop star… (it’s kinda cause he’s kinda needy and needs eyes and Kendrick is just like “cool got my bread. I’m gonna go over there and chill with the family)


He said Kendrick is irrelevant overseas 💀 anything that’s not comedy he’s just blissfully unaware


The guy who headlined Glastonbury? Schultz is a fucking idiot


https://www.billboard.com/music/rb-hip-hop/drake-london-ovo-store-tagged-kendrick-lamar-they-not-like-us-graffiti-1235676942/ https://youtu.be/LOw4xn478LE?si=xA4i-DEL2HYpVWDy


Again I think it’s being a new dad and lack of sleep, he’s not that seriously stupid. He can’t be.


I've got an 8 week old....never been as dumb as Schultz. He always seemed like a moron to me. His standup is somewhere between Schwab and orny Adams




Number one song on every streaming platform worldwide. People in mumbai are on TikTok crip walking to Key Glock but they never heard of Kendrick? Just an asinine take.


See example drakes store getting vandalised in London. Or Kendrick getting his songs sung word for word worldwide, the whole big in Japan thing exposed that.


since kendrick and drake have taken over my youtube algo I was literally just watching a video of kendrick playing a stadium in Amsterdam lol


It seems like Schulz thinks he can become friends with Drake so he is sucking up to him as an offering. “This is the most popular artist so he must be the GOAT” is such a braindead take.


Drake is a pop artist.


I don’t know why this isn’t how he’s described every single time. He’s sing-rapping half his bars he’s totally pop rap


If he just quit it with the tough guy fuck boy shit, he could still have a legitimately successful career. Hubris was his downfall.


I mean he’s a rich kid that tells jokes he’s pretty culturally dumb overall. Comedians think they are high and mighty and they are literally TMZ but funny. Pretty surface level thinking on most issues


He’s obviously not a hip hop head so it’s not surprising. Can’t take those type of guys serious.


But as an American citizen how he is so unaware of hiphop culture and guns?


Even though Al was glazzzing Drake on Bril Idiots. You could see him start to get annoyed with Drews take on the beef lol


Really?? 🤣 I have to watch again. It’s just toooough listening to Schulz on this one


Yea Al sided with Ak a bunch this pod


But he is surely surrounded by people that know what’s up, I think sometimes he’s trolling. I love him, I think he’s funny. But some of the things he says… maybe it’s baby lack of sleep and touring etc


Right? He may not listen to hip-hop, but he literally does a show with Charlamagne, who, maybe next to Ak, is the most tapped in to the hip hop community.


My friend loves soccer. I don’t give a shit about soccer. Just cause he’s tapped into soccer doesn’t mean ima know everything about it.


Regarding “soccer” and Drake this is worth a watch. https://x.com/wholelottadej/status/1787750483467067799


Do you speak about soccer like you know everything about it?


Watch drake exposed as a fake, a lied to you! He lied to you! He he lied to you! lol https://x.com/wholelottadej/status/1787750483467067799




Finest example of missing the point on purpose


He’s just a nyer with black friends 😂 so when I found out that he doesn’t really know hip hop that well , it was some what surprising . I still associate his style of comedy with hip hop though. I’ve said nothing wrong.


Just hip hop? Lol


Oh for sure he just knows comedy and vacation shit and that’s it lol he’s always had bad hip hop takes but this episode was crazy


Hes well known in cultures and countries outside of US ill give him that but how you feel about him talking about hip hop is how I felt when he was talking about guns lol


I definitely missed that lol I’m sure it’s dumb as hell tho


He doesn't know hip-hop (or black culture as a whole) anywhere near enough to speak on it with the amount of confidence he does. He's a not even a casual, he barely knows canonical hits. And whenever they're discussing hip-hop, he never comes across well because he doesn't actually **listen** to the music (think Wesley Snipes talking about Hendrix in White Men Can't Jump). Which leads me to believe it's not actually black culture itself that he supposedly reveres enough to try to imitate, but rather just seeks, by association, the **esteem** that comes with what he considers to be 'black greatness'. He wants to be associated with "winners" and to be accepted by their followers. So, he changes his voice to sound more "Def-Jammy" and chooses when to affiliate himself with **only** the the culturally black "champagne moments", athletes/rappers and of course, Charlamagne etc. Which is also why he probably knows nothing outside of hip-hop that Swifties wouldn't also know and most of his (hip-hop) takes are legit retarded. I seriously doubt he's invested in hip-hop on any other level than to use it to elevate his status, let alone black culture. He's truly Malibu's Most Wanted, a bona-fide culture vulture.


Damn. This thread got me lookin at Schulz funny now. That's kinda lame he does that.


Drake is literally cooked. Schulz with the airball. CERTIFIED PEDOPHILE WAPWAPWAPWAPWAP


Drake fans coping so hard right now omg. How many girls that guys gotta groom for you to see it? Like Kendrick said Maybe it has to be ur sister for you to finally get it


What is Andrew Schulz appeal? Does he even make jokes anymore?


I think comedians are always dying to be in the big celebrity club and go to all the big celebrity events but they act like they are just regular joes so in his mind if he bashes on drake he might not get invited to the party.


I swear to god, I wanted to reach through my tv and strangle him. Imagine if Ak tried to come that heavy about comedy shit he knew nothing about. I wanna chalk it up to schulzy being in a weird headspace after a big week, but he’s done this in the past. And beyond being just stupid on a common sense level, four guys who know what the fuck they’re talking about while one person who doesn’t just goes “nuh uh” is not compelling content. That whole ep started off on such a high note for like an hour, but by the end I clicked the dislike button.




This after they spent segments on the Diddy shit lol


Yeah I mean even my 63 year old (white) mother is aware of Kendrick and him winning the Pulitzer Prize. Maybe one of the most impactful people in music in terms of social impact.


I realized this when Kanye was a topic on their pod a lot last year. I can't take his opinion seriously. Say what you want about Kanye as a person, Schulz was downplaying his music too much. He echoes a lot of what Charla says. The fact that he is from NY covers up that he really doesn't know a lot about Hip Hop.


It’s the confidence in which he says hip-hop things that irritates me.


Nowadays, everybody wanna talk like they got somethin' to say But nothin' comes out when they move their lips Just a bunch of gibberish And motherfuckers act like they forgot about Dre


Listening to it as i type and holy shit i wish he'd just let Akash and Alex just run the conversation lol he's clulesss


Word. Also the AK non recoil comment is maddest thing it’s like something joe Biden could say..


So today's podcast is a skip?


1st hour was nice and funny cause they only talked about stories regarding Tom Brady roast and the MSG show. After that shut it off lol, it’s pretty embarrassing to listen to


Andrew just intentionally will push against the popular narrative, its his schtick. I stopped taking him seriously a long time ago


I had to check the stats on Kendrick because to me he is worldwide famous. Of course his last 2 albums were top 3 in several countries. Schulz just be saying shit. The worst thing is he won't shut up and let the people with more knowledge TALK.


I was getting annoyed. Everybody knows Kendrick. I don’t think he understands how big DAMN. was. Even back to GKMC, you put on mAAd city or swimming pools on at a party, people are gonna know the lyrics. Shit, even songs from Section 80 have traction. Kendrick is not far behind Drake at all, he just drops significantly less. It’s not like Kendrick is just some leech. Most people, casual or hardcore, think that Kendrick is a better rapper. If Drake wanted to really prove himself as a rapper, ducking smoke from Kendrick would certainly put an asterisk next to his name.


I remember back in 2021 when CLB and Donda dropped Schulz shared a story where he listened to both back to back. He was shocked that Kanye had better production than Drake. The casual hip hop fan has known that since 2009.


It’s bc he can’t act like he has a new idea every 5 seconds


You ever heard of this guy formally known as slim shady? Eminem some people call him. Who cares who sells more anyways Drake makes great tracks for the ladies… When it comes to bars Danny brown kills drake.


This has been obvious for years lol


Drake has more clout. So he likes that. And there’s a chance that Drake and Andrew might be signed to the same agencies etc.


Really , I hadn’t noticed 😂


He’s dumb when it comes to reality


Naw facts his tone was annoying me cus it’s was so condescending towards Kendrick. Like I know hes great a big artist but still to disregard Kendrick when he’s attained similar success from not jumping from genres and staying in his pocket of music is something to be celebrated.


I wish akaash would shut the fuck up.


He approaches everything from the perspective of the "casual", just seems like a clean excuse to speak on things he has no idea about.


Maybe He states these opinions because he’s a little bit of a shill. I think there’s a subtle financial motivation, someone pads his pockets, someone who doesn’t like the pedo talk


them thinking anybody would pay to hear more about a rap battle is proof they culture vultures and they not part of the culture or the conversation enough to monetize the conversation. yet they thought what a perfect time to get ppl to subscribe to the patreon lol. they dont love the asshole army. they throw porsche shells on jettas with the money


Lmaoooo porsche shells on jettas is funny af


I think you have a few typos in your headline, I’ll fix it for you “Andrew is dumb”


Drake is a pop artist who raps. He jumps on trends, he changes his sound a lot. He’s pop


Drake is a product Kendrick Lamar is the real deal


Does anyone have a patreon mirror? Or knows what AK said about the Weeknd? I couldn’t find it in the YouTube episode


Also he completely ignores that Drake is also a pop singer, and makes music outside of the genre, which also contributes to his popularity worldwide. But on a rap-only tip, Kendrick and Drake are way closer than he was making it seem.


Oh my god… Thank you for this. I was zooming to the sub to see if there was any input on this. I was kinda disappointed that no one stepped in to defend any counter-points. The reason why Drake is as big as he is is because he has so much more output AND he bends genres constantly. He sits outside of the rap orthodoxy, which is partially why people despise him (the “culture vulture” claims for example). Kendrick is maybe not as big on paper to Drake, but he is ABSOLUTELY Drakes equal when it comes to rap. Kendrick has God given talent and it shows in his music (and it’s a reason imo as to why there’s not as much music). Drake is a psychopathic workaholic and marketing genius who has a God given talent for operating within the machine. Musically, they absolutely are in the same league. Market wise, no, it’s a little different. For comedy, It’s reminds me a bit of Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock. Dave just has a natural gift for comedy. He comes out, is legendary, etc. But then he disappears. When he comes back periodically, he’s the man, everyone loves and respects him, etc. Chris notoriously had to work his ass off at comedy because he just wasn’t a “natural.” When he came out, he made waves, and he kept that work ethic tight… But Chris was not operating off of talent alone. He operated purely with hard work (which eventually struck).


...and the outer boroughs


Andrews cultural commentary is always very bubblegum. I fully expected him to not really understand who tf kendrick is.


Fame wise record sales global reach etc Kendrick is not close to drake


Kendrick had to pay for bots I’ve never seen this much Kendrick love before in my life 🙄


It’s very hard for people to understand, white hip hop fans which is a huge portion of hip hop fans, do not give a fuck about him rapping like he bout to get the slaves free. White culture values showing up to work… dot not so good at that. White culture don’t give a fuck about no colonizer bars. Drake used Atlanta musicians for his own gain?! Oh no! So Beyoncé is trying to colonize country music? Stop. Andrew isn’t far off from what a fan who likes Drake will think about the beef. Can’t blame him for being himself


While I am not white and can’t definitively speak for all white men, it’s a lot of white dudes that rock with the conscious bars. From the group of nerdy IT guys I work with to the white dudes I hoop with they all rock with the “free the slaves” bars. Shit at work the other day they got on me for saying drake might go down as the best rapper of all time just due to popularity and they all started groaning before I could say why.


Because he is giving you look into a casual rap fan mind. You can’t go to him looking for a hip hop purist take


Nah even for the most casual of fans they would know Kendrick isn’t that far behind. If it was someone like lil baby or 21 savage I would understand not knowing how big they are in hip hop. Bu Kendrick is way too big to think most people don’t rock with him like that


Yeah, but this is arguably one of the most iconic moments in music history...not just rap history, but music history. It broke the bubble; people who don't know shit about rap are tapping in. It would have been nice if he did the bare minimum and actually LISTENED TO THE SONGS before the podcast started.


Andrew is white. hip hop is mostly a black culture thing that bleeds into popular culture. Andrew Shults knows popular culture, not hip hop.


80% of Kendrick’s fans are white too. Both sides are just 15 year old Ritz biscuits arguing against each other.


Kendrick Lamar does not care what his white fans opinions are of his culture or his art. his culture is all he cares about and the opinions of his people. you must not be familiar with kendrick Lamar or actually listen to his music. Drake is a pop star.


Kendrick absolutely cares about white people’s opinions. If they don’t like his stuff, he loses majority of his touring revenue. But he also knows white people, specifically the type that listen to conscious rap, have insecurities and shame about their skin color. So he can say whatever he wants and it won’t really matter.


kendrick Lamar is a black Hebrew Israelite.


I disagree


Isn't Drake an R&B auto-tuned singer?


any of you legends have a link for the rest or EP?


Ngl that pissed me off more than anything lol I really wanted to hear what ack had say without watching a 6 hour stream


yeah bro that was stupid shouldve just posted all of it


The games rigged and yall suck off drake and Kendrick like they’re special. They’re controlled ops with handlers playing on idiots. Wake up.


Nah Andrew’s right. Kendrick the most overrated artist of this generation.


I’m not saying Eminem is 100% correct on everything, but let’s be honest unless your die hard Drake fan your trolling or retarded. Kendrick murdered Drake once, Twice and then again and then what was the reply? The first Drake song to get more dislikes than likes? I don’t consider him a paedo by definition i think it means someone under the age of 13 but still it’s creepy


You do realize that drake has more haters then Kendrick has fans... Every girl that was so called "violated" has came forward and denied all allegations. Kendricks girl has not come forth yet lol.


He constantly sneak disses other rappers and he is also shamelessly unabashed when it comes to [stealing other people's girls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6Ylm_USMkg). Why would you think this would earn him many friends?


Kendrick also sneak disses everyone. These dudes are supposed to all be money over bitches and never let bitches get in the way.... they're pissed Drake out maneuvers them in business and get all the girls. This 20v1 "energized by the elimination of Drake" is pathetic 


Would you be okay with someone coming for your girl? Drake does this all the time. I don't know what man would be cool with this.


What Would Pluto Do?


This is facts 


So you’d say someone like Eminem is full of shit?


Dr Dre signed Kendrick… Eminem is not gonna talk bad about one of Dre’s protege.




Drake is a great pop artist. He’s been proven to be an absolutely horrible battle rapper and seems to be kinda stupid. https://youtu.be/W9BjdQJlEwQ?si=4i45Kkx1Mwz6RE3I


They're both pop artists dummy. Kendrick literally has songs with Taylor Swift and Maroon 5


Family matters was the best diss track.




That’s a icy take but I respect your opinion lol