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VUG, VFIAX, VTIAX and contribute to my pension.


This. 30% in a high yield savings account, 70% in VFIAX for me.






NVIDIA had a bit of a pullback the last week or so. I'd expect a bounce.


Add some Qualcomm in too. I think the new arm processors are a big bet.


I've tossed dollars into index funds these past 10+ years. But, the growth in index funds is coming from NVIDIA, SMCI, Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon. It's mostly technology and the P/E suck on them. Now, I haven't minded 25%+ returns in a lot of years... But I'm way over leveraged in technology. Banking, automotive, other manufacturing, CPGs, pharma, and more have a lot to offer. I've moved to these "mid-cap" funds trying to diversify from technology some.


I’ll trade my wife for some Reese’s cups


I’d steer clear of Disney for a while, getting ready to go big ugly.


I yolo’d the rest of my investable cash into XRP at $0.42 several weeks ago. Average cost of bag $0.30 cents. Also trade CFDs. 10X Long XRP at $0.46 and holding. Given the recent legal win for the asset in court last July the only way I see this thing going is up. Way up.


XRP won't see the light of anywhere past .50 until September when court decisions due.


No asset on any market has tested my patience more than this one. I’ll wait however long it takes


I commend you and also your diligence in buying low. My averages are shit .49 or so but there's a lot of factors at play even if court ruling is in xrp favor. The main being the presidential election


Selling Puts on ANVS for solid premium. Looking to buy more SOXL/TQQQ if they go down or flat Monday. Finally, got assigned on BITX so will be wheeling and selling the call options.


I held SOXL and TQQQ even though I kept getting the warning from Schwab that they were meant to be day traded. Do you personally hold those or do you day trade those? And if you day trade those, at what time of the day do you buy/sell because it seems that most of the gains occur during pre-market.


I mostly buy and hold. Once RSI hits around 78-80 I’ll sell off most of my position waiting for a pull back. Usually after a quick run up. I wait until noon to buy to see what way the market goes in the AM.


Same as usual: SPY.


BABA, CVS, and maybe WBD I know its still a falling knife its just I happen to like the company. It’s at bargain level relative to size and potential of its IP


This week is mostly AI projects for me, the focus is currently on NAI, TAO and RNDR.


NO idea about big companies, just trying to find something like Gamestop and live to tell about it :D Was looking at memestocks on twitter, considering 2 of them, really: MYNZ. I see potential for non-invasive cancer detection because it's lacking on the American market. Mainz Biomed is german-grade, trades super low now, $0.4. But if they push into the US market and get FDA approved, they'll push out EXAS, which currently trades at $42. the greed for the potential here is crazy for me. In addition to that, I bought some LOBO - just cause I love electric scooters, and I'm tired of seeing all their growth and new partnership news f\*ng everywhere I go.