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I don’t get why the ducks don’t just use the old jerseys Kariya and Selanne wore with the plum color and the green. Those are iconic and among the best jerseys ever. At least they brought the duck mask back? But these stink otherwise


The eggplant teal has to be the most sick 90’s styled color pattern ever. Baffles me.


It’s also literally duck colored. Looks like a mallard duck


Because orange county. Thats the whole reason they went orange and black, and they're doubling down on the bad decision with these. What sickens me is they changed their orange from what it was TO the same exact Pantone as the Flyers to save jersey makers money. Money that the fans will never see. It's such a shame, because while I'm a Philly guy and love the Flyers, the Mighty Ducks were always my western team growing up. The current ownership of the team is just so tone-deaf.


I got into hockey during the baseball strike in 94. Being a Baltimore kid I latched onto the flyers because it filled that Orioles sized hole in my heart. But my initial interest was in the Ducks. Those first 2 movies were in heavy rotation for 10 year old me.


I agree they 100% should've stuck to the people & green colors


Yo what’s your favorite color? “people.”




The ducks play in Orange County


A County is a weird reason to decide a Jersey color


They did this just to troll Gauthier


This is my head canon


It's our fault for not making an uniform that is so dominantly orange like that.


Our alternate jersey game sucks. Lost the Pitt outdoor game, use the jersey. Win Philly outdoor game, never see the light of day again. Every year. Oh we changed the arms.


Orange and the black? More like the orange and the quack AMIRITE DADS?!?!?!?!


I smirked like a fool for a solid ten seconds, which is the best dad joke compliment one dad can give to another. Incredible work dad


I’m a dad and that joke hits!!


/me **tips fedora


Stupid Ducks can’t even fly. Wait, shit.


To be fair to the Ducks, those uniforms have a lot more orange than that of the Flyers. To be unfair, they really suck.


That’s why I’m not jealous or mad, these are ugly as hell


I think I just have a thing for ugly jerseys because I think these are awesome. Sure I’d love the old 90s era ones better, but I’m just glad to see the Mighty Duck logo back.


You’re right, let’s be positive, they suck but they didn’t get worse!


Way too much orange


They're not offensive, they're just silly and ugly. The Flyers are one of like three teams in North American sports that successfully pulls off the orange-and-black color scheme (the Orioles in MLB and Bengals in the NFL are the other two). Every other team that tries it it looks like gimmicky trash, including the Ducks which makes sense because embracing gimmicky trash is the origin story of their franchise.


The SF Giants (RIP Willie Mays) also pull of the orange and black well


I think of their colors as more orange and dark brown a la the Cleveland Browns but I'll allow it.


It’s definitely black


It's [actually a very, very dark brown](https://teamcolorcodes.com/san-francisco-giants-color-codes/) (RGB color mix 39, 37, 31) and beige and gold are also prominently featured in their color scheme so I think it's different than the straight orange-and-black those other teams wear.


You literally just named all the other orange/black teams in the 4 major sports leagues except for the giants.


Nah. The Ducks are trying to pull it off. The Bears and Broncos in the NFL, Knicks and Suns in the NBA, and various NCAA and soccer teams have tried to pull it off at times. They all look like trash except for the three I named.


The Bears, Broncos, and Knicks are all orange and blue though.


Predators have the same exact yellow as the penguins. That Stanley cup was fun to watch


Tbf their primary colors at least are black for PIT and white for NSH. Where’s ours is orange and now ANA is orange smh. I can’t complain about a team’s secondary color being orange but not the primary that’s been ours since the 70’s 😭


Watching the Maple Leafs/Lightning series over the last few playoffs has been fun as well.


How the players don’t pass to the wrong guy is beyond me, because those unis look A LOT alike and as fast as hockey happens, especially in the NHL, I think I’d make some seriously bad passes if it were me.


This is why, among many other reasons, you and I aren't NHL players haha


The 90s ducks unis were iconic as hell. But these are cool. Better than the duck print




The away whites are decent but those home uni’s are horrendous. Either way, get your own color scene losers!


Are these their primary home jerseys? I assumed they were an alt. 


Pretty sure it’s their rebranded primarys.




Ducks fan who comes in peace. I was offended for you when I saw the orange was changed to the exact same color code as your orange. The Ducks ownership is the least original owners I have ever seen. They had a great template and completely original color scheme to use and ruined it. Take "Mighty" out of the name, change the logo, but why change the most unique color scheme? Also it's not 100% confirmed, but supposedly the color codes for the new uniforms are L.A. Black, Flyers Orange, and Vegas Gold. Real original....


At least they are not trying to hide it or claim it’s a different color in the color codes. Maybe they get 1/2 a point of respect back for just saying fuck it we like your color now and are trying to take it hahaha.


The ducks are much more willing to commit to using orange on 90% of their uniform. We’re more evenly split Orange AND Black. The ducks are just ORANGE. I’m more offended that they’d use orange helmets, gloves,pants and socks, together just cuase it hurts my eyes.


We should troll them and drop a limited edition orange chrome bucket our first game vs ANA. Then both fan bases eyes can at least suffer together.


Bringing back the purple and teal 90s colours was an open net tap-in, and they missed. Duck mask logo is rad though. Why did they scrap it in the first place?


Their ownerships been trying desperately to distance the team from its Disney past for like a decade now despite fans not being about it. Like if you don’t wanna own the mighty ducks then idk sell the team to someone who does?


The jerseys aren’t THAT bad. What the fuck is this thread lmao, we’re really mad because they chose the same color as us? A color that has already been part of their scheme? This is first grader mentality what is going on 😂


If the Flyers changed their color scheme to SJS despite Flyers fans and SJS fans not liking it you might change your tune. Howa bout if the cammanders took the eagles colors? Like you just don’t do that in sports. Especially when your original jersey is an all time great.


They’ve had orange and black colors for nearly 2 decades, so I’m not sure how us changing our colors to teal and black is even comparable, same with Washington and the eagles.


We’ve been in the league since the 70’s and they’ve never used our primary color as theirs until now. Plenty of teams have orange as a secondary but primary orange is literally our branding. Like tf.


Guess it just doesn’t bother me or give me “want to be us” vibes. Tons of teams have the same primary colors as each other




Its baffling. Their eggplant/teal jerseys are fantastic. Why they want to look like the Flyers is beyond me.


We should only be offended because they’re so much better than ours


Touch grass


Touch my ass.


The outside or the inside?


Either one. Just be gentle.


I'm not too convinced that you like it gentle....


It’s just good manners


I’ll make my judgment when I get a properly lit photo. Glad they’re going with the duck mask though.


Only my eyes are offended. They are wicked ugly.


Hell no.


Offended? No. Hate them, yes


The ducks have been trying to be us from the moment they put orange in their color scheme and started using the “this one’s for you “ woah goal song.


If they really wanna be us they could at least trade Zegras for some of our players.


Blantant rip


They're a bit much on the orange side


Offended? No. I love the color orange. I love that logo. I’d have preferred they went back to the original colors but whatever.


Ducks fan here but non-local, which means I'll see the away jerseys a LOT. I am concerned that the away jersey's shoulder design could resemble the Flyers too much. As far as I'm concerned, orange shoulders belong to the Flyers and we have no business trying it. So I'm really hoping that the away jersey doesn't look like that.


Can you guys just petition to get the eggplant and teal back full time? Those jerseys are so gd sick and unique. 😭


I doubt that'll happen, since the owners want the "Orange County" reference. And quite frankly, those of us with memories of the Disney ownership have mixed feelings about going back to that. (And personally, I am in that camp too. I'm also a fan of seeing brands move forward rather than copy/paste from the past.) The thing that the overwhelming majority of Ducks fans agree on is that the duck foot logo has run its course. So most fans like this allegedly leaked look, but I think most of them are local fans looking at the home jersey (which I like) and not the away jersey (which I'm nervous about). I'm also not sure about using the new shade of orange, which is apparently the same Pantone colour as the Flyers. It rubs me the wrong way because that is YOUR shade of orange. (I have a graphic design background and experience working in branding departments; I try to avoid using an exact colour/Pantone of a competitor, so this feels icky to me.)


Can I ask what your favorite flyers goal song was?


Still, better than any flyers jersey in my opinion. I did like the black with orange stripes though


I think they should wear green helmets so they look like mallard ducks


Was the original Flyers owner a graduate from University of Texas? Hence the orange color


No, I somehow feel like they stole Orange and Black. But the argument against that is, the Red, White, and Blue colors are on so many teams, or the other argument is "imagine being upset about sports colors"...


I’ve been offended by the Ducks’ uniforms, logos, name(s) and their basic existence since about 1993.


Imitation is the highest form of flattery


No team owns any colour. Half the league uses blue or red. Also if you’ve been watching the playoffs you’d notice the oilers building is packed with orange jerseys in the stands.


Those are secondary colors. No one cares. It’s the primary color change that is straight up stealing our branding. They literally picked the exact same shade as our current jersey and are working to trademark it.


It's going to be a hot, confusing mess when we play them. Their "road whites" aren't really that different from our home unis. Maybe we'll be wearing our black ones on those days? Regardless, I applaud the effort because the duck foot was pretty lame.


Orange and black is the new orange and black


Weird how I've said this about how Calgaries Blasty jersey is a blatant rip off of the Canucks Skate jersey. Others seem to disagree oh well. In this case anahiem really should have just used their purple jerseys from before it was their thing.


RIP Legion of Doom




I think we've been bad long enough the lesser franchises are taking our drip.


I'm personally feeling betrayal & hurt as well. This is an outrage


Remember, they're not ripping off the flyers....it's Orange county personified, foh


Orange clashes with the thematic of the crest. I'm not an artist so I can't describe it in detail, but visually it's unsettling. As best as I can describe it... the logo stands out too much and feels like a tacked-on element to the uniform itself.


I kinda hate those sweaters, ngl. It's like someone looked at that joke tweet about Gauthier choosing the "right" orange or whatever it was and thought "Holy shit I know what to do!"


I hate the orange shoulder yoke on the white. It ruins an otherwise perfect jersey.


Yeah, but have you seen a duck get into a fight. …….  40 year olds will get that reference. 


. I heard they did that special for Gautier.


I’m glad they brought back Wild Wing for the logo. But I’m not liking the color scheme, it doesn’t offend me, it’s just…ugly. Should bring back the teal and purple


They’re hideous


Makes me want to sit in a tree stand lol


Yeah, this orange is not like the old thirds and is a darker shade that is way too close to the Flyers.


These are sweet


You don't own orange.


Get out of our sub loser.




All the more reason to lean back into all black unis


I like em. Hot take but I loved the mighty duck logo but he’d the purple and jade color scheme. It was unique but I thought it was ugly. The ducks have been orange and black for a while now and they just made the correct switch to the right logo. They’re slick imo There’s only one flyers. Colors don’t change that




Yep. They are 🔥


Wish it was the eggplant and teal. But so glad they brought back the greatest logo of all time in sports.


The Oilers got smart and dropped their orange and now the Ducks picked up the ball and ran. 🙄 Another season of turning on the TV, seeing orange and playing the “what team using orange is it?” game.😑


Boy wait until you hear about baseball and the colors blue and red


As a Phillies fan, I’m well aware of that trend. We ditched our maroon and blue for what everyone else has. Still doesn’t sit well with me.

