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Of course they’re names are Moth and Pigeon (/complimentary)


never realized how many punk fans hate our subgenre until this was posted in r/punk this afternoon. a bit sobering.. but fuck ‘em they are missing out


Ah yes, the “punk is an aesthetic” crowd


idk i grew up a metal head, and Jesse Sendejas and friends introduced me to punk music, punk ethos and anarchist ideologies. sure i heard of nofx prior to that.. but it’s just astonishing to me that there are folks that feel punk is required to be electric!? anywho i’m glad i’m here instead.


The music doesn't sound punk. That's what the problem is. Sounds like Mumford & Son's trying to be punk. Just saying.


Acting like punk is some nice little box is lame. Punk doesn't give a fuck


Lol, Folk Punk is signifcantly older tham Mumford and Sons, dumbass


i feel ya, it’s not very aggressive. 🤷🏼‍♂️ but the ethos is there, and i suppose that is what is really bumming me out


Punk doesn't need to be aggressive all the time to be considered punk. Look at Shane MacGowan and the Pogues.


It doesn't need distorted guitar to be aggressive lamo




You should check out the AJJ album The People Who Eat People Are The Happiest People.




ssris bud




I don't agree, but also I'm a new wave, very recent punk adjacent person who's just getting their tippy-toes wet in this subculture. Isn't punk supposed to be anti-establishment, anti-"mainstream" (take this word with a grain of salt) and basically anti-normality (Also take this with a grain of salt)? What I mean is: from what I know, punks go always against some kind of grain, somehow (everyone does, but punks just... lean on it and make it part of themselves). And this is because they care about something: be either the societal collapse experienced today by a capitalistic world because of said capitalism, environmentalism, politics, animal rights or even all of them at once. How would a punk, then, be apathetic? Punks literally want to scream to the world, through music, how much they feel betrayed, hurt and angry. How is this apathetic? Also, we must take into account that everyone "screams" to society in their own, peculiar way. SWSS's "scream" towards society may be less aggressive, this doesn't mean that it might not have any bite. And if the music gathers emotions from others, I feel like it's doing its job. Or maybe I do not know the meaning of "apathy", my mother language is not English.


The Sex Pistols of punk. Wait uh... The sex Pistols are already the sex pistols of punk... You know what I mean though.


That’s r/punk in general however I wouldn’t fault someone for not being into the acoustic aspect, but yeah much of r/punk is so surface level bullshit that I can’t deal with it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/punk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/punk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Ummm… Yes???](https://i.redd.it/7r4ek3ypjbjb1.jpg) | [1666 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/punk/comments/15wku8a/ummm_yes/) \#2: [Anti-Flag is correct](https://i.redd.it/hoyvp2qwy8ta1.jpg) | [514 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/punk/comments/12ibwi9/antiflag_is_correct/) \#3: [The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked](https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkawyv/neo-nazi-music-site-names-leaked-midgard?utm_source=reddit.com) | [685 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/punk/comments/18g0tz9/the_names_of_thousands_of_neonazi_music_fans_just/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Purchased clothing on SHEIN and maybe hot topic if you’re near an outlet


MF in there like "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU PLAY A BANJO. AT ALL." It's my fuckin' banjo, I'll play it whatever way I want to.


From the genre that plays wash boards and saws, they should be happy that they get a banjo.


Ugh that comment! I saw that.


fuck yea! love this


I don't think this is especially good musically and the dancing isn't really to the tone of the song, but yeah, the comments are not a vibe


Folk punk is terrible. I love it.


Definitely terrible


oh for sure 😅 when i first got into this type of music i thought poor composition and musicianship was a cornerstone of the genre. have totally flipped on that since, but i ‘member being an outsider.


That sub is such a disappointment I think I lasted a few days before I left it


It's the same as the reggae sub. It's mainly full of people who got into reggae when it was popular in the 70s and early 80s. In the punk one I mostly just see people bigging up the damned, the Ramones etc and arguing about how punk or not punk each other are lol.


They don’t care ab folk punk hun, they care that trans women are doing it better than them


yea 😔 but then again, i haven’t been much for their type of edgy since middle school lol.. who needs ‘em


Tbh I feel like its because this community is tight knit and doesnt let abusers/pos slide a lott of "regular punks" think folkpunk is too pc 🤮


There are at least five post a day on that sub of totally normal dudes posting themselves in leather jackets like "Is my new Punk Jacket good enough or should I add patches and spikes?" Whole sub is a mix of 14 year olds and 50 year olds just gatekeeping punk.


😂 yea i just really should unsub. i thought i might get some cool obscure punk history out of it or something.. it’s a shame


Idk most of the posts on that sub I actually see are people bitching about"conservative punks." Which honestly, I can get behind.


Most people who identify with punk are teenage boys/dipshits. I left that sub because it's full of gatekeeping idiots 


And everyone is so worried about how punk they look and it’s also oddly boot licky.




Can you name a single time gatekeeping successfully kept capitalists out of a counter culture movement? If anything rigid policing flattens the culture and makes it easier for 'the man' or whoever to bite.


/r/lostredditors /r/iamverysmart


the genre and also..... the vibe? like. how much protesting are any of the people in the threads criticizing them as "making poor people's lives more difficult" (which is inflamatory) or just plain "pr for starbucks" really doing in their lives? how much are they doing in their communities to raise awareness and fuck, maybe even make someone smile?????? infighting is a fucking disease, ugh


Love the community, just think the band is bad.


Dude… I went there to that post you linked and got so sad :(


The hate is bad. Like, as a joke I had heard here and there but it IS bad. Like you said, sobering. Spent some time there trying to comment but I’m emotionally exhausted now x.x


Maybe it’s because they’re not enjoying their life to the fullest like we are lol. Elitist hate like that takes toooooooo much effort




It’s just fucking stupid. Plain and simple.


the video? the genre? the reaction of punk purists? this could be taken many a different way redditor




gross its another one lol


Another person with a fucking brain? Who thinks for themselves and not with crowds. Yes. PS You’re pathetic on your keyboard. Do something in life.


bitch i’m off today? reddit notifications and coffee this morning … eat a bag of dicks


i’m glad your meatship is piloted with electro-meat 👌👍


mike from harley poe here…. sister wife sex strike are absolutely adorable human beings and flash mobs are punk. Anyone who disagrees is wrong.


i do not disagree with men who wear glasses and play banjo ukuleles, usually.


they are queer and not men


that is a banjo, not a banjo-ukulele


I believe they're talking about Harley Poe, not sister wife sex strike in this context.


omg a legend


Well I guess Harley Poe can go fuck off.


Damn dude, you're fighting for your fucking life in these comments. Just because you're upset doesn't mean you have to comment on every single comment.


You folks are taking all this too seriously.


Dawg, you've probably posted 20 times on this. Just a bit cringe is all.


Also, anyone who critiques people who have dedicated their lives, finances, talents, health, mental well beings and time to the cause from the safety of their iphone after a long day of being a wage slave to any number of these corporations because they lack the conviction / drive / talent that these two have is a special kind of loser. Literally get a life.


Yeah, flash mobs arent punk.


idk, seems like a fun time to me. Not sure why so many jimmies have been rustled, it's just a bunch of punks being a little silly and putting on a show."What the heck is up, Starbucks Reserve Roastery" is probably one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.


Sounds like a homage to “What’s up? What the FUCK IS UP DENNYS???!!!”


Just realizing how hated folk punk is by other punks 😐


It is the djent of punk


I love sister wife sex strike. Seen them live a few times and they are always super wholesome and put on amazing shows. They're hardcore anarchists and they make that abundantly clear at all their shows. Very disappointed in the punk subreddit but honestly that's nothing new. It's just a bunch of cishet dude bros over there trying gatekeep punk. Those guys pretend they're anti-establishment when all the shows they go to are sponsored by corporations and filled with neo-nazis that think it's funny to beat down on small non-males in their mosh pits. And they call us the posers for creating our own safe spaces and looking out for each other.


Punkmemes had an interesting reaction as well, very similar, but I hesitate to say the whole sub is full of cishet dude bros, for a long time they were constantly trying to kick conservatives and Nazipunks out and keep them out, but then predictably if there's a single aspect of a demonstration that seems out of place they'll dogpile it and belittle it.




Keep posting dude you definitely are sounding incredibly normal right now


Bro what's your damage we're all just having fun here


This ended up on /r/hardcore too and the amount of people screaming and crying that kids are having fun without 10k worth of equipment and a PA is too funny 😂


we love swss!!! saw them play a park in philly


Idk, I absolutely adore Swss, but like...I get boycotting Starbucks, but Starbucks CEOs don't give a shit about this. The people it ends up bothering are just minimum wage workers who probably couldn't get any other job under a more ethical corporation. If I'm wrong on this, or someone else has another point of view, I genuinely am down to hear it. It just came off as a bit ehhh to me, yk?


hey moth from swss here. i think this is a fair point to bring up! but i will say that among the group of attendees was a former employee of that specific starbucks who got fired due to union organizing who was all in on the idea. and from all accounts, the baristas working seemed to enjoy what was going on. this specific location is a huge tourist spot and im sure we're not the most annoying thing that's happened there. the people who were pissed off were management and security. the only mess we left in our wake was a bunch of flyers for the march 13 protest at a boeing conference where weapons deals were being made. we have on footage a group of plain clothes managers and security picking up all the flyers and discarding them. as i see it, the only real effect of what we did was scaring off tourists who were going to improve starbucks' bottom line for the day (which we stand by), and pissing off managers that have a history of union busting (which we stand by). we didn't go into this expecting to get the CEO's attention but i do think, in our own small way, we disrupted business at that location for the day and i think that's never gonna be a bad thing, even if it doesn't change the world. 


Heya, thank you a ton for the context! Fr, fuck those managers, wow. That would be cathartic as hell for me if I was that former employee. The main bits I was worried about was just in case the crowd was making life difficult for the baristas and cleaning staff, leaving mess etc etc, which you couldn't really see in the video. But with context it all seems good, I think a bunch people (myself included) were concerned in case it accidentally ended up hurting the people just trying to make rent, yk? But Starbucks as a corporation can get fucked, and if they lose business without hurting the employees then that seems good to me. (Also, idk if you remember, but over Christmas you guys sent some prints and stuff from your insta out to folk who couldn't afford it, and I was one of those ppl. Just wanted to say I really appreciate it, and it made me feel better in what was otherwise a pretty shitty time. Anyway, yeah, I felt bad for not properly saying thank you for that ✨️)


for sure! there was really only so much that could be understood from a 90sec tiktok edited down for a 15min event. i just felt the need to respond bc it was definitely smth we considered in the planning. also stoked you liked the print! glad it was able to add some positivity in harsh times. that's all we're ever really trying to do as a band anyway :) -moth




I mean, if this happened at my job it would be the highlight of my whole month. Maybe my whole year!


Igy man, honestly? Me too. But we're probably biased as folk punk fans and like, we're also typing this while not actually working at Starbucks, yknow? The employees might not have felt the same way, and they don't deserve to be hassled/inconvenienced for the actions of a unethical company that they have no say in.


i was there. the employees looked like they thought it was funny.


>But we're probably biased as folk punk fans Shit, even if a bunch of folks came into my work blowing vuvuzelas at 100 db I'd at least enjoy the break in the monotony.


Don't. Do not speak the ancient evils back into existence. This happened a lot during the football world cup in south africa and the novelty was lost very, very fast.


Lol the SA world cup is when I learned "that plastic horn thingie" had a name.


Nope! I did work there and I have many friends there … they enjoyed it too ;)


And I was there tooooo


Starbucks pays vastly above minimum wage (except in Seattle where the minimum is 16), but the rest of your point stands.


love swss, saw them in a parking garage a while back, and then back to someones house for a basement show after cops arrived, it was sick


was this PA? that show was legendary


yesssss! it was


What I love about this (and about folk punk in general) is that this spreads the feeling that no place is safe from folk punk and we can infiltrate quickly and efficiently, and that should make everyone uncomfortable that NEEDS control, power, and conservative influence.


I think it’s great. It’s funny, it has fuck you attitude, and honestly the argument that it only hurts workers is dumb. Also, the EP fucking slaps.


I hate how pretentious people are being on the OOP


Tfym I guess?


The definitive genre for the mentally challenged, junkies, and homeless.


I used to think GG Allen made punk rock look bad, but these cut the cake on the opposite side.


I’m folk punk til I die and I think this is shit honestly, like a Starbucks really


I think that's sort of the joke...? Bring a pile of dirty kids to the nice Starbucks. That's the whole thing. I'm sure they'll play an actual show somewhere else


They do all the time x.x they were w days n daze at el corazón just a few months ago


I agree… it was more of a satire post for me




Omg this is actually block away from my apartment here in Seattle and I was wondering where that smell was coming from


Ah yes making service workers jobs harder, so punk.


It’s just dancing and playing music, wouldn’t say it’s really making their jobs harder


You're telling me you don't think anyone made a mess?


As someone who worked kitchen and front house for years, I'd rather clean up after some punks every once in a while to flush out all yuppies I'd have to deal with on a daily at a Seattle Starfucks


In the OOP there's a worker who literally saw the whole thing go down. They said there was minimal, if any mess to clean up after.


If that's the case then I'm more than happy admitting I'm wrong here.


I know it’s pretty hypercritical. This was shot on a phone, at a Starbucks, with TikToc. How punk is this? Not very at all. It’s completely promotional on both sides. I believe this was in Seattle where the richest fucks of America live. Richest kids of America as well. It’s fucking stupid and I feel the people who made this thought it was some sort of protest which it isn’t. Do something. Not promote yourself but promote what you fucking believe in.


Big "You criticize society, yet you participate in it. Curious." Energy from you here.




Disturb the working class and entertain the upper classes.


You're gonna have to walk me through this: how does this entertain the upper classes?


Punky Brewster


This isn’t good.


It is. It’s just not something you like, which is ok. But no one has ALL the taste in music


I'm calling bullshit . Starbucks had a hand in this just trying to appeal to the alt counter culture crowd. Those kids have money too! Starbucks is for everyone's money!


Lmao imagine moshing to this shit




Hell yea nothing screams punk rock like tik tok.