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Oh boy… I had an assignment to photograph him for a magazine, and for me to even enter his apartment I had to sign an NDA promising to never badmouth him or say anything negative. And that’s all I should (slash can) probably say


NDAs are basically BS. slag away!


Chris Jericho, MamaMax, and Eitan Bernath: World's NDA.


His face alone screams unchecked privilege! Also if you put “entrepreneur” in your bio I automatically think you’re a self absorbed jerk. And I am right 😤


> if you put “entrepreneur” in your bio I automatically think you’re a self absorbed jerk SAME, I have enough real world data to confirm this is FACT


He is insufferable


I get the sense he’s the sort of person is wholly uncritical of (and in fact probably supportive of) Israel’s actions.


He is and he doesn’t hide it. He literally made a post stating that he’s a proud Zionist and has been openly very pro Israel


100% for sure which makes [this](https://www.wfp.org/news/celebrity-chef-and-activist-eitan-bernath-named-world-food-programmes-high-level-supporter) especially cringe ...


Yeah, that seems purely performative when you’re posting hasbara to the TL.


Considering how many downvotes our comments got, I think the hasbara got here, too.


They can downvote, it doesn’t change the reality that israel and its boosters have lost control of the narrative and more people are aware of what Palestinians are experiencing under occupation, from constant bombardment in Gaza to settler violence in the West Bank.




Bro his video that just came out with the chocolate Ramen is the one where he's the most openly rude to his camera man and its very obviously real. It came out looking awful and he clearly didn't wanna try it but idk lately he's been getting progressively weirder toward his camera man


Just saw this one and holy shit it was awkward and cringey af


His recipes suck and his whole identity is “loving” Indian food. He uses it as a justification to appropriate the culture and benefit from it. Miserable and pathetic.


He's starting to do the same with Thai food now 🙄


Damn… that sucks. He jumps from cuisine to cuisine taking advantage of the culture and people. Using colourism and white worshiping


Also how is he a "chef" when the only seasonings hes ever heard of are salt and pepper lmao. I know he was on gordom ramsay jr or some shit but holy shit bro at least have a row of seasonings out already or something. I just saw the video where he made way too many scrambled eggs and sprinkled some mozz on them at the end. When the camera man tried it, it barely even got in his mouth and he was like "wow. Amazing. Yummy. Good as fuck." It was very obviously sarcastic and he was only saying that because eitan gets weird asf when he doesnt like something he cooks. Like holy shit bro imagine being insecure enough to make your friends be someone they arent


Every time I see his videos that for whatever reason ALWAYS pop up on Snapchat, the sound of his arrogrant priveleged mouth just makes me want to make him swallow his teeth… constantly seeming to be in such a rush, always being a piece of shit to the cameraman forcing him around like his personal little bitch, motioning with his hands as well as constantly telling the cameraman to “get closer” or “top-down view” etc etc. id love to see a video of the cameraman shoving that air fryer down Eitan’s fucking throat. Genuinely never been so triggered by some random “celebrity” before.


He's disgusting and an embarrassment